Decorated: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Rebels of Sidyth Book 2.5)

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Decorated: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Rebels of Sidyth Book 2.5) Page 9

by Sabrina Kade



  I don’t want to be a bitch.

  An ungrateful bitch who’s always moaning and groaning that no one likes her, so she’ll go eat worms. I don’t want to be the type of pregnant chick who’s always feeling sorry for herself and like there isn’t anyone on the entire planet who wants to be friends with me other than my mate.

  But that’s how I feel lately.

  Since York started this whole Christmas celebration idea, I’m left out more than ever. And it’s not because people aren’t trying. The girls are trying to be friends with me, but I’m so flipping tired all the time. I’m exhausted, sick and already tired of being pregnant. And I’m barely into the second trimester. Chentan promises my time being pregnant with an alien baby will be the same as if it were human, but it feels so much longer.

  I’m so grateful to have Korben.

  Without him, I don’t know what I’d do.

  I open my eyes, only a few days before the planned Christmas celebration, and am greeted with a sneak peek thanks to my amazing mate, and former prince.

  “Good morning, My Chosen,” he rumbles. “I hope you don’t mind, but I am giving you some of your gifts early.”

  “Ahh, the royal treatment,” I say in a teasing voice, sitting up in bed and rubbing my stomach. Today’s not going to be a good day for the little sprog, I can already tell by the excruciating pain in my back, but I put on a smile just the same knowing Korben’s done something so amazing for me. Something that he doesn’t even understand.

  The girls like to say Azan is a perfect mate for York.

  Well, I like to think my mate is the perfect one.

  I rub my eyes a few times, finding a few wrapped gifts in my lap, and after safely making sure Korben’s not near one, reminding me of fears of York’s dreaded dick-in-a-box, I grin at my mate.

  “Are these all for me?”

  Korben’s smile is infectious. “All the women are going to receive a gift, but of course my mate should be the most spoiled. She is carrying my child.” His eyes grow hooded. “She is mine.”

  A blush crosses my already tanned cheeks, and I all but hug the gifts to my ever-growing chest.

  Never in a million years had I thought a Sidyth prince would be the type to shower his mate with gifts, but here I am, all but expecting a bunch of Sidyths to come to the lair opening singing Christmas carols.

  None come, of course, but I’m kind of relieved for that.

  On top of everything else with this glorious pregnancy, I look like shit 24/7.

  “What are you going to open first, My Chosen?” Korben asks, almost looking as hungry for me to open the gifts as I am for an Italian hoagie. They’re all elegantly wrapped paper-thin leaves, a huge step up from most of the leaf-wrapped items in the Gathering Room. “I was not entirely sure what to get you, but I did speak to Azan’s mate and a few of the others.”

  My eyes widen. “You talked to York?”

  “Amongst the others.” He smiles. “They knew you were not feeling well with carrying my sprog, so I thought they would know more than anyone what to have looked for on the Black Market.”

  My eyes water. I’m so fucking emotional. Lately, I can hardly stand myself, but here’s Korben, giving me gifts and taking time to talk to the girls.

  And the gifts are wonderful.

  “Lavender.” I lift the collection of dried herbs and inhale deeply. “Oh my God, it smells like lavender.”

  “I believe this plant is called kulcet. I had Yayk look for anything similar to Earth’s lavender. The women said you liked the smell? As in something you put on your face? He could not find lavender to put on your face, but kulcet is supposed to have a similar aroma to Earth’s lavender.”

  “It is.” I inhale the scent deeply, noticing while it’s not quite lavender, it’s damn close. York would probably say it’s similar to a specific type of lavender. She’s the expert on scents, but to me, it’s close, and that’s all that matters.

  The rest of the gifts are just as simple but no less meaningful. Korben could have gotten me anything in the galaxy, but gifts that remind me of home are the ones I want most. I don’t need thousands of dollars’ worth of alien toys. I want gifts that make me think of Earth. So that’s what he’s given me. A small pair of children’s shoes that won’t fit a kid until they’re five. Some clothes for the future baby. Gessroot tea. Something to mix into it.

