The First Time (A Time For Love Book 2)

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The First Time (A Time For Love Book 2) Page 10

by Amelia Stone

  I wanted this. I wanted Sam so badly I could practically taste it. I’d had a lot of time to anticipate this date today. I’d gotten past the nausea quickly as I’d bleached all the grout in my bathroom. (And in the kitchen. And in Sabine’s bathroom. Cleaning was soothing to me. Don’t judge.) I’d even gotten to the point, sometime during my shower, where I’d felt a thrill of anticipation when I thought of my mystery date. And I decided if the opportunity presented itself, I was going to invite Sam to spend the night.

  I looked up at him again, trying to read him. He looked a little doubtful, though his eyes were still darkened in lust, and a quick peek at his shorts told me… oh my. Yeah. He definitely wanted to come inside.

  “Sam.” I took a step closer, lifting my arms and clasping them behind his neck. “I’m sure about this.” I raised myself on my tiptoes, pressing my lips to his. “Stay with me tonight.”

  He groaned, closing his eyes and diving in for a deeper kiss. His tongue tangled with mine, and I whimpered. “What about Sabine?” he murmured, nipping at my lower lip. My knees wobbled, and I gripped his hair to hold myself steady. God, I loved it when he did that.

  I shook my head. “She has a show tonight. Won’t be back ‘til the wee hours.” I licked the outline of his lips, picking up the faintest hint of his dessert. Mmmm. Chocolate tasted way better on him.

  He grabbed my butt, his hands splayed across the cheeks, and pulled me closer. “You’re absolutely sure?”

  I huffed, my lips brushing against his with the movement. “Why do you keep asking me that?” I muttered. I was beginning to feel a little annoyed. I’d all but attacked him just now. How much clearer did I have to make it that I was on board the S.S. Sexytimes, destination Orgasmic Bliss?

  Okay, I was really glad I hadn’t said that out loud. Sam did not need to have his lust tempered by my extreme dorkiness.

  He didn’t answer me immediately. Instead, he growled, his lips covering mine in a searing kiss. His tongue traced a line along my teeth before he pulled back to look at me, his eyes bouncing back and forth between mine.

  “Because once I start, Jamy, I won’t be able to stop. This is your last chance to get off this train.”

  I sucked in a breath, clenching my thighs together. I tried for a seductive smile, fervently hoping I’d gotten it right. “Stop talking. Start fucking.”

  It must have worked, because he grinned wickedly. “Well, look at you.” He lightly slapped my ass, and I jumped. “Little vixen.” He grabbed my shoulders and spun me around. “Hurry up and unlock the door before I fuck you against the wall,” he growled, pressing his hips into me.

  I fumbled with my keys for a second, my hands shaking like crazy. I could feel his erection against my butt, and it was making me almost dizzy with need. Finally, I slammed the key home, unlocking the deadbolt and pushing the door wide open. From the corner of my eye, I saw Harriet Jones, Prime Minister streak toward the door, her distinctive, leopard-like spots blurred by her speed. It looked like she was making a bid for freedom, but she froze in her tracks when she saw Sam. She bared her teeth, hissing and swatting the air.

  “Ignore her. She’s an asshole,” I said as I stepped into the apartment. Sam followed right behind me, closing and locking the door while I kicked my Chucks off and stowed them in the shoe cubby in the foyer. Before I could turn around, he pressed himself against me again, his hands gripping my hips.

  He chuckled, his chest vibrating through to my very bones. “Aren’t most cats?”

  I nodded, feeling suddenly short of breath. Being so close to Sam was messing with my lung capacity. “I forgot, you’re a dog person.”

  I felt him nod against my shoulder. “She’s pretty, though,” he said. “What kind of cat is she?”

  I shook my head slightly, trying to clear it. I was having trouble thinking right at the moment. “Um. A Bengal. It’s exotic.”

  “Right on.” His voice was barely a rumble. God, he was so sexy. I could listen to him speak all day and not get tired of it.

  But maybe not on this particular topic.

  “Sam?” I whispered.


  “Can we stop talking about the cat now?”

