The Hustler's Daughter Volume 2

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The Hustler's Daughter Volume 2 Page 19

by Pinky Dior

  Mercedes licked her lips as she laughed. She looked back at him and put a serious face on. “First off, no disrespect, Mr. Vicente.” Mercedes talked with her eyebrows, and they moved up and down with an attitude. “I’m a woman who’s about her shit, and if I want fifty bricks, I’m going to get fifty bricks. I got the money. It’s nothing, if that’s what you’re worried about,” Mercedes assured him.

  Alana sat there with an “I know that’s right” look, but she ducked her head, trying to hide the smirk on her face.

  “I can tell you’re very smart and intelligent, Mercedes. Who taught you that about the streets?” he questioned.

  “My—” Mercedes stopped herself. She was going to say her father, but she corrected herself. “A wise man; I loved him dearly. He was a big-time drug dealer and a very smart man who was brutally murdered.” Mercedes held back the tears as she tried to show Vicente she wasn’t emotional. She wanted him to know whom she was talking about, but he had no clue.

  “Do you have any family back in the city?” he wondered out of curiosity.

  “They are all dead,” Mercedes said.

  “Sorry to hear about that,” Vicente said, even though he knew deep down inside that he didn’t care about anybody—not even himself.

  “I found out who did it, and they are dead,” Mercedes said, specifically talking about Vicente. She knew he was responsible for several murders back in New York City, including her father, her uncles, and Candy.

  “You’re a gangsta too?” Vicente laughed. “You can tell you were raised in New York.” He shook his head.

  “Nah, just the way I was built,” Mercedes said rudely. “My daddy was a gangster.”

  “So anyways, how do you plan on getting these drugs smuggled back into the U.S.?”

  “I know people who know people,” Mercedes lied.

  Vicente chuckled at her comment. “I mean, there’s only one source in Cuba, and it costs money.” Vicente rubbed his fingers together.

  “It costs to be the boss, right?” Mercedes smirked at him. “Let me worry about smuggling it back into the U.S. What I want from you is to do good business with you, and buy bricks off you, so I can go back home and do what it do,” Mercedes said bluntly.

  “All right. When are you leaving town?” he asked.

  “Maybe in a few days, or maybe a week, I don’t know.” Mercedes shook her head. “I love it out here, and it’s a very beautiful country.”

  “Well, it was nice meeting you, Mercedes.” Vicente stood up and so did Mercedes. They shook hands. “I’m having a little get together on my yacht on Friday if you would like to come.”

  “That would be lovely.” Mercedes smiled. “But I can’t leave my girls alone.”

  “Oh, you brought people along with you?” Vicente asked. “Well, you can bring them along too.” He smiled. “See you there.”

  “Nice meeting you.”

  Alana guided Mercedes out of her father’s office. Mercedes turned towards Alana and said, “I know he’s going to be watching my every move. I can feel it.” Mercedes felt as if he was trying to get under her skin to see if she would break.

  Chapter Twenty-five

  The informant

  Vicente sat behind his desk with a thick cigar hanging out the side of his mouth, as he slowly blew the smoke from his lips. He grabbed a picture from inside his desk and examined it. It was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, besides his own beloved daughter, Maria. It was Mercedes. He had sent someone to take pictures of her while she was out exploring Cuba. He caressed the Polaroid picture and a devilish smirk came across his face. He started getting little tingly feelings inside of him. He felt as if Mercedes would be the perfect one for him, yet she was still young. There was a sudden knock on the door. Vicente slowly placed the picture down and said, “Come in.”

  His office door slowly opened up and Carlito walked in, escorted by the bodyguard. Vicente tapped his cigar on the side of the ashtray, flicking off the ashes. Carlito wore a tight, white shirt and his muscles were protruding. He stood about 5’8”, with a caramel skin complexion, hazel eyes, and a muscular body. He looked as if he was lifting weights on the regular.

  “Have a seat,” Vicente said, slowly putting the blunt back up to his lips as he continued smoking. “I have a proposition for you,” Vicente simply stated.

  “What would you like for me to do for you, Vicente?”

