The Hustler's Daughter Volume 2

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The Hustler's Daughter Volume 2 Page 21

by Pinky Dior

  Mercedes cracked a smile. This crazy-ass old motherfucker got some nerve.

  “All right, well, enjoy your night,” Vicente said before walking away.

  “You too.” Carlito turned his attention towards Mercedes. “Let me talk to you for a few minutes.” He gently grabbed her hand, as he walked her over to an area that was nice and quiet.

  “So what did you want to talk to me about?” Mercedes sat down.

  “Nothing, I just wanted to get you alone,” Carlito smirked. “And tell you how beautiful you are, and how much you make my day.” He made Mercedes smile from ear to ear.

  “Well, that made my night.” The wind blew in their direction, and she placed a piece of hair behind her ear that was in her face. “Let’s head back out to the party. I feel like dancing.” Mercedes heard the soft sounds of Cuban music fill the yacht.

  “Let’s go.” Carlito grabbed her hand and they went back to the upper level of the yacht.

  Mercedes smiled, watching her girls dancing. They had expensive glasses filled with wine in their hands. Mercedes turned towards Carlito as she wrapped her arms around his neck and danced. She just moved her body with the beat of the music and went with the flow. Mercedes turned around until she had her back towards him. She bent down a little bit and picked up her dress from the ground, grinding on his manhood, as he danced with her and held onto her hips. Mercedes felt his manhood stiffen up as she stepped back and looked into his eyes.

  “How about I take you to the beach and show you a good time…sex on the beach?” Carlito winked at her.

  Mercedes looked at him seductively and licked her lips. She couldn’t wait until they got back to shore. Her hotel was right next to the beach, so it wasn’t that far. They felt the yacht coming to a stop. Mercedes and Carlito made their way to the front, ready to get off. She spotted her girls a few feet away from them. She walked over to them and informed her girls that she was spending the night with Carlito, while they mercilessly teased her. Mercedes shook her head as she walked and returned next to Carlito’s side. They exited the yacht as the Cuban music faded away.


  Mercedes lay on her back, on top of a towel. Carlito was on top of her thick body, as he inserted his dick inside of her dripping wet pussy. Mercedes moaned as he stuck his big dick inside of her. She eased up, so it wouldn’t hurt so much.

  “Are you alright, ma?”

  Mercedes nodded her head, but no words escaped. He slowly stroked her pussy, knowing exactly how to get Mercedes nice and wet. She held onto his back as he sped up the pace. She bit down on the bottom of her lip, as she felt his balls smacking against her ass.

  “Mmm…” Mercedes moaned as she worked her hips. “Damn, that’s my spot right there!” Mercedes yelled, but he stopped working it like the way she wanted. She tightened up her pussy and worked her hips into his as she panted and breathed heavily.

  “Mmm, I’m about to cum.” She grabbed the sand as she squeezed it and slowly let it drop out of her hands.

  Carlito grunted as he felt Mercedes cum. “I’m about to explode!” he exclaimed.

  Mercedes knew he was cumming, because of the funny looks he had on his face. Mercedes smiled as he got off her, disposing of the condom. He lay down next to her, as she laid her head on his chest and fell asleep.

  Chapter Twenty-eight


  It had only been a couple of days since Mercedes and Carlito had been hanging out. They spent countless nights together, shopping, visiting places and hanging out during the last nights of her stay in Cuba. After another morning of having sex on the beach, Mercedes reclined her head against Carlito’s chest. They watched as the sun came up. A tear crept down the side of her face and she didn’t bother wiping it away. Memories of her father, Emilio, and Chino cluttered her head. She couldn’t help but let the tears freely fall from her eyes. Carlito looked down and noticed that she was silent, and then he felt a teardrop on his arm.

  “What’s wrong, Mercedes?” Carlito questioned.

  “Nothing…just thinking.” Mercedes sniffled as she wiped away the tears that were streaming down her face.

  “Come on, ma, talk to me,” Carlito suggested. “I’m here for you.”