  He flipped my hair off my shoulder, and his lips ghosted against my neck. “Gladly.” He bit down gently on the tendon between my neck and shoulder, and I let out a strangled noise. His tongue darted out to soothe the sting, gently laving my skin. “Jamy?”


  “I really wanted the first time to be slow and gentle.” He lifted my hair, placing feather-light kisses on my neck. “I wanted to make love to you.” He moved over to the other shoulder, giving me a matching love bite. “But I don’t think I can hold back.”

  My knees buckled, and he put an arm around my waist to steady me. “That’s okay,” I squeaked.

  He chuckled again, and I sighed. God, that sound was just so dang delectable. “So you like it a little rough, huh?”

  My eyes widened in shock, and for a second I was really glad he couldn’t see my face. Sam had a dirty mouth. And I was kind of loving it.

  “Um. Sure.” I’d never actually had rough sex before, but I was willing to try it. I was willing to try just about anything, as long as it was with Sam.

  Luckily, he didn’t call me on my tepid answer. He groaned, pressing his hips into me again. “Enough fucking around. Take me to your bed.”

  I turned to face him. “Okay. But take your shoes off first.”

  He stared at me for a beat. Then he threw his head back and laughed, a full, belly laugh that shook his shoulders and squeezed his eyes shut.

  Oh, God. This was something I hadn’t anticipated. I mentally added it to the list of potential disasters, and it immediately shot right to the top. Sam could find me so ridiculous that he would laugh at me before we even got down to business.

  But he dutifully kicked his shoes off, still laughing. He even bent and picked them up, putting them in an empty cubby. Then he stepped toward me, snaking an arm around my waist and pulling me toward him.

  “I’ll never have a dull moment with you, will I?” he murmured, pushing my hair behind my ear.

  I bit my lip. “I guess not?”

  He smiled warmly, his eyes full of affection. “I love that.”

  My heart stopped beating for a second while my brain scrambled to process his words. That. He’d said ‘that.’ Not ‘you.’ He loved ‘that.’ I exhaled, trying to calm my now-erratic heartbeat. Phew. I was not in the least bit ready for ‘I love you’ yet.

  He leaned in, brushing his lips against mine in a soft, sweet kiss. “Come on,” he said. “Let’s do this.” And then he slapped my ass again.

  I took his hand, pulling him into my room. He flipped the light on, and I cringed. Okay, so he was one of those weirdos who wanted to actually see me during sex. I could deal with that. Maybe.

  It’s not like I had a chance to object, since I kind of lost my train of thought when he immediately started undressing himself. He whipped his shirt over his head before I could even blink, and I took a moment to admire him while he struggled with his belt buckle. He was not one of those buff, shiny gym rats you see on book covers. He was lean, just this side of skinny, with freckles and a decent amount of dark red hair covering his chest and abs. But he was hands down the sexiest guy I’d ever seen, because he was Sam. And he was mine, at least for now.

  He finally got his belt unbuckled, then shucked off his shorts in record time. He pulled his socks off one by one, and I nearly groaned with impatience. Then he caught my eye, grinning as he watched me watching him. He raised an eyebrow as his hands went to the waistband of his boxer briefs. He slid them off, stepping out of them quickly and flicking them across the room.

  Oh, God.

  He was perfect. He was just… perfect. Not too huge. Not porn star, cartoonish big. Just long enough, and nice and thick. And he was hard. For me.

  Oh my fucking God. This was happening. We were really doing this. We were going t
o have sex. After all this time, all the years of yearning, all the anguish of not getting to be with him, we were here. Together. About to fuck.

  I took a deep breath as I stepped forward. I wanted to touch him. I wanted to feel him in my hand, wanted to grip him, test his weight against my palm. I reached out a hand to do just that.

  But his hand clamped down on my wrist, stopping me. My eyes snapped to his, and I’m sure he could see the hurt and confusion on my face. He didn’t want me to touch him?

  He tried to smile, but it came out more like a grimace. “If your hand even gets anywhere near me, I will blow,” he growled.

  My mouth popped open in surprise. “Oh.” My heart raced at the thought that he was as close to the edge as I was. For the first time, it sunk in that he really, truly wanted this. He wanted me.

