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by Astrid Cooper

  Starlight Desire

  The Starlight Series

  Book 3


  Astrid Cooper

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Starlight Desire

  Copyright ã 2008 Astrid Cooper

  ISBN: 978-1-55487-053-0

  Cover art by Martine Jardin

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

  Published by eXtasy Books

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  Dedicated to "Henry" who died on April 4th, 2008.

  "Felinus, may starlight guide your path to the Blessed Realm!"


  John's deep voice whisper-sang into her ear, alternating words with the fleeting caress of his tongue tip. He purred, then licked and sang, "Kuno, saer wan naemis-al."

  She sang the return pledge, "Samantha, saeran wan naemis-alen."

  My name is Samantha and I exist for you…

  He rolled her gently over and she lay face first against the green silk sheet. John moved down her body, singing against her skin, punctuating it with kisses along the length of her spine, all the way to her ass.

  His music vibrated through her, tantalizing, promising…

  She wanted more of that song, that touch. She inhaled his scent, sighing, writhing, arching herself up to him. "John-Kuno," she whispered, sleep peeling away.

  "Thanks for letting me know, darling," John said, his voice soft, distant.

  Sam's sex euphoria fractured. She snapped her eyelids open. The bed was empty--only the indent on the sheet remained where he had lain beside her.

  Where was he, and who the hell was he calling 'darling' in that sexy drawl?

  Turning, she looked through the carved ebony screen into the adjoining room. John was sitting at the digi-com, leaning forward, peering at the computer screen.

  He growled low in his throat and Sam's body clenched at the sound, at the memories of what his growling led to. Except this rumble was one of anger.

  John sprang to his feet and half turned to her. He wore a pair of red silk boxer shorts low over his hips. He took a step, halting in mid-stride, his hands traveling to the waistband, as if he meant to undress. And that would mean he would be returning to the bed, and her.

  Sam fisted the sheet in impatience.

  Changing direction, he stalked across the room into the conservatory. He paced its confines.

  She heard him swear. A mix of human and felinus. He must be really angry. But why? Something to do with 'darling'--whomever that was!

  He swore again and ran his fingers through his hair, shaking his head.

  Sam carefully rose from the bed and padded across the carpet, halting a few feet behind him.

  "If you use that sort of language, John-Kuno, maybe I ought to wash your mouth out with soap."

  He whirled to confront her, a blur of speed, and she stepped back, her heart pounding. She forgot a felinus could move so inhumanly fast.

  John smiled in silent welcome, but she saw his dilated pupils. He was either horny as hell or very, very angry. Since his boxer shorts weren't bulging at the front--nope, he was furious.

  But with felinus, fury and sexy could be just two sides of the same coin. John had been consumed by sex-fury last night. A girl just had to know how to play her man--or cat…

  Samantha prodded the glass floor with her toe, swallowing nervously. She hadn't had the nerve to enter the conservatory attached to the apartment. It just didn't seem safe, despite John's teasing assurances. She preferred the strength of steel, not flimsy plasti-moulding, but John liked to sit outside and watch the stars, and the writhing rings of Saturn below. Space all around--it appealed to his felinus senses, to be unbounded by solid walls.

  The stricken look on John's face gave her the courage and Sam took one step, then another. The glass floor held, but her gut twisted with anxiety. If the thing decided to give way…

  "You want to tell me what's wrong?" She held up her hand. "And John-Kuno, do not insult my intelligence by pretending that you're not worried. I know you too well."

  "Yes." He leaned against the glass. "You know I'm a director of Starwatch, well, I've just found out that GTC is at it again."

  Galactic Terraforming Corporation. GTC. Galactic Terrorist Corporation, to their opponents. "What are they doing?"

  "Another Star Court

  challenge against the appeal we won to stop the mining on Ortela. The Ortelans don't want them there and neither does Starwatch."

  "So how can GTC dispute the ruling?"

  "Lawyers and money."

  "They won't win."

  "No, but they'll tie up our resources and make life difficult."

  "So make life difficult back."

  John raised his brow. "You have a plan?"

  "How about a charity performance from Ortela? That'd show everyone in the Seven Systems just how beautiful the world is, how beautiful the inhabitants. Nothing like public indignation to silence eco vandals." She'd seen pictures of Ortela--a crystal world inhabited by crystal creatures who shone like opals as they flew through the mauve skies of their world. And GTC wanted to mine there? Over my dead body.

  "You think the galaxy is ready for another charity performance?" He smiled, his eyes alight.

  "More than ready." She returned his smile, sharing memories. "Public opinion is on the side of Starwatch. Humans don't want to return to the past when we exploited everything, everyone, for profit. We've come a long way since then."

  John snorted.

  Sam slapped his wrist. "Don't be a cynic."

  "Some might say I'm a realist. You know what, honey-cat? I'm going to invite you in as a board member. Put that conniving mind to better use."

