Davey Boy was clearly inspired: “Hart & Soul: The Hart Family Anthology,” WWE (2010).
In 2002, while on vacation with his girlfriend: “Wrestling deaths and steroids,” USA Today (March 12, 2004).
This country has no place: www.slam.canoe.ca/Slam/Wrestling/2012/05/28/19806356.html.
When the local government sought to regulate: “Law Sought to Control Wrestling,” Herman Blackman, Washington Post and Times-Herald, October 26, 1956.
Half an hour after the people: “Promoter Answers TV Complaints,” Herman Blackman, Washington Post and Times-Herald, October 27, 1956.
Halme’s public life didn’t end there: Jonathan Snowden, “The Strange Life and Times of MMA’s Legendary Finn,” Fight Day (January 2001).
His soul was ferrying: “Benoit’s Brain Showed Severe Damage From Multiple Concussions, Doctor and Dad Say,” ABC News (January 8, 2009).
The page numbers in this index refer to the printed version of this book. To find the corresponding locations in the text of this digital version, please use the “search” function on your e-reader. Note that not all terms may be searchable.
Abdullah the Butcher, 93, 95–98, 136, 204
Adams, Brian “Crush,” 281–88, 328
Adams, “Gentleman” Chris, 219, 230
Adkisson, Jack, 65–68
Adnan, General, 106, 252, 293
Adonis, “Adorable” Adrian, 149, 225
Afa, 106, 321, 341
Akeem the African Dream, 183, 299, 299n3, 301
Albano, Captain Lou, 2, 61, 105, 119, 165–75, 198
Ali, Muhammad, 52, 121, 158
Al-Kaissie, Sheik Adnan, 105–6, 132, 293
Altomare, Tony, 166
Anderson, Arn, 73, 126n2, 204, 214, 355
Anderson, Ole, 126, 126n2, 205, 260
Anderson brothers, 126, 126n2
Andre the Giant, 155–64; and advertising, 190; as “division killer,” 326; and heel turns, 3; and Jones (S. D.), 127–28; and Killer Kowalski, 316; and Miss Elizabeth, 195; and race issues in wrestling, 135; and racial stereotypes, 148; and Savage, 182–83; and Strongbow, 105; and “the Machines,” 2; and the Wrestlemania Era, 120–22, 125; and Yokozuno, 325
Angel of Death, 78, 79
Angle, Kurt, 191, 238, 349–50, 360–63, 366
Animal, 202, 209–10, 369
Anoa’i, Rodney, 320. See also Yokozuna
Aronofsky, Darren, 348
Atlas, Tony, 97–98, 127, 130, 138, 140, 150
Attitude Era, 199, 211, 244, 265–66, 274–79, 306, 322
Austin, “Stone Cold” Steve: and advertising, 191; and the Attitude Era, 274–76, 278; and Benoit, 359; and Big Boss Man, 298, 303; and competition between wrestling organizations, 264; gun incident, 313; and Hart (Owen), 306, 309–10, 312; and Hennig, 244; and labor disputes, 346; and Pillman, 329, 335–36; and the Road Warriors, 210; and wrestling weddings, 199; and Yokozuna, 325
Ax, 2, 209, 282, 284
Backlund, Bobby, 116, 118, 148
Baker, Ox, 318
Barnum, P. T., 157
Barr, Art, 352–53
Barthes, Roland, 16, 94, 302, 369, 371
battles royal, 57, 122, 122n9, 160, 187, 232. See also Royal Rumble
Bauer, Theobaud, 109–10
Beefcake, Brutus “The Barber,” 230
Benedict, Dirk, 172–73
Benoit, Chris, 105, 288, 349–51, 353–59, 357n11, 363–67, 365n16
Benoit, Nancy, 364
Big Boss Man, 183, 223, 297–303
Big Daddy, 227
Big Show, 321n2, 345, 360, 361n14
Billington, Tom “Dynamite Kid,” 228–35, 228n1, 301n6, 353, 354
Birdman, 137. See also Ware, Koko B.