  He leaned in for a fierce kiss, all clashing teeth and plundering tongues. I felt it all the way to my toes, and when he finally pulled away, I gasped for air. “Let’s get you naked.”

  He reached for the hem of my shirt, and I helped him pull it over my head, eager to get the awkward disrobing thing over with. His eyes were hooded and hazy as he took in the soft green lace of my bra. “Pretty,” he murmured as he traced a fingertip along the edge of the cup.

  My nipples beaded in anticipation, but I couldn’t help but bite my lip. “I know I don’t have much going on up top.” I sounded like I was apologizing, and I cringed. I mean, it was true. I was barely a B cup. But I’m sure Sam wouldn’t find my lack of confidence sexy. Hell, I didn’t even find my lack of confidence sexy.

  His expression, when he looked up at me, was fierce. “Does it seem like I’m complaining?”

  My eyes darted down to his erection, the tip of which was now brushing against my belly. No, he definitely wasn’t complaining.

  “Come here,” he rumbled, with a note of command coloring his tone. He pulled me against him and kissed me, thoroughly, like he was exploring the deepest corners of my mouth. I got so caught up in it, I didn’t even notice when he unsnapped my bra. He eased the straps down my shoulders, letting it drop to the floor. He groaned into my mouth as his hands found my breasts, his thumbs rubbing over my nipples.

  I gasped, my head tipping back in pleasure. Oh, God. That felt so. Freaking. Good. He pinched the stiff peaks, and I moaned. Ungh. I was about six seconds from coming, and he hadn’t even gone near my clit. I’d never realized my breasts were so sensitive.

  “These are perfect,” he murmured, his lips finding my neck again. “Does that feel good?”

  I nodded, unable to speak. My throat felt thick, clogged with desire. I was just about ready to combust.

  He hummed, his hands moving down to the waistband of my jeans. I tried not to feel self-conscious about his hands on my chubby belly. He was here, and he obviously wanted this. So I concentrated instead on how good his rough fingertips felt as they grazed my skin, how warm his breath was on my neck, how his lips left a trail of tingles along my collarbone.

  “I love your body.” His voice was roughened by lust, his words coming out clipped, reminding me that he, too, was hanging by a thread. “So soft.”

  Soft. Now there was a euphemism if ever I heard one. But I was almost past the point of caring. I was practically panting by now, I was so desperate for him.

  “Sam,” I whimpered.

  He nodded, his hair brushing against my chin. “I know, babe. I know.”

  His fingers quickened their pace, unbuttoning my jeans and pushing them down my legs. I stepped out of them, setting my hands on his shoulders to steady myself as I kicked them aside.

  He stepped back, his eyes roaming my body. I bit my lip. I was standing in front of Sam freaking Whitfield wearing only my panties. I clenched my hands, trying not to cover myself. He wanted me. I just needed to remind myself of that.

  His chest was heaving, and I could swear I saw his cock twitch as he stared at me. “Turn around,” he growled.

  I took a deep breath and pivoted slowly until I was facing the bed. He huffed, his breath hitting my too-sensitive skin and making me shiver. I felt his fingers skimming my shoulders, moving down my spine, until finally they were resting just above my tailbone. He traced the lace edge of my panties, humming in approval.

  “Bend over.” His words were still clipped, his voice deep and gravelly, so it came out more like an order. “Put your forearms on the bed.”

  I inhaled sharply, but I did as he said. I closed my eyes, waiting for his next command. I couldn’t believe I was so blindly obeying, but the tone of his voice, his very presence, had me up for just about anything. Instinctively, I knew that he would take care of me. This was Sam. I trusted him implicitly.

  “This ass.” He slapped it again, then his hand rubbed the spot, soothing the tingling skin. “I want to fuck you just like this. I want to watch this ass jiggle while I drive into you.”

  I moaned, feeling a flood of wetness fill my core. Oh, God. I’d never had anyone say such filthy things to me in bed.

  “I like this thong,” he said, gripping the sides of my panties and pulling them roughly down my hips. “The only reason I’m not tearing it off you is that I want to see you wear this again.” When he’d pulled them all the way off, he put a foot between mine, kicking them apart.

