Decorated: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Rebels of Sidyth Book 2.5)

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Decorated: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Rebels of Sidyth Book 2.5) Page 2

by Sabrina Kade

  “Because it is. But that’s also what makes it so great, Azan.” I trace my fingertips over Azan’s enormous knuckles. “You know, I think one of the reasons I love your scales so much is because they remind me of Christmas lights.” Azan pulls his hand out from under mine and holds it up to his face for close inspection. I quickly grab it back, and push back a few scales, allowing them to catch the light of the single sun rayer lamp in our cave. “All the different colors,” I whisper. “When the lights are up at Christmas, it’s like a rainbow. Just like these scales.” I kiss his finger softly, sucking on it just a bit so my alien’s cock twitches beneath me.

  “Strange. If I could cut off my fingers to give you more of a Christmas experience, I would.”

  “Azan, you don’t have to do that.”

  “All I ask is you allow me to keep my cock. That has scales too, but I’d like to hold on to it.”

  I moan softly in his grasp. “You’re not the only one who wants to hold on to that,” I mutter, reaching behind my back so I can clasp his length. “This thing right here? This is better than any Christmas tree I’ve ever seen lit. And I’ve been to Rockefeller Center.” Azan doesn’t know what I’m talking about, but that doesn’t even matter to me, because I sure do. Azan’s dick should have a holiday of its own; it’s so fucking glorious.

  The perfect amount of length and width to drive me wild every time.

  And the scales? Mother of God don’t get me started on those scales. I’ll foam at the mouth thinking about it, and we’re supposed to be talking about Christmas. But I can’t help myself, noticing a few of those scales splay away from the meat of his dick as I stroke him slowly. His grip tightens below my stomach, but he quickly relinquishes so he can squeeze one of my breasts.

  “My cock reminds you of the Christmas you love so much,” Azan groans into my ear.

  “Oh yes,” I say, quickening my pace on his dick. He’s writhing behind me, kneading my breast with more fury, pinching my nipple between his finger and thumb.

  “Are you sure we shouldn’t create a holiday to celebrate my cock instead?”

  “Dirty bastard,” I chide with a snicker, already feeling Azan jerking against him. It won’t be long now. He’s going to cum right against my pregnant ass while I’m trying to tell him about Christmas. “Seriously though, your dick? It deserves a holiday, but not at the same time as mine, okay?”

  “Whatever you wish, My Chosen,” he groans, fisting my breast as an orgasm rocks through him. I give him a few moments to gather himself before his chin rests atop my shoulder and he kisses the skin across my neck. “I am going to have to repay you for that.”

  “No need,” I mutter. “You’re giving me a Christmas, remember?”

  “Ahh… I suppose that’s true.” He takes in a few, deep breaths. “It will be odd to celebrate a holiday like the Christmas. We do not have such things back home. Sidyths look forward to the celebration into Mandom, but not much else.” He doesn’t say much else about it, because we all know what the celebration of Mandom means. “I love the idea of giving you something here that you love so much. I am already getting an idea about how to give you Christmas lights.”

  “Already?” I tease, fingering the tip of his cock so I can taste his juices before he cleans up. I know it’s only a matter of moments before he removes his shorts and puts on a fresh pair before we head back. I suck off the cream like it’s the sweetest Cadbury egg center and smile. “Do you have something like Christmas lights on your… planet?” The sentence sounds funny on my tongue, even after all these years, but I don’t mind.

  Azan shakes his head. “No, but there is a lagoon further up the hillside. I think it will be much better than simple sun rayers.”

  “A lagoon?”

  His expression darkens. He knows what I’m going to ask next. “You are not coming with me.”

  “Oh, come on!” I yelp, disappointment hitting my features not only because he won’t let me go, but because he’s stood and already working on putting on a fresh pair of shorts. “I’m not even that pregnant yet. I can handle a trip to a lagoon, Azan.”

  “Prince Korben will travel with me. That is if he will leave his mate’s side for long enough. If not, I will ask Hujun. I am sure he would not mind participating in a Christmas.”

  “To give a gift to Ellis?”

