Sundown Series | Book 5 | Vengeance

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Sundown Series | Book 5 | Vengeance Page 32

by Konstantin, Courtney

  “No, no, no, no, what…” Max stammered as she grabbed Cliff.

  She dragged him so his body was shielded by the front of the vehicle and turned him over. His front wasn’t harmed, but he coughed up blood as he looked at Max. She rolled him into her lap so she could see his back. Blood spread from two holes in his white shirt.

  Max hadn’t noticed that the gunfire had seemed to stop. Callahan wasn’t near her thoughts anymore. She focused on the large man she held in her lap as he looked up at her with pain in his face.

  “Why did you do that?” Max demanded.

  “Callahan was waiting for you. Saw him take aim as soon as you came out to shoot that soldier,” Cliff said, his voice ragged.

  “Then you push me down or something, why would you shield me?” Max asked.

  “Needed to repay the favor,” Cliff replied with a small smile covered in blood.

  “Favor? What favor?” Max asked.

  “Now we’re even. You saved me. I saved you.”

  “That’s ridiculous,” Max replied.

  “It’s not,” Cliff said. His next cough bubbled more blood from his lips and Max rolled him sideways so he could spit it out and clear his airway.

  “You shouldn’t have done this. Not for me. Not for me,” Max said, tears starting to come from her eyes.

  She knew what all the blood meant, and she knew Charlie didn’t have the equipment to fix what damage was most likely done to Cliff’s internal organs. She rolled him back until she was cradling his head in her lap. She wiped at the tears furiously on her face. Anger roiled inside her. Anger at Cliff for being so stupid. Anger at Callahan for shooting her friend. Anger at the infected that had tossed her world to the brink.

  “You’re good, Max. Sometimes I think you forget. But you are good. Your heart is good. Remember that, ok?” Cliff said.

  As he spoke, Alex and Rafe came around the vehicle corner. Alex’s face was pure white and when her eyes fell on the scene Max could see them shining with tears. Both Rafe and Alex came to Cliff’s sides, Alex taking his hand and Rafe touching his shoulder. Cliff looked at all of their faces, and Max could see he was fading.

  “Take care of each other. Well, you already do. Keep doing the good you’re doing. Thank you for letting me be with you,” Cliff said.

  “I’m so sorry, Cliff,” Max moaned.

  His eyes came up to meet Max’s at last. “Don’t be sorry, Max. You all showed me love. And now I get to go be with my family. Can you hug Jack for me, Max? Every day, ok?”

  “I will. I promise,” Max choked out.

  His gaze faded then, though his eyes seemed to look at Max still. Rafe pressed his fingers to his neck and once he knew Cliff was really gone, he carefully closed his eyelids. Max just stared at the man as the tears continued to flood her eyes and fall. It took a moment for her to realize she was rocking, and her tears were falling on Cliff’s face.

  “Not for me, not for me, no, no,” Max whispered.

  “Max, he’s gone,” Alex said quietly.

  “Why did he do it? Why would he sacrifice himself?” Max asked, looking at her older sister.

  “Because that’s who he was. Let’s not let it be in vain. If we all die, he died for nothing,” Alex said.

  Max looked at the man again. Except for the blood on his face, the bullets didn’t leave damage to his front. It was the only reason Max was still walking. He took the bullets meant for Max. The bullets Callahan tried to use to end her life.

  Rage began to build, she could feel it eating through her like a black ooze. Carefully, she laid Cliff’s head on the asphalt. She stood then and looked over at the vehicle where she knew Callahan was. Then she looked at Alex.

  “Is he alive?” Max asked.

  “Not sure. We got him a few times. But we had to come and see what was what, so we left him in there,” Alex said.

  Max pulled her handgun again and walked to the SUV. She couldn’t bring herself to be afraid or worried. All she saw was Cliff’s dead eyes in her mind, and that fueled her as she moved toward the open door. Callahan had used his last soldier as bait to get Max out in the open. Max fell for it, and she was going to make sure Callahan paid the price.

