A Long Howl Good Night

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A Long Howl Good Night Page 6

by Delilah Devlin

  “Good.” He kissed her cheek and stroked her hair. Then he closed his eyes and turned off his pride. “It’s supposed to be hard, isn’t it? Falling in love?”

  She grew still inside his embrace. “It is for me,” she whispered.

  “It hasn’t been a stroll in the park for me either.”

  She pushed from his chest, and her teary green gaze searched his face. “Don’t lie to me because you know it’s what I want to hear.”

  He grunted. “I don’t say anything I don’t mean.”

  Her gaze fled again, this time landing on Kynan, who stepped up beside Jack, standing shoulder to shoulder. “We’ll love you. Cherish you, Aila. You’ll be our wife, the mother of our cubs. I said it before, you won’t want for anything. That’s my promise.”

  The door swooshed open behind them. “We’re all loaded up, Aila. Are you coming?”

  Aila shoved out of Jack’s arms and turned toward Samantha, whose tight face reflected her disapproval. “I think…” She took a deep breath before continuing. “I’m staying.”

  Samantha’s hard expression softened for a moment, and then just as quickly she aimed a hard glance at Jack. “I’m still charging your card.”

  A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. “Charge me double. It’s worth it.”

  Samantha grunted then slammed the door closed.

  Kynan laughed. “I think she grunts as fluently as you do, Jack.”

  Aila gave a tear-thickened chuckle. “I don’t think anyone’s ever defied her before.”

  Kynan’s gaze went to the window as Samantha climbed into the dark SUV parked in front of the porch. “She’s tough. But she’s a she-wolf, and if I don’t miss my guess, she’s a breeder, Jack.”

  Jack lifted his nose and scented the air. There it was. That hint of the divine. Something to store away for when they met with the elders again.

  His gaze landed on Aila, who stood awkwardly, hugging her stomach again. He didn’t like that she looked unsure of herself. As if she expected things to change just because she’d given herself to them.

  He snagged her hand and pulled her close. Looking down his nose, he gave her a glare. “You’re on the Pill, aren’t you?”

  Her chin shot up. “What’s it to you?”

  He almost smiled at the automatic bite in her tone. “That’s okay. You can decide when you want to be a mother. But you don’t get to decide what to do next.”

  “And what would that be?”

  He cupped his cock, which was already stirring, filling. Then he glanced down, pulling her glance with his. “Your mouth, sucking me dry.”

  Another chuckle rattled through her. “I take it back, that’s the most disgusting thing you’ve said to me.”


  She wrinkled her nose. “No, but I like that you know exactly what to say to raise my fur.”

  “What about me?” Kynan muttered.

  Jack wrinkled his nose. “You need a bath.”

  “So does she. Think they all don’t know exactly where my dick was?”

  Aila groaned then laughed. “Stop. You’re embarrassing me.”

  “You can still blush?”

  She hit Kynan’s shoulder.

  “I didn’t say that because you were a pro.”

  “Oh.” Her cheeks turned a lovely rose. “Sorry, I guess it will take a while to get used to the way you two talk about sex.”

  “Your human boyfriends never talked dirty?” Jack asked, getting happier by the minute as color seeped back into her face.

  “There weren’t many. And no, they were polite.”

  “Which was why they couldn’t satisfy you, baby.” He leaned down and kissed her hard. When he raised his head, satisfaction filled his chest with warmth. Her expression was dazed but happy. Her lips blurred, her eyes misty.

  “How ’bout let’s all shake out our fur?” he rumbled.

  “Wanna howl at the moon?”

  “With you, baby, only with you.” He tugged the end of the sheet, rolling her out of her toga, enjoying her laughter as she spun a couple more steps then halted against Kynan’s chest.

  Kynan’s expression held a note of uncertainty. His jaw worked, muscle flexing as a scowl drew his brows together.

  Aila’s gaze softened. She patted his cheek. “How lucky am I? I get two men to molest the breath out of me.”

  His forehead sank against hers. His eyes squeezed shut.

  Jack gave them their tender moment, but when it stretched, he reached for her hand and pulled. “Let’s run.”

  Maybe his brother wasn’t sure about how he felt and worried that they’d grow away from him. He wasn’t going to worry about Kynan’s heart. The joy in Aila’s face told him exactly how she intended this to work.

  She let Jack pull her away, but she snagged Kynan’s hand. “Let’s all run.”


  With a shake of her head, Aila Mack tousled her curls then gave her mouth one last swipe of lipstick. Nothing spelled “horny” quite like cherry-red lipstick and a skirt so short a sneeze would show off the half-moons of her ass.