  "Me a member of Starwatch?" She liked the sound of it. Becoming useful. Making a difference. "And maybe I can ask two felinus to create an opera duet to um…" She flushed.

  "To um…what?" John asked, his eyebrow arched.

  "To bring down the house. GTC's house!"

  "You are devious, like a cat." He stroked her cheek. "I heard you singing in your sleep. Perhaps I'll perform a duet with you."

  "I can't sing."

  He smiled. "I heard you, just now."

  "I mean I can't sing properly."

  "You just need to learn to breathe, some training. You've got a sexy voice. Sing for me, now."

  "I can't." She blushed.

  "You're shy? After all we've done together? Sammi, you are so precious. Sing forrrrrr me." He purred.

  Samantha shook her head, biting her lip. When he purred like that, she melted. As was his intent. Damn him! She wasn't going to be distracted. She straightened her shoulders and pressed her thighs together, ignoring the pounding at her juncture.

  "By the way, who were you talking to?" she asked casually--too casually.

  John's lip quirked. "Kareena."

  Yep, that figured. H
e called that golden beauty 'darling' and despite his insistence that he wasn't interested in the felinus woman in that way--hell, she couldn't blame any man. "I see."

  "No you don't, honey-cat. Kareena and I are old friends."

  "I know."

  "Jealous, kitten-mine?"

  She tossed back her head, chin high, but inside she was shrinking with fear. "No, should I be?" Bloody hell, she had every cause to be jealous. Kareena was gorgeous, with a capital 'G'.

  John smiled, his gaze intent. "Gorgeous with a capital 'G'--I like that. I'll remember to tell Kari."

  "You read my mind."

  "How can I not? You're sending to me very clearly." John's playful smile vanished. His eyes became narrowed, hard. Intense. That look made Sam step backwards. "Sammi, my name is Kuno and I exist for you. Those words are not mere ritual, they are from the depth of me."

  "You called her darling."

  "Yes, because she's special to me. My friend. She owns Rendezvous and she plays the seductress, but that's a façade. Kari works for Starwatch, is one of my most trusted operatives. She's a damn good spy. And she hates GTC."

  "A spy?"

  "The best." John spread his hands. "Besides, she's mated to Lenar. End of story."

  "I don't understand mating."

  He studied her ruefully. "You'll recognize one day."

  "Recognize what?"


  Sam resisted the urge to stamp her foot. John's smile broadened. "You're being deliberately… deliberately…"

  "Obtuse?" he offered, chuckling.

  Sam sniffed her contempt. "Why can't you explain?"

  John looked genuinely shocked. "You can't explain mating, honey-cat. It just is. You know it when it happens."

  "Felinus can be so irritating. Meanings within meanings and secrets and stuff. You drive me crazy!"

  "Why, thank you for the compliment. I like to drive you crazy." He paused, his eyes alight with mischief. "I think I should give you a felinus name."

  "I like it when you call me honey-cat."

  "Do you?" His brow lifted. "How much do you like it?"

  "I'll show you, if you turn and face the glass." He complied and Sam pressed her body against his back, her tongue finding that place beneath his right shoulder. She nipped and he groaned.

  "That much, huh?" He paused to inhale, long and slow. "You do that very well, Sammi. A little to the left. Yes…ah. There. Oh, stars!"

  Every bite-place had its own felinus name. This one was called tu'urell--the prowler. She worked the spot mercilessly. She could prowl as good as any damn cat!

  Slowly she stretched her arms around him and spread her hands over his tight gut. He drew in a breath, muscles clenched. Sam smiled to herself. God he was so solid, so muscular, tensile strength amid the soft skin. A man of contradictions and beauty…

  Creeping her fingers beneath the band of his shorts, she dragged her nails over his hip bones. She dipped inside his shorts and stroked his erection. Hot, hard, and large.

  Ready for her.

  When she had first seen him she had never thought her body could accommodate his girth, but he had taken time to allow her to accustom to him. From that first time, now so many nights ago, he had been considerate of her. Even when they shared starlight ecstasy he was careful of her.

  His care, his consideration--she loved him for it. Desired him with a passion and depth that was terrifying.

  She fondled him, rolling him between her palms, her finger dipping into the slit at the cock tip. John loved that the most, the pressure of her finger gently parting him.

  He trembled. She felt his cock engorge, the ridges splaying. His felinus body answering her.

  "Does kitty like that?" she asked, purring against his back.

  He growled in response. At his sides, his hands were fisted, the knuckles showing white through his golden skin. She rubbed relentlessly.

  She gently tugged down his shorts, the sound a whisper like dry leaves over his skin. She ran her cheek down the back of his thigh, his leg, to the bend of his knee. She bit the pressure point and probed with her tongue.

  Kneeling between his parted legs, Sam trailed her mouth over his thigh, moving inexorably higher with each lick.

  "Fuck me," John whispered.

  Laughing, she nipped his skin. "That's the general idea--eventually."

