Dragon Mob: A Powyrworld Urban Fantasy Romance (The Lost Dragon Princes Book 3)

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Dragon Mob: A Powyrworld Urban Fantasy Romance (The Lost Dragon Princes Book 3) Page 4

by Tiffany Allee


  The door opened, and one of his men peeked in. “There’s a broad here to see you.”

  Gian raised an eyebrow at his guard. There was more to it than that, he bet on it. The man knew better than to interrupt him for a woman.

  “What broad?”

  “The Todaro girl.”

  Well, fuck him. Maybe he hadn’t been very easy to forget either. That didn’t surprise him, exactly. But this wasn’t a normal situation, and Domenica Todaro wasn’t just some woman off the street. Family loyalty wasn’t a joke. And even though Domenica had a reputation for being anything but the model Italian daughter, he’d never heard anything negative about her loyalty to her father.

  “Send her in.”

  His man nodded, and seconds later, Domenica walked through his door. He nodded to his man, and he shut the door behind her, leaving them alone. Domenica strode up to his desk, her eyes wide and her chest out—emphasizing her very low-cut blouse.

  Fuck. Blood rushed through his ears, thundering. His cock twitched in his pants, and his whole body tightened. It took every bit of his willpower not to close the distance between them and start kissing her again.

  “I need your help.” Her voice was soft, and she leaned over his desk—the perfect angle so he could see her big tits. “My father…” She shook her head, hesitating. And for a moment, she looked unsure.

  The woman was never unsure. She wouldn’t have come here otherwise. Was she playing him?

  Fine. If she wanted to play, he’d play. “What is it?”

  If possible, her eyes got even wider, and she sniffled. “He’s gone. Disappeared. And I think his Capo had something to do with it. He wants—” She shook her head as of what the Capo wanted was too terrible to even say aloud

  “What does he want, bella?”

  “Me,” she gushed. “He insinuated the only way I’ll be safe with my father gone is in his bed. I had to sneak out of my own damn house—through a window, even.”

  Rage rolled through him at that. How dare that fucker threaten this woman—his woman. No. Not his—not yet.

  But she would be.

  Domenica stood straighter, but her expression was still something close to simpering. Damned annoying.

  “Stop playing the fucking damsel in distress, and maybe I’ll help you.” His words were harsh, but he didn’t like her like this.

  Her mouth dropped open like she was shocked, but when he didn’t move an inch, she rolled her eyes and plopped into the seat opposite him. “Fine.”

  “What you told me was true?” he asked, his mind moving onto the actual information. If Don Todaro had disappeared, that didn’t mean good things for his family, either. Sure, the Todaros were the Spadaros’ rivals, but they were predictable rivals. Biagio wasn’t entirely an unknown, but the man had always given him a bad vibe. And when it came to business, he always listened to his father’s advice—he minded his gut. And his instincts were rarely wrong.

  But his instincts threatened to overrun him just at the sight of her.

  “I really am worried about my father.” Her expression hardened. “And I won’t marry that fucker, no matter what. Nor will I warm his bed.”

  Just the idea of Domenica being in anyone else’s bed, let alone that creep, made him want to break something. “And you think I can help you.”

  “I know you can help me,” she said.

  It was tempting to ask her how far she would go for his help. If she would fuck him in exchange for his help in finding her father, keeping her safe. He was certain she would. Their attraction was mutual. But he didn’t want her like that. Didn’t want her without choice. He wanted her to want him. Hell, he wanted her to beg for it.

  He wasn’t entirely sure what he would do with her, but he wasn’t about to give her up now that she was in his grasp.


  After promising to continue their discussion later, Gian left Domenica in a guestroom in his family home. His desire to bring her to his personal residence was overwhelming. But he would wait. Bide his time. Do this the right way.

  Just brushing her arm had brought his dick to attention once again. Smelling her scent, taking her under his protection… It made him lose focus on anything but keeping her close. Taking her.

