No Turning Back (Full Circle)

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No Turning Back (Full Circle) Page 20

by Peeler, Casey

  When Scandal is over, I make my way back to my room, and Georgia is right behind me.

  “Hey Char, you got a minute?”

  “Sure. What’s up?” She looks at me like I’ve got to be kidding.

  We go in my room and I fill her in on what exactly went down. We both know that things are getting serious with Dylan and everyone involved.

  “Here’s my question, Charley. Who do you think is behind all this here at Southern? Who does Dylan have on his team?”

  That is a question I have been trying to answer for weeks, and I think Georgia and I are about to be on the exact same page.

  “The only things I know for certain are that it has to be someone that was with Joe this weekend. I really hate to think one of his friends or teammates is in on it, but there is no other option. We talked about that when we met for lunch yesterday.”

  “Alright, so now what? It’s not like we can sneak in the guys’ dorms and plant cameras or watch them in the locker room. Let’s make a list of who all was in the mountains and then let’s see what Joe can tell us.”

  I pick up my phone and text Joe.

  Me: Can u come over?

  Joe: Yes, u ok?

  Me: Yes

  While Georgia and I wait for Joe, I call Cash to tell him what we are thinking. He agrees that we need to narrow down who might be involved. I also inform him of the exhibition meet in two weeks. Of course, he plans on coming, and I’ve even talked him into going to Hank’s that night! I can’t wait!

  Joe texts me he is outside, and I go let him in. Georgia waits for me in my room, and when he gets there, I think he’s caught off guard.

  “Dang girls, you trying to gang up on me?” We just smile, and I motion for him to hurry up and sit down.

  “Okay, Joe, here’s the deal.” Georgia states very authoritatively, which is totally not in her character. “We know the snitch was with you in the mountains. If we narrow that list down, we can figure out who is behind the shit happening here at Southern.”

  “Yeah, Georgia, I thought we had that part figured out already?” Joe glances at me. Cash, Joe and I had discussed that at lunch, but hadn’t acted on it yet. Georgia isn’t giving us any time. She’s taking control, and I’m so glad that a girl’s in charge for once.

  Joe, Georgia and I make a list of everyone that was there. They are all lacrosse players except Joe’s roommate, Paul. We pretty much mark him off the list. He has access to Joe, but there is no connection to anything relating to Dylan when we Google/Facebook/Twitter search him.

  When we search the team members, Mark, Trey, Chris, Jacob, Maddox, and Holden, we get nothing. I look at Georgia and Joe, and I think they feel like I do. Defeated. I decide to call Cash to see if he can do some digging at home.

  “Hey, Cash Money! I need you to do some digging or better yet… talk to Dustin.” I put him on speaker.

  “You got it, Char-coal! What are the names and what you know ‘bout them. I’ll see what I can do.”

  “Thanks, Money! I love you!”

  “I love you too, and Joe, in two weeks, Charley’s mine at Hank’s.” The room falls silent, and Georgia makes some silly comment to lighten the mood.

  “Alright boys, no need to fight over me. There’s enough songs at Hank’s to go ‘round!” We all laugh, but there is still tension in the air. I hang up with Cash and Joe, Georgia, and I are back to square one while we wait for Cash to do some digging.

  We decide to call it a night. Georgia goes to her room, and I can see from the look on Joe’s face he’s not going anywhere. I set my alarm and crawl into bed. Joe’s arms surround me, and I fall asleep.

  I wake up to my alarm making that annoying sound. I nudge Joe and tell him he has to go to practice like I do as well. He gives me a hug bye and sneaks out the door. I grab my flops and bag, and out the door I go.

  Georgia and Tori meet me in the hallway, and we all look like we could use another hour of sleep or maybe a few hours of sleep. We know once we hit that cold water, we will be awake.

  Practice goes relatively quickly. I take a shower, grab a bite to eat in the café and head to Biology. Even if it is at 8 a.m., it’s not too bad. It’s Monday, so I know that Joe will be waiting on me to walk to class with Dr. Cope. We have decided to cash in that trip to Quail Hollow this Friday.

  Dr. Cope wants to know how everyone’s break has been, how projects are going, and if anyone is ready to present. Really? Of course, Dork 1 & Dork 2 are ready to present. Joe and I look at each other and sit back and listen. I write Joe a note.

  We are going to be ready to present by Monday! That would mean 1 less class! :)

  Joe looks at me and totally gets what I’m saying. One less class = more free time. This means that my week will be practice and finishing this project. When Dr. Cope dismisses class, I walk out with Joe.

  “Hey, Joe, we don’t have many more hours left to finish. You think we could do those tomorrow and maybe Wednesday? Then we can put the project together Thursday and Sunday?”

  “Squirrel, you are after my own heart. Oh wait, that was when you mentioned Quail Hollow!” He smirks.

  I lock my arm through his and we walk across campus. Joe makes a quick call to the special purpose school and we are set for the week. The biggest question is how are we going to present? I’m going to have to think on that one.