  He turns to me as he tucks his cock into a new pair of shorts. “Gift. The package, yes?”

  I nod.

  “I do not believe Hujun plans to give his cock to Ellis without her consent.”

  “No!” I yelp, gingerly standing. Azan quickly hustles to my side. He’s so attentive, it’s cute, but it’s also a little overwhelming. There’s so much of him, and so little of me. It’s like getting assistance from a pale, moving wall. “Azan, gift… and package? These words have nothing to do with your dick. Do you hear me? Nothing to do with your dick.”

  His lower lip pouts. Oh God, that’s too damn adorable.

  “Very well. My answer remains the same though, York. You will not accompany me to the lagoon. It would be dangerous for someone in your… condition.”

  “That’s complete and utter bullshit,” I grumble, crossing my arms across my chest. My breasts still aren’t as big as Blythe’s, and never will be, but they’re not bad looking during this first trimester.

  Azan doesn’t seem to be threatened though, despite my terrifying display, and wraps an arm around my shoulder before plucking one of the massive dark purple palm-like leaves that we use for an umbrella. Suddenly, now that I’m pregnant, it means I no longer like getting wet. In Azan’s mind, at least.

  “Are you going to tell the other women about the Christmas?”

  “I believe I will!” I say in a teasing, overly formal voice as we venture out into the rain. Azan holds the stalk of the leaf so it’s only covering me, but Azan doesn’t mind. He loves the rain almost as much as I do.

  “And the lights, that is your favorite thing about the Christmas, yes?”

  “Yes, but there are so many other things, Azan. I’ll be sure to tell Blythe and Ellis and the others. I’m sure they’ll love the idea of finding a way to celebrate Christmas out here. Most of us haven’t celebrated the holiday in years! We can sing carols, set up a Christmas tree with one of these purple palms, and maybe even exchange gifts.”

  “Wait. You mean gifts are something women can give each other? This is not a mating custom?”

  “Sorry,” I snicker. “Friends can get gifts too. If they want to.”

  “I am not giving a gift to Hujun.” It’s funny because Azan almost seems horrified by the idea of it. “And… and what about food, York? Are there human foods you would like me to see if they can be delivered? My older brother may be the one who handles the delivery.”

  My eyes widen. “Your brother?”

  “Kydaris. As fate would have it, he would be the one to take the order, and he may even be the one to bring the supplies. It would be nice to have him here for this joyous occasion. He may even get to meet my Chosen.” His chest puffs out with such pride that I’m almost turned on all over again. “So please, York. You must put together a list for me. I need to know what to ask for. A gift for my mate sounds like an important part of the Christmas and I would like to do it right.”

  “Azan, you trying to celebrate Christmas at all is enough of a gift. I gave you plenty of ideas. You said yourself you’re going to a lagoon without me.”

  “Tell me something you love.”

  “You,” I say, stopping right in front of the lair opening as Glykoran comes into view. Celeste is standing next to him, and they’re talking in low voices, but all I can focus on is my man and the things he’s willing to do for me. He not only wants me as his mate, but he also doesn’t mind that I’m human. He wants to give me human things so I don’t feel so alien. “You’re the only thing I need for Christmas, Azan.”

  “So, if I were to tell you I may be able to grab some bound literary pieces, you would not be interested?” H
e arches a challenging eyebrow in my direction. “I have heard you talk to other girls in the past about your fondness of bound literary works. I may be able to find something on the black market, or rather, Kydaris could.”

  “Azan, you don’t need to—” and I stop myself short and jerk my head at him. “Wait, did you say bound literary pieces?” He nods. “You’re talking about books?”

  His eyes widen. “Yes. Yes, I know humans call these books. That’s what I am talking about. Sorry for my miswording.”

  “Wait, stop.” I stand in front of him, holding out my hands. Glykoran and Celeste probably think I’m nuts, but I could care less. “You’re telling me you may be able to get books delivered here… for me?”

  “If that is something you would like. I happened to hear—oof!” Azan lets out a grunt in surprise when I lunge into his arms and wrap my legs around his waist. “Would this please you so much, My Chosen?” He laughs into my hair, holding me tightly against him.

