Revelations - Rise of the Inquisitor

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Revelations - Rise of the Inquisitor Page 22

by R. E. Graham

  Moving low to his right, Varius opened up and fired the remains of his sidearm's magazine into the agent's legs. They fell and cried out in agony. Eva pulled out the stun baton out of the holster of the agent she held and activated it just in time to bat the agent in the helmet. He fell to the ground in a heap.

  She looked over to Varius. "We need to go!" he said as he tossed the pistol to the ground then bolted away from the storefront. He scooped up the gauntlet and started to attach it as he ran. Eva dropped the baton and followed after him as fast as her legs would carry her.

  Chapter 30

  Cycle: 412 Month: 7 Rotation: 14

  Prefecture: Siimon

  Planet: Eden

  Location: Downtown Lucifer

  As the two fugitives escaped from the surrounding area near Rony's shop, they found a shelter inside an old garage. The structure appeared to be very old and decrepit. For now, it would suffice.

  Eva and Varius both breathed heavily as they caught their breaths. While the Inquisitor knelt down on one knee the woman placed her arms up and behind her head.

  They both could hear the sirens wail down a nearby street on the highway above the building as yet another KoP patrol searched for them. During their latest escape, they had to evade capture over three more times since their tangle with the agents behind Rony's store.

  Eva was the first to break the silence. "That was close."

  Varius continued to breathe deeply and just nodded. While he was in unusually good shape compared to most citizens, even he had to dig deep to keep going. Escaping on foot in such a busy city as Lucifer with all of the tools at the disposal of the Keepers of Peace agents was no simple task.

  He lowered himself to the ground and pulled his knee up. Using the free time, he reached into his pocket and retrieved the data stick he uploaded Marth to and plugged it into his gauntlet. A holographic box jumped off the screen and read, "Would you like to download the AI application?"

  The Inquisitor pressed the "Yes" button with his right hand and the screen receded back to the gauntlet. A percentage signifying the progress of the process displayed on the reinforced screen and quickly showed "100%".

  "Hello again Inquisitor Varius" Marth said in her usual synthetic tone.

  "Marth, can you get access to the KoPs communications?"

  "Yes, it should only take me a moment."

  "Good, I want you to scan and monitor them for anything that sounds like they have located us."

  "Yes Inquisitor." The screen of the gauntlet dimmed and Varius placed his arms behind him so he could lean backwards.

  Eva kicked a loose rock on the ground and it bounced off the stonecrete floor until it hit the back of the empty garage. Its impact created a loud echo throughout the structure. Varius couldn't help himself as he glared at her.

  "Sorry" she said as she smiled. "So, what did Seneca say?"

  "He confirmed that I have orders out for my arrest, and that when I get back to Foundation there a tribunal is waiting for me."

  "Yikes! That is serious."

  Varius nodded solemnly. "I’m worried that if I cannot apprehend those responsible that my name will be dragged through the mud and I will instead be the one brought to justice."

  The ex-inquisitor understood all too well what that would mean to her when she served in the order, she could only imagine how much more painful it would be for him. "Well, we'll just have to make sure that doesn't happen."

  "Yeah..." he replied. He happened to glance towards her and she smiled reassuringly.

  "What else did he say? Is he able to help us at all?"

  "He said that he was going to rally together some other inquisitors he trusts and meet us here in three rotations."

  Eva's face turned sour. "He is coming Eden?"

  Varius nodded confidently. "It is the only way."


  "Because I was given secret orders to come here, so without his support as my superior officer, it will look like I am linked to nefarious activity."

  The woman shook her head as she didn't understand. "That doesn't make any sense. I know I have been out of the order for a few cycles, but back when I was in we weren't ever given orders that our superiors couldn't prove."

  "I don't know what to tell you. With all of the deception going on I don't know who else we can trust."

  "Can we trust him?" Eva asked as carefully as she could. She had already suspected that Varius had above average loyalty to the Director, so she knew she needed to tread lightly.

  It didn't help. Varius' warped to instantly being angry. "I trust Seneca with my life. He was my mentor when I joined the order and he has never lied to me."

  "That you know of" the ex-inquisitor added as she placed her hands on her hips. "Being deceitful is sort of what comes with the job as you move up the ladder in the order."

  "Director Seneca is an honorable man. We need his help if we are to get out of this and retain any credibility. We have no other option."

  Eva lowered her arms to her side. "There actually is another choice." Varius didn't respond.

  "We could go into hiding. I know someone that can help us change our identities..."

  "And do what?!" the Inquisitor asked bitterly as he cut her off. "Live as true felons of the law? Never. I am an inquisitor. Maybe you can leave the order behind, but I cannot. It is all I have left."

  Saddened, Eva averted her eyes and rubbed her left arm with her other hand.

  For a moment Varius thought about lowering his voice and asking her why she was hurt by his answer, but out of nowhere a mysterious voice called out of the emptiness.

  "What if I told you there was another way?"

  The Inquisitor shot up to his feet while Eva looked all around. It was strange, the room suddenly became very cold and Eva started to shiver.

  "Who is there?" Varius asked angrily. "I have no more time for games. Show yourself!"