  We make our way back to Kluft, and I go upstairs. I know I’ll see him later near the gym. I go into my room and start to create our presentation. I want something that is fun and exciting, not a freakin’ power point! I’m thinkin’ an iMovie would be perfect.

  I break out my MacBook and begin to work on what we have so far. I have pics from the zoo, ballgame, special purpose school, and I can add the ones from Quail Hollow Sunday. This is going to be awesome… now if I could just finish those facts. I take a moment and pull the facts out of my notebook. Let’s see if I can finish them before practice.

  Joe’s Unique Facts:

  1. Scares easily

  2. Grew up with his parents, but moved in with his grandparents his Sr. year.

  3. Has played lacrosse since he was 5, but his first love was golf

  4. Can do a toe touch

  5. Made straight A’s his entire high school career (must be nice)

  6. Trustworthy

  7. Respectful

  8. Great dancer

  9. Puts others before self

  10. Protective of things/people he loves

  Well, I guess that does it. I still feel like my list is empty. I feel like I’m missing a big part of him. I want to mention Lucy, but I’m afraid that will cross a line. I decide to leave that out. Now if only I can find a song for the background. I glance at my watch and realize that I’m about to be late for practice. I hit save on the computer and out the door I go. I need to hurry, especially when I realize that Tori and Georgia have already left. I can’t believe they didn’t knock on my door!

  The rest of the week is uneventful. Practice, work on project, volunteer and repeat. I call Piper’s brother, and we have the tee time set up for Friday. It’s only for nine holes, but hey, Joe can’t argue with that.

  On Thursday after practice and class, Joe and I decide to finish everything but the golf pics. I still have yet to come up with the background music. Joe comes over to my room and I show him what I have completed.

  “Hey, Squirrel, what if we do a little intro of each of us before we get started. Like pics from back in the day or something. I really want to talk about Lucy.” This makes me smile. I wanted to include her, but didn’t know if he wanted to or not. I must be cheesing because Joe just looks at me.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Nothing, you just look like you heard the best news ever. What’s up with that?”

  “I wanted to talk about Lucy, but didn’t know if you wanted to. I think it’s a great idea.”

  We add pictures of Lucy, us when we were younger, and even our top ten lists are entered. Now to decide on music.

“Hey, Squirrel, I was thinking that if we could do like two different songs. One for you and one for me.”

  “Alright. Whatcha thinkin’?

  Joe gets a goofy grin and I know this can’t be good.

  “So, for me I was thinking something real hip hop and for you I was thinking “Country Girl Shake it for Me”!” I waste no time and throw my pillow at him.

  “How the heck do you know that song?”

  “Well, when I heard Cash’s ringtone and I found out it was Luke Bryan, I had to find out what’s got all you girls tore up!” Just so he knows, he can’t find out what has girls tore up about Luke Bryan ‘cause he ain’t a girl!

  “You are not right! Did you know that!?”

  He just giggles. “On a serious note, I was thinking we should use a country song. I came across this one and it made me think about how everybody’s different, and if we didn’t have that, the world would be boring.”

  He’s definitely got my attention on that one. I can’t wait to see what he’s picked out. I cross my arms and look at him waiting. I am totally unprepared by what plays on his iPhone.

  “How about Miranda Lambert’s “All Kinds of Kinds”?” I sit there in silence. That has to be the least likely song I would ever thought Joe would pick, but it’s perfect. Not to mention it’s one of my favorites.

  “It’s perfect. That song says it all. I think that especially with our volunteer project it’s perfect!”

  There is no need to buy that song on iTunes because I already have it downloaded, so I insert it into the video.

  “You do realize that once we have this finished we will only have to go to class on Monday to watch everybody else?”

  “Exactly the reason we are presenting Monday!”

  “See that’s why you are my favorite girl on campus, even if you do like unique animals,” Joe says as he drapes his arm around my shoulder.

  “At least you don’t refer to them as roadkill anymore! How about let’s find something for supper and watch a movie. I’m starved!”

  We eat supper from Wendy’s then watch a little of a movie on FX. Joe has decided to let me sleep alone tonight. We have been together all afternoon, and I honestly think he wants some male bonding time. As much as I hate to admit it, since we aren’t together, I need to let him see what else is out there because sitting in here with me all the time isn’t going to help him.

  Friday morning I wake up to that awful alarm clock as usual. I meet Georgia and Tori in the hall and we make our way to practice. On the way there it is awfully quiet. I know we are half asleep, but usually someone says something. I finally decide to break the silence.

  “So, anybody got plans for tonight? Other than chillin’ on the stoop?”

  “Nope, that sounds like that is it, but I heard something about you going to play golf at Quail Hollow tomorrow,” Tori smirks. “But I sure didn’t see Jackalope Joe sneaking out of Kluft for practice this morning.”

  “Yeah, we are going to play golf, and yes, I slept alone.”

  She looks at me like she typically does… not believing a word I’m saying. I believe she thinks that just because Joe stays in my room almost every night that something is going on.