  "No…no, honey-cat, I…I meant where n'hell did you learn to do that?"



  She smiled against his flesh and nipped, touching her tongue tip to the bite. "This? This old thing?"

  "Yes. Oh, stars have mercy. Do that again. Harder."

  She palm pressed her way up his inner thigh to halt at the back of his balls. She slid one finger gently into the groove between his sacs. This, another felinus secret point to bring instant pleasure.

  He shuddered from head to toe. "I've taught you too much. A man can't have any peace."

  "You want peace, Kuno? That's not what you told me last night when we came home from Rendezvous. You said you wanted to fuck me in all ways imaginable, unimaginable. And proceeded to deliver on your promise. Do you want me to stop and give you some peace?"

  He growled.

  "Is that felinus for no?" She pressed harder, again finding the groove and John erupted. Came.

  She exalted in the power over him, that she could bring him so much pleasure…

  He turned, pounced on her and lifted her in his arms. He strode to the bed falling on it with her, cushioning her as they tumbled onto the quilt.

  "On your back, cat-boy!"

  John looked at her in shocked disbelief. "Cat boy? Do I love you like a boy?" He growled and undulated his hips for emphasis. "Is my feena that of a boy?"

  Samantha bit back her smile of triumph. She had rattled him. Good. She'd rattle him some more. Then she caught the smoldering glint in his eyes. The silence between them was deep, intense. She held her breath. Had she teased him beyond prudence? The male--whether cat or man--was sensitive about their prowess and size…

  Then he smiled. "Ah, honey-cat, you're deliberately taunting me."

  "I said on your back, cat-boy."

  Grinning, John did as ordered. She leaned over him, and slid her palm down his body, then twirled her thumb around his navel.

  Kuno lifted off the bed. Score One for her finding another of his favorite meridians.

  He reached his hand to her nape and drew her head to his. His tongue danced with her, entwining in the sinuous, sinful oral dance of the felinus. His thigh behind her, guided her down against him and he rolled into her, pinning her against the mattress.

  John splayed his fingers over her abdomen, pressing the tips into her skin. A different intensity for each finger and site. Kneading her like a cat.

  "Does a boy know how to please you? Does a boy know this?" He rippled his fingers over her. "Well?" he demanded

  "You're not a cat-booooooy."

  Sam shuddered her release as his tongue continued to dance with her. He slid over her, resting in the cradle of her thighs. His erection begged entry and she raised her body. With one swift, sure stroke he was inside her, the ridges of his cock teasing her inner muscles. He remained immobile, his phallus flexing, contracting and expanding, loving her.


  "This is my name."


  "I thought it was obvious." He flexed some more.

  "Yes, but…"

  "Didn't I promise to love you in one thousand and one ways for one thousand and one days?"

  "Yes, but…"

  "Is that all you can say, Sammi?"

  "I can't think when I'm with you, Kuno."

  "That's the general idea." His laugh was like honey flowing through her.

  He retreated a few inches and extended, then, bore down into her and expanded. Even more. His tongue stroked against hers as his cock flexed inside her, a loving tandem--she saw stars.

  When a measure of reason ret
urned to her, Sam made John see stars--and the way he screamed, maybe he saw a supernova…

  * * * *

  John's fingers swept lightly over her ribcage, as a feather stroking, so soft, but her every nerve ending sprang to life.

  "I told you to lie still, kitten-mine." Between her spread legs, he rested on his heels, trying to frown at her, but the tawny fire in his eyes gave him away. "You must learn to resist the climax, Sammi. Postponement brings its own rewards."

  "Yeah right. How can I when you're doing that? It's too much to bear."

  John laughed. "What am I doing, but just stroking? Hardly touching you."

  "It's the hardly bit that's killing me."

  "This?" John asked, his index finger skimming beneath her right breast.

  Sam choked another sob. That was so good, so bloody good.

  "You can learn to delay the orgasm. Mystics have been doing so for centuries. It's a lesson of Tantra. We felinus practise it. Now a deep breath and hold. Concentrate. Much like singing, kitten-mine."

  One of his finger tips pressed against her pubic bone, a nail lightly scraping upwards, another finger scrolling down. He gently probed in two places, just above her clit and just below. Her pussy contracted, ached, a tension that was tearing her apart.

  "I can feel your pulse," John said. "It's telling me how much you like this."

  Understatement! She'd show him control and cleared her tight throat. "Is that another meridian?" Her voice was casual, coldly clinical…


  "Just how many of those places are there?" She clenched her inner muscles, her teeth as the first climax-current touched her. Control it!

  "Few women are so endowed as you, kitten-mine, or as receptive. I am pleased to say."

  She squeezed her eyes shut against the sight of his slow, sultry smile. The bloody cat was playing with her.

  She was through with playing.

  Sam reared upwards and flung herself across John, pushing him down to the bed. She probed his body with splayed hands, in the same way as he had caressed her. In response, he lifted off the mattress.


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