  At the door, Max carefully peered through the hinge to make sure a gun wasn’t pointed her direction. All she saw was a man crumpled in a uniform on the floorboard. She walked into the open doorway and watched him for a moment. Suddenly, a ragged breath shook the body and Max realized he wasn’t dead.

  She put her gun back into its holster and reached into the SUV. She grabbed Callahan by his ever pressed collar and used all of her might to drag him inch by inch from the vehicle. He was blacked out and his dead weight was heavy for Max. But she was fueled by vengeance, adrenaline, and the deep sadness that sat deeply in her soul.

  When Callahan’s head was in the open doorway, Rafe rushed over to help Max. Yanking him from under his arms, they dumped Callahan on the asphalt. Max shoved him until he was on his back and she inspected him.

  His normally perfect hair was mussed and disastrous. His uniform was wrinkled and stained red where Alex had shot him. One arm was still had a sling attached, though it no longer did him any good, Alex seemed to have shot him in the same shoulder again. Max stepped hard on the shoulder she knew had just had surgery and also had a fresh bullet wound.

  Callahan’s body convulsed under Max’s boot, a pained cry coming from Callahan’s lips.

  “Wake up, you bastard. I want to make sure you know who’s going to shoot you before you die,” Max said, pressing harder on the shoulder.

  Callahan tried to pull away in his dazed state, his eyes still closed. His other arm came up, trying to push away what was causing him pain. When Max ground her heel down harder, putting all of her weight on his shoulder, his eyes finally flew open. He looked around confused at first, but once his eyes found Max, he focused.

  “Maxine. Too bad,” he said.

  “Yes. You failed, you miserable monster. But you killed another of my friends. One was one too many, but now, you’ve made your last mistake,” Max said.

  She was surprised at how calm her voice was. Her mind and soul were awash with uncontrolled emotions, but somehow she kept them all harnessed, so she could handle the task at hand.

  “Well, finish it,” Callahan hissed.

  “You never should have come after my family,” Max replied.

  Her gun was out before she consciously knew she was doing it. She pointed it at Callahan and pulled the trigger without hesitation. Max stood above his body, staring at what she had done. No matter what she told her body, she couldn’t seem to move.

  The touch on her gun hand made Max jump. She moved away from Alex, who had touched her and Callahan’s body. Rushing backward, she tripped and fell on her behind. She scrambled back, until she was at the other side of the road. She flipped to her knees and began to vomit into the grass.

  Alex came to her, undeterred by her panic. She knelt next to her and rubbed her back while she dry heaved. When she was done, she wiped her mouth with her arm and fell into Alex. Her sister wrapped her arms around her as she began to sob uncontrollably. Rafe stood guard over his sisters as one comforted the other through her wracking cries.

  When Max was finally able to control herself, she slowly pulled away from Alex. Her older sister’s shirt was soaked with the evidence of Max’s devastation.

  “Sorry,” Max croaked.

  “You don’t need to apologize,” Alex said.

  Max met her eyes, she could see Alex had been crying too. Max knew the loss was hard on her sister to as she was close with Cliff. She thought about having to tell the kids that another of their friends had died. And Max almost cracked again.

  Looking over Alex’s shoulder, Max was taken aback by the empty roadway. The vehicles stood with their doors open, but the soldiers’ bodies were gone.

  “Rafe moved them. He didn’t think you needed to see Callahan again,” Alex said softly.

  Max nodded, then sh
e looked at Alex, “Cliff? We need to bury him.”

  “Of course. We will put him in the truck and bury him near the houses,” Alex replied.

  Max nodded again. She slowly stood, testing her legs. Alex moved with her, clearly worried that she would collapse again. They stood facing each other for a moment.

  “I did it,” Max said.

  “Yes, you did.”

  “I thought it would feel better,” Max admitted.

  “I imagine so,” Alex replied.

  “At least I know he can’t hurt us anymore,” Max said.

  “That’s the most important part. And that’s why we came here,” Alex said.

  “That’s why Cliff…” Max trailed off.

