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Starfall Page 8

by Chris Doverspike

  Oh great, I spoke too soon. Aura and Duron are being escorted toward me, they both look petrified right now. A woman approaches me, likely in her mid-thirties. “You. Are you resistance?” The woman is glaring straight at me, I look back at Duron and Aura, their stares are telling me I better not fuck this up. “Uh, yes?” God I hope this woman is Amelia. She instantly turns away, “Kill them.” Son of a bitch.

  The group simultaneously ready their weapons, and a split second later an array of shots is fired from a near distance, killing three of the enemies group and saving our asses. We take advantage of the confusion and make a run for cover behind a large shred of debris that looks like it used to be part of a skyscraper. Duron and Aura follow closely behind me; I doubt they’re happy with me right now, it is kind of my fault we’re in this situation.

  It’s almost as if we are all shooting in sync, each one of us taking out an enemy a piece, killing each enemy in only one shot, an impressive feat in the art of shooting. Even Aura took out an enemy, surprisingly she doesn’t seem to be as nervous as she was before. Either that or she’s hiding it extremely well. My palms are sweating; my nerves are all over the place because of this gunfight.

  The enemy begins to fall back, retreating behind the debris where they first appeared. Finally, the shootout felt like it went on for hours even though I know it didn’t. I’m relieved we all made it out in one piece, I’ll admit there was a time where I thought we were goners, especially me. The ally group, or at least I hope they’re allies begins to approach us. There’s ten of them, all suited with thinly armored attire. “Come out from behind there.” A woman says, their leader I assume. She’s not very old, maybe late twenties at most.

  “Can we trust her?” I ask Duran and Aura. I’m met with uncertainty from the both of them. “If she wanted us dead, I don’t think she’d be talking to us right now.” Duron responds, he seems certain these people are allies. “They’re our best shot at finding Amelia.” Aura adds. I’m hesitant, but honestly there isn’t another option. And Duron is right, how can these people be an enemy when they saved our lives? I guess right now, there’s only one thing to left to do.

  We emerge from behind cover, keeping a short distance between ourselves and the group. “We’re looking for a woman named Amelia.” I say. The leader looks at me for a moment, she’s not lost for words, just curious. “Who the fuck are you?” The woman says to me. “We’re with transcendence.” I respond. The woman takes a moment to process what I just said. “Come with me.” I’m no longer hesitant, just relieved to finally make some progress.

  On our way toward wherever my crew and I are being led, I am informed that this woman is Amelia. I’m not surprised as I took the hint the moment she opened her mouth. However, she had no interest in talking about my mission before we reach the resistance camp. It wasn’t a long trek to the camp, which is blocked off by a wall with soldiers keeping guard on top of it. The wall is made of debris from the buildings that have been destroyed. “They’re back!” One of the soldiers screams toward whoever is on the other side of the wall. Part of the wall descends like a bridge, allowing us to enter the base.

  Tents align the entire camp, but leave a path of grass through the center. There’s a medical tent off to the side. I can hear screams from within, they’re agonizing, it’s painful to listen to. “I don’t like this.” Aura says to me, low enough so that I’m the only one who hears. “What do you mean?” I ask. “Don’t you think it’s strange she brought us all the way here?” I think on Aura’s words for a moment. “You think she’s gonna want something in return?” I question Aura. “Look around. I have a feeling she’s gonna order something we can’t deliver.”

  We step into a large tent, with a bed and planning table in the middle of it. I can tell Costas isn’t up to date with the new technology, it’s awful knowing more could be done for this planet but instead it’s just neglected. We stand before Amelia, waiting for one another to break the silence first. I’m nervous, I hope what Aura said doesn’t ring true. “You said you’re Transcendence?” Amelia leans on the table, focusing all her attention onto me.

  “Yes. I was sent here to recruit you. Are you aware of the attacks on Alpha?” I want to jump right to the chase, no beating around the bush. “Costas might be behind in the times, but we have our way of knowing current events.” She answers me, there isn’t much emotion behind her words. “I didn’t leave on the best of terms with Transcendence, in fact I wasn’t expecting them to come find me. Yet here you are.”

