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Starfall Page 3

by Chris Doverspike

  I tightly grasp my weapon as I walk toward the Academy. It’s quiet out here at night, not a single soul walks the campus. A huge change from the usual cluttered walkways. I can see the starships from here, lining up along the front of the academy, shining as the moon reflects off of them. There are three guards out tonight, with their eyes peeled and weapons in hand. I’m dressed in all black, trying my best not to attract any attention. My usual long locks are balled up inside of a wool beanie hat. I’m crouching as I scurry through campus, the guards haven’t even taken a second look in my direction.

  I make my way toward the building. As stealthily as I can, I search the perimeter, checking entrances along the way without finding a single one that’s unlocked. I notice an instructor unlock a door, he’s carrying a box with him, I peak around the corner, waiting patiently for him to enter the building. As quietly as possible, I run and catch the door before it closes. I make sure the instructor is out of view before entering the building.

  At night the halls are dimly lit by the lights hanging off the walls, the marble floors don’t shine nearly as much as they do when the brightness of the overhead lights hit them. I notice the pictures hanging on the walls alongside the lights. Up and down the hallway, there are pictures of legendary captains of all different eras. Seeing these men and woman immortalized like this, and even though I’m doing what I am, I still want to see mine up there one day. To be remembered for something great, the memory will go on and resonate in future generations who might become inspired to do something great because of the accomplishments achieved by those before them.

  I always ask myself if I’ll be remembered when I’m gone. As of right now who’s going to remember me? These questions resonate with me, they always will. An instructor nearly spots me; I was lost within my thoughts for longer than I should have been. Luckily her attention was directed toward her personal VI. I duck around the corner, not daring to look around it out of fear that I’ll be spotted. I grasp my weapon tightly; Dreading what I might have to do. I breath as quietly as I possibly can, letting out short breaths. Footsteps approach from around the corner, this doesn’t sound like it’s going to end well. “Hey. Can I see you in my office?” A voice calls out from a not so distant room around the same corner as the footsteps were coming from. “Of course” The woman instructor insists. That was to close for comfort, it felt like my heart was sinking into my stomach. I patiently wait for the instructor’s footsteps to completely fade away before continuing through the halls.

  I make it to the control room. Is this really happening? Am I really going to pull this off? I’m so close I can taste it. There’s two guards sitting by the massive control panel. The two guards have their backs turned to the door, they are giving their full attention to the surveillance footage playing on the huge screen in front of them. The screen is so massive that it spreads across the entire front wall, every camera’s feed located on the campus seems to be on that screen. Neither one of them notices me as I enter the room.

  I slowly approach the first guard, and after a moment of hesitation I whack him in the back of the head knocking him unconscious. “What the hell are you…” I whack the second guard before he can finish his sentence. I’m shaking, fearing I might have killed these men. No, the impact was enough to knock them out for a bit, no way was it strong enough to do any real damage. I take a deep breath as I throw my pipe to the ground and grab the gun off the guard nearest to me.

  The amount of options on this VI are overwhelming. Ranging from Surveillance cameras, to the academy’s lighting. I search through the damned thing for longer than I want to before finally locating the option titled: personal vessel security. That’s the one! A password is requested upon activating the option. It reads: Enter security password. “Fuck me.” I say to myself, feeling defeated. Every moment that passes by is crucial right now. I hear grunting behind me, one of the guards is beginning to wake up. Thank god the blunt force of the pipe didn’t kill the guy. That wasn’t my intention, but something tells me he thinks otherwise.

  I grab his arm and bring him to his feet, my gun aimed at his chest. He’s still in a bit of a daze, but slowly becoming more alert. “Put the password into the VI.” I demand, he’s definitely alert now. “You’re a student here, aren’t you? What makes you think you can get away with this?” He asks, holding his ground surprisingly well. “Just do what I ask and no one gets hurt.” The guard stares at me for a moment before walking over to the machine and typing in the code. “Access granted.” Says the VI’s automated voice. “Now step away from the machine.” I demand, and he does just that. His attention turns to the second guard who’s beginning to come to.

  I fire one quick, and accurate shot, instantly knocking the second guard out cold. “You’re insane!” The guard thinks I fired a kill shot, which I didn’t. His ground he once stood is replaced by fear. “And you’re annoying” are my last words to this guy before I stun him. Time is of the essence now, I enter the numbers 22,34,66,99,12,56,66 into the VI. The huge computer screen above the interface shows a picture of the personal starship, and all the defenses and restrictions that are currently active. There’s at least thirty active defenses on just this ship alone. I’m given two options: Deactivate all restrictions at once, or manually select the ones I want to deactivate. A green light flashes the second I choose to deactivate all restrictions, “Action complete” The automated voice of the VI informs me.

  “Control, something isn’t right, Red 37’s restrictions have been lifted.” I look back, the voice is coming from both of the guard’s radios. “Control do you copy? I’m sending someone up.” The voice continues, but by that time I’m already getting the hell out of there. I backtrack the way I came, rushing through the halls like there’s no tomorrow. No instructors? Good. I wouldn’t want them getting in the way of a possible shootout.