  “That’s why Cliff came to support us, to help us. And that’s why he protected you when you needed it most,” Alex said. She wiped away a tear that had escaped, and Max reached out to take her hand.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “I already told you, don’t apologize,” Alex said, a sad smile on her face.

  “I mean for Cliff. He shouldn’t have done that,” Max replied.

  “If he hadn’t, my sister would be dead. Do you think that would be better for me?” Alex asked sharply.

  Max just shrugged, not sure how she could qualify her life above Cliff’s.

  “You are a pain in the ass more than half the time, but you are my sister. I’m heartbroken about Cliff. But the alternative might’ve killed me,” Alex said.

  Max looked at the ground and shrugged again. Alex squeezed her hand tightly.

  “Let’s get this all cleaned up and get back. The family will be waiting for us. And Cliff deserves a burial,” Alex said.

  Rafe went to get the truck from its hiding spot. He and Alex carefully placed Cliff’s body in the bed of the truck and covered it with a tarp before Max could see him again. Max moved robotically, completing the tasks she needed to complete, but not realizing she was doing anything.

  The bodies of all the soldiers were rolled off the road and over the cliff edge. Rafe made sure Max didn’t have to see any of them. The last soldier that was left alive, Rafe left tied to the steering wheel of one vehicle. They weren’t going to shoot him in cold blood. ‘The Suit’ and Callahan’s men would probably guess who attacked the convoy. If not, the Duncans could be lucky and stay hidden longer.

  When they loaded into the truck to go back to their hideout, Max couldn’t stop herself from looking back. She knew she couldn’t see Cliff’s body in the bed of the truck, but that didn’t stop her from trying. The moment of him grabbing her replayed in her mind over and over. He had used his body to block the shots before moving them both out of range. It had just been too late.

  The drive back to their safe houses was quiet and reserved. Max wiped tears from her face as they randomly fell. Her mind was so deep into sorrow and pain, she couldn’t form coherent thoughts beyond it. She hadn’t known Cliff long, but the man had become a solid member of the family. And he loved their kids. That was one thing Max couldn’t forget.

  When they pulled into the driveway, Issac was outside on watch and relief flooded his face when he saw the vehicle. However, when only three people got out, his eyes clouded, and he looked to Rafe with questions unspoken. Rafe squeezed the old man’s shoulder as they all walked by and into the house.

  The three of them went their separate ways. Rafe was anxious to see Charlie, and her squeal from the back porch told Max he found her quickly. The sound of little feet was next as all the kids came running into the house from outside. Jack’s cheeks were pink from the cool breeze and her smile wide when she saw her mother. When she took in the blood soaking Max’s clothing, she faltered in her greeting.

  “Mom?” She asked.

  Max just looked at her, unable to answer her right away. Alex was next to her in the hallway and she watched closely while hugging her own kids. She touched Max’s shoulder and pulled her from the darkness for a moment. Max looked to her sister, hoping for the strength to do what she needed to.

  “Hi, kiddo,” she finally said. “Where’s your dad?”

  “I’m here,” Griffin said as he crutched into the house.

  Alex nodded to Griffin. After they shared a look, she led her kids into their bedroom and softly shut the door. Max took that as a signal that they should go into their area. She knew she needed to clean up, change her clothes, possibly sleep for days. Though, first, she had to tell her daughter that another of her friends was gone.

  They moved into their living room and Max motioned for Jack and Griffin to sit down. They both took seats at the loveseat and Max stood in front of them. She wrung her hands and took a deep breath.

  “I’m sorry, Jack. I hate telling you this, but Cliff didn’t make it,” Max finally said softly.

  Jack’s little hand flew to her mouth and her eyes squeezed shut. Max knelt in front of her, taking her other hand and rubbing her knuckles with her thumb. Her little body began to tremble and Griffin pulled her into him. When she finally opened her eyes, tears began to flow down her face.

  “How?” Jack asked.

  “I’m not sure…” Max trailed off.

  “It would make it easier, Mom. I need to know how,” Jack said, determination in her voice.

  Max looked to Griffin first. His features were tight with pent up grief but he held together for Jack. He lifted one shoulder, also not sure if Max should be honest.