  “Trust me, I felt the same way.” Duron says. “I have a war to fight, and my main priority is here. But if this threat is as bad as I’m hearing, soon there won’t be a home to defend…If I join you, I want something in return. And I want your word that it will be done.” Amelia says to me, she’s completely serious, almost demanding. “You have my word.” I tell her, she isn’t going to request anything unobtainable…right? “When we succeed in whatever our mission is, I want your word that you’ll convince the council to help me end this war.” Fuck, Aura called it. As humble as this is, I doubt my word will mean anything to the council. Admiral Richards told me to recruit Amelia no matter what, so do I really have a choice right now? “Consider it done.”

  I shake Amelia’s hand, she pulls me close, gipping my hand tightly. “If I come to find out you’re fucking lying to me, I will end you, and that’s a promise.” She lets me go, I don’t back down. “You’re a scary woman, I like that. You’ll be a fine addition to the team.” I Tell Amelia, not intimidated by her one bit. I think she liked my response, or maybe she can’t really find the words right now. Amelia’s attention is pulled toward a man who bursts through the tent’s opening. “Ma’am, enemy forces approaching, about a dozen of them.” He frantically tells her, stammering over his words in the process. “After this I’m all yours.” Amelia says to me. “Just make sure you don’t die.”

  “Yeah. Thanks for the advice.” Aura tells Amelia as she leaves. “What the hell were you thinking?” Duron asks me once Amelia is out of listening range. “What are you going to do when the time comes to hold up your end of the bargain?” He adds. “Just worry about yourself.” I respond before exiting the tent. But I guess he has a point, what the hell am I going to do? There’s no way the council is going to listen to me.

  The entrance to the base is lowered, and resistance fighters pour out to join the battle. I take cover behind some scrap beyond the wall, drawing my weapon in the process. Gunfire whirls around me, I’m relieved that it’s missing me, but the shots are still too close for comfort. I look around for a swift moment, Aura and Duron are nowhere in sight. “Well ain’t this some shit?” I move forward, stealthily crouching to avoid gunfire. Soldiers are gunned down on both sides, man I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the sight of that. An enemy soldier leaps off of a pile of debris and right on top of me.

  I lose my gun; it slides out of my reach. He gains the upper hand quickly but only because he has the element of surprise on his side. We roll around for longer than I want to, exchanging punches in the process. He manages to wrap his dirty, nasty hands around my neck. I’m lucky I didn’t vomit because of this guy’s drool that lands on my face. The gravel from the ground buries into my back forcefully, it’s almost as painful as the choking. I can see my weapon lying a little over an arm reach away from me.

  I reach for my gun; I can touch it with my fingertips. Fuck it, the gun can wait. I grab the man’s eyes and begin to press as hard as I can. Feeling his grip loosen as my fingers slowly push his eyeballs into his skull. I’m finally able to push this fucking asshole off of me, he’s screaming in pain as blood trickles down his face. I grab my gun but before I can shoot him, a perfectly aimed shot flies through his skull. I look over to find Aura standing a short distance away. I can’t believe she’s that good of a shot! Or maybe she just got lucky? “This isn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I hope I don’t sound psychotic when I say that.” She says. I greet her with a gratuitous smile

  “Thanks for the assist.” I tell her, right before another shot flies passed my skull, nearly connecting. I hear a swift grunt, then a thud. Looking back, it’s another enemy soldier who now lies dead. “You really need to start paying attention.” It’s Duron, I try my best not to look too impressed with that shot. “I see someone has luck on their side.” I tell him. “I don’t believe in luck.” Duron’s response is arrogant, but I agree on the luck thing.