  Mercedes couldn’t help it. She felt as if she was about to explode because she kept everything built up inside. “I lost a lot of people in my life, Carlito, and I’m hurting.” She looked away and refrained from letting the tears fall out. “If I even told you the kind of things that I’ve been through and done in my life, you would probably think that I have no remorse for anyone.” Mercedes slightly smiled.

  “What happened?”

  “It’s a long story.” Mercedes sighed as she sat up. She placed her hands around her legs and stared out into the distance. Tears filled her eyes as she tried to block out the memories of her killing Emilio, but it haunted her. She felt as if Carlito wouldn’t judge her or look at her any differently, so she told him. “My father was murdered and I found out who had something to do with my murder, and when I did, I killed him…slowly.”

  “Was this your boyfriend?” he questioned inquisitively.

  “No…well, he was. His name was Emilio. I fell in love with a guy who wasn’t the real deal. He lied to me, saying he was from Florida, but he was really from here. I fell in love with him, but finding out who he was after everything my family and I had gone through…I had to. I had no choice.” Mercedes gritted her teeth together.

  “Damn, Mercedes.” Carlito shook his head.

  “Everybody I kill, I kill for a reason. He should have never lied to me, posing like someone else to get close to my family. I knew there was something that wasn’t right about him. I’m glad that I murdered him. He deserved to die!” Mercedes got up and quickly slipped on her dress.

  Mercedes got up and walked off, leaving Carlito sitting there speechless.


  Vicente sat at the kitchen table, which was filled with tasty food, with both of his beautiful daughters. Carlito entered through Vicente’s double French doors with the two bodyguards by his side. Vicente looked up and saw Carlito standing there.

  “Can I talk to you for a minute?” Carlito asked.

  “Sure.” Vicente wiped his mouth with the napkin and excused himself from the table. He pushed back his chair and walked down the hall and into his office. “Come in,” Vicente said as he grabbed his Dutch, placed it in his mouth, and lit it.

  Carlito walked in and he took a seat. Vicente looked at his bodyguards and gave them the signal that they could leave. Vicente looked in Carlito’s eyes and a smile appeared on his face.

  “So I’m guessing you have news for me?”

  “Good and bad news that you wouldn’t even believe.”

  “I’m Vicente; I can handle the truth. Whether I want to believe it or not, is up to you, depending on how good of a storyteller you are.” Vicente smirked.

  “Well, I did my homework and I found out everything thing you need to know about Mercedes... Mercedes Carter, that is.”

  “Carter?” Vicente’s eyes were very low as he stared at Carlito.

  “Yes, sir. She’s definitely a Carter—the daughter of Don Carter. Surprisingly, she’s your granddaughter.”

  “My granddaughter? Granddaughter?” he said repeatedly. “That can’t be!” Vicente reclined his head against his chair as he stared at Carlito, not believing him. He continued asking him follow-up questions. “How are you sure that she’s my granddaughter?” he questioned.

  “Vicente, come on.” Carlito chuckled, but nothing was funny to Vicente. “She is the spitting image of your daughter. How could you not see the resemblance?”

  “You’re right; she is beautiful.” Vicente nodded his head as he looked over at the picture of his daughter. Then he grabbed the picture of Mercedes and placed the pictures side by side, comparing them.

  “She’s here to get her mother and get back at you for what you have done to her father.”

  Vicente grabbed his chin and s
cratched it. “This little bitch thinks that she can come to my country and take what’s mine? Mr. Carter tried once and didn’t get away with it, and neither will she.” Vicente got up, turned, and looked out the windows as he placed his hands behind his back. “Bring her to me!” Vicente demanded. “I will kill her myself!” he barked.

  “She killed Emilio,” Carlito said. “I need to repay her for what she did to my brother.”

  “I don’t give a fuck about her killing Emilio!” Vicente retorted. “This is more than some little problem you got. This is more than business; this is now war.” Vicente turned around with a look of evil in his eyes. “Bring that little bitch to me!” Vicente banged his hand on the table. He didn’t take his eyes off Carlito once.

  “Yes, Vicente.” Carlito nodded his head in approval before turning around and exiting Vicente’s office.

