Lord Sinister (Secrets & Scandals Book 3)

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Lord Sinister (Secrets & Scandals Book 3) Page 23

by Tiffany Green

  With an indignant humph, she set her shoulders and marched toward town. Icy wind gusted, pulling a lock of hair loose from her twist. With a shiver, she buttoned her coat, then felt for her gloves and groaned when she realized she’d forgotten them. Bowing her head into the wind, she forged ahead, shoving her hands into her pockets.

  After a few steps, she thought about what it would mean if everyone knew she was innocent? If Alex was innocent as well? Her heart nearly skipped a beat and her steps slowed. Could it mean she could see her son again?

  Her breath caught, and she glanced up the deserted road ahead. Well, she had better find out what was going on. And with that thought firmly in mind, she increased her pace, skirting muddy puddles and rocks in her path.

  After four miles, Amelia halted near an ancient stone wall that ran at least another quarter mile up the road. She leaned against it, breathing hard. Small white puffs escaped her lips, the cold stinging her lungs. Her heart banged a steady, rapid beat in her chest, and her hands were two blocks of ice. The extra weight she now carried had her back and legs aching like the devil. She rubbed her hands together, then cupped them over her growing middle, smiling when the baby kicked in answer. The child had grown strong, its movements no longer butterfly wings trapped in her belly, but solid jabs and punches.

  Tears unwillingly sprang into her eyes. How she missed Alex. Amelia used the sleeve of her coat to dash the errant wetness away. She would not cry. No. Not one single tear. If there was even a chance she could see Alex again, she had to find out the truth behind the note Jack had received.

  With a deep breath that burned her lungs, she pushed away from the wall and walked the remaining mile. Having her head bowed to the wind, it wasn’t until she reached the edge of Dr. Landon’s yard she found him talking to another man. A tall man. Though he faced away, there was something familiar about his size and the way he stood. Dr. Landon noticed her and the other man turned. She froze.


  Not one hour had passed that she did not recall his pasty countenance as he lay in a pool of his own blood and how she’d wished it had been herself lying there instead. Her gaze roved over his handsome face, the high cheekbones once again tanned, glowing in good health, his sculptured lips and strong jaw. Then, unable to help herself, she fused her gaze with his. A mistake. In the depths of his eyes sparked some intense emotion she could not name, something that hollowed out her belly. It frightened her, yet she could not look away. She stood there, mesmerized.

  He left Dr. Landon and approached her. When Julian stood mere inches away, when she could smell his achingly familiar scent, feel the warmth of his body, she made the effort to halt the spell he cast and tried to move past. Instead, his hand shot out and captured her upper arm. “Don’t go,” his deep voice said softly.

  Amelia trembled from his touch. She wanted—no craved to leap into his arms and shower his face with kisses. What a weak fool! Julian no longer wanted her. He’d ended their marriage, for God’s sake.

  She pulled her arm from his grip. “Leave me alone,” she said, her throat raw from keeping tears at bay.

  The muscles in his jaw tightened and a vein bulged at his left temple. “Not until we have one last discussion.” Then he propelled her toward the carriage she hadn’t noticed before now.

  Dr. Landon sprang forward. “Excuse me, my lord. I do not know who you are, but Mrs. Sinclair is not going anywhere with you.”

  Annoyance flashed across Julian’s face. “This matter does not concern you.”

  “It most certainly does.”

  Julian halted as one of the footmen bowed and opened the door. Amelia tried unsuccessfully to pry her arm free. “Release me,” she said.

  “Release her, sir, at once,” Dr. Landon stammered, his face glowing red.

  Amelia groaned. It would be a simple matter for Julian to knock the poor man senseless. Just one hit would be enough. Julian looked furious enough to do it. She sighed. “Stop this, both of you.”

  Dr. Landon swung worried eyes to her. “Who is this man, Mrs. Sinclair? Another cousin?”

  Amelia almost smiled. “No, Dr. Landon.”

  His confusion deepened. “Then who…?” his voice trailed away and his gaze turned suspicious as he turned back to Julian.