  I take cover next to Amelia, behind a large vehicle that looks like it’s been abandoned for years. Duron and Aura do the same. “You got a plan?” I ask Amelia. She surveys the battlefield. “I want you and your team to flank them. We can’t get any leverage from back here, we have to take them from behind.” It’s risky but if it ends this battle quickly then I’m in. “Got it.” I tell her. “Good luck.” she responds.

  We move slowly, and steadily toward another abandoned vehicle, which looks very identical to the one we were just behind. The enemy seems distracted by Amelia’s soldiers, which will work to our advantage. There’s a pile of debris that’s a bit farther ahead than I had hoped, but it’s the only way to reach the flanking point. There’s no way we can all reach it without drawing attention. “I’m going to make a run for that debris pile, you two stay back and cover me.” I tell Aura and Duron. “That’s pretty far, do you really think you can make it?” Duron asks with more sincerity than I expected. “We’ll find out.”

  I wait for a break and gunfire then go for it. I’m running faster than my legs can carry me. The adrenalin is pumping, and I’m loving every second of it. The enemy attempts to take me out but their shots are behind me. Don’t stop now, if you do you’re dead! I dive for cover behind the debris. I’m panting, exhausted but grateful that I’m unharmed. I ready my weapon and fire upon an enemy, missing the first two but landing the third shot, hitting the soldier in the abdomen.

  I was right, this is position is ideal, it exposes the enemy’s cover perfectly. They now have two choices, risk getting killed while changing position, or just get taken out by me without much needed effort. I fire upon a second soldier, missing all four shots. But the second he attempts to take a shot at me, Bam! He falls to the ground after a shot collides with his skull. I don’t know who made that shot, but his or her aim is undeniable.

  The remaining enemy soldiers begin to slowly back away from their positions. They’re pulling out of the battle! I have my chance to take every one of them out but I don’t do it. I’ll just let them run off with their tails between their legs. I just sit behind cover for the moment, panting and finding relief from the fact that I still made it to this position without getting my head blown off.

  I get up to my feet, staggering a bit, still shaken from the fight. I’m still getting used to this whole soldier, explorer gig. Aura meets me halfway, “Well, it wasn’t exactly pretty.” She says. “Yeah. But we won and that’s what matters.” I respond with confidence. “I’m talking about your running.” Aura jokes, she thinks she’s hilarious. Soldiers are wandering the battlefield, aiding the injured and searching for those who were killed. I don’t see Duron anywhere. He’s probably still pouting over what I said earlier.

  Aura and I make our way back to camp, Amelia is waiting in her tent along with Duron who looks like he’s completely engrossed in thought. “You did good out there.” Amelia remarks, I smirk with confidence. “Good?” Amelia completely ignores my statement without even a small smile or a chuckle. “I just want you to know that once this is over, my place is here. Not with Transcendence.” She states as clear as can be. “I understand.” My words are met with a swift silence. “I’ve noticed you’ve got a lot of wounded soldiers; I’ll have some medical supplies delivered before we leave.”

  And we did leave. After a few minutes of goodbyes from Amelia to her soldiers that is. She has a passion for her soldiers, and they feel the same about her. I can see it in the way she presents herself, and the way she is received by these men and women. With passion comes glory, and Amelia seems to be full of it. I’m anxious to speak with her about her time at the academy and why she left. That’s if she chooses to tell me anyway.

  The shuttle takes us back to the endeavor hangar bay. Amelia looks around, she seems unimpressed. “Pretty nice ship you got here.” Amelia nonchalantly says to me. “And here I thought you’d be impressed.” I respond. I’m not completely serious, but I did expect her to be as taken aback as I was. “I’ve seen better.” She tells me as if she hasn’t been on a planet with less than modern technology for who knows how long.

  “Are you the captain?” Amelia asks. “No. I’m taking you to meet Admiral Richards, he’s in command here.” Amelia doesn’t say a word, I can tell she and the Admiral have history. “Oh this’ll be good.” Aura says, seeing the same thing I do. We reach the bridge where T is waiting for Duron as soon as the doors open. He greets him joyously. “Hey T.” Duron says with a smile on his face. Admiral Richards gets out of the pilot’s chair to greet our new recruit. “Amelia.” He says. “Richards.” There’s tension between them, that’s for sure.