  She smiled at her reflection then tugged down the bottom hem of the tight-fitting baby tee she’d pulled on over her bare breasts. A little tweak of her headlights to make them pout and she sauntered down the hallway.

  The guys were due home from work any moment now. Jack had called from his cell on his way home from the station house. Deputy Jack had been delayed with a traffic stop that had turned into a DUI. Kynan had rung from his car to let her know he’d just finished showing a property to a new client with his real estate firm and was running a little late.

  She didn’t feel the slightest bit guilty about the fact she’d slept away most of the day while they’d been working hard to keep her in the comfortable circumstances she’d grown accustomed to. Being spoiled rotten by two wolves bent on lavishing their mate with so much attention she’d never regret saying “I do” was something she’d gotten used to in a hurry. Just the thought of how they’d “lavished” her body the night before made her body quicken with desire.

  Anticipating all the nasty things she’d beg them to do tonight, she smoothed her palms over breasts and down her belly.

  “Uh-uh,” came a sexy warning as long, strong fingers ringed her wrists. “No cheating.”

  “I was just warming them up,” she said, snuggling her bottom against Jack as he pulled her closer.

  He dropped her wrists and slid a hand beneath her skirt. Calloused pads glided along her nude folds. “Baby’s wet, Kynan.”

  Footsteps padded nearer. Kynan stepped in front of her, loosening his tie, his liquid brown gaze dropping to where Jack was pushing up her skirt in front. He knelt, stirred his nose in front of her pussy and breathed deeply. “Oh yeah, she’s wet.”

  His tongue glided between her honey-slicked lips and stroked her.

  Aila purred. Not a sound a wolf should make, but they didn’t seem to mind as they caressed and kissed her—Jack’s lips claiming her neck, his hands slipping beneath her shirt to massage her tender breasts. Kynan growled and latched his lips around her clitoris while his wicked fingers slid deep inside her.

  Her knees growing weak, she reached over her head, clamping her hands behind Jack’s neck to steady herself.

  Jack kissed her shoulder, tugged away her arms then rucked up her shirt and sent it flying. Kynan gave her clit a smacking kiss then ducked from beneath her skirt to undo the button at the waistband and skim it down her hips.

  Naked, the way she preferred to stay when they were alone, she stepped away from them both, shook her hair and let her inner beast give a challenging rumble that vibrated through her chest.

  Jack’s mouth quirked up on one side.

  Kynan’s eyebrow arched. “Guess dinner’s gonna wait.”

  Aila grinned and shook out her fur, the transition almost instant. She no longer feared the change. No longer worried about the loss of intellect or self-control because both men had spent the last months
proving the promises they’d made her were ones they meant to keep. Forever.

  Swishing her tail, the she-wolf turned to watch her mates fly out of their clothes. Before they shook their fur, she leaped past them, running toward the front door that was conveniently open. She streaked down the wooden porch, over the freshly mowed lawn and down the sidewalk that led toward the center of town.

  She stretched out her gait, running hard for the grassy park in the town square, passing the police station and the officers heading to their squad cars who stopped to wave and laugh as their gazes rose beyond her to the two males who raced behind her.

  One last burst of speed and she rounded the gazebo in the center of the square then streaked toward the pond. She had an affinity for water. Liked to roll in the cool mud along the bank.

  Her snout was dipping into the pond, her tongue lapping thirstily when the first male, the dark wolf, ran up beside her and nipped her flank. When his golden brown brother sniffed beneath her tail, the black growled.

  All their aggressive posturing was in play. They yipped and barked, circling her, nudging her with their chests, their lupine smiles telling her how happy they were with the game.

  Aila shook, pulled her humanskin around her and lay back, resting on her elbows while the boys shifted in a lovely shimmer of light.

  “You had to run past the station house,” Jack grumbled, reaching for her hip and laying his head on her belly.

  She combed her fingers through his coal-dark hair. “Admit it. You love it when I lead you on a chase. Gives you a chance to play Big Bad Wolf. I bet you paused just long enough to growl at every single one of them as you passed by.”

  Jack’s chest shook against her thigh.

  Kynan sat beside her, a knee pulled toward his chest. “Something on your mind, sweetheart? You only run when you’re feeling anxious.”

  They knew her so well, had made it their quest to understand her moods, her desires, her fears. Sometimes, when she overheard them comparing notes about what they’d learned, she wanted to cry. They loved her enough to try to figure her out.

  And she’d made it her life’s mission to please them. Including forgoing her birth protection two months ago. Not that she’d let them know. She still felt as if she had to keep some secrets to protect her heart. However, the armor she’d encased that muscle inside for so long had completely shattered today.

