Card, Orson Scott - Ender's Saga 1 - Ender's Game

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Card, Orson Scott - Ender's Saga 1 - Ender's Game Page 19

by Orson Scott Card

  "Move!" shouted Ender.

  They moved. Two at a time the shield-pairs went through the door, backwards so that the shield would be between the shooter and the enemy. The enemy opened fire at once, but they mostly hit the frozen boy in front. In the meantime, with two guns to work with and their targets neatly lined up and spread flat along the wall, the Dragons had an easy time of it. It was almost impossible to miss. And as the throwers also jumped through the door, they got handholds on the same wall with the enemy, shooting at a deadly angle so that the Salamanders couldn't figure out whether to shoot at the shield-pairs slaughtering them from above or the throwers shooting at them from their own level. By the time Ender himself came through the door, the battle was over. It hadn't taken a full minute from the time the first Dragon passed through the door until the shooting stopped. Dragon had lost twenty frozen or disabled, and only twelve boys were undamaged. It was their worst score yet, but they had won.

  When Major Anderson came out and gave Ender the hook, Ender could not contain his anger. "I thought you were going to put us against an army that could match us in a fair fight."

  "Congratulations on the victory, commander."

  "Bean!" shouted Ender. "If you had commanded Salamander Army, what would you have done?"

  Bean, disabled but not completely frozen, called out from where he drifted near the enemy door. "Keep a shifting pattern of movement going in front of the door. You never hold still when the enemy knows exactly where you are.

  "As long as you're cheating," Ender said to Anderson, "why don't you train the other army to cheat intelligently!"

  "I suggest that you remobilise your army," said Anderson.

  Ender pressed the buttons to thaw both armies at once. "Dragon Army dismissed!" he shouted immediately. There would be no elaborate formation to accept the surrender of the other army. This had not been a fair fight, even though they had won -- the teachers had meant them to lose, and it was only Bonzo's ineptitude that had saved them. There was no glory in that.

  Only as Ender himself was leaving the battle room did he realise that Bonzo would not realise that Ender was angry at the teachers. Spanish honour. Bonzo would only know that he had been defeated even when the odds were stacked in his favour; that Ender had had the youngest child in his army publicly state what Bonzo should have done to win; and that Ender had not even stayed to receive Bonzo's dignified surrender. If Bonzo had not already hated Ender he would surely have begun; and hating him as he did, this would surely turn his rage murderous. Bonzo was the last person to strike me, thought Ender. I'm sure he has not forgotten that.

  Nor had he forgotten the bloody affair in the battle room when the older boys tried to break up Ender's practice session. Nor had many others. They were hungry for blood then; Bonzo will be thirsting for it now. Ender toyed with the idea of going back to take advanced personal defence; but with battles now possible not only every day, but twice in the same day, Ender knew he could not spare the time. I'll have to take my chances. The teachers got me into this -- they can keep me safe.


  Bean flopped down on his bunk in utter exhaustion -- half the boys in the barracks were already asleep, and it was still fifteen minutes before lights out. Wearily he pulled his desk from its locker and signed on. There was a test tomorrow in geometry and Bean was woefully unprepared. He could always reason things out if he had enough time, and he had read Euclid when he was five, but the test had a time limit so there wouldn't be a chance to think. He had to know. And he didn't know. And he would probably do badly on the test. But they had won twice today, and so he felt good.

  As soon as he signed on, however, all thoughts of geometry were banished. A message paraded around the desk:


  The time was 2150, only ten minutes before lights out. How long ago had Ender sent it? Still, he'd better not ignore it. There might be another battle in the morning -- the thought made him weary -- and whatever Ender wanted to talk to him about, there wouldn't be time then. So Bean rolled off the bunk and walked emptily through the corridor to Ender's room. He knocked.

  "Come in," said Ender.

  "Just saw your message."

  "Fine," said Ender.

  "It's near lights out."

  "I'll help you find your way in the dark."

  "I just didn't know if you knew what time it was--"

  "I always know what time it is."

  Bean sighed inwardly. It never failed. Whenever he had any conversation with Ender, it turned into an argument. Bean hated it. He recognised Ender's genius and honoured him for it. Why couldn't Ender ever see anything good in him?

  "Remember four weeks ago, Bean? When you told me to make you a toon leader?"


  "I've made five toon leaders and five assistants since then. And none of them was you." Ender raised his eyebrows. "Was I right?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "So tell me how you've done in these eight battles."

  "Today was the first time they disabled me, but the computer listed me as getting eleven hits, before I had to stop. I've never had less than five hits in a battle. I've also completed every assignment I've been given."

  "Why did they make you a soldier so young, Bean?"

  "No younger than you were."

  "But why?"

  "I don't know."

  "Yes you do, and so do I."

  "I've tried to guess, but they're just guesses. You're-- very good. They knew that, they pushed you ahead--"

  "Tell me why, Bean."

  "Because they need us, that's why." Bean sat down on the floor and stared at Enders feet. "Because they need somebody to beat the buggers. That's the only thing they care about."