  He wasn’t a man overtaken by passion. But damn him if she wasn’t changing everything.

  “Gian?” one of his men said.

  “What is it?”

  The man frowned. “Biagio is here. Requesting an audience with your father.”

  Gian mentally cursed. “I’ll meet with the Capo in my office.”

  Without another word, he headed for his office and settled in. He schooled his expression the way he had done since he was barely out of diapers.

  A few minutes after he was settled, a knock came from the door.

  “Come in,” he said.

  His man opened the door, and Biagio stepped inside. The door shut behind him.

  Gian had never been particularly fond of Biagio. The man was slimy, sneaky. And while Gian appreciated guile in business, he didn’t care for dealing with the man he never felt like he could quite trust. But as his father’s Capo, dealing with Biagio had been a necessary evil.

  “I requested an audience with the Don.”

  Gian gave him a slow smile. “You’re speaking with someone of equal rank, there is no insult. Speaking of which, where is your Don?”

  Biagio’s eyes narrowed. “I see you’ve already heard.”

  “You know how rumors are. Nasty things. They spread like wildfire.”

  “Hmmm…” The Capo said noncommittally.

  Silence settled in. Biagio tried to make Gian speak first. An old trick to give him the upper hand. But Gian had all day. Comfortable in his own office, with his men surrounding them just outside the door. He wouldn’t ask Biagio why he came.

  After a long moment that stretched out to an uncomfortable length, Biagio cracked. “The rumors are true. The Don is gone, and I fear the worst.” As if suddenly remembering he should show some emotion to that effect, Biagio’s face twisted into a facsimile of worry. “It isn’t like Don Todaro to take off like this. We fear the worst.”

  Something told Giancarlo that Biagio feared nothing—except maybe the Don’s return.

  “How unfortunate.” His noncommittal answer seemed to annoy the Capo.

  “I’m here to formally request any information about the Don that you may come across be relayed to me.” Biagio’s slimy grin returned. “As our business interests occasionally align, I would assume that wouldn’t be too much to ask.”

  Giancarlo nodded graciously. “But of course.”

  A hollow request and they both knew it. Whatever had befallen Don Todaro, Giancarlo would bet every cent of his father’s empire that Biagio was knee deep in it.

  “If Don Todaro were unable to return, I see no reason why we must continue the rivalry between our people to such a degree. We can and should work more closely—for the profit of all involved.” Biagio’s dark smile widened. “Also, the Don’s daughter has taken his disappearance as an opportunity to run off. I would take it as a personal favor if you corralled the bitch were you to happen upon her so I can bring her home.”

  “If the Don is gone, what concern have you for his daughter?” Gian was careful to keep his voice emotionless.

  “It would help solidify my claim to marry her—if the Don isn’t found, of course. If nothing else, I’d like the bitch to warm my bed.”

  Fury smashed into Giancarlo. He stood from the desk, and his fingers dug into the wood. “Get the fuck out of my house.”

  Biagio’s smile disappeared, replaced by the pure sinister intellect. “Think carefully, son of the Don. A little whore isn’t worth going to war over.”

  It took every bit of his self-control to keep from jumping over the desk and strangling Biagio with his bare hands. “Get. The fuck. Out.”

  Biagio was outnumbered in the middle of his rival’s stronghold. Any move othe
r than leaving was suicide. And he knew it.

  The Capo gave Gian a dramatic bow. His eyes glittered with hatred. “As you wish.”

  Gian watched him go, a tension gripping him until the Capo was outside his office. Then, without thinking about it, he found himself heading for Domenica’s room. He knocked twice then opened the door, and she glared at him from where she was just getting up from the chair.

  “You couldn’t wait for me to answer it?” she asked, her chin up and eyes flashing with anger.

  “You have to pick a side,” he said.

  She paled slightly. “What you mean?”

  “I just sent Biagio away. In a manner that he didn’t appreciate.”