  Carlito furiously walked down the corridors of Vicente’s home. He didn’t want to believe the information that Mercedes had told him, but she left him no choice. He wanted to kill her for what she had done to his brother. She needed to die.

  Chapter Twenty-nine


  Mercedes ran her fingers through her long curly hair, as the hot water cascaded down her thick body. She reminisced on the good times she had with her father, and everything else she had been through in the last past two years. It brought tears to her eyes just thinking about him, and usually she held it back, but this time she let it all go. She thought about her mother; it wouldn’t be easy getting her back. Mercedes turned off the water, slowly stepped out, and began to dry herself off. She wiped off the foggy mirror and when she looked in it, she saw her father. She wrapped her robe around her body as she emerged from the bathroom. She slipped on her shorts and a wife beater.

  Mercedes grabbed her gun off the table, not noticing the simple white rose that was on the bed. She walked past the bed and over to the balcony. She didn’t step outside; she just stared from a distance out into the sky as she watched the stars glistening. A smile appeared across her face as she thought about Chino. She missed and still loved him dearly to this day. Mercedes grabbed the necklace that was around her neck as a teardrop crept down the side of her face. She thought she heard someone come through the door. She turned around and didn’t see anyone. Mercedes shook the thoughts out of her head, thinking that she was bugging.

  Suddenly, someone in her hotel room wrapped hands around her mouth. Mercedes was screaming as she tried to bite his hand, but he wasn’t letting go, no matter how hard she bit down on the hand.

  “You killed my blood brother! You think that I would just let you get away with my brother’s murder?”

  At first Mercedes had no clue who it was, but she recognized the familiar voice. It was Carlito.

  “You killed my brother Emilio! He was my brother! My blood brother! Why did you do it?” He removed his hands from her mouth as he held the gun, pushing it into her back. “Don’t you fucking move, bitch, or I will blow your brains out.” He raised the gun towards her head, daring her to budge.

  “Your brother killed my boyfriend, my father, my uncle, and he almost killed my mother. You want me to have remorse for him? Your brother was a cold-blooded murderer. And so am I.” A devilish smirk appeared across her face. “This is for Emilio.”

  Mercedes didn’t even give him a chance to cock his gun. She spun around quickly and let off the whole clip into Carlito’s chest. She watched as the bullets ripped through his chest, causing his body to jerk up and down. His body fell to the floor.

  Mercedes heard a loud knocking on her door. She aimed her gun at the door. When she looked through the peephole, she saw that it was Hazel. She quickly opened the door with her gun, still aiming as if someone else was with her.

  “Damn, Mercedes, it’s me.” Hazel threw her hands up as she walked past Mercedes. “What the fuck is going on here?” she questioned, looking at Carlito’s dead body.

  “This motherfucker tried to kill me!” Mercedes barked. “Come to find out, he’s Emilio’s brother.” Mercedes had never told anyone else about killing Emilio, but she told Hazel, because she was the coolest with Hazel.

  “Damn! I guess his revenge was to get you, but you got him first.”

  “Fuck yeah! I’m a Carter!” Mercedes shouted. “Just because someone catches me slipping, don’t mean they will catch me falling.”

  “What’s the word with your moms?” Hazel asked. “Is she good?”

  “Hopefully. Alana is there now. I don’t know; I’m waiting on her phone call.”


  Vicente couldn’t believe how Mercedes had blinded him; she was the spitting image of Maria. Vicente walked down the corridors of his home and into the huge kitchen. He solemnly sat down at the table without exchanging any words with either of his daughters.

  Maria stared up from her plate. She knew there was something wrong with her father, by the look on his face. She didn’t know what Carlito had told him, but she knew he had told her father something, because he had been easygoing that morning. His mood had drastically changed. Alana looked over at Maria, and they both noticed the same look in their father’s eyes. Maria quickly finished her plate of food and stood up.

  “Sit down!” Vicente demanded.

  Maria looked at Alana, who had a fearful look on her face. Alana continued to eat, but in slow motion, anticipating what was going to happen. Maria turned around on her heel and sat back down in her chair. She placed her plate back down on the table.

