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Sundown Series | Book 5 | Vengeance

Page 20

by Konstantin, Courtney

  “And the kids? They are all biologically yours?”

  “All except Candace, Easton, and Aiden,” Alex replied.

  “Aiden is the smallest, right? Where did he come from?”

  “Well, if we need to start having a birds and bees conversation, this is going to take a bit longer,” Max said with a grin.

  Rafe laughed a bit, but shook his head as he answered. “When Charlie and I were on the run from Callahan or ‘The Suit’s’ men, we came across a house. Aiden was alone, hiding in the bathroom, eating whatever food he could reach. From his story, his parents were taken out by a horde. We couldn’t just leave him the way the soldiers had. So he came with Charlie and I and we’ve taken care of him ever since.”

  “Wait, soldiers?” Liam asked. He picked up on the one part of the story that made Rafe’s blood boil.

  “Yes. Soldiers. They had found him first. Aiden told us they swept through the house, like they were looking for something. Presumably us. They saw the little boy. And left him to take care of himself,” Rafe replied.

  “The whole point is to rebuild society. We’ve been bringing people into the installation for months. Why would they just leave a defenseless boy?” Liam asked.

  “Because not everything is as it seems at that place. I’m not sure how many stories we need to tell you, for you to understand that. Have you noticed there’s no children?” Max asked.

  “Well, the kids are sent to another location, somewhere safer,” Liam replied, his voice laced with uncertainty now.

  “Even that doesn’t make sense to you. We barely got out of there with Max’s life and our daughter with us,” Griffin said.

  “The children aren’t taken against the parents’ will. That’s ridiculous,” Liam replied.

  “Tell that to the knot I sported on the back of my head for days after Callahan knocked me out when I fought the soldiers that tried to take Jack. Of course, that was just the beginning for me. But luckily Cliff and Griffin were able to keep Jack safe,” Max said.

  Alex held up her hand, a signal to the Duncan group that she was calling a meeting to order, though they were just at breakfast. Everyone hushed, giving her the lead she needed.

  “This round robin has been fun. Each of us just so enjoys the walk down memory lane that reminds us of the death and loss we’ve all dealt with. Hopefully this is enough for you to see we are no threat to anyone. We want to live our lives in peace. We hope to contribute as society rebuilds. But we won’t allow our family to be a target, just because this government faction that is taking control wants to silence us. We won’t allow any more of our family members to be kidnapped, beaten, tortured, or killed. If you think you can stop any of this, you are wrong. In the end, Liam, you are with us or against us. And only one way is going to work out well for you.”

  Alex paused and looked at Max and Rafe before standing. “I’m going to check on Easton. Enjoy your meal.”

  After she left the room everyone was silent, lost in their own memories. Max knew Alex stopped the conversation because she was worried Max would have to relive what happened to her. Alex also never mentioned the Dead Brothel she had been kidnapped by, or Callahan’s connection to it. That was a memory Alex didn’t like to talk about, but it was probably seeping into her mind now.

  Max stood next. She told Griffin to stay before looking to Liam.

  “You are the kids’ dad. Alex won’t just kill you if you leave. But we will pick up and move. You and your people will never find us. We know how to hide and survive on the bare minimum. You need to choose a side,” Max said.

  She turned and walked away, not caring about Liam’s response. He had a lot of information to digest. Rafe and Charlie might even give him more details. Max didn’t need to hear any of that. They had all lived it. If the man couldn’t be convinced to join and be a trusted member of their group, they would need to move on. The question was, what would Easton and Candace be forced to do.

  Max went to medical, to make sure Alex was ok. She found her sister sitting next to Easton, who was sleeping. She was brushing tears from her face as Max walked in. Alex didn’t try to hide anything from Max, but she also didn’t open up and talk about what was going on in her mind. Max motioned toward the other side of the room.

  “Are you alright?” Max asked. Alex just looked at her and Max continued, “Yeah, I know. Stupid question.”

  “What if we can’t convince him?” Alex asked.

  “I’m not sure. What do you want to do? I know you won’t kill him to silence him. That’s like turning into Callahan. And you wouldn’t do that to the kids. But can we prevent him from taking them?”

  “They’re his kids. I know they aren’t mine. But damn it, they are part of this family. I can’t just let them go. If he takes them back to Callahan, how do we know what he’ll do to them? And we still don’t know what they do with kids anyway,” Alex replied.

  “He did seem genuinely surprised by some of the things we said.”

  “But was it enough?”

  “Enough for what?” Easton called from his bed.

  He was trying to prop himself up on his elbows to see Alex and Max. Alex rushed over and helped him sit up. Max noted that compared to a day before when he couldn’t sit up on his own, the boy was able to keep his posture without assistance. He was still suffering from some blood loss, but his fever hadn’t returned and his color was normal.

  “Talking about your dad,” Max blurted out.

  “Max,” Alex warned.

  “He should know, Alex.”

  “What’s going on with my dad?” Easton asked.

  “We just don’t know if we can trust him, yet,” Alex replied.

  “Max, what’s really going on?” Easton asked.

  The boy seemed to know Alex was going to do what she could to protect him. Alex shot Max a warning glare, but Max brushed it off.