  And in the next breath, I felt his beard tickling the inside of my thighs. My knees buckled, and I was breathless and dizzy with anticipation. Just when I thought I couldn’t take anymore teasing, I felt his tongue slither from my clit all the way to my…

  Oh. My. Fucking. God. His tongue had just grazed my… Oh, God. Oh my God. Oh my fucking God.

  And I think I liked it.

  “Mmmm. So wet for me.” He moved back up, his tongue sliding through my folds, and I felt his groan vibrating against my clit. God. Another thirty seconds of this, and I would come like a fucking rocket. But then he pulled away, and I couldn’t help but let out a cry of dismay. I wanted more.

  “I’m going to eat your pussy until you come all over my face.” I gasped, shaking with anticipation. Yes. “But not right now.” I deflated, and the sound that escaped my throat was pretty much a whine. He chuckled, and I felt him lean over me, the laugh reverberating through me. “I need to be inside you. Now.”

  I let out a soft moan. I needed that, too. “I bought condoms,” I managed to choke out. “I thought you might forget, so I got a whole bunch. In there.” I pointed to the nightstand, where I’d stashed my drugstore purchases earlier.

  He squeezed the globes of my ass, and I gasped in surprise. “That’s smart. But I brought some, too. I would never put you in jeopardy like that.” I felt his hands leave me, and I turned my head to watch him walk around the bed. God, even his butt was perfect. Pale and freckled and round, like a little bubble. And his legs and calves were toned from all that running. Mmmm. Yeah, perfect.

  “I got a couple different sizes,” I told him, before I did something dumb like declare my undying love for his body. “I didn’t know what size you needed, and I read this article that said most condom breakages happen because you’re wearing the wrong size. And did you know that wearing a condom that’s too small can actually decrease sensation, because it restricts the blood flow to your penis?”

  Oh, God. I was babbling. Shut up, Rodgers. Shut up now. I snapped my mouth shut, my teeth clacking together audibly.

  He turned his head, smirking at me. “Good to know.”

  Yeah. I was just going to keep my lips pressed together until I was sure I wouldn’t completely blow it. So, for the rest of my life, basically.

  Sam seemed unfazed by my awkwardness, though. He rooted around the drawer for a moment before emerging with a condom in his hand. He made quick work of tearing open the package and rolling it down his length. And then he stalked back to me, lining himself up behind me and gripping my hips. I felt the head of his cock nudging my opening, and I all but sobbed. God, I needed to come so badly. I needed him inside me.

  He bent forward, his chest pressing to
my back. “Ready?”

  Instead of answering, I pushed back against his hips, and he sank into me in one swift stroke.

  We both gasped in unison, and his hands tightened on my hips. “Jesus,” he growled.

  I groaned in agreement. Sam was inside of me. Sam. Inside me. Sam was fucking me. Oh, God, this was really happening.

  I closed my eyes, relishing the sensations as he began to thrust, slowly at first. He felt so dang good. He filled me completely, like he was made just for me.

  “Sam.” I pushed back against him once more, harder this time. “More.” I needed more. Faster. Harder. Deeper. I needed to come like right fucking now.

  He growled, his fingers biting into my hips. He began to drive into me faster, his hips slapping against my ass. “You feel so fucking good.”

  “More,” I pleaded again, unable to come up with any other words. I just needed more. More of him. More of this.

  He spanked me again, one light tap on each cheek. Then he leaned forward, his hands coming down on either side of me, changing the angle of his hips. I gasped as the head of his cock brushed my G spot.

  “Yes,” I hissed. “Oh, God, yes!”

  “That’s it. Come for me, Jamy.” He picked one of his hands up, and the next moment I felt his arm around me, his hand slithering down my belly. His fingers began to rub my clit in a circular motion, and I moaned loudly, louder than I’d ever moaned before. Oh, God. I was usually really quiet in bed. Sam was pulling noises out of me that I’d never made before.

  “Come on,” he demanded. “Come for me. Now.”

  I bit my lip. I was hanging on the edge, but I didn’t think I could just do it on command.


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