  “Who’s Mercedes Carter?” Vicente asked as he stared into Maria’s eyes.

  She just looked at him and bit down on the bottom of her lips. Shock went down her spine when she heard her daughter’s name. When she didn’t respond quickly enough, Vicente barked, “I said who the fuck is Mercedes Carter?” Vicente banged his fist down as he shook the glasses of wine that were on the table.

  Maria jumped back, a little startled. “My daughter,” Maria admitted in a low tone.

  “Who?” Vicente raised his voice. “Speak up; I didn’t hear you!” Vicente said, pointing to his ear.

  “Mercedes Carter is my daughter.” Maria looked up, staring in her father’s eyes as if she wasn’t scared of him. “And you better not touch her!” she warned.

  “You disappoint me, Maria.” Vicente rolled up his sleeves. “You broke my number one rule, and then you had the nerve to go behind my back and fuck the nigga and have his child.” Vicente shook his head in disappointment.

  “Who the fuck was I supposed to have a baby by? My father?” Maria barked.

  Alana knew that Maria was out of line and so was Vicente. He couldn’t believe she’d said that. He reached across the table and smacked Maria across the face. Maria’s face quickly went to the side, messing her hair up; it was out of place. Breathing heavily, Maria turned and looked at her father with a look of hate on her face.

  “You’re mines, Maria! I love you! I love you more than I loved your mother! You belong to me and no one else.” Vicente got up, walked around the table, and caressed the side of Maria’s face. “See what you caused?” Vicente chuckled. “If only you had followed my rules, everyone would be alive right now. Carter’s dead and so is his brother, Roy, and the rest of the Carter family. I guess all that is left is you and Mercedes.”

  Maria closed her eyes as she felt her father’s grip tightening around her neck. “Fuck you, Vicente!” Maria shouted. “I hope you rot in hell.”

  Those were Maria’s last words before Vicente squeezed the life out of her. Maria’s feet kicked Alana under the table as she struggled for her last breath. Vicente gritted his teeth together as he enjoyed killing his own flesh and blood…his daughter.

  After Maria’s feet stopped kicking, Vicente knew she was dead, but he wanted to make sure. He cracked her neck. He knew her neck was broken when he heard a popping noise. Maria’s head dropped to the side and blood trickled out the side of her mouth.

  “Clean this shit up!” Vicente demanded as he walked away.
br />   Alana couldn’t believe her father had killed Maria. Tears filled her eyes as she got up and rushed over to Maria. She held her head up, calling her name as if she wasn’t dead.

  “Please, Maria, don’t die!” Alana stepped back and gently removed her hands from Maria’s head. Maria’s head fell onto the table. Alana covered her mouth and ran out of the house as fast as she could. She knew her father was going to come after her next.


  Alana stole one of her father’s boats to return to the mainland, and after reaching the docks, she managed to hail a cab to take her back to the hotel. She struggled as she tried to take her cell phone from her pocket and dial Mercedes’s phone number. She kept calling her, but it went directly to voicemail. She left her a message, saying it was about her mother, and that she needed to get out of Cuba ASAP, because Vicente was onto her and would be looking for her.

  Alana headed to her hotel room and decided to pack her things and leave Cuba for good. When she opened up the door, her heart immediately dropped. She stood in front of her father Vicente, who was surrounded by several bodyguards standing up in the room with AK-47’s. She couldn’t believe her father had beaten her there. She didn’t know how he managed to do it; it was impossible. Alana knew that this was serious, and she knew this was her last day living, so there was no need to fight.

  “Hello, Alana. Sit down here, honey.” Vicente had a devilish smirk on his face.

  Alana slowly walked over to her father. She turned around and sat in the chair, afraid to turn her back on her father. She was afraid of what he was going to do; she was always afraid of her father. He yanked her hair hard and made her look at him. She could tell that he was furious. His gray eyes were now red and his nose was flared up in anger.

  “Stupid bitch!” Vicente pushed her head. He walked around in front of her, raised his hand, and swiftly smacked her across her face with full force. He smacked her so hard that she fell out of the chair. “Get up!” Vicente demanded as he kicked her in the stomach.


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