The Mating Season 2 - A Christmas Special- Abel's Mate ( Lycan Romance )

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The Mating Season 2 - A Christmas Special- Abel's Mate ( Lycan Romance ) Page 9

by M. L. Briers

  Her whole body shook beneath him as he continued to thrust through her pulsing muscles, finding his own release buried deep inside her, and he threw his head back and roared as he exploded his seed against her womb.

  His pleasure, her pleasure mixed together within them, and Abel found his release ending as another built immediately inside him. He shifted on his knees and took her in long thrusts that ran his shaft against her over sensitive nub and she whimpered against the pleasure and pain of yet another release that took her hard.

  Abel buried the tip of his shaft as deeply as he could and released his seed into his mate. Howling and growling within one last breath that escaped his body as he blindly took her over and over until his hips locked in place and his legs shook with the protest from his muscles.

  Finally sated he collapsed forwards onto his elbows. His arms barely holding him up from crushing her body and he reached for her, turning her with him in the bed as he rolled them onto their sides. Still pressed together, still inside her, they revelled in the aftershocks of their bonding.

  Abel recovered first, but it wasn’t as fully or as quickly as he normally would. He felt like a damn pup, his muscles ached and his body felt as if he’d let his damn wolf run forever as he came back to her.

  The scent of her blood drew him to her wound, and his protective nature made him uncaring of how his muscles protested, as he shifted against her, taking care to clean and seal the wound over and over as she began to whimper quietly against his chest. Her fingers curling against the damp skin as she nuzzled against him, allowing her mate to care for her.

  “Easy, baby. I have you.”He growled gently against her ear, soothing her body and mind back to him.

  “I can’t move…”She breathed out on a ragged breath and he couldn’t help but chuckle.

  “I guess I could say I’m returning the feeling.”He teased as he pulled back and reached his hand to her face to brush the hair away from her damp skin. Her lashes fluttered up, as she regarded him with just one raised eyebrow.

  “At least you could walk afterwards. I don’t think I’ll be able to walk for a week.”

  Abel felt a rise to panic within him. “Did I hurt you?”He growled, cupping her cheek and stroking down with his thumb, and he heard her gentle chuckle and relaxed slightly.

  “Chill, wolf man, I’ll be doing cartwheels tomorrow…”Sasha assured him and he snorted.

  “Only in this bed woman. I’m not letting you out of here for at least a week, but I’ll feed you and…”

  “Take care of my bathroom needs…?”Sasha offered him that little morsel and he frowned.

  “Can you pee in a bottle?”He teased and she chuckled.

  “No, and I’m not going to learn either. I guess I could go native and you could just bring in a patch of grass, like a rug…”Her sarcasm was back and she used it with glee.

  Abel growled out a chuckle. His wolf was still lurking about near the surface and when she ran her fingertips down his chest he growled again.

  “You’re going to have to give me a minute, I’ve never come like that before and my body is running on empty…”He teased and she snorted.

  “I was just exploring, that wasn’t an invite.”She informed him, putting him in his place and he growled again.

  “I need an invite?”He shot back and she slapped him hard, it only made her hand sting, he didn’t even flinch, but he did chuckle.

  “What you think every time I bend over I’m fair game?”

  “Now you’re just teasing me with mental imagery, and talking of fair game, we need to have words about your little magic trick earlier…”Abel ran his hand down her spine and felt her body move of its own volition.

  “It’s no different from what you did to me, I just used a different kind of strength to have you where I wanted you, besides, you love it…”Abel gave a gentle growl as his mind wandered to being at her mercy.

  “My wolf wasn’t so sure…”Abel chuckled and she snorted.

  “He got over it…”

  “You’re going to have to meet him in person…”Abel warned her. Faith had told him of her mother’s death. The way the werewolf had turned on her and killed her in a fit of rage. Sasha hadn’t witnessed the slaughter, but she had found the body of her mother. But Were’s and Lycan were a world apart, and only a rogue would be that unable to control his wolf.