  “I have a new customer from the States—New York City, to be specific. She seems like she’s about her money, but there’s something wrong with this picture. I don’t know, I just feel iffy about this whole business transaction,” Vicente said, as he pursed his lips together. “I want you to follow her, maybe get to know her, and you can do whatever you want, just find out everything there is to know about her.” Vicente pulled out a picture of her and slid it across the table.

  Carlito picked it up the photo of Mercedes and instantly fell in love. “She is gorgeous,” he said, eyeing the picture, and immediately his dick got hard.

  “Yeah, she is a beautiful woman, but don’t get all caught up. This is business, so don’t get your head wrapped in her pussy.” They both laughed, and then Vicente got serious. “If you can get some vital information about her and keep me informed while she stays out here, you will be rewarded in the end.”

  “Will do, sir.” Carlito got up and extended his hand across the desk to shake Vicente’s hand.

  “You’re just like your brother. I know you will make him proud.”

  “Yeah, I know. I miss him dearly, and if I find out who murdered him, it’s going to be war.” Carlito flared up his nose. Ever since his brother’s murder, all he had been doing was getting money and killing people who got in his way. He didn’t care who he killed; he was heartless.

  “Yeah, but he’s in a better place now, looking down on you.” Vicente got up from around the desk and patted him on the shoulder. “So let’s get started, huh?” Vicente smirked as he took one last pull on his cigar and looked Carlito in the eye. “Don’t disappoint me, Carlito. You’re all I have at this point.”

  “All right, sir, I won’t,” Carlito said, before leaving the room.

  Vicente sat back in his chair and watched as Carlito solemnly exited the room. He reminisced about how he had taken Emilio and Carlito under his wings a while back.


  Vicente stood over Julio as he sat on his knees with his hands tied behind his back. Julio’s pregnant wife, Julia, was on her knees, tied up. Her hands were behind her back and duct tape covered her mouth. Tears streamed down her face. She was petrified. Julio was beaten half to death, until blood dripped down the side of his face. His two sons, Emilio and Carlito, sat on the couch as they watched their father die slowly, fearing that they would be next. Vicente placed his cigar in the side of his mouth as he fumbled around in his pocket for a lighter. He lit the cigar and took a long drag on it, before blowing and releasing the thick cloud of smoke in Julio’s face. He started coughing as he held his head down, trying to avoid the smoke that had entered his nose.

  “Did you really think that you could fuck with my money?”

  “No, Vicente.”

  “So where the fuck is the rest of my money?” Vicente asked.

  “The feds took it. They were swarming all over me like bees, man.” Julio’s voice begin to sound squeaky, as if he was about to break down and cry.

  Vicente started laughing and shook his head. “Do you think I’m a fucking fool?” Vicente held his cigar in his hand as the smoke carefully left the lit cigar.

  “No, Vicente.”

  “So I don’t understand why the fuck you keep lying to me!” Vicente barked, trying to figure out why Julio was fucking with him. He knew Vicente didn’t like to be fucked with at all. Vicente took one last pull on his cigar, before he pushed it deep down into Julio’s eye.

  “Arghhh!” Julio screamed out in agony. “I’m not fucking lying!” he retorted.

  “Okay, Julio, you keep lying to me.” Vicen
te nodded his head. He walked over to his wife and rubbed her head. Julia stared at Julio with tears in her eyes as they silently streamed down her face. She was shaken up. She knew who Vicente was and there was no possible way he was going to let them live.

  “You see her?” Vicente walked behind Julia as he grabbed her head. She moaned as he yanked her hair by the roots. “Look at her!” Vicente screamed as he shook her head. “Do you fucking see your wife? She’s pregnant,” Vicente informed him, as if he didn’t know. She was seven months pregnant and her stomach protruded out of her white T-shirt.

  “Please don’t hurt her!” Julio cried like a bitch.

  Vicente caressed one side of Julia’s face as he held the gun in another hand, standing behind her. Vicente and Julio seemed to have a staring contest. Julio was more than enraged. He had a look of hate in his eyes. Vicente knew if Julio had a chance, he would have loved to kill him, but he knew he couldn’t because Vicente was in control.

