A Long Howl Good Night

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A Long Howl Good Night Page 3

by Delilah Devlin

  Again he wondered why she fought so hard to harden her expression. Something had happened to her, made her what she was. Before the weekend was over, her secrets would belong to them. Her enemies would be theirs. Whoever had frightened her, forcing her to seek this life as a solution to her baser needs, would pay.

  Chapter Three

  Aila ruthlessly willed her body to stop trembling. Jack’s dominance, his strength, had frightened her. Not because she thought he might hurt her, but because she’d loved the way he’d handled her.

  All while they’d fucked, there’d been a subtle underlying battle going on. One she knew she’d lost. She’d begged him.

  At the last, she’d shoved him away because she wanted more than anything to tumble to the bed with him still inside her. She’d missed the sting of his barb, which would have locked them together no matter their inclination, removing her ability to resist him. She’d wanted to keep him deep inside her body with his arms wrapped tightly around her.

  However, solace wasn’t something she could ever accept from a wolf. Already marked, her heart was forever off-limits to another of her species.

  Jack lifted his hand toward her face, and she ducked away from it, but he grabbed her shoulder, bracing her against the headboard and tucked a finger under her chin to raise it.

  She kept her eyes closed, feeling his gaze sweep her expression, hoping she was doing a better job hiding what she felt than she thought. This was only supposed to be about the sex. The two wolves had no business wanting inside her head.


  Her face crumpled for just a moment then she forced it into a mask and slowly opened her eyes.

  Jack’s blue gaze was troubled, a frown dissecting his dark, hooded brow.

  “Jack.” Kynan’s voice jarred her.

  Jack’s chest lifted and he let go of her, backing off the bed. Only then did his gaze release hers. He padded toward the bathroom door.

  She let out a sigh of relief.

  “He has that effect on a lot of people,” Kynan said dryly. A half-smile curved his mouth, but his gaze was just as curious. “How about we go for a run?”

  Surprised by his suggestion, she didn’t demur when he offered his hand to help her from the bed.

  “There’s a trail around back that leads to a high meadow. We’ll be there before he’s done with his shower.”

  His conspiratorial grin pulled a smile from her.

  Silently, they crept through the house and out the front door. On the porch, they both shook out their fur. The change reminded her of the first time she’d felt the pull of the moon and how frightened she’d been as she shifted.

  She’d learned to relax, learned to relish the relief and the freedom, but still she was slower to shift than he was, the process delayed by her subconscious resistance and lingering fears.

  Bones and gristle crackled as they reformed. She fell forward, landing on paws, and just as quickly her mind let go of who she was and she became a she-wolf, shivering with energy ready to be spent.

  The male, all golden-brown bristles and long, smiling snout, nosed under her tail to breathe in her scent. His tongue licked her sex once. Then he bumped his shoulder against her side and lunged past her.

  She leapt off the porch, following closely as he led her along a narrow trail into thick forest.

  Moonlight, broken by the canopy above them, silvered the bushes. The scent of crushed leaves and pine needles beneath them cleared the smell of human sex from her nostrils.

  They ran, necks stretched, paws thudding in the dirt, curving along the trail until it opened onto a grassy field. At the edge of the clearing, the male paused, shook his fur and transformed. Reluctantly, she did the same.

  “What do you think?”

  “It’s beautiful,” she said, feeling awkward now that they were in humanskin and standing naked in the moonlight.

  “There’s a stream that cuts through the meadow. Hear it?”

  She cocked her head and smiled. “I’m thirsty.”

  He grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze then led her to the bank of a gurgling stream where she eagerly knelt. The water was cool, and she gasped when she splashed it at her face.

  He knelt beside her, seeming completely unselfconscious of the fact they were both nude.

  Aila couldn’t forget. Not when his body was so well-formed—deep shadows defining the muscle that cloaked his frame. She wanted to be nonchalant, but the moonlight was working its magic, which to her had always felt more like a curse.

  Heat surged deep inside her, warming her skin, prickling her nipples.