Bischoff, Eric, 73, 196, 260, 266, 269n20, 271, 333–34, 357, 357n12
Blade Runners, 207–8, 250
Blanchard, Tully, 92, 102, 214
Blassie, “Classy” Freddie, 38, 40, 159–60, 168n3
Blue Blazer, 305–7, 308, 310–11
Bockwinkel, Nick, 86n4, 94, 102, 117, 239
Body Slam (1986), 172, 174
Booker, Larry, 312
Booker T, 140, 153, 191, 356
Borga, Ludvig, 327–28
Borne, “Maniac” Matt, 204, 285, 285n3
Bowser, Paul, 21–22, 24, 26, 289
boxing, 10, 19, 19n13, 22, 133, 185, 287
Boyer Wolfe, Janet, 317–18
“The Brawl to End It All,” 61, 120, 171
Brazil, Bobo, 40, 134, 145
British Bulldogs, 228–32, 235
Brody, Bruiser, 75, 91–98
Brown, Bad News, 138, 183
Brown, Orville, 36, 37, 315
Browning, Jim, 370
Bruggers, Bobby, 102
Bundy, King Kong: and Jones (S. D.), 126; and Jones (S. D.), 128–30; and large wrestlers, 320; and the Road Warriors, 203–4; and Savage, 179; and Smith (Davey Boy), 230; and Wrestlemania Era, 119, 121; and Yokozuna, 326
Burke, Mildred, 56–57
Burns, Martin “Farmer,” 11–12, 11n4, 14, 18
The Butcher, 156. See also Andre the Giant
Cactus Jack, 278, 317. See also Foley, Mick
Calaway, Mark. See The Undertaker
Calhoun, Haystacks, 227, 320, 326
Carpentier, Edouard, 38, 156–57
casket matches, 313, 324, 324n8, 325
“Catch As Catch Can” (Markey), 25
catch wrestling, 9, 19
Cena, John, 191, 272, 347, 348
chain wrestling, 118
Chyna, 277, 359
Clark, Brian, 287
Colon, Carlos, 97–98
Colter, Zeb, 97n2, 295
Comiskey Park, 13, 41, 138
Conan the Destroyer (1984), 160
contract disputes, 345–48
Copani, Mark, 293–94
Cornette, Jim, 202–3
Corporate Ministry, 274, 345–46, 347
Coralluzzo, Dennis, 262
Costello, Al, 213–15
Couture, Randy, 328
Crockett, David, 102
Crockett, Jim, Jr., 46, 47, 261–62
Crockett, Jim, Sr., 36
Crush. See Adams, Brian “Crush”
The Crusher, 214
Culkin, George, 86–87
Curley, Jack, 14, 21, 27–28
Curry, Bull, 94
Daivari, Shawn “Khosrow,” 293–94
Daley, Arthur, 20
Dallas Sportatorium, 68, 74, 74n3, 75, 78, 80
Darsow, Barry, 284, 292
Death, Dr., 88–89
DeBeers, Colonel, 138, 146n3
Del Rio, Alberto, 295
Demolition, 2, 163, 203, 207–9, 214, 281–84, 299
D-Generation X (DX), 224, 265–66, 277, 303, 310
Diamond Lil, 62
DiBiase, Ted “Million Dollar Man”: and Andre the Giant, 162; and Big Boss Man, 300–301; and Hart (Owen), 312; and Hennig, 245; and Junkyard Dog, 146; and Miss Elizabeth, 195; and race issues in wrestling, 139; and the Road Warriors, 209, 212; and Savage, 183; and West Texas State, 92; and WWF title, 3–4
Dick the Bruiser, 94, 135, 205, 214
Diesel, 253, 263
Dingo Warrior, 190, 219, 250
Dixon, Bill, 115, 117
Dixon, Dory “The Ebony Giant,” 133
Douglas, Shane, 262, 264
Dreamer, Tommy, 126n1, 264, 303
Drozdov, Darren, 211
drug use: and Benoit, 362, 364; and Billington, 231; and “Crush” Adams, 285–86, 288; and deaths in wrestling, 371; and Gordy, 89; and Guerrero, 358, 363; and Hall, 244n7, 245; and Pillman, 336–37; and Smith (Dave
y Boy), 233, 234; and the Von Erichs, 75, 76, 78; and the Wrestlemania Era, 116 See also human growth hormone; steroids
Dude Love, 278. See also Foley, Mick
Dudley, Bubba Ray, 361
Duggan, Jim “Hacksaw,” 152, 184–85, 242, 322
DuMont Network, 39–40, 70, 289
Duncum, Bobby, 111
Dundee, Jamie, 72–73
Dundee, “Superstar” Bill, 73, 250
Dusek, Rudy, 12
Dynamite Kid. See Billington, Tom “Dynamite Kid”
Eadie, Bill, 2, 282
Ebony Express, 140
Edge, 153, 199
Efraim, Conrad, 126. See also Jones, S. D.