  “He doesn’t scare me. He’s a big old puppy, I reached out to him when we bonded…”Sasha snorted, and Abel’s beast whimpered inside him. It seemed the two of them had an understanding already.

  “A big old puppy?”Abel rolled her onto her back and traced his fingers down her cheek as he chuckled.

  “As long as he’s house trained…”Sasha teased and Abel shook his head in disbelief.

  “Girl, you’re asking for it…”Abel teased, knowing his wolf was more than happy with their mate, and would roll over and play dead for her if she asked him too.

  “You on the other hand are going to need some training…”

  “Training?”Abel growled down and she ran her fingertips over the hard muscles of his chest and felt the way they tensed and released under her path.

  “Well you are male, and the bath and hot chocolate was a good start…”

  “You know what I said about giving me a minute? Well the minutes up…”He nuzzled against her neck and pushed deep inside her, and she lost all thought of anything but him.

  Fay was restless. Snuggled up in Adam’s arms she felt warm and safe, and although she’d slept off and on since they’d made love, she couldn’t quite manage to stay asleep. The pup was doing that thing again where he liked to stretch out and push top to toe, making her back ache, and she was sure he was using her internal organs as baby rattles.

  She would have slipped out from under Adam’s arms without waking him, but the beached whale effect meant that she wasn’t exactly stealthy anymore, and he stirred beside her and wrapped his arm tighter around her, bringing her escape route to a close as he pressed his body along her back and nuzzled against her neck.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I was just going to get a drink…”

  “I’ll get it.”Adam’s lips caressed her skin before he released her and threw the covers back.

  “No, I want to walk, stretch out a little, and get the pup to move off whatever it is he’s laying on in there.”Fay rolled to the edge of the bed and dropped her feet to the floor. There was no easy way to do it, just roll and push up and hope the momentum took her up onto her feet, and then she could maybe stand…

  “Let me help you…”Adam was over the bed and at her side in an instant.

  “I’m not totally incapable, Adam…”She snapped, as the pup squeezed another organ and she caught her breath. The baby had a grip like a vice.

  “You ok?”Adam brought her to her feet and stared down at her in the darkness. She was in pain, he felt it in her.

  “He’s just playing with things he shouldn’t in there. I guess I should get used to it. I just need to move…”She started off for the bedroom door and another pain hit her, taking her breath and making her muscles contract.

  Adam was back at her side in an instant. His arm circled around her as she doubled over, her hand clamped down on his other arm.

  “Ok, that’s not normal…”She admitted.

  “How long have you had those pains?”Adam growled down gently and she shook her head.

  “Off and on a few hours, but they’re getting stronger…”Her eyes met his and she shook her head. “No, no, I’ve still got two weeks…”She spat out, her eyes widening in panic.


  “I don’t think so, sweetheart…”Adam grinned. His pup wanted out and it didn’t care about due dates.

  “What are you grinning at?”She hissed just as another pain shot through her and she gritted her teeth and cursed.

  “We’re having a pup…”Adam beamed, and then he froze in place, the reality of their situation setting in. “Oh cr
ap. We’re having the pup.” He growled out. The sudden rush to awareness hit him with another rush of heat that swept through his entire body, and he panicked.

  “Come and lay down…”He tried to steer her across the room, but she growled at him, slapping his hands away, and glaring up at him under her brows.

  “I don’t want to lie down. I want to walk, what part of walking aren’t you familiar with?”She ground out, it seemed her panic and his were two different things. Adam wanted to climb the walls, while she felt the need to kill him…

  “Now sweetheart, relax…”Adam offered and she growled again, doing a damn good impression of a Lycan.

  “I’m bloody well relaxed…ouch…”She bent forwards and her hand slapped down on the handle of the door as she held her breath and grinded her teeth.

  “Getting anxious is just going to make it worse, you need to breathe…”Adam fussed around her and she slapped him again.

  “Breathe? How about I stab a carving knife into your body and see how well you breathe…?”She barked at him. Yanking down on the handle and wrenching the door open.

  “Where are you going?”Adam balked as she started out into the hallway and growled again.