  “Look, kid. Your dad has some ideas of how evil we are. We’ve given him all the facts, but he’s not taking those so well. We are concerned that he’ll want to leave, and take you with him, and turn us over to Callahan,” Max explained.

  “He wouldn’t do that. That’s not what Candace and I want. We told him that when we stayed the night with him. We told him how everything happened.”

  “You told him about us getting separated?” Alex asked, wincing.

  “We told him the truth, Alex. That wasn’t your fault and you made sure we had the supplies to get home and we did. He wasn’t exactly sure he could believe that. But that’s because he still sees us as little kids,” Easton replied.

  On their trip from Las Vegas to Montana, the group had been overrun by infected. Everyone had been separated. It was a story Alex hated telling. Margaret once told Max about Alex screaming in the bathroom of the RV when they had to drive away from the infected horde without Easton and Candace. For the week they were gone, Alex had waited for them every night on a hill in the compound.

  “You are still kids. But you aren’t little,” Alex said.

  “No, we aren’t. And we have opinions on how things should go. Our dad will listen to us. Now that I’m feeling better, I’ll talk to him again,” Easton said.

  As if on cue, Liam and Candace entered medical as they were speaking. Liam stopped short when he saw Alex and Max were still with Easton.

  “I came to check to see if he was awake. The doctor said he could eat something if he felt up to it,” Liam said.

  “I’m starving,” Easton admitted.

  Liam handed him a warm bowl of oatmeal and Candace gave him a cup of coffee. Liam raised his eyebrow at the coffee but didn’t say anything. Caffeine was what they ran on some days, and Easton had grown a taste for the black gold. He ate like a teenage boy, eating the oatmeal in a few huge bites and downing the coffee.

  “It’s not going anywhere, you can chew,” Alex joked.

  Easton blushed a little and smiled. “Sorry. It feels like forever since I ate anything.”

  “It’s ok. Maybe Candace ca
n ask Margaret to make you some more,” Alex said. Candace nodded and took his bowl.

  That left Max, Alex, Liam, and Easton, with uncomfortable silence as their guide. Easton looked around at the faces and went to open his mouth. Max started to back away, but Alex shook her head. Max cursed in her mind. She didn’t want to be witness to some emotional conversation between the boy and Liam. But she would stay and back up Alex.

  “So, Alex said you have heard all the stories. From everyone in the group,” Easton said.

  Liam didn’t answer, just nodded his head.

  “And?” Easton prodded.

  “Son, if I’m being honest, I’m not sure what to believe.”

  “How is that even possible?” Easton demanded. “These people, this group, came together because they care for each other. Not to cause the end of the world. That was your boss.”

  “But my boss is all I’ve known. The military has been my life for longer than you’ve been on this planet. How do I just throw that all aside because someone took care of my kids for a while?”

  Liam began to pace the room, his hands tugging at his hair as he thought. Max could have laughed when she noticed how similar Easton was to his father when they were frustrated. Luckily, the small part of her that knew when things were appropriate, kept her mouth shut.

  “Everything went out the window when people started dying and trying to eat the living, Dad,” Easton said.

  “Not everything, Easton. I still have my obligation to the military and the US Government.”

  “That government doesn’t exist anymore, Liam. ‘The Suit’ and Callahan aren’t the government you made your vow to,” Alex said.

  “How do I really know that?” Liam demanded.

  “Does the US Government waterboard and use electrocution as a form of torture on their own citizens? On US Soil?” Max asked.

  “Do they execute their citizens without a judge or jury, in front of an audience?” Alex asked.

  “There’s always rumors,” Liam hedged.

  “Sure. Of black sites and underground operations. That’s what this is now, Liam. It’s no longer a president sitting in the White House across the country telling you what to do. Callahan is taking orders from ‘The Suit’. As far as we’ve been able to tell, he’s making his own rules,” Max said.

  “Does that mean we’re the best people around? No, we aren’t self-centered enough to believe we are the best. But we’re good people who work hard to provide for those around us,” Alex said.

  “They are the best, even if Alex won’t say it. They’ve done nothing but stick to themselves and begin to create a working life in our home. They have plans to work with others that are still alive in the community. We’ve seen some of the worst. The Duncans aren’t that,” Easton said.

  “Dude, how old are you?” Max muttered.

  That earned a small laugh from Easton.

  “And if I wanted to leave?” Liam said.

  “You’re welcome to. But we’d take precautions to protect ourselves,” Alex said.

  “And we would not be going with you,” Easton added.

  Liam looked like he was going to argue with Easton. His ears began to turn red and his eyes narrowed. Max waited to see if she was going to have to break something up. She rolled her shoulders slightly, the movement caught by Alex, who placed a hand on her arm. But no words came from Liam.

  “If this is what you both want, you and Candy, then I guess I need to figure out how to make it work,” Liam finally conceded.

  Easton looked at Alex with a triumphant smile on his face. Alex and Max couldn’t help but smile back at the boy and his enthusiasm. Max still wasn’t sure how far she trusted Liam. But it was better knowing he had told his own kid that he wasn’t going to steal him in the middle of the night.