Elephant Boy, 56
Elizabeth, New Jersey, 59
Ellering, “Precious” Paul, 202–3, 209
Ellison, Lillian. See Fabulous Moolah
Ellison, Pervis, 240
The Executioner, 89–90
Fabiani, Ray, 26
Fabulous Freebirds, 74–75, 78, 85–89, 138, 145, 206
Fabulous Kangaroos, 213–15
Fabulous Moolah, 53–62, 58n3, 120, 148, 171, 171n5, 341
Fall Guys (Griffin), 14, 369–70, 370–71
Fargo, Jackie, 151
Farhat, Ed “The Sheik,” 94–95
Fatu, 174
Fernandez, Manny, 92, 219
Finkel, Howard, 158
Flair, David, 73
Flair, Ric: and Andre the Giant, 164; and Benoit, 355; and Brody, 94; and competition between wrestling organizations, 260, 270; and Gordy, 85; and Hart (Owen), 313; and Hennig, 242; and McDaniel, 107; and Miss Elizabeth, 196; and Native American wrestlers, 102, 107; and nepotism in wrestling, 73; and Pillman, 329–30; and the “Plane Ride from Hell,” 244; and race issues in wrestling, 135; and Rude, 223; and Savage, 186, 187, 188; and the Von Erichs, 70, 75, 76, 76n4
Foley, Mick: and advertising, 191; and the Attitude Era, 276, 278; and competition between wrestling organizations, 264, 268; and Hart (Owen), 310; Hell in a Cell tumbles, 202; and labor disputes, 345; and real injuries, 317
“Foreign Menace” characters, 23–24, 327–28
Four Horsemen, 150, 196, 207, 332–33, 355, 357
Freebirds. See Fabulous Freebirds
French Angel, 50, 132
Frey, Kip, 260
Fuji, Mr., 103, 105–6, 142, 148, 285, 290–91, 320–23, 324n9
Funk, Dory, 92, 95, 101, 101n3
Funk, Terry, 92, 95, 149
Gagne, Greg, 72
Gagne, Verne, 41, 72, 117, 118, 239–40
Garvin, Jimmy “Jam,” 89, 102
Geigel, Bob, 36
The Genius, 241
geopolitics in wrestling, 289–95, 323–24, 327–28
George, Gorgeous, 40, 42, 49–53, 85, 188, 218, 222
George, Paul “Pinkie,” 36
Giant Baba, 89
Gilbert, Eddie, 337
“Girls Just Want to Have Fun” (video), 169, 173
Gleason, Jackie, 39, 166, 173
Gold Dust Trio, 18–19, 21, 35
Goldberg, Bill, 256, 270
Golden Era of wrestling, 9–31, 49, 166, 167
Goldust, 199, 276, 336
Gonzales, Giant, 50
Gonzales, Jose “the Invader,” 97–98
Goodish, Frank, 91, 92–94
Gordon, Tod, 261
Gordy, Ray, 90
Gordy, Terry “Bam Bam,” 75, 78, 83–90
Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling (GLOW), 63, 63–64
Gotch, Frank, 11–13, 13n7, 29, 31, 49
Grable, Judy, 59, 61n8
Graham, “Superstar” Billy, 70, 75, 104, 116, 118, 203, 270
Gray, George, 139
Greco-Roman wrestling, 9
Greek mythology, 11, 51–52, 158, 160
Greensboro Coliseum, 81
Griffin, Marcus, 14, 369–70
Guardian Angel, 371
Guerrero, Chavo, Jr., 352, 357, 357n12, 360, 362–64, 366