  “One foot in front of the other, I’d say I’m walking, like I wanted…ouch!”She cursed as she clenched her body against another hit.

  “Those pains seem pretty damn close, are you sure it’s only been a few hours…”Adam saw her head snap around in his direction, her eyes were dark pools of anger and she sneered up at him.

  “No, I’m lying. I do that, its fun…Ouch, you motherfu…”She grabbed the stair rail and bit down on her jaw.

  “You should come back to bed…”Adam growled out, reaching for her and she slapped him harder.

  “Get away from me. Haven’t you done enough?”She growled out, looking like a She-Wolf intent on ripping his head off.

  “What did I do…?”Adam whined and heard Faith chuckle from down the hallway.

  “You knocked her up in the first place, jerk.”Faith teased, taking in the site of Fay and grinning. “Now it’s payback time.”

  Jake came up behind Faith. Half naked from the waist upwards as he brushed a hand through his tousled hair.

  “Someone’s about to be a mama wolf…”Jake grinned and Adam growled.

  “State the bloody obvious…”Fay snapped out and Jake chuckled.

  “And she’s got her claws out…”Jake added, and Adam growled again. Just the scent of a vampire was enough to start his protective gene pinging around his body.

  “Stop bloody growling at the dead guy, and do something productive, wolf.”Fay ground out and snapped her mate out of it, as Faith roared a laugh and Jake chuckled.

  “What do you want me to do?”Adam spat out quickly, he felt more than helpless and he didn’t like it.

  Fay whimpered as another pain hit her and she ground her teeth together.

  “Go impale yourself on a damn spike and see how it…”She gritted her teeth against the pain and held on as the wave spiked within her. It felt like she’d been hit with a billion volts of electricity, all centred at her stomach muscles. “Crap…”She growled out.

  “Should this be happening so fast?”Faith shot a look at Adam and he balked.

  “Pups come faster in humans…”Adam offered as Fay reached for his arm and embedded her nails deep into the flesh.

  “Can we not debate it?”Fay spat out as Hope and Joshua ran up the stairs, stopping halfway as they saw Fay, half bent over and growling with her eyes at them.

  “Oh!” Hope spat out and Fay groaned.

  “That’s a big help.”She sniped and Joshua swallowed his tongue. He wasn’t ready for the baby thing yet…

  “Hot water?”Joshua growled, and Fay twisted her head on her neck and glared at him in disbelief.

  “Not unless it’s for making an Irish coffee, you…”She gripped and growled again. Adam rubbed her back in circles and tried to sooth her, but he thought he might need someone to sooth him.

  “Suggestions?”He growled out, his eyes scanning the group.

  “Don’t let her anywhere near your testicles, she’ll just rip ‘em off…”Faith even made hand signals and Adam swallowed hard.

  “Not helpful, Faith…”Adam growled out. “Anyone have anything useful to offer?”

  “I thought that was pretty good advice.”Jake offered with a grin and Joshua nodded his head, his hands automatically covering his groin.

  “Geez, would she do that?”Joshua swallowed down his tongue and Hope turned her head to look up at him.

  “I’m gonna do that…”She informed him and he swallowed hard again.

  “Sounds like a plan.”Fay ground out between clenched teeth as her head snapped around to look at Adam. Naked and vulnerable to attack.

  “Perhaps you should get dressed Adam, temptation is a wonderful thing.”Faith offered and Adam looked down at himself, not even realising that he was naked.

  “Spoil sport.”Fay spat out and Adam scowled. He didn’t believe his mate would ever do that, but then again she did have her nails embedded in his arm in a death grip worthy of a Lycan every time a pain hit.

  “Maybe a nut cup for added protection…”Joshua added and Hope shrugged.

  “You can never be too careful…”She teased and Adam growled out his annoyance.

  “Don’t you people have somewhere to be?”Adam watched as each and every one of them shrugged and shook their heads.

  “Don’t you?”Fay demanded and he swallowed hard. “I wanted a drink.”She growled out and he went to move, but she was still attached to his arm…

  “I need you to let go, sweetheart…”He informed her and she glared up at him.