  "It's important that you know that, Bean. Because most boys in this school think the game is important for itself-- but it isn't. It's only important because it helps them find kids who might grow up to be real commanders, in the real war. But as for the game, screw that. That's what they're doing. Screwing up the game."

  "Funny. I thought they were just doing it to us."

  "A game nine weeks earlier than it should have come. A game every day. And now two games in the same day. Bean, I don't know what the teachers are doing, but my army is getting tired, and I'm getting tired, and they don't care at all about the rules of the game. I've pulled the old charts up from the computer. No one has ever destroyed so many enemies and kept so many of his own soldiers whole in the history of the game."

  "You're the best, Ender."

  Ender shook his head. "Maybe. But it was no accident that I got the soldiers I got. Launchies, rejects from other armies, but put them together and my worst soldier could be a toon leader in another army. They've loaded things my way, but now they're loading it all against me. Bean, they want to break us down."

  "They can't break you."

  "You'd be surprised." Ender breathed sharply, suddenly, as if there were a stab of pain, or he had to catch a sudden breath in a wind; Bean looked at him and realised that the impossible was happening. Far from baiting him, Ender Wiggin was actually confiding in him. Not much. But a little. Ender was human and Bean had been allowed to see.

  "Maybe you'll be surprised," said Bean.

  "There's a limit to how many clever new ideas I can come up with every day. Somebody's going to come up with something to throw at me that I haven't thought of before, and I won't be ready."

  "What's the worst that could happen? You lose one game."

  "Yes. That's the worst that could happen. I can't lose any games. Because if I lose any--"

  He didn't explain himself, and Bean didn't ask.

  "I need you to be clever, Bean. I need you to think of solutions to problems we haven't seen yet. I want you to try things that no one has ever tried because they're absolutely stupid."

  "Why me?"

  "Because even though there are some better soldiers than you in Dragon Army -- not many, but some -- there's nobody who can think better and fast
er than you." Bean said nothing. They both knew it was true.

  Ender showed him his desk. On it were twelve names. Two or three from each toon. "Choose five of these," said Ender. "One from each toon. They're a special squad, and you'll train them. Only during the extra practice sessions. Talk to me about what you're training them to do. Don't spend too long on any one thing. Most of the time you and your squad will be part of the whole army, part of your regular toons. But when I need you. When there's something to be done that only you can do."

  "These are all new," said Bean. "No veterans."

  "After last week, Bean, all our soldiers are veterans. Don't you realise that on the individual soldier standings, all forty of our soldiers are in the top fifty? That you have to go down seventeen places to find a soldier who isn't a Dragon?"

  "What if I can't think of anything?"

  "Then I was wrong about you."

  Bean grinned. "You weren't wrong."

  The lights went out.

  "Can you find your way back, Bean?"

  "Probably not."

  "Then stay here. If you listen very carefully you can hear the good fairy come in the night and leave our assignment for tomorrow."

  "They won't give us another battle tomorrow, will they?"

  Ender didn't answer. Bean heard him climb into bed.

  He got up from the floor and did likewise. He thought of a half dozen ideas before he went to sleep. Ender would be pleased -- every one of them was stupid.

  Chapter 12 -- Bonzo

  "General Pace, please sit down. I understand you have come to me about a matter of some urgency."

  "Ordinarily, Colonel Graff, I would not presume to interfere in the internal workings of the Battle School. Your autonomy is guaranteed, and despite our difference in ranks I am quite aware that it is my authority only to advise, not to order, you to take action."


  "Do not be disingenuous with me, Colonel Graff. Americans are quite apt at playing stupid when they choose to, but I am not to be deceived. You know why I am here."

  "Ah. I guess this means Dap filed a report?"

  "He feels paternal toward the students here. He feels your neglect of a potentially lethal situation is more than negligence -- that it borders on conspiracy to cause the death or serious injury of one of the students here."

  "This is a school for children, General Pace. Hardly a matter to bring the chief of IF military police here for."

  "Colonel Graff, the name of Ender Wiggin has percolated through the high command. It has even reached my ears -- I have heard him described modestly as our only hope of victory in the upcoming invasion. When it is his life or health that is in danger, I do not think it untoward that the military police take some interest in preserving and protecting the boy. Do you?"

  "Damn Dap and damn you too, sir, I know what I'm doing."

  "Do you?"

  "Better than anyone else."

  "Oh, that is obvious, since nobody else has the faintest idea what you're doing. You have known for eight days that there is a conspiracy among some of the more vicious of these 'children' to cause the beating of Ender Wiggin, if they can. And that some members of this conspiracy, notably the boy named Bonito de Madrid, commonly called Bonzo, are quite likely to exhibit no self-restraint when this punishment takes place, so that Ender Wiggin, an inestimably important international resource, will be placed in serious danger of having his brains pasted on the walls of your simple orbiting schoolhouse. And you, fully warned of this danger, propose to do exactly--"


  "You can see how this excites our puzzlement."

  "Ender Wiggin has been in this situation before. Back on Earth, the day he lost his monitor, and again when a large group of older boys--"

  "I did not came here ignorant of the past. Ender Wiggin has provoked Bonzo Madrid beyond human endurance. And you have no military police standing by to break up disturbances. It is unconscionable."