Guerrero, Eddie, 349–55, 357–61, 357n12, 363–64, 363n15, 366–67
Guerrero, Vickie, 199, 352
Gulas, George, 72
Gulas, Nick, 72
Gunkel, Ray, 312–13, 318
Hackenschmidt, George “the Russian Lion,” 12–13, 30–31, 50, 131–32
Haft, Al, 36
Haku, 152, 163
Hall, Scott, 239, 244, 253, 263, 282n1, 286, 340
Halme, Tony, 328
Hansen, Stan, 92–93, 162n3
hardcore style, 94–95, 220, 264, 334, 350, 361
Harlem Heat, 140, 210
Harrell, Jim, 292
Harris, Houston, 134. See also Brazil, Bobo
Hart, Bret: and Adams (“Crush”), 286, 287; and advertising, 191; and the Attitude Era, 277; and Benoit, 356; and competition between wrestling organizations, 266–67; family background, 307; and geopolitics in wrestling, 291; and the Hart family, 308–9; and Hennig, 241; and labor disputes, 348; and Native American wrestlers, 108; and Owen Hart’s death, 313–14; and Pillman, 335; and Smith (Davey Boy), 228, 233; title matches, 233n11; and Yokozuna, 322
Hart, Bruce, 234
Hart, Gary, 93
Hart, Jimmy, 219
Hart, Martha, 313–14
Hart, Owen, 153, 233–34, 305–14, 337
Hart, Stu, 65–66, 86n3, 133, 144, 213, 307, 330
Hart Foundation, 182, 210, 230–31, 283, 307–10, 336
Hassan, Muhammad, 293–94
Hayes, Lord Alfred, 126, 156
Hayes, Michael “P. S.”, 74–76, 84–88, 90, 138, 145–46, 244
Hebner, Dave, 3, 162, 253
Hebner, Earl, 3–4, 162, 253, 267
Heenan, Bobby “The Brain”: and Andre the Giant, 2–3, 160, 161, 163; and competition between wrestling organizations, 259; and Gordy, 86n4; and Hennig, 242; and “King” titles, 152; and Pillman, 332; and Prime Time Wrestling, 237–38; and race issues in wrestling, 139; and Rude, 219, 220; and the Wrestlemania Era, 119; and wrestling weddings, 198; and Yokozuna, 323
Heffernan, Roy, 213–15
Hegstrand, Michael, 203–12. See also Road Warrior Hawk
Hellwig, Jim, 219, 250, 253–55. See also Ultimate Warrior
Henderson, Mort, 110
Hennig, Curt “Mr. Perfect,” 102, 206, 224–25, 237–46, 251, 319, 324
Hennig, Larry “The Axe,” 239
Hennig, “Mr. Perfect” Curt, 79
Henry, Mark, 138, 238
Herd, Jim, 208, 260
Hernandez, Gino, 76
Hernández, Jesús Javier “Oro,” 312
Heyman, Paul, 219, 261–62, 269, 330, 334, 354
Hillbilly Jim, 238, 242
Hofstadter, Richard, 181, 184, 189