  “I am Julian Westland, the Marquess of Amersleigh. Amelia’s husband.”

  She caught a glimpse at Dr. Landon’s stunned eyes and gaping mouth as Julian shoved her into the carriage, then they were speeding down the road. “Where are you taking me?”


  “What are you doing here?”


  “How did you find me?”

  She blew out a breath of impatience when he continued to stare out the window instead of answering her questions. “Well, aren’t you going to say something, Julian? Surely there’s a point to all of this.”

  He slowly turned, his brows drawn, his jaw clenched, and just stared at her for a long time. She grew uneasy, shifting on the plush velvet squab. Finally, he spoke. “I must have the truth, Amelia.”

  The truth? She felt all her blood drain down to her toes. Oh, no! Did he know about the baby? Would he take him away from her, too? She gripped the folds of the large coat, knowing it hid her condition well. So how did he guess? Surely, Dr. Landon hadn’t told him. Who could have…? Her thoughts broke off as a sudden idea occurred. “Have you been spying on me?”

  He leaned back, his face revealing nothing, and crossed his arms stubbornly over his chest. “The truth, Amelia. I must hear all of it.”

  She closed her eyes, bowing her head. Explaining about the baby would be difficult. “H-How was I supposed to tell you?” she whispered.

  There was a slight pause. “Would it have been so difficult to tell me the truth?” he asked softly, his voice losing its angry edge.

  Her head shot up. She didn’t care if he could see the emotions surely raw and exposed on her face. It took too much effort to hide them at the moment. “And when was I supposed to tell you, Julian? I only realized it a couple of months ago.” She slid her gaze away, fighting the tears trying to well up in her eyes. “About the same time I received the papers to nullify our marriage.”

  His face crumpled in guilt. “Oh, Amelia,” his hand covered hers, warm and strong, “that was a mistake.” He captured her right hand and brought it up to his lips for a tender kiss. “I am sorry, dearest. Now that I know the truth, everything will be corrected. We are still married, you know.” He turned her hand up and kissed her palm. “I never requested the suit of nullity. I couldn’t go through with it. It never went to court.”

  Amelia’s breath caught. They were still married? Then her mind centered on one thought. Did Julian want her back for no other reason but the child she carried? And, learning that they were still legally wed, he could force her back. Even if she protested, no one could do anything about it.

  “Don’t.” She pulled her hand away. “Don’t pretend.”

  He looked up, stunned. “What?”

  “I said don’t pretend. If what you say is true about our marriage, I have to go with you if you wish it.”

  Julian moved his head from side to side. “I don’t underst—”

  “Ooohhh.” She doubled over, a sharp pain slicing through her right side.

  “Amelia?” He reached out to steady her so that she didn’t topple to the floor. “What is wrong?”

  Panting, she shook her head. “I don’t know.” She clutched her side, the pain unbearable. “Take me to Dr. Landon.”

  Several minutes later, the carriage skidded to a halt. Amelia’s head spun, but she held on to consciousness with all her strength, assessing everything she felt. She didn’t think she was bleeding, feeling no wetness. A very good sign.

  Julian pushed open the carriage door, calling to his footman to fetch the doctor, then scooped her up into his arms. He stepped to the ground. She bit her lip to keep from crying out.

  “Shhh, my love, it will be all right,” Juli
an said into her ear, his breath caressing her cheek with tender warmth.

  She forced open her eyes, realizing it was trying to rain. A cold mist fluttered down around them. Some had caught in Julian’s dark hair. The pain eased just a bit, leaving her shaken and nauseous. She heard footsteps and turned to see Dr. Landon rushing up to greet them, his face stark white. “What happened?” He held open the door.

  “I don’t know,” Julian said, “she’s in some kind of pain.”

  “In here.” The doctor led them into one of the examination rooms. “Set her gently on the table. Yes, that’s it, my lord.”

  When Julian placed her down, a fresh surge of pain welled up, and she groaned. Taking deep breaths, she willed herself not to lose consciousness.

  “Mrs. Sinc—Lady Amersleigh,” Dr. Landon said as he hovered over her, his features etched in concern.