  I’m near the exit door, the same one I snuck in here through. A gunshot flies toward me, missing my head by less than an inch. I don’t have time to process how lucky I just was; I need to keep moving. I burst through the exit doors, and instantly notice two guards approaching from my left side.

  I fire two shots at the guards as I make a run for it. What do I have to lose? If they’re going to stop me from doing this, I might as well make it challenging for them. I fire two simultaneous shots in the guards’ direction. The shots miss both guards but the combination of my running and shooting is enough to throw off their aim, allowing me to turn the corner. I can see the line of personal starships from here. Two guards standing near the personal vessels notice me and instantly fire their weapons, the lasers belting the ground under and around me. I manage to shoot and stun one of the guards, hitting her right in the abdomen. That leaves only one. I grab hold of the nearest starship; this has to be the right one. It’s in the exact same spot I parked it earlier

  The guard runs in my direction as I look inside the cockpit window. The dashboard VI reads: Restrictions active. Fuck! Why does everything have to be so complicated? They must have rearranged the ships after the cadets used them. Which one is it? They all look the same! I don’t have much time to think as the two guards I encountered before turn the corner and instantly notice me. I don’t hesitate to climb over the ship in an attempt to dodge their incoming fire. I can hear each shot bounce off the side of the personal starship, just missing me by a few inches.

  I make a run for it the second my feet hit the ground. The ships are farther apart than they look, or maybe it’s just because I’m being shot at right now. “She’s attempting to steal one of the ships, reactivate Red 37’s restrictions now!” I hear one of the guards’ scream over the radio.

  There’s not much time. I need to find my ship and get it out off the ground before the restrictions are reactivated. If not reactivated before the ship takes flight, it’ll be out of the computer’s range. This is why deactivating all restrictions was necessary, it basically frees the ship from the system. I’m closing in on the next personal starship in
line, I slide under it to avoid incoming gunfire. The guards are inching closer by the second. I’m using this starship as cover to avoid incoming fire, loud thuds are heard from the shots deflecting off the side of the vessel. I can see the dashboard through the glass covering the cockpit, it’s active! The timing couldn’t have been more impeccable.

  I open the glass covering the cockpit, ducking gunfire as I hop inside and quickly close the glass. I practically break my finger from bashing it down on the turn on option glowing green in the center of the VI interface. The ship instantly starts up; the engine lets out a roar like it just woke it up from a long nap. I push the acceleration lever forward as I pull back the directional lever in front of me. The ship quickly takes to the skies. I did it, I actually did it, I can’t believe it! Now here comes the best part. I look back at the guards who are waving their arms, begging me to come back as if I’m going to listen to them. I knew they’d be doing something along those lines. I flip them the bird, is it immature? Yes, but I don’t care.

  The dark skies might make the beauty of the skies less visible right now, but honestly, something about this trip through the clouds is more beautiful than any kind of scenery can possibly illuminate. As I travel from Alpha’s atmosphere to the darkness of space, I take one last look at the space station. It hurts to have to leave this way, I didn’t want to have to take it this far but I feel it was necessary. I have no regrets, no one died in the process which allows me to leave here with a clean conscious.

  Where should I go? The possibilities are endless right now. There are so many planets in the known galaxies. Hell even Nebula 9 seems endless, it’s huge. Without warp speed it would take years to explore this galaxy, lucky for me that won’t be a problem. With that being said I grab the acceleration and push all the way forward. I’m pulled back into my seat as my ship enters warp speed, that was unexpected, it feels like the pressure is going to turn my face inside out. The space in front of me becomes a complete whiteout. “Wooooo!” This is the beginning of a long, amazing journey.

  Chapter 3

  I descend upon Haven. A giant space station at the edge of the Nebula 9 galaxy. I’ve never had the pleasure of coming here but I’ve read about it in books from the Academy library. The chrome color of the station’s exterior shines brightly through the darkness of space, enough to see the station even if you’re miles away from it. Canons surround the perimeter of Haven but they are hidden within the station’s architecture, giving off an innocent appearance until it’s time to go on the offensive. When it comes to defense, Haven definitely isn’t shorthanded. It’s defense system is state of the art and impenetrable by any known weapons system. A shield developed through many years of research and development, it’s a force to be reckoned with.

  Haven is not only a marvel of architecture and technology, it’s also a staple of Human existence and our relationship with other races. Construction began in 2090, after the treaty of Rannoch was signed. Now Haven was designed as sort of a peace offering to other races, giving everyone in the known galaxies a place to rest, barter, and connect with other cultures throughout the universe. Haven quickly became a phenomenon, attracting different Alien races to its confines. But with the positivity it brought came the few who despised it.

  Since construction was completed in 2130, and even during its forty-year construction period there have been attacks from extremist organizations bent on destroying it without giving any warning, or explanation. The attacks were thwarted of course, but not without casualties in the process. In a way these unfortunate deaths were a positive occurrence, seeing as though the defense system was developed because of them. Since then, their attacks have ceased. Despite these negativities, Haven still flourished. It’s even become the location of the Galactic council, and the place where all political affairs are resolved.

