Only in Paradise

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Only in Paradise Page 16

by Michelle Monkou

  “Why do you say that? I’m sure it’s not going to be an easy day for you, either.”

  “Oh, baby, you don’t know, do you?”

  “You’re being accused. That Dominique woman wanted to know if I’d met Kitchner. She’s a frigid nimrod.”

  “Don’t underestimate her. I can’t believe that it’s over.”

  “Don’t say that. It’s not over.” Athena rose up, seeing the tortured mask. “Let’s go inside.”

  “Are you staying with me?”

  She pushed away from him and went to her car. He followed her. As she opened the door, he grabbed her arm. “Please don’t go. I promise that I won’t touch you. But I want you to stay. I’ll be satisfied with that. Need a friendly face around me.”

  “Liar!” she accused, smiling. Then she reached in for her overnight bag. “You’d better not be satisfied with me just being in the house. I don’t want depressing lovemaking.” She strutted back to the house, leaving a very stunned Collin standing in the driveway. “Are you coming?”

  “Thank you for coming.”

  She smiled and they walked in arm-in-arm. “I’ll go take a shower. Pour me a glass of wine, will you. I need to unwind.”

  “Will do.”

  By the time she came out the wine had been poured. Candles flickered around the room. He sat on his side of the bed with pillows propped behind him.

  “You look damn good.” He patted the spot next to him.

  “I’m here and you still look sad. What’s up with that?” She teased, poking his rib.

  “Kitchner isn’t the only problem.”

  “There’s more?” Athena pushed herself up. She didn’t realize that there would be more issues. Had she jumped to a conclusion that Collin was free of guilt? She listened keenly.

  “They know about us.”


  “Our improper behavior has been documented.”


  “I know.”

  Athena was truly sorry that someone had accused Collin of improper behavior. What they shared wasn’t improper and they were careful to keep it away from the school. Yet that hadn’t been enough.

  “Do you know who is accusing you?”

  He nodded. “Clarissa is a wealth of information. The woman sees all and knows all. I’m convinced that she’s got spy cameras and listening devices all over the property.”

  “What? Who? Is it someone we know?”

  He nodded.

  Athena closed her eyes, mentally running through the faces of everyone around her. The only person who had treated her like dirt was Lorraine. Yet she remembered how Cicely and Thelma had turned away from her.

  “I bet Lorraine did this,” she accused.

  He nodded.

  Athena thought about the impact of what they’d done. Although she wanted to throttle the woman, how could she? They had broken the rules. As much as she wanted a legitimate, above-the-board relationship with Collin, she had still contributed to their sorry state of affairs.

  Yet after all of that and what she suspected would come out tomorrow, she refused to feel any remorse. She had wanted Collin more than her sanity. They had shared a wonderful time together and she still wanted more.

  “Baby, tomorrow, I will explain everything in my life. I want you standing next to me, as my witness,” Collin reassured her.

  “I will be at your side. And they will be disappointed that there isn’t any drama between us. Because we are being accused, we might as well enjoy the time we have together.”

  “You’re such a fighter,” he teased.

  “And you’re a visionary.”

  “Come here.” Collin opened his arms, inviting her into his embrace.

  Athena snuggled into the firm chest, resting her forehead just under his chin.

  “I love you.”

  Athena dared to hope that she had not imagined the words that she wanted to hear above the rest. “Say it again,” she whispered.

  “Athena Crawford, I love you.”

  Chapter 14

  Athena slid down on the bed. The pillows surrounded her body in a soft cocoon. Collin propped himself with one arm while unbuttoning her nightshirt. The baby blue color complemented her skin tone. When he was done, he flicked each shirt panel to either side of her, leaving her stomach bare.

  His mouth touched her stomach, making her hiss. He laid his arms on either side of her body, kissing the bared skin. Her body contorted and relaxed with each kiss.

  “What is that sexy scent you use?” His lips brushed against her stomach.

  “It’s old vanilla bean. I have a bunch of products in that scent.”

  “Mmm.” He finger-walked his hand up her stomach and cupped her breast. His fingers tweaked one nipple then the other into puckered tips.

  She moaned, tilting her body toward his mouth to quench the thirst for what he had to offer. Her hands roved through his hair and down his face. She wanted to remember every nuance, every feature because she didn’t know what would happen to them after tomorrow. But whatever did happen, she was at peace with her feelings for him.

  “Baby, let’s make love until we pass out in each other’s arms.”

  “Sleep is overrated,” she joked, slipping out from under him.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Close your eyes,” she whispered.

  “Oh, are we going to get kinky?”

  “Stop grinning like a schoolboy.” She reached for a tie and tied it around his face, blinding him. “We’re going to play a game.”

  “Does this involve food? Do I get to do a taste test?”

  She kissed his ear, moving away when he tried to kiss her back. “No food involved…I think.”

  He reached for her and she scooted away with only the brush of his fingers flickering down her leg.

  “We’ll play Marco Polo. I’ll tell you when you’re hot,” she explained.

  “But you get to decide.”

  “Not really. Your body will decide when it’s really hot.”

  “I’m ready now,” Collin whined.