  Hope touched her expression, and something in his chest twisted. “Will you still help me find my father?”

  The time for maneuvering was done. “Yes. But my father won’t accept us going into a feud over some random pussy. I want you. Permanently.”

  Even as he said it, he knew it was true. Something inside of him demanded he make her his. More than that, she was a perfect match for him. Not just physically, but intellectually, too.

  She thought about that for a long moment. “Is this your idea of a proposal?”


  “So romantic,” she said, and a smile touched her lips. “I have requirements.”

  “Such as?”

  “If we’re doing this for real, then you won’t stop until you find my father. And you won’t require me to do anything I don’t want to do.” She crossed her arms, a challenge in her gaze.

  “Of course.” The words came easily. She would want him, just as badly as he wanted her. He’d make sure of it.

  She took a deep breath. “Very well. I agree.”

  Elation hit him, and with it a thundering need. She would be his. He took a step toward her, and her cheeks flushed pretty pink. “Good.”

  A loud knock came from the door.


  “What?” he said.

  One of his father’s men opened the door, his expression uncertain. “Your father wants you, sir.”

  Gian cursed under his breath. He wanted nothing more than to seal the deal right now with Domenica. And for once, he was certain he could. Blood rushed through him in a fiery fury, and his cock had already begun hardening. But he knew better than to keep his father waiting.

  “We’ll talk later,” he told Domenica. And she nodded coolly.

  He wanted to smash something. Or, even better, fuck Domenica. The desire to take her now nearly overran his good sense. But he had to deal with his father first. And that would be a challenge. Framing Domenica’s situation right could mean his father’s support—or lack thereof.

  Don Spadaro, Gian’s father, sat behind his desk, like an old king taking an audience. His office was far larger and more elaborate than Gian’s, and it even sported a hidden entrance. The Don frowned at Gian and waited for him to speak first.

  “Father,” Gian said, nodding respectfully.

  Don Spadaro was technically his adopted father, but he’d never acted like Gian was anything other than his son. The Don had been dedicated to Gian’s adopted mother, and that dedication never faltered even when they’d discovered she was unable to have children. Even after her death, the Don hadn’t once shown interest in marrying again, let alone fathering more children. Not to Gian’s knowledge, anyway.

  “Don’t ‘Father’ me, Gian. As though you don’t know why I called you in here.”


  “Decided—without consulting me—to start a war with our rival. Over a piece of ass, no less. I know.” His father snorted in amusement. “Really, Gian. I expected you to do ridiculous things for pussy when you were a teenager, but I didn’t imagine you would start this bullshit now.”

  “That’s not what this is about.” And it wasn’t. Not exactly. But explaining his driving need to possess and protect Domenica would make even less sense to his father.

  “Then what is it about?” His father waved off his response. “Honestly, I don’t give a fuck. Just don’t make a mess of it.”

  “I intend to marry her.”

  His father threw back his head and laughed.

  He wasn’t taking him seriously. Then again, why would he? Gian had never shown serious interest in a woman. No doubt his father thought he’d get a piece and move on. Gian himself would have laughed at the situation only days before.

  When it became apparent Gian wasn’t joking, his father sobered. But when he spoke, it wasn’t to address his son. “Marco!” he called, and his father’s man opened the door. “Bring the girl here.”


  Domenica came in, full of life and fury, without a hint of apology on her face for his father. And she looked beautiful while she did so. Hair and makeup perfect, she didn’t look like a woman who hid from anyone.

  Gian’s chest filled with pride at the sight of her. Such a woman. And soon, she would be his. No matter what his father said. He was loyal to his family. But he wasn’t a child to bow before his father’s every wish.

  His father seemed less impressed. “Exactly who do you think you are, piccola Donna? Bringing your problems into our home?”

  Domenica paled slightly at his father’s words, but she didn’t back down. “Biagio will be an issue for you sooner or later if my father isn’t found. If anything, I come bearing the opportunity for you to avoid this issue altogether, by helping me locate my father.”