  “What now?” Easton asked. He knew they had plans to go after Callahan.

  “We figure out next steps. You rest more. I can probably untie your feet now,” Alex said, motioning to the ropes around his ankles.

  “No. Not yet. I feel better though. What is happening to me?” He asked.

  “Honestly, we don’t know. I’m hoping Charlie can figure something out. I’m sorry, East. I shouldn’t have let this happen to you,” Alex said.

  “This isn’t your fault, Alex,” Easton replied.

  Max wanted to mention whose fault it was, but since Alex was being nice, Max kept her mouth shut about it. Maybe there was no purpose to beating Liam up over and over with his mistakes. She figured she’d learn something from Alex’s way of handling people.

  “We’ll talk more later. Just rest,” Alex said again. She patted Easton’s shoulder as he eased himself back down on his bed.

  Max followed Alex back to the lobby. They definitely had to make a decision. If the information Max had was right, Callahan was probably already at the San Francisco bunker. Their only chance now was to take him out on his way back to Rapid City. When they entered the lobby they found Rafe, Charlie, and Griffin still sitting at the breakfast table. Everyone else had wandered off to take care of other chores.

  “Well, I think Liam is staying. To answer the question of if he believes us, I’m not sure. But he’s putting that aside for the kids I guess,” Alex said.

  Alex took her place at the head of the table and Max sat next to Griffin. He took her hand and kissed it before they turned to focus on Alex.

  “I am not comfortable going far with Easton in this condition. So I’ve been thinking. We all go,” Alex said.

  “All go? To San Francisco? Alex, the kids,” Max said.

  “I’m not saying bring them all with us right up to the bunker doors. We pack up everything we have here, maybe scavenge some more before we go. And set up camp closer to our goal. We don’t want to be in a big city like San Francisco anyway. But Liam said the bunker is on the outskirts, in the hills. There’s got to be somewhere we could hole up,” Alex said.

  Everyone was quiet, thinking their own thoughts about the plan. Max could see it. Traveling with such a large group could be dangerous. They could be separated, they could lose people. Max understood they couldn’t leave Easton. If the boy turned suddenly, someone needed to be there to take care of it. If he didn’t, that could mean he was very important to what was happening in the world.

  “Maybe we should bring all the adults into the conversation, Alex?” Rafe said. “Everyone is going to be taking a risk. And everyone is going to have to work together. Protecting the kids is priority. If we’re going after Callahan, we need others to take up that responsibility.”

  It didn’t take long to assemble the rest of the adults in the room. Candace stayed with the younger kids, so Margaret could join. They left Liam with Easton, because as far as Alex was concerned, he wasn’t a voting member of the group yet. Everyone else took seats and waited. Alex explained what they were thinking about doing, detailing the needs from everyone.

  “As always, we never expect anything from anyone. If this is too dangerous for you and you want to stay behind, there will be no hard feelings. You can stay here at the theatre until we can come back and get you. But the kids have to come with us. Not only because of Easton’s condition, but I personally can’t be too far away in case something goes wrong,” Alex said.

  Max was always impressed with Alex’s ability to lead. She looked into every face that watched her, as if she was speaking to them individually. She was calm and cool under pressure. Though her demeanor screamed she was a force to be reckoned with should anyone try to challenge her, no one in the room felt threatened or obligated, and yet they all stayed with the Duncans despite the threats looming.

  After giving everyone a minute to think, Alex continued, “Is there anyone that would like to stay behind?”

  Not even a whisper came, as everyone looked to Alex for their next orders.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Finding the maps needed wasn’t as easy as Max had hoped. She and Rafe had scoured a few local gas stations, coming up empty. Eventually
, they ventured to a large truck stop that they had avoided due to the number of vehicles that were in the parking lot. Infected wandered aimlessly around, bumping into walls or tripping over cement barriers. It was clear there were a lot of people at the stop when the infected hit the area.

  Breaking into the building had been easy. Surprisingly, the glass was still intact, though the door was locked. When they banged on a window, they could see infected inside. Max looked to Rafe, but they both knew the chance of the maps they needed being inside were high. Max nodded to Rafe as he shot out the front door. He then stepped back, letting the infected come to him. Max watched his back as infected from the parking lot realized there was live meat nearby.

  Something in Max changed whenever she was out fighting. Her body got loose and fell into practiced movements and habits. Her mind cleared of all the stress and worry she was holding onto. She felt laser focused on her objective, to kill the infected before they got to her or her brother. With nothing else to worry about in the moment, Max felt better than she had in days. For a small second she wondered what that said about her.

  She didn’t have time to care, as an infected got within range. Max brought down her tomahawk in a hard overhead blow that embedded the blade into the top of the skull of the infected. She allowed the weight of the dead body to pull itself off of the blade with a sickening squelch. Rafe flung gore from his side as the infected from inside the gas station store began to exit.

  The ones from inside didn’t look as ragged as those outside. Max wondered if that was due to weather conditions, or if this was a newer group that had hidden inside recently. Someone had been bitten and hidden with them causing them all to fall. The infected from outside were weather worn, their skin desiccating faster from hours in the sun and wind.


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