  “Why? Does it hurt?”She growled out, more like a She-Devil now than a She-Wolf and he balked.

  “Kind of, but if you want me to go…”Adam offered gently and she snorted her contempt.

  “Oh sure, run away. Get me in this state and then…Ouch! God-damn it to hell, you absolute piece of s…”Fay doubled over again and Adam looked to Faith.

  “What do I do?”He growled out helplessly and Faith grinned, pushing off from the wall she walked towards him.

  “Relax, Alpha. Three witches and a vampire to take away the pain. I think we’re gonna be ok. But you might want to call Bea and get her over here. She is the pack midwife.”Faith reached down and placed one hand on the front of Fay stomach and one hand on her back as she mumbled incantations, and Fay lessened her grip on Adam’s arm as she straightened slightly.

  “You couldn’t have done that five minutes ago?”Fay growled out and Faith shrugged.

  “I didn’t want you to miss out on all the joys of giving birth naturally…”Faith teased and Fay scowled.

  “Gee, Thanks.”

  Abel shot through the front door. With his mate on his back he had run as fast as his aching muscles would let him to get them there when he got the call. He eased Sasha down to her feet and slammed the front door shut behind them, panting like his wolf as he gave Joshua a quizzical look. Joshua just stared back at him blankly.

  “Well?”Abel demanded and Joshua shrugged.

  “She sure can curse a lot.”Joshua offered and Abel rolled his eyes. Heading for the stairs, he listened for a long moment, and grinned.

  “What is it?”Sasha asked and Abel chuckled.

  “Joshua’s right, she’s cursing up at storm and all at Adam.”He announced with glee.

  “So are you two…?”Joshua motioned with his eyes towards Sasha and Abel chuckled.

  “Yeah, big man. Sasha’s part of the pack now.”Abel offered as he walked back over to her and wrapped his arm around her waist bringing her against his hip.

  “You’re not a wolf…”She had him pegged as a bear shifter when she’d seen him at the car, and then that damn hug he gave her, but she wanted to make sure.

  Sasha reached out to him with her magic and drew a breath as she found his true nature. “Bear… wow.”She looked impressed and then she f
rowned. “So how are you part of this pack?”

  “Long story short. My parents were killed by hunters when I was a cub and Abel and Adam’s folks took me in.”

  “Yeah, my parents had a soft spot for chubby kids…”Abel teased and Joshua growled long and hard until the sound of a babies cry pierced the air and they all turned towards the stairs.

  The sound of a howl of joy followed as Adam announced the newest member of the pack and celebrated his son’s birth.

  Fay sat in the bed and watched Adam with his pup. She’d never seen him so alive and proud, as he gazed down with love at the newborn. Bea, Faith and Hope had helped to clean away all evidence of the babe’s birth, and tried to make Fay as comfortable as possible.

  “Ok, I’m going to get Jake now.”Faith announced heading towards the bedroom door and Adam’s head snapped up.

  “Why?”He growled, his arm tightening around the bundle in his arms.

  “He likes the taste of newborns…”Faith sat out in contempt and Adam growled long and hard at her. “Why do you think?”Faith nodded her head towards Fay.

  “Are you thinking what I think you’re thinking?”Adam growled back and Faith put her hands on her hips and tipped her head to one side, challenging her Alpha with one raised eyebrow.

  “A couple of drop of vampire blood and she’s as right as rain…”Faith declared and Adam turned to look at Fay who balked.

  “What? Noooo…”Fay shook her head and repositioned herself in the bed. To say she was uncomfortable would be an understatement. She’d just pushed something bigger than a bowling ball out and she’d felt better, but drink blood? Couldn’t she just get that bottle of red wine she’d been eyeing for a month?

  “It tastes sweet…”Faith informed her and Fay scowled back at her.”I’ve done it, which is probably why I don’t have crow’s feet, unlike Hope…”Faith saw Hopes head snap around towards her from her perch on the bottom of the bed.


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