Hogan, Hulk: and advertising, 190–91; and Andre the Giant, 158–62; and the Attitude Era, 276, 279; and Bash at the Beach event, 263; and Big Boss Man, 299; and Bundy, 230; and competition between wrestling organizations, 261, 270–72; and geopolitics in wrestling, 293–94; and Hennig, 239–41; and “Hulking Up,” 105, 118; and in-ring injuries, 313; and Jones (S. D.), 128; and Junkyard Dog, 144, 149; and Killer Khan, 1–2; and “King” titles, 152; and labor disputes, 347; and Miss Elizabeth, 195; and Native American wrestlers, 108; and New World Order, 263n12; and Pillman, 337; and Road Warrior Hawk, 203; and Rock ‘n’ Wrestling, 171; and Savage, 180, 182–84, 183n3, 184n4; and stereotypes in wrestling, 148; and traded storylines, 146n4; and the Ultimate Warrior, 249, 251–55; and the WCW, 323n6; and women’s wrestling, 61; and the Wrestlemania Era, 115, 117–22, 117n2, 125; and Yokozuna, 322–23, 322n4
Hollywood Blonds, 329–30, 332, 335
Honky Tonk Man, 182, 182n2, 195, 251
Hornet, Harry, 166
Houy, Clint, 102
The Howard Stern Show, 342, 346
Hulette, Elizabeth Ann “Miss Elizabeth,” 179–80, 184, 193–97
Hulk Hogan’s Rock ‘n’ Wrestling (cartoon), 61n9, 148–49, 160, 172, 173–74
human growth hormone, 233–34, 337, 364–65
Hussane, Yussif “The Terrible Turk,” 17–18, 17n10, 50, 131
Iaukea, “King” Curtis, 105, 151–52
Idol, Austin, 206
Indian wrestling, 9
Inoki, Antonio, 158
Intercontinental Championships, 79, 233, 242, 251
The Invasion, 270–71, 286, 341
Irish collar-and-elbow wrestling, 9
Iron Claw, 76
Iron Sheik, 50, 103, 118–20, 132, 204
Ivory, 62
Jardine, Don, 110–11
Jares, Joe, 25
Jarrett, Jeff, 256, 306, 310
Jarrett, Jerry, 46, 72, 144, 218, 240, 250
Jericho, Chris, 357, 359
Jim Crockett Promotions, 88, 120–22, 139, 218–19
jobbers, 70, 115, 127–29, 297, 328–29, 340
Johnson, Bearcat, 145
Johnson, Dwayne. See “The Rock”
Johnson, Rocky, 136, 145
Jonathan, Don Leo, 40, 157
Jones, Paul, 219
Jones, Roosevelt, 126
Jones, Rufus R., 126
Jones, S. D., 125–30
Jones, “Soul Train,” 139
Junkyard Dog, 104, 119–20, 125, 136–38, 143–50
Justice, Sid, 249
Kado, Emiko, 312
Kai En Tai, 142
Kamala the Ugandan Giant, 50, 95, 136, 204
Kane, 199, 278, 287
Kanyon, Chris, 339–44, 347
Kaufman, Andy, 72
kayfabe: and Albano, 170, 173; and Brody, 96; and competition between wrestling organizations, 263, 267; defined, 15; and Kanyon, 343; and Killer Kowalski, 316; and Owen Hart’s death, 313; and Sullivan, 355–56; and Yokozuna, 324
Kelly, Kelly, 347
Kennedy, John B., 24
Khan, Killer, 1–2, 159
Khruschev, Krusher, 292
Kiel Auditorium, 81
King, Sonny, 105
King of the Ring tournaments, 149, 152–53, 275, 322
Kirk, Malcolm “King Kong,” 312
Klucsarits, Chris, 340
Kohler, Fred, 39, 40, 41
Koloff, Ivan, 167, 291
Koloff, Nikita, 218, 292
Kona Crush, 284–85
Konnan, 141, 357–58
The Squared Circle: Life, Death, and Professional Wrestling Page 34