  “Listen girls, Joe and I have an understanding. I like him. He’s like make your-eyes-wanna-melt sexy, but no we aren’t doing anything, I swear!”

  “Well, if you’re not, I’m about to try to get a piece of that!” Tori states with confidence.

  For it to be so early and the silence earlier, Tori can go from asleep and irritated to her spunky self in less than a second. We get out of the car and I notice Joe when I walk in. He throws his hand up and waves before going to the weight room. We make our way to the locker room and then to the pool. Practice isn’t as bad as earlier in the week. Coach has been hard on us, but I think she knows when it’s time to relax just a little bit.

  Once practice is over, we shower, eat breakfast in the café, and then I go to Biology as usual. Once class is over, I make a mad dash back to my dorm room to change and get ready to play golf. No, I do not play golf, but I do love to drive a golf cart. I have decided what to wear, and knowing that I do not have one item in my closet that fits the country club look, I knock on Tori and Anna’s door. Anna can dress and her daddy takes her to play golf all the time when she is home. I don’t think she ever plays though. She answers the door and I go in. I give her a rundown of what I’m looking for and within five minutes I’m getting ready.

  I have to hurry so that we can make the drive and tee time at eleven. I take the white Ralph Lauren golf looking pants and a pink three-quarter length Ralph Lauren golf shirt and laugh to myself. Whoever would have thought? I slide on my pants and then the shirt, apply my makeup and straighten my hair. It’s starting to get cool out so I grab a lightweight jacket just in case. I glance in the mirror and am glad I did. I totally forgot that you can’t wear bright panties with white pants! I make that quick change and walk down the hall to meet Joe at his Jeep.

  I walk out the dorm and see Joe standing there. He has gone from cute surfer guy to hot country club golfer on a stick! He is propped against his Jeep with his arms folded wearing a pair of plaid black golf pants, a bright green polo shirt and scally cap with a frayed mohawk top. Whoever thought a golf hat could be so stinkin’ cute! He is the complete package. If only he had an argyle vest, it would be perfect!

  I walk to the passenger side as Joe comes to open the door for me. He cranks up the Jeep and we make our way to Quail Hollow. The drive isn’t too long, and there isn’t much scenery. The drive takes about forty-five minutes. I start to get a little anxious the closer we get. I am definitely not a country club girl, and I have never been one to put on the dog.

  As we turn onto Gleneagles Road, I begin to see green everywhere I turn. It is beyond gorgeous even though a leprechaun might have thrown up here. I am in complete awe of this establishment. I understand why Tiger and any other golfer would want to play here. The Jeep turns into the drive, and we make our way through the pavilion of trees covering the road. It honestly makes me feel like I’m in a movie where you are about to drive up to a big plantation or something. Ohmygosh! It is exactly like a plantation. I see a gigantic white house with four columns, doors and windows all the same height and a circular drive at the front of the club. It feels like a southern girl’s fairytale… just call me Scarlett. Joe parks the car at the entrance and the valet attendants take it. We walk in the large wooden door to check out the place. Immediately, I am overwhelmed by the beauty and obvious money that is within these walls. The carpet is a deep royal blue, the walls are made of solid oak and the fireplace is rocked from floor to ceiling.

  “Squirrel, come on. It will be here when we get back.”

  I pull myself from my thoughts and follow Joe to the golf shop. We check in, grab a score card, and wait for the golf cart.

  When the golf cart arrives, I jump in the driver’s seat. There is no way I’m letting him have all the fun. We make our way to the first tee, and I shank it to the right big time. Joe falls over laughing then realizes we have an audience. He quickly pulls himself together and hits the ball straight towards the green. I am no golfer but do have fun and actually have a pretty good score.

  After the ninth hole, we return in the golf cart and I see Piper’s brother waving. Joe and I walk over to thank him before heading back to campus. We walk back out of the club and to the Jeep. As we drive back down the long driveway, I can’t help but imagine what it would be like to live a life like this. Today, I’m almost certain this is the type of life that Joe was accustomed to before his family lost Lucy.

  Joe and I have a talkative ride back to campus. In fact, it’s mostly Joe doing the talking. I can honestly say this is the best surprise I could have given him.

  When we pull into campus, it’s getting close to supper time. I give Joe a hug before I go to my room and tell him I’ll see him later tonight. I have no idea what the Kluft girls have planned, but I’m sure it involves b
ooze, music, guys, and a good time. Before I can focus on tonight, I have to get out of these clothes and shoes.

  I walk into my room and change into what I love to wear, jeans and a long-sleeve t-shirt. I pull my hair up and plop down on my bed to watch a little TV before figuring out what to do tonight. I turn on Food Network and about doze off when I get a text from Cash.

  Cash: Hope golf was great

  Me: It was, should have seen my outfit lol

  Cash: I bet, totally not u

  Me: I know :) any news from Dustin?

  Cash: Not yet, Tessa and him are getting close though I’ve seen him with her a lot

  Me: thanks! Love u!


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