  “Humans like sugar, and while we do not have something as sweet, I was able to have an additive brought in from the Black Market. You will find it mostly removes the scent of stink from the gessroot tea. The scent should be more pleasant.”

  “Is kulcet safe to eat?”

  “Kulcet?” He gently removes the collection of dried herbs from my hand and sniffs it. “I do not see why not. Do you want me to boil it? As I do with the gessroot?”

  “Maybe mix them together?”

  “Would that make you happy?” He traces a finger down my cheek, stopping at my lips. I nearly lose my breath. Too often, thanks to the miseries of being pregnant, I forget how beautiful Korben is. The length of his fingers. The scales on his arm. The colors on his cock. Everything about him is spectacular, and, I don’t know why, but for the first time in a while, I’m excited about seeing what my child with him will look like.

  A boy? A girl? Does it matter?

  No matter what I’m given, I’m sure it’s going to be the most beautiful baby in the world. Azan’s cute, but who knows what’s going on with that mask. And I can’t even think about what a baby with Hujun and Ellis would look like. No. Korben and I are going to have the cutest damn kid on Hethdiss. I’m sure of it.

  “Everything’s wonderful,” I say softly, pulling Korben’s face to mine for a kiss. His tongue carefully darts through my parted lips, brushing the roof of my mouth because he knows it arouses me. I’m not sure if we’ll be able to have sex, but I’m sure going to try and give him a holiday blow job if I can muster it. “But you know what the greatest gift of all is going to be?”

  “What’s that?”

  “This…” I trail off and pull away enough, so I can set Korben’s hand on my stomach. There’re butterflies now, but not enough movement for Korben to notice. But it’s coming. Each day is going to bring us closer and closer to this baby. Closer to being a true family.

  Korben smiles. I know that look. And for once, I’m pretty ready for it…

  “Whatever you crazy kids are doing, please stop!” Someone yelps from behind the lair opening and I frown, pulling away.

  Damn. Just when you’re about to give a Christmas bj.

  York pops into the cave with Layla, both looking incredibly happy.

  “Ahhh, you get your presents already?” Layla pouts. “Not fair.”

  “Deal with it,” York snaps. “She looks like shit. Let her have a few gifts.”

  I don’t know whether I’m supposed to be thankful or pissed off, but I smile just the same as Korben pulls away.

  But not before whispering into my ear.

  “We’ll finish this later.” He licks the tip of my ear, leaving me to pinch my thighs together and allow York and Layla to settle into my room.

  “Did you like your gifts?” Layla asks, taking a seat on the floor. “We helped pick them out.”

  “Korben told me. And I loved them.” I tilt my head to the side. “You know, I assumed most of you guys were mad at me.”

  “Mad at you?” York frowns. “Why?”

  “Because I know I haven’t been around as much. I’ve been feeling sorry for myself. I’m moody and grumpy—”

  “Don’t forget bitchy.” York laughs.

  “Come on,” Layla says when she sees my look of horror. “You’re pregnant. You’re allowed to be awful. And York’s going to be right there with you in a few weeks… or months. Maybe. I don’t know. She’s kind of a beast when it comes to carrying a baby.”

  “You know, I’m not sure I want to be called a beast,” York grumbles.
br />   Layla and I laugh, and then my water.

  “Are you crying again?” York asks.

  “I’m sorry, it’s the hormones,” I sniffle, swiping at my tears. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me lately. I was so sure you were all mad at me. Then Korben told me you all helped with the gifts—”

  “Not all of us.” Layla rolls her eyes. It doesn’t take a genius to know who participated and who didn’t, but I don’t name names.

  “Whatever.” I croak out another cry. “I’m just glad you guys aren’t mad at me. I can’t tell you how paranoid I am lately. I’m always in this room. I’m usually alone or with Korben. I guess I let my brain run away with stuff. I’m so sorry for ever assuming you guys hated me.”

  “Don’t think we weren’t ever mad at you.” York smirks. “You’ve been annoying sometimes, but we could never hate you, Blythe. We’re here altogether. You’re the one who delivered that dumbass speech on the way here. We all need people to rely on. And yes, while having Azan is nice, and the sex is great, there’s something about knowing I can talk to another girl and she’ll know exactly what I’m going through.”