  She glanced down at Jack, who’d come to his elbows so he could study her expression. A frown dug a deep line between his brows.

  Kynan’s expression was softer. A small smile curved his mouth.

  She reached down, placed a hand on Jack’s strong shoulder and laid the other inside Kynan’s open palm. Wrinkling her nose because their scrutiny made her nervous, she blurted, “I’m pregnant.” Then she jutted her chin defiantly while she held her breath.

  Jack grew still, his hard expression unchanging, and then his chest billowed around a deep breath. His head bent. His lips pressed soft kisses against her belly.

  Relieved, she glanced sideways at Kynan, who squeezed her hand.

  “Are you happy, Aila?”

  Tears filled her eyes, causing his face to waver. He thumbed them away and bent to kiss her mouth. “Are you, sweetheart?”

  She nodded, a smile trembling on her lips. “Thank you. Thank you, both.”

  Jack scooted up her body and encircled her with his arms. His head sank against her shoulder. “Sugar, don’t thank us. You’re everything to us. The reason we jump out of bed, eager to begin every day. Our reason to hurry home every night. We love you.”

  Kynan nodded. “I love you,” he said quietly. “You’re sunshine and moonlight, and we don’t mind the occasional shadows.”

  She hugged Jack close to her but kept her gaze locked with Kynan. “I wish…”

  “We know,” Jack said, kissing her breast. “We wish we’d been your first. That you’d never been hurt. But you’re here now. We won’t let you ever regret placing your trust in us.”

  With Jack’s heavy, muscled body blanketing her, heat stirred in her core. The tip of his cock nudged her folds. Her legs moved restlessly beneath his, and his gaze sharpened, turning from tender to predatory in an instant. “Kynan, why don’t you make a loop around the square. Make sure we don’t have any company.”

  Kynan chuckled. “Why don’t you?”

  “Because I beat you there.” He growled, his cock slowly inching up her channel.

  “It’s a good thing she’s a hungry bitch,” Kynan muttered, pushing to his feet and strolling away.

  Aila grinned up at Jack, who seemed fascinated by her mouth. She stroked her tongue over her lower lip, teasing him. His cock dug deeper, harder. Still cradling her torso, he began to rock inside her.

  Aila glanced up at the moon and the stars peeking through the interlocking branches above them. She’d never felt this content, this happy. “Jack?” she whispered.

  “Yes, sugar,” he said, his hips quickening.

  “Make me howl.”

  About the Author

  Delilah Devlin dated a Samoan, a Venezuelan, a Turk, a Cuban and was engaged to a Greek before marrying her Irishman. She’s lived in Saudi Arabia, Germany and Ireland, but calls Texas home for now. Ever a risk taker, she lived in the Saudi Peninsula during the Gulf War, thwarted an attempted abduction by white slave traders and survived her children’s juvenile delinquencies.

  Creating alter egos for herself in the pages of her books enables her to live new adventures. Since discovering the sinful pleasure of erotica, she writes to satisfy her need for variety—it keeps her from running away with the Indian working in the cubicle beside her!

  In addition to writing erotica, she enjoys creating romantic comedies and suspense novels.

  Delilah welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email address on her author bio page at www.ellorascave.com.

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  Also by Delilah Devlin

  Altered States: Unleashing the Tiger

  Arctic Dragon

  Bad, Bad Girlfriend

  Desire: Garden of Desire

  Desire: Prisoner of Desire

  Desire: Slave of Desire

  Ellora’s Cavemen: Jewels of the Nile I anthology

  Ellora’s Cavemen: Legendary Tails III anthology

  Ellora’s Cavemen: Seasons of Seduction I anthology

  Ellora’s Cavemen: Tales from the Temple III anthology

  Frannie ‘n’ the Private Dick

  Fun With Dick and Jayne

  Jacq’s Warlord with Myla Jackson

  Jane’s Wild Weekend

  Lion in the Shadows


  My Immortal Knight: All Hallows Heartbreaker

  My Immortal Knight: All Knight Long

  My Immortal Knight: First Knight

  My Immortal Knight: Knight of My Dreams

  My Immortal Knight: Love Bites

  My Immortal Knight: Relentless

  My Immortal Knight: Silver Bullet

  My Immortal Knight: Uncovering Navarro

  Raw Silk

  Ride a Cowboy

  Silent Knight

  Sin’s Gift

  The Pleasure Bot

  Witch’s Choice

  Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple award-winning publisher Ellora’s Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC on the web at www.ellorascave.com for an erotic reading experience that will leave you breathless.




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