  "When Ender Wiggin holds our fleets in his control, when he must make the decisions that bring us victory or destruction, will there be military police to came save him if things get out of hand?"

  "I fail to see the connection."

  "Obviously. But the connection is there. Ender Wiggin must believe that no matter what happens, no adult will ever, ever step in to help him in any way. He must believe, to the core of his soul, that he can only do what he and the other children work out for themselves. If he does not believe that, then he will never reach the peak of his abilities."

  "He will also not reach the peak of his abilities if he is dead or permanently crippled."

  "He won't be."

  "Why don't you simply graduate Bonzo? He's old enough."

  "Because Ender knows that Bonzo plans to kill him. If we transfer Bonzo ahead of schedule, he'll know that we saved him. Heaven knows Bonzo isn't a good enough commander to be promoted on merit."

  "What about the other children? Getting them to help him?"

  "We'll see what happens. That is my first, final, and only decision."

  "God help you if you're wrong."

  "God help us all if I'm wrong."

  "I'll have you before a capital court martial. I'll have your name disgraced throughout the world if you're wrong."

  "Fair enough. But do remember if I happen to be right to make sure I get a few dozen medals."

  "For what?"

  "For keeping you from meddling."


  Ender sat in a corner of the battle room, his arm hooked through a handhold watching Bean practice with his squad. Yesterday they had worked on attacks without guns, disarming enemies with their feet. Ender had helped them with some techniques from gravity personal combat -- many things had to be changed, but inertia in flight was a tool that could be used against the enemy as easily in nullo as in Earth gravity.

  Today, though, Bean had a new toy. It was a deadline, one of the thin, almost invisible twines used during construction in space to hold two objects together. Deadlines were sometimes kilometres long. This one was just a bit longer than a wall of the battle room and yet it looped easily, almost invisibly, around Bean's wrist. He pulled it off like an article of clothing and handed one end to one of his soldiers. "Hook it to a handhold and wind it around a few times." Bean carried the other end across the battle room.

  As a tripwire it wasn't too useful, Bean decided. It was invisible enough, but one strand of twine wouldn't have much chance of stopping an enemy that could easily go above or below it. Then he got the idea of using it to change his direction of movement in midair. He fastened it around his waist, the other end still fastened to a handhold, slipped a few meters away, and launched himself straight out. The twine caught him, changed his direction abruptly, and swung him in an arc that crashed him brutally against the wall.

  He screamed and screamed. It took Ender a moment to realise that he wasn't screaming in pain. "Did you see how fast I went! Did you see how I changed direction!"

  Soon all of Dragon Army stopped work to watch Bean practice with the twine. The changes in direction were stunning, especially when you didn't know where to look for the twine. When he used the twine to wrap himself around a star, he attained speeds no one had ever seen before.

  It was 2140 when Ender dismissed the evening practice. Weary but delighted at having seen something new, his army walked through the corridors back to the barracks. Ender walked among them, not talking, but listening to their talk. They were tired, yes -- a battle every day for more than four weeks, often in situations that tested their abilities to the utmost. But they were proud, happy, close -- they had never lost, and they had learned to trust each other. Trust their fellow soldiers to fight hard and well; trust their leaders to use them rather than waste their efforts; above all trust Ender to prepare them for anything and everything that might happen.

  As they walked the corridor, Ender noticed several older boys seemingly engaged in conversations in branching corridors and ladder ways; some
were in their corridor, walking slowly in the other direction. It became too much of a coincidence, however, that so many of them were wearing Salamander uniforms, and that those who weren't were often older boys belonging to armies whose commanders most hated Ender Wiggin. A few of them looked at him, and looked away too quickly; others were too tense, too nervous as they pretended to be relaxed. What will I do if they attack my army here in the corridor? My boys are all young, all small, and completely untrained in gravity combat. When would they learn?

  "Ho, Ender!" someone called. Ender stopped and looked back, It was Petra. "Ender, can I talk to you?"

  Ender saw in a moment that if he stopped and talked, his army would quickly pass him by and he would be alone with Petra in the hallway. "Walk with me," Ender said.

  "It's just for a moment."

  Ender turned around and walked on with his army. He heard Petra running to catch up. "All right, I'll walk with you." Ender tensed when she came near. Was she one of them, one of the ones who hated him enough to hurt him?

  "A friend of yours wanted me to warn you. There are some boys who want to kill you."

  "Surprise," said Ender. Some of his soldiers seemed to perk up at this. Plots against their commander were interesting news, it seemed.

  "Ender, they can do it. He said they've been planning it ever since you went commander."

  "Ever since I beat Salamander, you mean."

  "I hated you after you beat Phoenix Army, too, Ender."

  "I didn't say I blamed anybody."

  "It's true. He told me to take you aside today and warn you, on the way back from the battle room, to be careful tomorrow because--"

  "Petra, if you had actually taken me aside just now, there are about a dozen boys following along who would have taken me in the corridor. Can you tell me you didn't notice them?"

  Suddenly her face flushed. "No. I didn't. How can you think I did? Don't you know who your friends are?" She pushed her way through Dragon Army, got ahead of him, and scrambled up a ladder way to a higher deck.


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