  “I’m sure you are.” She kissed his bare shoulder again, ducking out of reach of his captive embrace.

  “Okay, I’ll play along.”

  “Count to ten. You don’t have to worry about going outside of the bedroom. I don’t want you breaking your neck on the stairs.” Athena giggled.

  “One. Two. Three…”

  Athena slipped past him and headed for the wardrobe. She stood among the clothes.

  “Ten!” Collin stood up from the bed. “Marco.”

  “Polo,” she whispered. She watched him walk around with arms outstretched.


  “Polo.” She eased back in between the clothes as he raised his chin. She looked closely to see if he could, but when he stubbed his toe, she knew that he couldn’t see.

  “Marco. Athena, this isn’t fun.”

  “Polo.” She dropped to the floor of the closet, watching his legs swing into view. The man was so beautiful in clothes and definitely out of them.

  He sniffed the air. So that was what he’d been doing every time he held up his head.

  Then suddenly he dropped to the floor, pulled off his tie, and grabbed her in a bear hug. “You’re not getting away.”

  “Were you peeking?” she said breathlessly. She couldn’t stop giggling when he scooped her up and set her on the bed.

  “I told you that vanilla bean is memorable. Plus I don’t like playing with my food when I’m hungry. So I certainly don’t want to be teased when my sexual hunger is roaring for food.”

  She slid her hands over his butt cheeks that were muscularly hard. She massaged him and drew her hands to the front to stroke him.

  Collin’s voice hitched and his speech came out stilted. She grinned, turning up the tricks that her fingers did on him.

  “If it’s to be all night, you need to stop.”

  She complied and lay back spread-eagled.

  “Oh, no
.” He dropped on all fours in front of her. “Why can’t you play fair?”

  She grinned.

  “Oh, so it’s going to be like that.”

  She wiggled out from under him, waited for him to put on the latex and mounted. “Yep, it’s like that now.”

  He writhed under her, heightening sensations between her legs. His hands cupped and teased her breasts. Because she kept them away from his eager mouth, he sat holding her in place. Then he stood and positioned her back against the wall.

  Her feet didn’t touch the ground. All she could do was hold his head against her chest. Her breasts crushed against him, sensitive to the texture of his chest.

  Wrapping her feet around his butt invited him in farther. She welcomed his entry, matching each movement. The energy built, soared, zoomed to the summit where they hovered, coasting, catching their breaths.

  Perspiration moistened their bodies, heralding the power of their union. Athena wanted every part of Collin. There was desperation in their lovemaking tonight. The unknown had its own attraction.

  “Hold on, baby.”

  She did as she was told. Her fingers tightened their grasp of him. Her body quivered, the only warning that she was about to explode.

  “Come with me,” she begged.

  “Always,” he answered.

  Each body writhed and grinded against the other. Athena held on to his shoulders, trying to talk but not managing. Her body experienced multiple orgasms that drained energy from all over. Now her muscles trembled from the exertion.

  Her feet finally touched the floor, testing the hard surface. She didn’t know how Collin managed to keep her in the air for that length of time, but being grounded certainly wasn’t necessary to feel the passion.

  “I think we may miss the sunrise. It’s only two o’clock. Do you have the stamina?”

  “Be optimistic. You never know what could happen when the spirit is willing.” Athena crawled into bed weak with satisfaction.

  Collin cleaned up and rejoined her in the bed. “We have a rough go at it tomorrow. But don’t allow your mind to prejudge the situation. Have faith in me.”

  “Of course.” She kissed him. Maybe a quick prayer would help, too. She hoped that she could deliver on her promise about having faith.

  From the time that Collin opened his eyes, he was tense. He awoke in the morning thinking that he would be relaxed after their marathon lovemaking session. Instead he was going through all the possible questions and how he would answer each.

  He looked over at Athena, who was still asleep. He wished that he’d rehearsed her responses. Now it was too late. Plus if he worked so hard to craft his answers, she would have doubts about his truth.

  A cold shower, two cups of coffee and another one for the road, he still wasn’t ready for what lay ahead. Athena sat quietly in the passenger seat lost in her own thoughts.

  “I hope that sad look isn’t because of me.”

  She smiled and touched his cheek. “I feel like we’re walking into the lion’s den.”

  “That would be lioness.”

  “She’s so intimidating. I feel like an underdressed adolescent schoolgirl around her.” She pulled down the visor and dabbed at the corner of her lips.

  “You look fantastic. In my opinion, you didn’t need the makeup. Or the suit. You look professional no matter what you wear.”

  “I love the fact that you flatter me.” She stretched over and kissed him close to his ear.

  “No lipstick on the collar. You’re really trying to get me strung up.”

  “Do you think that they will interview us separately?”

  He nodded. “But we have nothing to hide.”

  She turned away toward the window.

  “Athena, do you think that I have something to hide?”

  “The Kitchner person. He was at your house.” She looked down at her lap. “And then he was at the school. I listened at the door. That’s how Lorraine caught me.”

  Collin recalled both incidents. He shook his head. His actions had created that wedge between them when that was so far from what he’d intended.