  “Amelia,” she said on a shaky whisper.

  “What is wrong with her?” Julian asked from the other side of the table.

  The doctor shook his head. “I’m not sure.” He glanced back down at her. “Amelia, I must remove your coat.”

  Nausea swelled up from her stomach and she forced it back, swallowing several times, then nodded. She hadn’t realized she hung on to Julian’s hand until he brought her white knuckles up to his lips. He looked frightened. Perhaps her eyes played tricks, the pain making her see things that weren’t there. Could Julian really care for her?

  “Here, my lord, assist me with this coat,” Dr. Landon said.

  In jerky movements, Julian nodded. Pressing one last kiss across her knuckles, he released her hand and carefully pushed her arm through the armhole. As the coat fell apart, she watched his eyes shift to her swollen middle and grow wide. He sucked in a quick breath, then cut his gaze to hers.

  He hadn’t known about the baby?

  As Julian stood there frozen, Dr. Landon leaned down. “Are you bleeding, Amelia?”

  She forced her eyes from her husband. “No.”

  Dr. Landon looked relieved. “Where exactly does it hurt?”

  Her hand moved over the bottom right side of her belly. “It’s a sharp constant pain, though not as severe as it was when it first struck.”

  The doctor reached out and gently pressed.

  Amelia reared up, covering her mouth with her fist to stifle the scream. From the corner of her eye, she saw Julian shoot forward. Then the spinning room filled with darkness.


  Julian watched her sleep. The dim light of the lamp caressed her face in golden silkiness. From somewhere in the house, a clock gonged three times. He leaned forward in the chair, propping his elbows on his knees, and settled his lips against her petal soft cheek.

  She stirred and he leaned back, watching her eyes flutter open. Starkly beautiful blue eyes focused on him, now free of pain. Her soft, pink lips parted and whispered his name.

  “I am here,” he said softly, taking one of her hands in his. His thumb found the fresh calluses on her fingers, but he kept the frown from his lips. He didn’t wish her to see his displeasure and get the wrong impression. “Dr. Landon says it was a spasm in a muscle that caused you such pain.” He swallowed hard. “Your muscles in that area are being pulled, and with all the walking you did...”

  Amelia’s other hand lifted and settled over his cheek. “You didn’t know?”

  He laid his hand over hers. “Know what?”

  “About the baby.”

  He shook his head.

  Her dark brows drew together. “Then why did you come?”

  “You honestly don’t know?”

  “No,” she whispered, her hand falling away. “But I’d like you to tell me.”

  Julian took a slow, deep breath. This was it. He’d tell her and she would… Oh, God, what if she didn’t believe him?

  “Julian?” Her eyes widened. “What is it?”

  He took both of her hands in his. “There is something I have to tell you.” Pausing, he licked his dry lips. “And you must believe me.”

  “Is it Alex?” She looked scared.

  “No, no. Alex is well.”

  She closed her eyes. “Oh, thank goodness.”

  “Amelia.” His voice grew husky, and her eyes flew open. “I—”

  The door opened and Dr. Landon slipped into the room. “You’re awake,” he said as he reached the bed.

  Julian gave the doctor a sour look. Just when he’d gotten up the nerve to tell Amelia how he felt about her…

  “Feeling better?” the doctor asked, looking too bloody lovingly on his wife. Julian gritted his teeth.

  She nodded. “Much better. The pain is gone.”

  Releasing her hands, Julian leaned back in the chair. He folded his arms, not at all liking how the doctor stared down at Amelia with such tenderness.

  “Good,” Dr. Landon said, “now rest.” He glanced over at Julian. “Both of you.” Then he left.

  When the door closed with a soft click, Julian swiveled back to his wife. Her eyes drooped from fatigue. “He’s right, you need to rest.”

  “What did you want to tell me?” she asked.

  “It can wait until tomorrow.” He stood and moved silently to the window. Icy raindrops tapped softly against the glass panes. After a couple of minutes, he closed his eyes. “Amelia, I love you.” He turned to measure her reaction, to see if he’d made a terrible mistake with the admission. She slept soundly, her chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm, her dark lashes fanning across pale cheeks.