  I love this man. I love Christmas, but I really, really love this man.


  I spend the rest of the afternoon with the girls in the first lair, and not surprisingly, they’re all excited about the idea of celebrating Christmas on Hethdiss. Even in this short amount of time, many of us have gotten close to the Sidyths, even beyond mating. Some of us have become… friends with them? It’s still so weird, and I have to admit there’s something grounding about being in the Gathering Room with no seven-foot scaled aliens watching over us. Even Blythe’s here, and I don’t want to think about what she promised Korben to get him to let her join us for food and pussy pillow talk. She still looks like shit though, and her boobs look so heavy in her top, that I’m afraid the straps are going to break.

  But despite her tired, shitty appearance, she looks so happy. I notice her rubbing her stomach when she thinks the others aren’t paying attention, and I know I’ve been guilty of doing this as well. It’s hard not to. There’s a fucking baby in there. It’s so Alien, and alien at the same time. I’m pregnant. With an alien’s baby. And I’m about to talk to all the girls, who are already confused enough about this assignment, about bringing Christmas to Hethdiss where most of the only holidays Sidyths have involve killing women.

  I notice almost everyone’s sitting in our little makeshift circle, even the ones who used to be more reluctant at first like Kansas and Alaska. They didn’t have to come to the meeting, I know they’re getting pleasured on the sly, but once they heard we were gathering for a chat about creating Christmas, they magically appeared. The workout twins, Rene and Devyn even look more interested than usual, and despite it being December back on Earth, it’s warm as hell here and their muscles glisten with sweat. They must have snuck in a workout before sitting. They look even bulkier than when we first arrived. They look like they’re training for something, and I still can’t put my finger on what.

  The familiar faces who’ve stuck with us since the beginning are still here. Blythe and Ellis, Sloane and Layla, all sitting close to each other, talking amongst themselves, and though I might have minded at one point, I don’t care so much now because I know Blythe thinks no one likes her because she’s with the prince so much. I let her have this moment.

  Lacey’s her normal, pleasant self; sequestered in the corner with a sour expression.

  One of these days, I’m going to ask what the fuck her problem is because honestly, I’m getting pretty tired of her shit lately. I don’t know what she’s so angry about, or if she thinks she’s better than all of us because she looks like a damn supermodel, but Lacey’s such a downer about anything we try to do as a group.

  I turn away, refusing to allow her to put me in a bad mood.

  “So, we’re all cool with celebrating Christmas?” I don’t bother with pleasantries or introductions. We all know what this meeting is about, and some of the girls probably want to go find a Sidyth bed to sleep in for the night. Myself included. “Anyone here Jewish? Or not down with the whole thing?” As though we all don’t know who’s going to be against it, the attention gradually shifts towards Lacey.

  “What?” She has the nerve to look surprised.

  “Are you okay with us celebrating Christmas here?”

  “Pretending we’re not whores for a few hours? Why not?” She crosses one of her long legs over the other.

  “You do realize one of the guys may give you a gift hoping you’ll Choose him?” Alaska asks.

  “I don’t have to spread my legs for a bunch of berries.”

  “Charming,” I say, rolling my eyes. “Whatever. No objections to calling the celebration Christmas?”

  No objections. It’s a Christmas miracle.

  “I told Azan about Christmas lights and Christmas trees, but I’m sure there are other things we should make a part of this day. Did you all know it’s December on Earth?” My eyes scan across the group, met with mixed reactions. I guess some of the Sidyths talk to the girls, and some don’t. That’s hardly surprising. “Well, it’s true. It’s December back on Earth. Christmas is right around the corner. It could be fun to celebrate it here.”

  “Doesn’t sound terrible,” Celeste agrees. “I’m down.”

  “Same.” Devyn elbows Rene.


  Slowly, everyone agrees to help out with creating the holiday, and I can’t help but feel a little bit of excitement growing in the pit of my stomach along with my baby. Christmas. Just like home. Sort of. I try to picture my house as the girls talk amongst themselves and what memories stick out to them and which ones they would love to see brought to life on Hethdiss. Murmurs of turkeys and yams, buffalo plaid, and snow. They all seem so simple, but we’re all going to have to work together to pull Christmas off on an alien planet.