  I pilot my ship through docking bay 31, which is massive. So big that thousands of personal vessels can park here without space being an issue. It’s nearly full, I’m lucky I’m able to find a spot to land. Wedging my ship between two others which look like they’re far more expensive than mine. Most of these vessels are part of much larger ones, which are docked on the exterior of Haven, and protected by the stations defense system of course. I can see most of the larger vessels through a giant glass window which surrounds the entire docking bay, making it seem like you’re standing in space while you’re in here.

  I open the glass covering the cockpit and hop out. I notice my gun sitting on the seat and contemplate taking it before finally doing so. I wedge the gun between the waist of my jeans and drop my shirt over it. It’s now invisible to the naked eye. I step through the exit and enter a long, blank hallway leading toward a window next to a doorway. “Hello Stella.” I hear an automated voice say to me once I reach the window. Shocking, I didn’t expect it to work this fast. “One moment please, we are currently conducting a background check. We appreciate your patience.” The automated voice continues.

  I stand here for at least five minutes, without hearing a single word out of this damned machine. “Hello?” I say while pounding on the window. “Please stand back. I am opening the door.” The machine finally tells me after what felt like forever. “Finally.” I say while happily backing away from the door. It begins to slide open. “You gotta be kidding me.” I respond in disdain at the sight of the five guards waiting on the other side of the doorway. Their guns are ready to fire at will. “Put your hands in the air now.” One of the Haven guards’ states with authority. There’s no way out of this, I’m obviously not getting passed five guards, especially with their guns aimed at my head. I’m going through possible escape scenarios in my head, and none of them end well.

  I raise my hands, believe me if there was another option, I’d have taken it in a heartbeat. One of the Haven guards walks up to me. He pats me down, finding my gun while doing so and confiscates it. He tosses the weapon to one of the other guards. “So what did I do?” I ask, trying to play dumb as the guard cuffs me. “Don’t act like you don’t know.” He sees through my bluff. “The ship you stole had a tracking device planted inside of it, the Academy informed us the second you landed on Haven. Did you really think you could get away with this?” There’s something about this guy, I just can’t take him seriously. “It’s just nice to hear they’re still thinking about me.” I respond without a second thought. He pushes me aggressively. The nerve of this guard, he has no idea how lucky he is that I’m in cuffs right now.

  I don’t even get a chance to see Haven, considering the holding area is located beyond the door at the security checkpoint. Full of a bunch of different species sitting at desks, typing away on their VIs. From Nim to Xero, it’s a pretty diverse place. I’m escorted through a door located directly left of the entrance. There is also a door straight ahead which I assume leads to Haven. “Can I at least see what Haven looks like? It’ll only take a second I swear!” It’s a long shot, but it doesn’t hurt to ask. The guard opens the cell door; he’s starting to get annoyed. “Shut up and get in the cell.” He aggressively shoves me into the cell. Just about everybody in the room turns and stares. “What the hell are you looking at!?” I scream as the cell door closes in my face.

  Great, just great. I come here wanting to see if Haven is everything the books say it is, but now I’m stuck in this holding cell and didn’t even get a chance to see the smallest glance of what’s beyond that door. Oh well, that’s the least of my problems now. I don’t know what charges I face, or what the future holds for me, but I know it’s not going to be pretty. My holding cell isn’t too bad, it’s well-lit and there’s a bed against the far wall. It doesn’t have a blanket, or sheets, but overall it’s not as uncomfortable as I thought it would be. I’m here for two days without hearing word of what’s going to happen to me, I’m waiting to be transferred to a large prison somewhere on an isolated planet in the outer rim of one of the known galaxies. Or something along those lines anyways.

  I stress myself out for four who
le days, unable to shake the lingering thoughts of being sent away forever. Maybe I’m over thinking but I can’t help it. The only contact I’ve had with anyone outside of this holding area is the guard that brings me my three meals a day. On my fifth day of being here I’m told I have a visitor. I stand up, ready to be escorted to some kind of interrogation room that contains nothing but a long table with a light above it, but I’m told to sit back down. My visitor is going to talk to me in here. It’s shocking to be honest considering I don’t really know anyone outside of the Academy. Well besides my aunt and uncle of course, but I doubt they came all the way out here to visit me. One of the guards come in and handcuff me, telling me it’s a safety precaution, yeah whatever. Once the guard leaves, the door closes behind her. I sit on my bed; waiting patiently for a few minutes before the solid white door slides open. Admiral Richards enters the cell; he glares at me angrily.

  “What the hell were you thinking?” Admiral Richards cold heartedly says to me. I remain seated on the bed while the Admiral sits on a chair at a short distance across from me. “Oh hey, it’s nice to see you to…” “Oh cut the crap Stella, why would you do something so stupid?” He asks me, frustrated and angry. “I had a dream and you stole it from me, so I stole something from you.” I reply nonchalantly. “I wasn’t going to send you up there before you were ready. And stunts like this make my decision seem like it was the right one.” The Admiral is confident of his decision but shockingly he’s become less angry as he was when he first walked in here.


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