  I sniff. “Really?”

  “Yes, bitch, really.” York takes a seat on the edge of the bed. I can tell she wants to wrap an arm around my shoulder, fist bump, or something just as awkward, but her smile lets me know everything I’ll need to know.

  I’m not alone. I have friends. They’re not all pissed off at me because I’m pregnant and miserable.

  “I love you guys.” A few tears escape. “Fuck and dammit, I don’t know why I can’t stop crying.”

  “You’re crying because we’re so awesome.” Layla stands and sits next to York. “Here we are, getting this Christmas celebration ready because Azan’s mate is obsessed with her and your pregnant ass is cuddled up in bed with one of the cutest guys here. And he’s a prince, no less. How could you not cry? You’ve got it all, sweets. Not all of us do.”

  A flicker of sadness crosses Layla’s soft features, but I don’t bring it up.

  “I know this sounds lame, but… I really, really love it here,” I say softly. “I love Korben. I love Hethdiss. I love you guys.”

  “Even Lacey?” York snorts.

  I can’t help but laugh. “Hell, it’s Christmas. Even Lacey.”

  This causes us all to burst out into warm laughter, worthy of a Christmas special on Lifetime. The smell of lavender, or something similar. At long last, I have girlfriends who I trust. And though I wasn’t sure I’d ever want it, I’m ecstatic about having Aa child in my stomach who’s happy and healthy. And I have my mate. My Korben. My everything.

  My happy ever after isn’t anything like I pictured it would be.

  But I wouldn’t have it any other way.



  The funny thing about the holiday season is I never want it to end.

  The logical side of me knows it has to end because I’ll never appreciate the holiday truly unless it only comes once a year. But I’m still sad. I remember Blythe’s face when Layla and I went to check on her and see if she liked the gifts we picked out. That girl was convinced just because she’s had a few rough days that no one wanted to talk to her. I need to figure out a way to build some confidence back in her. Otherwise she’s going to make herself mental before the baby comes.

  And even I know once a baby’s born, shit really hits the fan.

  Christmases will come and go. I accept that, but I’m still going to miss the smells, the sounds, and the smiles the other eleven months of the year, or however much time passes on this planet. Everyone’s at ease because we’re doing something familiar. For the first time for a lot of us, we’re not outsiders looking in. We’re not the aliens. The Sidyths are. They’re the ones trying to figure out what makes us happy. Glykoran’s making his best attempt at human traditional cooking. Dolan’s trying his best to figure out what would make Layla happy. Even Exer’s been stopping around more, making more conversation with Sloane.

  And a small part of me knows I’ll finally be able to figure out what’s happened with Ellis once the holiday celebration is over.

  Through all of that, no matter how special the preparation is, the day itself, December 25th is always a bit of a letdown. Like the end of an era. The gifts are opened, the wrappings cast aside. The food becomes leftovers, and hangovers settle in. The lights become a burden, needing to be put away until the following year, and bills tally up, reminding everyone once again, that they’ve spent too much and will pay for it until tax returns.

  Or at least that’s what my dad always told me.

  Eventually, the glitz and glamor fall away for another year, and I’m left biting my fingernails in anticipation of November and I can start all over again. The preparations didn’t even take that long this year, would it be so terrible to leave the lights up? Let the tree die in the Gathering Room, and then simply put up another? Would the girls even care? Would the Sidyths even notice? Hujun and Dolan are some of the only ones who spend a lot of time there, and lately, Hujun’s been with Ellis somewhere in secret, and Dolan’s been more standoffish since Exer’s been coming to the Gathering Room more.

  It feels like it’s all coming to an end, and it's only the eve before the official Christmas celebration.

  Yes, I love Christmas, but yes, I’m also a realist.

  “You look bothered,” Azan rumbles softly to me in bed. “Are you upset Christmas is coming? Do you think about the past?”