  “Now, where’s my money?” Vicente asked in a calm manner. He still got the same answer in return. “Say goodbye to your wife!” Vicente said quickly as he pulled up his gun. He shot Julia in the back of her head and placed a second bullet in her stomach.

  Emilio and Carlito sat on the couch in complete shock as they saw their mother get murdered right in front of them.

  “Noooooo!” Julio screamed as he watched his wife’s precious body hit the carpet. Blood poured from her head, staining the carpet. Her head faced Julio with her eyes wide open.

  “You think I’m fucking playing, huh?” Vicente said, as rubbed his nose with the hand he held his gun in. “Come here, son.” Vicente pointed at Emilio and Carlito.

  Emilio slowly got off the couch as he nervously walked over to Vicente. Carlito hid behind Emilio as he followed behind him.

  “Do you want your sons to live?” Vicente asked as he wrapped his arms around both of their necks. He brought them closer to him, with his gun dangling next to Carlito’s shoulder. It scared him.

  “Don’t you fucking touch them!” Julio barked.

  “Or what?” Vicente stared Julio in the eyes with a serious look on his face and his nose flared up. “You have no fucking authority to be giving any kind of demands right now, you understand?” Vicente assured him as Julio hesitantly nodded his head. “And I’m pretty sure you know what the fuck happens when people fuck with my money, Julio. They die; you know that!” Vicente yelled.

  Julio shook his head as he pursed his lips together, ready to die. “I’m sorry. Just kill me and don’t touch my kids. They don’t have anything to do with it.” Julio begged for both of his sons’ lives.

  “Of course they do!” Vicente laughed. “They are your kids, and when someone fucks with my money, the whole familia is involved.” Vicente silently nodded his head with a devilish smirk on his face. “I’ll tell you what. I’ll take these two under my wings and have them working for me.”

  Julio shook his head. He knew for sure he didn’t want his sons working for Vicente, but he had no choice. It wasn’t a question or up for debate.

  “They will work for me, until they make up what you owe! But you’re still going to die.”

  “Just don’t kill my sons, please!” Julio begged, as he spit out blood.

  “Sorry it had to end this way. This is a message for people who fucks with my money or make a fool out of me.” Vicente released his arm from around the two boys, raised his gun, and said, “We could have been real good business partners.” He cocked back the gun, sending one bullet into the middle of Julio’s head.

  Blood splattered everywhere as Julio’s body fell over to the side. He and his wife lay there together, dead.

  The two boys stood there in shock and knew that from that point on, they had no choice, but to make up for what their father had lost. If not, they would suffer the same brutal torture their mother and father had gone through.

  Chapter Twenty-six

  Carlito’s way

  Mercedes emerged from inside the hotel. She walked through the double sliding doors and looked at the clear, turquoise water from a distance. The beautiful waves crashed together, crawling up, trying to reach shore. Mercedes wore her oversized designer shades, which protected her beautiful green eyes from the blazing sun. She wore a sexy, white flowing skirt that reached past her knees, and a plain white tank top. Mercedes dressed like a plain Jane, but she accessorized her look with her expensive diamond jewelry.

  Mercedes placed her hand up to forehead and screwed up her face, looking around for her friends. She noticed them sitting close to the water on their towels. Mercedes took off her sandals and held them in her hand. She walked across the beach, holding up her skirt. Her dainty, pink-polished toes fought with the sand. A cool breeze swiftly passed her way as her curly, crinkly hair blew in another direction. Mercedes grabbed her hair as she tried to control it by holding it down. She walked over to her girls and stood in front of them with her hands on her hips.

  “Damn, girl, look like you just fought with a tornado,” Hazel joked, referring to her hair, which was out of place and wild looking. They all laughed, and Mercedes couldn’t help but to crack a smile.

  “Yeah, I know. It’s a beautiful day, just a little breezy.” Mercedes sat down on an extra towel that Chamari had. “I would have loved to have grown up here. I feel like I belong here.” Mercedes smiled as she lay back, rested on her elbow, and looked into the distance.