  He sniffed, and his gaze honed in on her expression. “If you’d rather wait…”

  “This is what we’re here for, isn’t it?”

  Kynan pushed back her hair, tucking it behind her ears. A tender gesture that made her soften and sway toward him. When he kissed her, she sank against his chest, letting him enfold her inside his embrace. He held her gently, as though she were precious—not just a whore he’d paid for—and for just a second, she wished she’d been mated with someone like him when her time had come to breed.

  He broke the kiss first. “You moaned.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “I liked it. Too much.” She could have bitten her own tongue for adding that last thought.

  His smile flashed white in the moonlight. “I must be getting better at it.”

  A gust of laughter surprised her, and she reacted with a bite. “It’s okay with me if you’d like to fuck me now.”

  He sucked in a sharp breath and his expression cooled. “I suppose we should get down to business.”

  “’I’m sorry.” Again, she’d blurted exactly what she’d thought. She shook her head. What was going on with her?

  He held her chin and pressed a quick kiss against her mouth. “How about I let you do whatever you want with my body—whatever pleases you?”

  She studied his face, looking for clues that he was joking, that he might pounce into action at any moment, but he held himself perfectly still. “Are you really a wolf?”

  “Maybe I’m just a little more evolved. Or maybe, I want you to find your happiness.”

  “That’s not what you’re paying for.”

  “I haven’t spent a penny on you, sweetheart.”

  Just then, he’d sounded like his brother. However, unlike anything she would ever expect of Jack, Kynan lay back, straightening his legs and shoving an arm beneath his head. His pose was submissive, his expression relaxed.

  She’d had human lovers who’d handed her the reins. She knew what to do, but she wasn’t sure how she felt about this. Was she disappointed he hadn’t been more assertive? How crazy was that? Especially when she’d been so resentful of his brother’s heavy-handed approach.

  “Anything you want,” he said softly.

  Left with a choice, she floundered.

  He reached for her hand, brought it slowly toward his cock and wrapped her fingers around his shaft. “What do you want?”

  With her fingers gripping his head, she licked her lips. “I want you to fuck my mouth.”

  Kynan smiled. “Not what I expected, but I’m only too happy to oblige. You sure that’s what you want?”

  I want to be taken. But this time she kept that thought to herself. “Just get up,” she grumbled.

  When he stood in front of her, his cock level with her mouth, he curved his thumb around her lower jaw and gently pried open her mouth. When his cock butted against her lips, she rounded them, closing her eyes, and sighed as he thrust inside.

  She didn’t want to think. Didn’t want to see the questions in his eyes. She knew she was acting out of character with them both, but the brothers had kept her feeling off balance ever since Jack had first swung open the door. They were everything she expected from a couple of pack males and yet, not.

  They made her want things she’d given up a long time ago.

  Still, the feel of his thickness, shafting her mouth was familiar and str
angely soothing. The smell of him, clean pine and male musk was pleasant, seductive in its own right. Different from Jack’s stronger musk.

  His hand covered the top of her head, fingers digging into her hair.

  She pulled off him to catch her breath and began to lick the length of him in long, doglike laps, root to tip, using her tongue to discover the soft ridges of the veins underlying his skin, to seek out the flange surrounding the head of his cock, to slide into the narrow eyelet hole.

  Her hands caressed his length, sliding in the moisture she’d left, pumping up and down his shaft as she explored.

  “Damn, Aila,” he breathed.

  “Like that?” she asked, giving him a sly wink.

  “What man wouldn’t?” When she cupped his balls and gently massaged them, his breathing deepened again, and he began to thrust through her closed fist. “Fuck!”

  She kissed the cap and moved away, sprawling on her back and opening her legs. She raised her knees, let them fall apart then spread her folds with two fingers. “You said anything,” she drawled. “I want your tongue right here.”

  One corner of his mouth quirked up and his expression turned instantly wolfish. Falling to his knees, he moved closer, gliding his hands over her inner thighs, calluses scraping the tender flesh and raising goose bumps.