  Out of the darkness towards the back of the garage the companions could hear approaching footsteps. A form of a man began to form in the little light that was available but they both felt a shiver shoot down their backs as the figure stepped fully into the light.

  For the most part, the being looked human. He was dressed in tattered clothes yet had no shoes. Eva's eyes opened wide as her mind tried to process exactly what she was seeing. It wasn't the fact that the man didn't wear shoes that scared Eva so much, it was the sharp claws that were present instead of toes. His hands resembled his feet in that the tips of his fingers were also shaped liked claws.

  Varius too was surprised by whatever it was that stood before him. The head of the man appeared normal enough in shape with his black hair slicked back. But around his glowing green eyes was what looked like blackened scorch marks. While Varius didn't quite realize what he was looking at, Eva knew within herself that this thing was evil incarnate.

  "What are you?" the Inquisitor finally asked.

  The being laughed with a voice that seemed to sound like it echoed from within itself. "Interesting choice of words Damien. Allow me to introduce myself." He bent down to bow and extended his arm. "I am Envy."

  Varius scoffed despite internally shaking with what felt like fear. "Envy? That's your name?"

  The evil being smiled larger than a normal human could. Eva noticed the rather sharp teeth in Envy's mouth.

  "Yes. That name is as good as any name I would say. But, it was given to me when I joined the Vices."

  Eva spun around with deep concern showing on her face. "Varius, don't listen to him. He is one of the fallen!"

  Envy started to walk forward again and motioned his hand as if he was swatting an insect. "You be silent believer." Suddenly Eva was unable to speak. She gripped her throat and her lips moved as if she was trying to talk but simply couldn't.

  Varius looked to the creature but stood his ground. "Let me guess, you are here to tell me that I'm special?"

  Envy grinned as he stopped again. Now in even better light, the Inquisitor wa
s able to get a better look at the thing. The clothes he wore appeared to be very old, but looked like they were at one point very valuable.

  "I know that you have spoken with the Shadow Man and that you still have many questions."

  "Not as many as you might think" Varius said as he crossed his arms.

  "What if I told you that I could offer you the opportunity to get revenge on the person who killed your wife and daughter."

  That got the Inquisitor's attention. But he struggled to not show it. "How do I know you aren't just going to deceive me?" he asked.

  "You won't. But you see, I am not here to deceive you Damien. Many humans are born into this realm and live their entire lives as meaningless as the rest of their bloodline. But are different."

  The Inquisitor glanced over to Eva and saw that she was staring intently at Envy. If she could shoot beams from her eyes, the creature would surely have been vaporized.

  "Every generation there are only a handful of important people born. Each was sent for a specific purpose, but sometimes they choose to take their destiny into their own hands and do more than was ever possible."

  "If I'm so special, why wait until now to reach out to me?" the Inquisitor asked as Envy began to walk around the two humans in a circle.

  "Because my dear Damien, you had to be prepared for this moment. Every step of your life led you to this very conversation. Each success, each failure, each loss..."

  Varius followed with his eyes while Envy moved around them.

  "You were meant for greatness. But I want to offer you a chance for even greater power" Envy said slyly.

  Eva turned back to Varius and shook her head enthusiastically trying to tell him to not listen.

  Envy's laughter at the woman sounded incredibly sinister and filled the building. "This mere woman is a child of the Way, she will not understand our conversation Damien as she has already given herself over to her Creator."

  " What does that mean?" the Inquisitor asked as his interest was now piqued.

  Envy allowed a wide grin to spread on his face. "I can give you a power unlike anything you have ever experienced. You see, I am a being that once lived in the spirit realm with incredible glory. Due to..." he paused trying to use the right word. "...a mistake in judgement, I found myself living in your realm. What we call the natural. Several others along with myself formed the Vices, a group of incredible ability that can change the course of this existence in extraordinary ways."

  Varius listened intently as Envy continued to pace in a wide circle.

  "My companion, known as Wrath fell at the hands of a self-righteous being known as Gladriel. The embodiment of a pompous bastard if there ever was one. Anyhow, with the previous Wrath vanquished, I sought out to find another who could take his place."

  "Woah hold up" the Inquisitor said as he held up his hand part way. "You want me to join you?"

  "Absolutely!" Envy said with glee in his corrupt voice. "I am here to offer you the chance to attain a power that men would slaughter entire worlds for. All you have to do is say “yes”."

  Eva had heard enough, she ran for Varius, but Envy held up his hand freezing her in place. "I thought I told you we were talking. Sit down!" He flung his hand downwards and Eva fell to her knees. She tried to get back up but couldn't.

  The incredible display of power surprised the Inquisitor and angered him. "Stop hurting her!"

  "What can you do to me? Right now, you don't have the ability to resist me, but you can. Join me and become my Wrath. You desire to spread justice around the worlds, correct?"

  Varius nodded.

  "As Wrath you would have no restrictions. If you found someone to be guilty, you wouldn't need something as benign as evidence. You could do what you felt was right without recourse against you. All of those cruel and evil people in the 'verse, yours to judge as you see fit. Think of those two corrupt inquisitors, Titus and Vega. As Wrath you come and go as you choose. You can avenge all of those who have been harmed by bad men. Including getting justice on the one responsible for your daughter's death."