  They drove in silence to the school. Not only was he ready to be interviewed, but he wanted his staff sitting in the room with him. They were a team. Had successfully brought the vision to fruition. And he was going to fight to keep it going.

  When they arrived at the school together, everyone stared. He guided Athena into his office. Dominique was already there. And she had dressed the part.

  Her hair was severely pulled back. Whatever she’d put on it shined under the light. The black pantsuit had been changed for a pencil-thin, sleeveless black dress with black pumps. She seemed to embrace her judiciary role with sinister enthusiasm.

  “Before we begin, I want my staff present for the discussion about my organized crimes connection.”

  “You’re making demands?”

  “Yes. I have not asked for anything as my reputation has been shredded. But I want a chance to have my say in front of my staff.”

  “Oh, this I have to hear. Because I have the research on Kitchner.” She slammed her hand on a ream of paper. “There is no way that this man and you should have any ties.” She pressed the intercom and requested the staff to come to the small meeting room connected to his office.

  Collin didn’t waver from his decision to tell everything and to tell his staff. However, the events still left him a bit shaky and very angry. His mouth felt dry and he craved a cup of cold water. In five minutes this would be over. And that’s what he kept telling himself to stop from deliberating about everything he would reveal.

  “I’m here for you. I believe in you.” Athena rubbed his back before taking her seat.

  The tender exchanged wasn’t lost on Dominique, who wrote in her pad.

  The staff filed in. Lorraine came in last and sat away from the group. From the redness around her eyes and blotchy skin, he figured that she’d been crying. He tried to get her to look at him, but she kept her gaze lowered. Her arms were crossed in front of her. He knew that her defenses were up.

  “Collin, would you care to begin?”

  Collin stepped away from Athena. What he had to say was separate from her. He wanted each of his staff to listen to him and not get confused about her presence or loyalty.

  “I have been accused of fraternizing with organized crime. As you know when we chose this location, we were entering their territory. We were here to save a generation of kids who had a bleak future. And we were met with resistance. We had to prove ourselves. We had to earn respect and trust. We talked to parents who were role models. We talked to those who were abusive and intervened when we could. We mixed in with the good and bad of society with the common goal of making this school work and be a success.”

  “So the end justified your dealing with people who are heads of prostitution rings, dealing drugs, just the scourge of the earth.” Dominique rattled off the items on her manicured fingers.

  Collin looked her right in the eye, waiting for her to finish.

  “Let him speak.” Lorraine finally looked at him. “I want to hear what he has to say.”

  “Yes,” the staff echoed.

  “I was born and grew up on this island. But I was lucky enough to go to America and finish high school and then go on to college. All that time, I didn’t forget where I came from. I was tempted to work with big well-funded nonprofits. The lifestyle drew me in, but I’d made a promise to my parents that I would lift up another child. My family broke apart when I was a child, but my mother stayed here. It was her brothers, my uncles, who gave me that start.” He paused. His heartbeat pounded dully in his head.

  “Go on, sweetheart.”

  “The police commissioner is my uncle. And Kitchner is my uncle.”

  “Is this true?” Dominique’s cool mask of indifference slipped away and she was struck speechless.

  “My uncles funded my college education. When my head was up in the clouds thinking of settling in America, K
itchner, his nickname, begged me to come back and start the school. He offered money, but I didn’t take it. I had money of my own that I invested. Instead he forced his competitors to back off and give us a window to thrive. This house is from a former drug dealer. One of the competitors that my uncle strongly suggested should provide us with the building. Times have changed and not necessarily for the better. Competitors are in a power struggle and Kitchner may get pulled in. To make matters worse, our success hasn’t helped raise our profile. Now they want property. Now that we are a success, they are pressuring. Once off the island, my uncle, the police commissioner, has been able to get funding for the U.S. DEA intervention. The people aren’t passively tolerating the thugs. Yes, my uncle will have to pay for his misdeeds. And I’m sure he’ll try to negotiate his way with the DEA. But I tried to do what I could without his money and influence.”

  “I didn’t know,” Lorraine said.

  “I worked hard not to let anyone know.” He looked down at Athena, hoping that she would understand. Her answering smile set his mind at ease. “Would I really have gotten the financing for the school if my family connections were known? Would the international program want to be associated with me?”

  Dominique clearly looked irritated. “Well, I will take the circumstances under consideration. Let’s take a short break. Then, Collin, see me back in my office.”

  “You mean my office.”

  Silence descended. All eyes focused on Collin.

  Dominique walked out, but she had to have heard the loud roar of laughter and applause as the door closed.

  Collin finished the meeting with his staff, addressing any further concerns. Collin turned to his staff. His pride swelled, buoyed by their loyalty. “I am humbled by your support.”

  Chapter 15

  After the break, Collin geared up his mind to handle the next matter of concern. He may have cleared things up but he didn’t know what the final outcome would be. Dominique wouldn’t entertain any sidebar conversation with him.

  “Let’s get this over with.” Athena slipped her arm through his and gave him a comforting squeeze.

  “I’m glad you’re at my side. You give me strength to deal with my convictions.” He opened his hand and waited for her slender one to slip into his grasp.


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