  He staggered back to the chair. “Please,” he caressed the side of her face with his fingertips, “please love me back.”


  Amelia cracked open her eyes, surprised to find Julian slumped in the chair beside the bed, asleep. He couldn’t be very comfortable, his large frame crammed into such a small space. From the way his chin rested on his chest, he’d have an awful crick in his neck. In the dimness of the lamp’s light, she studied his features. A lock of black, wavy hair drooped over his forehead. She itched to smooth it back, but she resisted the urge. Beneath his eyes were dark smears of fatigue, causing her to wonder if his lack of sleep had been concern for her? It couldn’t be, she decided, continuing with her inspection. He needed a shave. Black whiskers blanketed his cheeks, chin and down his neck. Then she focused on his slightly parted lips. A thrill ran through her, settling in the pit of her stomach when she recalled those lips on hers, tasting and nibbling. She closed her eyes, trying to blot the images of their lovemaking from her mind. No use. They would remain branded in her head forever. Just as Julian would be branded in her heart forever.

  She turned her head and sighed, wanting to weep and scream at the same time. How unfair! The only man she loved, would ever love, wouldn’t love her back. And she couldn’t get away from him. Her hand moved over the roundness of her stomach. Especially now that he knew about the babe.

  The thought that she should run fast and far assailed her, but just as quickly, she squelched the idea. Having her baby in some ditch somewhere caused her to shudder in revulsion. She took a deep breath and turned back to Julian. He hadn’t moved. She glanced down past the open vee of his shirt to his hands resting on the arms of the chair. Strong, tanned hands, yet gentle. And when they touched her…

  Amelia gritted her teeth. Stop it! She moved her head from side to side as tears trickled from her eyes, raced across her temples and into her hair. Her frustration made her want to howl. Instead, she bit the inside of her cheek until she tasted the saltiness of blood on her tongue. She blinked the tears away. Enough of the self-pity. Besides, she’d see Alex soon.

  That thought brought calmness to the chaos within her. Seeing her son would be the medicine she needed to heal her tattered heart.

  Turning back to Julian, she watched him until her eyes grew heavy and would no longer stay open.

  Then something brought Amelia awake. She blinked several times, and turned her head. Julian was gone. From downstairs, the wail of a wounded child rose,
followed by a woman’s cry to help him. Amelia flung back the blanket and looked around for her dress. Finding it lying across a chair in the corner of the room, she put it on as fast as her stiff fingers would let her.

  After making it safely down the stairs, she tied her hair back with the ribbon she found in her pocket and entered the examination room. The wails of both mother and child grew loud as she opened the door.

  Julian held the mother against his chest as she sobbed hysterically against him. Dr. Landon stood over the baby, who couldn’t have yet been two years old, trying to peel away the burned clothes from his skin. The child shrieked at the top of his lungs.

  Amelia swallowed as the smell of burnt flesh hit her. She shook her head, fighting the urge to turn around, and forced her feet to move in the direction of the child.

  “Amelia, you shouldn’t be here.” Julian’s voice rose over the wailing woman.

  She turned. “Get her out of here.” As he opened his mouth to argue, she shook her head. “She’s upsetting the child.”

  Julian glanced at the burned baby and swallowed, then gave a nod. He dragged the woman across the room. Reaching the door, he turned, his eyes pinched in concern. “Don’t over do it.” Then he left, the woman’s screams growing dim as he took her from the house.

  Amelia had no time to wonder at Julian’s odd behavior as Dr. Landon needed assistance with the child.

  Several hours later, Amelia sank down into a chair. Her body shook with fatigue. The child, doused with laudanum, had finally fallen into a fitful sleep. His left side, from shoulder to foot, would forever carry burn scars, but he’d live.

  The door opened. Expecting to see Julian enter, Jack stood in the doorway. She came slowly to her feet. When Dr. Landon nodded, indicating he would watch the child, she stepped from the room and closed the door.

  “I have been so worried,” she said, trying to keep her voice down. “Where have you been the last two months? Why did you just disappear like that?”


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