  The Inquisitor lowered his eyes in thought. "But what is the catch?"

  Envy was surprised by the question. He stopped and raised his clawed hand to his chin as he considered what to say. "No catch."

  An intense brightness filled the room followed by a tremendous gust of wind. Varius and Eva both turned away from the light while Envy hissed loudly as he knelt to the ground.

  Out of the intense light stepped out the same guardian dressed in a pure white robe that Varius had spoken to. His eyes glowed with a white light and he held a sword made of fire.

  "You!" Varius said aloud.

  "Gladriel, I'm so happy to see" Envy spoke as if the name was cursed.

  The Inquisitor looked to Envy in shock.

  Is this the same Gladriel that killed the last Wrath?

  "Why don't you tell him the truth you viper!" Gladriel bellowed.

  "Ha, I was getting to that" Envy said as he slowly turned back to Varius. "The catch is that you would have to pledge allegiance to the Lightbringer and relinquish your spirit to serve him."

  "The Lightbringer?"

  The Vice waved away the question. "Bah..."

  "The Lightbringer is the one responsible for the Great Fall" the glowing being said.

  "You may call it a fall, but I call it ascension!" Envy screeched. "He was the one who first rose up against her..." he pointed at Eva, "...precious Creator. Think of it Damien. Unspeakable power, unquestionable authority to bring judgement, all yours."

  Varius turned from Envy back to Gladriel as he spoke.

  "I told you that you would have a great choice to make Damien. Now you nearly understand it" the Guardian said calmly.

  "So, the choice is to either join the Vices or don't?"

  Gladriel shook his head. "No, there is still one other option that has not been presented to you just yet. But before it does, you will feel great pain if you don’t choose soon."

  "How much more agony can one man take?" Envy asked as he opened his arms wide. He pointed an angry clawed finger at the guardian. "You speak of these strange choices he gets to make. Stop being coy with him and speak plainly!"

  "In time he will understand." The guardian turned his focus back to the Inquisitor. "For now, you will just have to have patience as all of the pieces fall into place."

  "You could be patient Damien, or you can take my offer and not waste another damned second waiting to get justice on those who killed your family!"

  Varius looked back and forth to both beings, then to Eva. Her eyes implored him to not listen to Envy, but he was uncertain. For so long his heart desired nothing but revenge. Yes, he wanted to help others avoid the pain he felt, but deep down, he wanted to tear the man apart who took everything he loved in this life away from him.

  Envy finally became annoyed and threw his hands up. "Fine, have it your way. Keep waiting. I can't stick around this guy, he wreaks of holiness and I can't stand it." The creature of darkness headed away from the group and off into the darkness of the building. "I'll stop in again to see if you're ready to do the right thing. Think about my offer."

  The coldness in the room dissipated and Eva could again speak.

  "Oh thank goodness!" she said as she felt her throat.

  "Damien" Gladriel said as the brightness opened up again behind him. Both of the humans covered their eyes again from the intensity. "I know this must be difficult for you right now, but all will become clear in time."

  "Why can't I just know right now?" Varius shouted.

  "It isn't time, but soon. I'm sorry..." the guardian's voice faded as the light dimmed and the humans found themselves alone.

  Eva stood up and ran over to Varius as he lowered his head to think. She placed her hands delicately on his shoulders. "Varius, you can't listen to Envy. His offer is a trick."

  "But what if it isn't. You know, the investigator who visited me in the hospital after my family wa
s murdered told me that he had never seen such savagery on two people in his entire time on the force." He looked up into the woman's eyes. "I joined the order because I wanted to make a difference in this life. To prevent others from ever going through what I did and punishing those who do evil. But in all that time...I have still only had one burning desire."

  "And what's that?" Eva asked as a tear built up in her eye.

  The Inquisitor's face looked as hard as stone. "To make the man suffer who took my family from me. To rip him to pieces just like he did to my baby girl." His lip quivered in anger. "I want him to beg for death."

  Eva released Varius and turned away. She walked several paces before spinning on her heel. Bitterness showed all over her bruised face. "You don't think I wanted the same thing after what happened to my family?"

  Varius averted his eyes as she continued.

  "I begged the Creator for just one chance to punish that man, but instead..." she took a breath and let go of some of the tension that had risen in her body. "...instead I found a way to let go of the hurt and to live my life again."

  "How?" the Inquisitor asked as his eyes met hers again.

  "By having faith."

  Varius didn't want to hear that. He huffed and walked away.

  "Yes Varius, by having faith. It may not be the answer you want, but revenge will not bring back your family just like it won't bring back mine."

  With startling speed, Varius twisted back with such anger that she took a step back. "That may work for you, but I need justice! My soul will never rest until I do."

  Eva turned away once more and held her hand over her mouth trying to suppress the pain she felt in her heart for Varius. "I pray that one day you can be free of this fury within you."

  The Inquisitor scoffed and stormed off for the entrance they came through. Eva watched as the distance between them widened. "Where are you going?"


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