  She thrust her middle finger inside herself and then held it out to him,

  He clasped her hand, bringing the finger toward his mouth, and sucked it inside, his tongue swirling to clean it.

  An exaggerated moan made her giggle. Something she rarely did. “You’re an idiot.”

  “I’m horny. I can’t pretend to be cool.” He bent over her and lapped at her folds, dragging the tender skin then sliding between to prod her entrance. “I’m going to fuck you hard,” he said, not raising his head. “You okay with that?”

  “Does that mean I don’t get what I want anymore?”

  He glanced up, an eyebrow arching. “That’s not what you want?”

  She grunted. “Yeah, it is. Just hurry.”

  “Bossy woman.” He came over her, his cock riding the top of her mons and digging into her belly. The weight of him was one long, heavy tease.

  He cupped her face and kissed her, trailed his lips along her jaw then licked downward. “We haven’t had these pretty tits yet, sweetheart. Jack usually drools buckets over a nice pair.”

  “Not an image I wanted in my head,” she murmured.

  “Told you, I’m too horny to be cool.” He latched on to a nipple and tugged it with his lips.

  Aila clamped her thighs around him and rocked. “God, that feels so good,” she groaned.

  He bit the tip of the nipple then licked a path across to the other straining peak. His hand plumped up her breast, a thumbnail scraping the bud. “You’re beautiful. Every part of you.” He paused as if he wanted to say more. Instead, he gave a slight shake of his head and rooted at her breast again.

  She tensed—afraid he was going to ask her the big question. Why didn’t she want to live inside a pack? When he plied her breast so sexily, she couldn’t think of the reasons, just knew she’d had many.

  He rooted and pulled, stretching the nipple and letting it go. Then he smiled down at her. “I hear something. Do you?”

  She cocked her head and listened. Paws crunched in pine needles and crisp leaves. “That shower didn’t last very long,” she drawled. “Want to give him a reason to growl?”

  Kynan chuckled and straightened. “Get on your knees, bitch.”

  When she rolled and lifted her bottom, he gave her a playful slap then centered himself and plunged deep.

  Aila gasped, her back melting downward, arching to thrust her pelvis higher. His stroke didn’t start tentatively or gently, it plunged hard through tender tissue, crowding into her just as nicely as his brother had.

  Fuck, she liked the feel of these boys. Liked the length and girth that drilled into her.

  A deep growl sounded from beside them, and Aila turned her head to watch a large black wolf approach, his head lowered toward the ground, his teeth bared.

  She lifted her own teeth and gave him a rumble, but couldn’t put any real strength behind it because Kynan’s thrusts were quickening, and her pussy was clamping hard around him. The first rhythmic convulsion left her gasping, and she panted, her face still turned to the dark wolf.

  His fur shook and his form shimmered and transformed, leaving Jack on his hands and knees beside them. “Got busy while I was out of the room, I see,” he said, his tone dark and deep.

  “Got busy?” Kynan’s laugh sounded strained as he plunged harder. “Hold. That. Thought. Fuuuck!”

  Hot, thick cum spurted inside her, and Aila’s chest hit the ground, her face landing in the dirt. She’d just missed her own orgasm but didn’t think she’d have to wait long for satisfaction, not the way Jack was staring.

  His dark, hooded eyes glared, promising retribution.

  And Lord help her, she wanted his punishment. Wanted him to be firm with her.

  As Kynan’s movements slowed, she locked gazes with Jack, challenging him silently to take charge.

  Jack held himself still although his entire body vibrated with need. He’d caught their scent where they’d leapt off the porch, and he’d kept his nose close to the ground all along the path through the forest.

  He’d known before he saw them what they were doing. The scent of her arousal was strong, wafting in the midnight air.

  His Wolfen body had quickened, imagining his mate’s body covered by another, and he’d wanted to sink his fangs into his brother’s backside when he’d seen him pounding into Aila’s sweet cunt.

  The man, however, was willing to wait, to seduce her into surrendering everything.