  “Yeah, it is pretty out here,” Chamari said, as she sipped on a margarita. The girls laughed, chatted, and brought up old memories from high school. “Damn, you see that motherfucker right there?” Chamari asked, as all the girls turned their heads in the direction she was looking. “Damn, he’s my type!”

  “Well, you ain’t his,” Shateeya said rudely as she laughed, clapping her hands together like it was funny.

  “Fuck you!” Chamari barked. She rolled her eyes, pursing her lips together.

  “You always got something smart to say with ya skinny ass!” Hazel busted out laughing as she dapped off Chamari.

  “This bitch ain’t got no type of ass, and maybe I should give you some ass.” Chamari laughed at her own joke. “What Trina say in her song? I feel sorry for you; I might let you borrow some ass.” Hazel and Chamari busted out into laughter.

  Mercedes ignored the girls as they continuously argued with each other. She had her eyes on the handsome guy, who was walking towards them. She lowered her shades to get a better look at him.

  “Is he coming over here?” Chamari asked excitedly.

  “Yeah, and it looks like he’s checking out Mercedes,” Hazel admitted.

  Mercedes bit her bottom lip as she watched the guy walk up from the water. He held onto a camera that hung from his neck. He wore a tight white T-shirt, which showed off his muscular arms, with some black shorts. He kept it simple, but Mercedes liked what she saw. He stood in front of them. Mercedes looked him up and down as she sized him up.

  “I’m sorry to bother you beautiful ladies,” he interrupted.

  “It’s all right, handsome, anytime,” Chamari said seductively.

  Hazel nudged her in the arm with her elbow. “I’m sorry, she’s a little loca.” Hazel swirled her hand around her ear.

  He smiled from ear to ear, showing off his pearly whites. “I just had to stop by and tell you that you are the most beautiful girl I’ve seen, since I’ve been living in Cuba,” he said, directing his compliments to Mercedes.

  “Thank you.” She smiled and her dimples were in full affect as she blushed.

  “Want to take a walk with me?” he asked politely.

  Mercedes didn’t know this guy from a hole in a wall, but she felt as if he wouldn’t do her any harm. He held out his hand as he helped Mercedes get up to her feet. She fixed her skirt, smoothed down the back, and looked back at her girls. “I’ll be back.” Mercedes winked at them.

  “Better come straight back, no fucking!” Shateeya blurted out carelessly.

  Mercedes’s eyes wid
ened as she turned around and covered her mouth. “I’m so sorry! I apologize for my friend. She has a nasty mouth on her.” Mercedes was embarrassed by Shateeya’s careless comment.

  “I see.” He smiled as he looked over at Mercedes. “It’s okay, don’t worry about it.”

  They continued walking along the shore. Mercedes held her head down as she walked, watching her feet kick up the sand.

  “So what’s your name?” He broke the silence.


  “Nice to meet you, Mercedes. My name is Carlito.”

  “It’s nice to meet you too.” She nodded her head. “So what is it that you do? I see you got a camera around your neck.”

  “Oh, this?” He picked up the camera. “I’m not a photographer, but I love taking pictures and capturing beautiful moments, like that one right there.”

  “Where?” Mercedes looked away.

  Carlito had his camera up to his eye and he snapped several pictures. Mercedes looked back at him and shook her head, laughing,

  “You think you’re funny?” She smirked.

  “No. I just captured several beautiful moments of you.” He smiled as he looked into his camera. “See, I got one with you smiling, showing off your pearly whites, one with you looking away. That’s true beauty.”

  All Mercedes could do was smile. Carlito had already captured her eye, but from the way he was speaking, he sounded like a very intelligent and smart guy.

  “Can I buy you a drink?” he asked.

  “Sure, why not?” Mercedes smirked and placed her hair behind her ear.

  They walked on the sand and headed towards the outside bar. Mercedes took a seat at the bar and placed her feet up on the bottom of the stool. She rested her head on her hand and held up her weight with her elbow. She eyed Carlito as he sipped on his drink. She wanted to run her hair through his curly, silky hair. She wanted his full, thick lips between her legs. Mercedes shook the freaky thoughts out of her head as he asked her what she would like to drink.

  “I’m sorry,” Mercedes apologized. “I was in a daze.”


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