  His father laughed. “Piccola Donna, your father is probably already cibo per i pesci.” He waved her off when she attempted to respond. “But if my son wants to risk his place for your golden pussy, then it is little concern of mine.” He turned his attention to Gian. “Choose carefully, and understand that if you harm the family or my business with the choice you make, you will have me to answer to.”

  With that, his father picked up the phone, as if they were no longer in the room.

  She’d been dismissed, as had Gian. Rage roiled through him at his father, but he nodded shortly and left the room, with Domenica in tow. But after they left the room, Marco asked Domenica to follow him. And Gian remained behind, his mind churning.

  Domenica paced back and forth in her room turned prison. Speaking with Giancarlo’s father had shaken her. She’d held her own and was proud of herself for that, but the future worried her.

  She had dealt with mobsters her whole life. But she’d always had the security of her father. Had always known that even if she stumbled, he would be there to catch her. The net wasn’t always soft, and it held her down and confined her more than it had saved her, but she’d always known that with it, the danger to her wouldn’t be mortal.

  Now she flew alone. With only Gian’s assurances—and she barely knew him. Even though every cell in her body told her that she could trust him, her brain argued that she allowed instinct to lead her when she needed to use her brain.

  A light tapping sound drew her attention to the window. What the hell was that? Another disaster? She’d had enough of those today, thank you very much. But curiosity got the better of her. What else could she do but check? Hide under her bed?

  No. She hadn’t fallen that far yet.

  Stomach tight with worry, she edged close to the window. At first, she didn’t see anything. Why should she? She was in a second-floor room that didn’t have a balcony. But as she drew closer, the shape of a man formed from the shadows.


  “Shit,” she muttered. Then, quick as she could, she unlocked the window and pulled it open. Luckily, there was no screen. But Gian held on with the benefit of only a gutter, and the windowsill at his disposal.

  “What the hell are you doing?” she hissed, grabbing one of his arms to help pull him through the window.

  He half-fell on her, trying to get his large body through the small window, but recovered his footing quickly. When he grinned at her, she realized she still held his arm. She dropped it like a snake.

  “I wanted to talk to
you,” he said simply. As if the man crawled through windows on a daily basis.

  “Did you forget how to use the door?” She kept her voice low. There had to be a reason that Gian came through the window. He wasn’t a kid. He wouldn’t climb his father’s house just for the fun of it.

  Or would he?

  “I wanted to see you without my father knowing. Without some fucking chaperone between us.” A spark of fury in his eyes almost made her step back. But his anger wasn’t directed at her. “He doesn’t seem to think you’re worth going to war over.”

  Her mouth went dry. “And what do you think?”

  “I think you’re in my blood. And I’d go to war over you ten times over if I had to.”

  The raw honesty and utter simplicity of his words took her breath away. And she couldn’t look away from his intense, dark gaze. If his words had come from any other man, she would’ve dismissed them as childish. Or as a trick. At least in her own head. But with him…

  The room was suddenly too hot, she got up and paced. “This is all so—so insane. What I’m feeling, I can’t be feeling.” She shot him a glare, not exactly blaming him, but he was the only one here. “I don’t understand this.”

  He shook his head and sat down on her bed. And she missed the fire of his gaze when he looked away. “I don’t understand it either. Defying my father isn’t something I’m prone to do on a whim. I don’t bow to him, but I do respect him.”

  She sighed and sat down next to him on the bed. All too well, she understood the pressure of living up to that kind of father. Acting on instinct, she took his hand in hers. Their fingers laced together almost of their own accord. “I understand.”

  His gaze searched hers. “If anyone understood, it would be you. But I don’t care if it makes me seem like a defiant pup, I’m not letting this go.” His hand tightened around hers. “I’m not letting you go.”

  The deep intensity of his voice made her stomach flutter in response. Her chest tightened, but she couldn’t find the words to express the strange feeling that had knocked the sense out of her.


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