  I shake my head, eyes dripping over his head where some of the tree branches are strung with shards of sun rayers and fallen scales. It’s creating such a beautiful, warm effect to our room and of course Azan always smells like Christmas, but the beauty of it all is bittersweet.

  “I’m not upset Christmas is coming,” I say. “I’m upset it’s coming to an end. As much as I love the holiday, it’s still only one day, and this time tomorrow, it will all be over.”

  Azan looks thoughtful. “You have done an amazing job putting this together, My Chosen. Glykoran and his mate—er, friend, are preparing a delicious feast as we speak. It should please you.”

  “Even though you wouldn’t let me look in on it.”

  “I believe you were the one who said Christmas is full of surprises.” His grin turns devilish, making me fall in love with him even more.

  But it’s so hard. I don’t want to be a downer on Christmas Eve, alien planet or not, but everything I’ve said is so true. This time tomorrow tonight, all the presents will be passed around, all the food will be eaten, and I’ll be back in bed with Azan. I’m not complaining, I love every single night I get to spend with my mate, but it’s terrifying to think about what’s next.

  I’m looking forward to my child, yes, but what about after that?

  Why does Christmas make me so existential?

  I try to change the subject.

  “Speaking of surprises, are you going to tell me about my gift?” I lower my voice into something I hope is seductive, but Azan looks serious.

  “Is this part of the Christmas ritual? Do I pretend your gifts are going to be a surprise, only to tell you the night before?”

  I suppress a snicker. It would be all too easy to get Azan to tell me what he’s ordered for Christmas, but I don’t want to ruin the surprise. “No, babe,” I say, patting his chest. “You’re not supposed to tell me. I still want it to be a surprise.”

  “I know Korben gave his gifts early to his mate, but only because he is royalty. Korben believes his mate should be given gifts before the others. Personally, I do not think it would mean as much if I were to give your gifts before the day specified for celebration.” He waggles his brows at me, more playful than anyone else would ever see him. “I know this seems like a silly question, but do men receive gifts from their mates, or is this only for the women to enjoy?”

  A blush hits my cheeks. I haven’t told anyone what I’ve been up to, not even the girls because I didn’t want anything to slip. Phoeb
e has a big mouth, and Sloane is dumb as dirt (most of the time, anyway), so anything I said could have and most likely would have been used against me. But I can’t stop the smile that hits my mouth as I roll over and clumsily reach for something under our bed. Azan attempts to steady me with a large hand, but I’ve already grabbed what I need, and shove it towards him.

  It's poorly wrapped, but I didn’t want to ask one of the others to wrap it for me. The leaves are a simple deep purple – the leaves from the local trees – and the item is oddly shaped. Azan’s eyes widen.

  “But it is not yet Christmas,” he mutters. “Is this okay?”

  “It’s alright,” I say with a small giggle. “Open it.”

  “Are you sure you do not want me to wait until tomorrow?”

  “I’m sure.”

  “Do you want your gift now?”

  “No. Open it.”

  “Are you sure. York—”

  “Dammit, Azan! Open the damn gift!”

  He flinches back, but he’s only teasing, laughing as he rolls up into a seated position on the bed. “As you wish, My Chosen.” He dips his chin, jokingly treating me like royalty, but something stirs between my thighs. If he doesn’t like his gift, I can find some way or another for him to enjoy another package. Har. Har.

  The leaves are slowly peeled away, and suddenly I’m nervous. I’m not sure if Azan’s going to like my attempt at a gift. Maybe he’ll think it’s dumb. Maybe he’ll wonder if I’m an idiot. I should have been more romantic, but I’m so practical, and when I looked at Azan only one thing seemed to make sense.

  He pulls away the leaves holding the gift in his massive hands.

  “Fabric?” He holds the dark red piece of fabric, turning towards me with a perplexed expression. I can tell he doesn’t know exactly what he’s looking at, and humiliation washes over me for a moment.

  “It’s stupid, you hate it,” I say, going to snatch it away from him. “I’m sorry. I was always the one who bought practical gifts.” I lunge at him, but Azan is easily able to keep the gift out my reach. My eyes water. “I’m sorry, it’s dumb! I’ll get you something else. I swear I will.”


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