  “Glykoran is good at cooking,” Celeste says awkwardly. We all turn, and she blushes, quickly lowering her head. “He mentioned he did a lot of the food preparation for his sprog at home. His wife didn’t like to prepare food, but his daughter was picky. I’m sure we could put together something delicious and familiar.”

  “Great idea,” Blythe says before I can answer. “And of course, anything you want to try and get, I’ll let Korben know.”

  “Can he bring snow?” Kansas snickers.

  “No.” Blythe frowns. “But I’m sure we can do something.”

  “Other than blow him?”

  “Shut up, Kansas,” I grumble, annoyed she’s already not helping. “What about you and…” I wait for her to fill in, but she doesn’t, frowning. “Okay, whatever.”

  “I’m sure Dolan’s going to do something.” Layla doesn’t look entirely happy about it.

  “Well, make sure you talk to him,” I remind her. “Azan still has this idea in his head that Santa goes around to girls and gives them a dick in a box.”

  Finally, the tension snaps and most of the girls laugh.

  “Whoa, wait, seriously? Are you really that bad at explaining Christmas?” Alaska’s smirking, the only sign that she’s teasing, so I lower my defenses.

  “Apparently I am. That’s all he’s focused on, so watch out, ladies. A dick in a box is your problem.”

  “Or yours!” Sloane giggles loudly.

  There’s a pleasant amount of laughter as we continue to talk. Fortunately, most of the girls have ways to contribute to the holiday, whether it’s food ideas, drink ideas, decorations, or random. It’s all helpful, so by the end of the night, only one major question remains.

  “So what day are we going to officially say is Christmas here?” I turn to Blythe. “It’s so hard to keep time here, I rarely think about it. Those damn sun rayers, it’s hot and light down here twenty-four, seven.”

  I can tell she likes that I’ve asked for her opinion. “Well, we’re going to need time to set up everything, and we’ll need to figure out how long it’s going to take to get things delivered. Why don’t we say two weeks?”

  “Is there a way to keep track?” I ask, arching a curious eyebrow. “The guys don’t exactly
have an iPad out here. At least, as far as I know.”

  “I’ll mark the wall,” Celeste offers. “I talk to Glykoran at night. Before I come back here, I’ll drag a rock down the opening of the lair like chalk. That’ll help us keep track. It’s a little primitive, but it’ll do the job.”

  We all agree with her. Is there more going on with Glykoran and Celeste than she’s letting on? It’s not any of my business but, I hope she doesn’t expect too much from the older Sidyth. He’s got a wife and kid back home. I don’t think he’s looking to do anything other than staying alive until he can see his family again.

  Dakota slaps her thighs suddenly and stands, making a show of ending her time with us. “I don’t know about you ladies, but if I’m going to be on my knees like this, I’d like a little more reward. Hope no one minds me cutting out early.”

  “Going back to the second lair?” I can’t help asking, already regretting it when Dakota’s dark brown eyes lock on mine, and Arizona stands beside her.

  “No.” She smirks towards the doorway of the Gathering Room, but if there’s someone there, he’s already moved because it’s empty. Not even Hujun’s bulky frame fills the space. She doesn’t say anything else as Alaska loops an arm through hers and both are gone without another word.

  Well, I guess that’s that.

  They’re not the only ones looking to get a little pleasure this evening. Just thinking about Azan’s cock between my fingers again, is enough to get me to stand up.

  “Heading back?” Phoebe makes a show of being nosy like I was only a few moments ago.

  “I want to tell Azan about what we talked about.” I lower my attention at Blythe. “We should both head back. Since Korben’s going to be the one to get things delivered, it’s best we figure that out.”

  “And you need to do that back in his room?” I can’t help noticing Ellis sounding a bit hurt. I feel bad. It’s becoming more and more obvious she wants what Blythe and I have with our mates, but Hujun hasn’t made a move yet. In fact, he’s made it pretty clear he has no intention of choosing her. It’s a damn shame. They’re cute together.


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