  “I’ll tell you this, he saved my life. I didn’t deserve his sacrifice, but I promised him one thing. Do you want to know what he made me promise him before he died?” Max asked.

  Jack nodded her little head and swiped at the tears on her cheeks.

  “He made me promise to hug you every single day for him. So, I’m going to make sure I keep that promise,” Max said.

  She opened her arms and Jack jumped from the couch to sit in Max’s lap. Max wrapped her arms around her daughter, no longer thinking about the blood on her jeans and shirt from Cliff. All she thought of was loving her daughter extra for Cliff’s benefit and making sure he was always remembered in their family.

  “Is that how you got that?” Griffin asked, pointing to the scrape that covered the side of Max’s face.

  “It’s a long story. I’m sure we’ll be meeting to share all the details. I just… I can’t right now,” Max said.

  She gulped, working to pull the reins on the waterfall that wanted to break loose. Griffin just nodded grimly, understanding Max was at her breaking point. Max held Jack for a few more minutes until the little girl finally pulled back.

  “Thanks for making that promise, Mom. I’m sure that made him feel better,” Jack said.

  “I would have given him my left arm if he wanted it,” Max replied honestly.

  “Do you think he’s with his wife and little boy?” Jack asked.

  “Honestly, kiddo? I don’t know about stuff like that. But ya know, that’s what I want to believe. And that he’s watching over us, making sure we don’t mess this all up,” Max said.

  “I like that too.”

  Jack stood up and put her hand out to help Max. Though, Max didn’t need her help, she let her daughter feel like she was doing the work. With Max back on her feet, Jack pointed out that she really needed to change her clothes and maybe shower. Max attempted a broken smile and agreed.

  The quick shower in their solar shower didn’t do anything to wash away the pain Max was feeling. Griffin sent her to see Charlie as soon as she was dressed to have her face looked at. Max also had a blossoming bruise along her shoulder from Cliff’s tackle. The physical pain didn’t compare to the heartbreaking pain inside her.

  Charlie inspected Max’s cheek. She had her lay back while Rafe held a flashlight over her scrape. After informing Max that there was dirt embedded in her scrape, Charlie used saline solution to wash out the majority of it. The little scrubbing Charlie did made Max grit her teeth, but she kept her mouth shut.

  After the painful cleaning, Charlie layered the scrape with an
tibiotic ointment and covered it with a bandage. Half of Max’s face was covered and she could barely open her mouth. That was fine with her, as she already planned on using that as an excuse to not talk to anyone. She nodded her thanks to Charlie just as Alex came to find them for an adult meeting.

  The table felt empty without Cliff. They went through the same feeling after Marcus was killed and now another seat was empty. Smith stared at the table top and Max realized Cliff and Smith were together a lot of the time. She wondered how the loss affected him.

  “I know the report has been told separately, but I thought it would be helpful if we all sat down and went through it together,” Alex said, bringing the meeting to order.

  Max looked around the table. Margaret’s eyes were red rimmed and Issac patted her hand. Smith and Liam sat together on the other side, with Rafe and Charlie next to them. Griffin held Max’s hand under the table, squeezing it as if he was trying to ground her in the moment. Easton sat to the left of Alex and Max absently wondered about him joining the adult table.

  Alex began the story about their set up and what their goal was. She skipped the days of waiting on the ledge with nothing happening. She had everyone’s attention as she moved into the moment they threw out the spike strip and the bullets began to fly. When she got to the part of Cliff, Alex looked to Max.

  “I only saw Callahan firing out of the open door. I couldn’t see what had happened to Max. Do you want to fill in the blanks?” Alex asked.

  Max looked around and she began to panic. Griffin squeezed her hand tightly to get her attention. She looked to him and he smiled at her.

  “They deserve to hear what he did. It would honor him,” Griffin said quietly.

  Max nodded and closed her eyes for a moment. Behind her eyelids, she was back in the road and feeling Cliff’s body around hers. She could feel him shudder as the bullets struck him. She dropped her head for a moment and took a deep breath, trying to push the feeling of sickness down. She looked back up and opened her eyes.


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