  He knew he’d thrown her off balance the way he’d gone after her at the cabin. He hadn’t given her space to erect any barriers, had shredded the confidence she wore like a wolf’s pelt. Something didn’t add up. She fell apart, seemed eager to be taken, to be forced, but when the sex was over, she withdrew.

  Again he swore he’d find out what had happened in her past to make her wary of submitting to a male.

  Kynan blew out a deep breath and shook his head, slinging sweat. He backed away from Aila, and she curled toward the ground, resting on her side but still facing him, not letting him out of her sight.

  Smart woman. Jack rose and stepped toward her, his feet braced apart. Her gaze fell to his cock, semi-erect and rising upward.

  Her eyelids dipped, and he knew if he covered her now she’d open her legs and let him slide right inside, but he wanted more than compliance. He wanted her desperate for what he could give her.

  He eyed his brother and lifted a brow.

  Kynan pushed to his feet and strolled toward the stream.

  Jack leaned down and plucked her from the ground then forged his own path through the brush. Alone with her, he walked into the center of the stream and lowered her until the cool water surrounded her. He ignored her startled gasp. “Wash his scent from your thighs.”

  She sat in the water, her hands disappearing in front of her. All while she washed, her gaze didn’t leave his. He liked how edgy she was. His control was ground to an equally sharp blade. One he planned to use to slice through her reserve.

  When she began to rise, he shook his head. “Wash your mouth too.”

  Her gasp was loud. Her eyes narrowed angrily. But she scooped water into her hands to rinse her mouth. She tilted back her head. “Anything else?” she ground out.

  Jack stroked his cock once then stepped toward her. “Seeing as how you went down on Kynan, I want the same pleasure.”

  Her lips closed, forming a thin angry line.

  He shook his head, grasped her hair behind her head and cupped her jaw, pinching at the corners to force it open. Then he thrust his cock at her mouth. “Bite and I promise you won’t sit for a week.”

  When he bumped her lips, her eyes glittered with anger, but her nostrils flared. Her chest r
ose as she drew his scent. Just that quickly, stark need tightened her features.

  Thanking the full moon, he tugged his fingers from her hair and cupped her jaw, giving her tenderness this time as he rubbed his thumbs over the taut edge. “Let me fuck your mouth, Aila. Take off the edge. Then I promise I’ll give you everything you want.”

  Chapter Four

  Jack watched the battle she waged inside herself reflected in her forest-colored eyes. She wanted to surrender. He could smell the need. Still, she resisted going down easy. As if her history had programmed her to fight. He promised himself that when he and Kynan had her collared they’d all have a long talk.

  “Open,” he said, softening his voice.

  As her mouth slowly opened, her eyes gleamed with unshed tears.

  He pushed forward. Her tongue stuck out and licked the tip of his cock. Just a taste, and then she gave in to the urge riding her. She closed her eyes and suctioned on him, pulling him into the warm haven of her mouth.

  Jack soothed her cheeks, combed her hair, crooning as she took him deeper. Slowly, he began to pump his hips, gliding in and out of her hot mouth. “That’s it, baby. That’s it. Fuck, that feels good,” he whispered.

  She came up higher on her knees and clutched his hips, centering him, then wrapped her long fingers around his shaft and stroked him up and down. She held her head still as his thrusts quickened, pulling with her lips, moaning around him as she worked him with her mouth and her hands.

  When he was close, he pushed her back and bent to pull her into his arms. On the soft, muddy bank, he lay down, bringing her over him, helping her open her thighs and settle onto his cock. Then he cupped her inner thighs, gliding fingers to stroke her outer lips as she took him, tugging her curls to open her, using his thumbs to rub her hard little clit.

  She bent over him, her hands clutching his shoulders. They both watched as her cunt swallowed him down then released him as she rose. His cock was tight, full to bursting, and he didn’t think he’d ever enjoyed watching a woman fuck him as much as he did Aila.

  He glanced up and caught a slight smile curving her mouth. “What’s so funny?” he growled.


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