  “It’s been awhile. I’m glad you chose to join us.” The Admiral says to her, they aren’t hostile one bit, but I can tell there were a few rough edges in the past. “Don’t think I’m here to stay, as soon as this mission is over I’m out of here.” Amelia says with a serious tone. “Back to join the fight on Costas, I know. But for now get comfortable because I’m assigning you to copilot.” Admiral Richards sternly commands. “Copilot? You’re insulting me Admiral.” She says in response. “Don’t even think about it. I don’t fly the second fiddle.” Duron says. “Well. You’ve never met someone as good as me.” She responds in a swift manner.

  I sit down on the couch in the crew quarters. It’s completely quiet, peaceful even. Maybe I should get some rest, hell it’d probably be for the best but I can’t. Sleeping, or even relaxing is a task that seems impossible right now. I’m surprised to see T enter the quarters along with Duron following closely behind. I’m greeted warmly by the robot but as for Duron he’s a bit cold. “I see someone lost the debate over who’s pilot.” I say jokingly trying to distinguish some of the awkwardness.

  “She’s just taking over for me while I rest. And to be honest…she kind of scares me.” Duron responds. He takes a seat on the table, looking me face to face. “Let me ask you something. When you become captain of your own ship, and you’re leading a crew into a life or death situation. Will you panic?” I’m not sure where he’s getting at here, it’s to random, I have a feeling there’s something bigger here. “I don’t know....” “Just answer the question.” He interrupts me. “No.” I reply. “Well as of right now I don’t think I believe you.” He says, which comes off as very confusing and angering. “What the hell are you getting at?” I fire back.

  “Earlier you panicked. You offered the people of Costas false hope…” “Oh fuck off. I did what I had to.” I interrupt Duron, he’s really starting to piss me off. “This is going to come back to bite you in the end, remember that.” He responds. “Great advice, coming from a freelance criminal who’s only reason for being here is to get his ship back.” Duron keeps his cool and so do I. Neither of us are screaming at one another, which is a surprise. “I’ve never made a promise that I can’t keep.” I scoff at his words and get up. “Like I told you back on Costas. Worry about yourself.” I storm out like some cliché teenager, and to add fuel to the fire, I angrily mash the elevator button. I need to get as far away from this asshole as I can right now.

  Amelia is manning the ship controls, even though she probably has it on autopilot. She has a transcendence uniform on, it suits her. “You mind if I sit down?” I ask. “Sure.” Amelia responds hesitantly like I have something up my sleeve or something. I’m only trying to connect with my crewmates. On the battlefield we need to trust one another and it needs to start here. “How are you adjusting to everything?” Amelia seems a bit uninterested in talking to me but she’s not declining the company. “
Considering I live on a world with technology that’s about eighty years behind, it’s a rough transition.” She tells me.

  “I know how you feel; But as time goes on you’ll learn to get used to it.” She’s not a big talker at all, I’m going to have to force it out of her somehow. “Can I ask you something?” I ask. “I’m all ears.” She answers me nonchalantly. “What’s your story?” I get straight to the point, which I might regret here real quick. “What’s your angle here?” She responds passive aggressively, I was right. I’m regretting it already.

  “I’m just trying to connect here.” I tell her, which seems to loosen her up a bit. “Okay, I’ll bite. What do you want to know?” She asks me this like she’s an open book, willing to answer anything I ask. “Why did you leave Transcendence?” This is what I was most curious about upon hearing that she’s former Transcendence. “That’s not something I normally talk about, but fuck it what do I have to lose? I joined when I was eighteen. Like everyone else who enlists, I had stars in my eyes and dreams to accomplish. I wanted to be the best pilot of my class, and I was. They’ll never admit it, but I was even better than the instructors.” She tells me. “You were that good?” My full attention is on her story.


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