It Takes Two

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It Takes Two Page 21

by Sheridon Smythe

  Startled, Zack nearly upset his beer. “Perhaps he is,” he choked out. Apparently, Fowler had decided not to tell the landlord how he got his head injury. The realization aroused Zack's suspicions about why Fowler had kept his mouth shut.

  The moment the door shut on the landlord, Zack pushed thoughts of Fowler from his mind and began the search for Dennis. The apartment was roomy, but with a simple design, not exactly a maze when it came to hiding. How could Mr. Potter have missed an eight-pound monkey? But then, Mr. Potter had been looking for a woman, not an animal. Animals could hide in places people couldn't.

  After searching the kitchen—even beneath the sink—Zack stooped to look beneath the sofa and chair. No Dennis. He looked in the bathroom, and found it empty. The closet where Dennis had previously hidden was empty as well.

  The monkey had to be in the bedroom, Zack reasoned, heading in that direction.

  Ten minutes later, when Zack had all but turned the mattress over in search of Dennis, he forced himself to admit he was not in the apartment. Somehow, the monkey had gotten out.

  His stomach did a sickening flip-flop, and with a grunt of surprise, Zack realized it was panic. Was this how a parent felt when they lost sight of their child in a crowd? But Dennis wasn't a child, he firmly reminded himself. He was a monkey.

  A helpless little monkey with a bad attitude.

  By the time Zack reached the phone, his panic had escalated. He tried to ignore it; he tried to laugh it away, but it refused to abate. He quickly dialed Justine's number, belatedly checking his watch as he listened for her voice. It was five-thirty. He knew the store closed at five, and unless she had to stay late—


  Relief washed over him. “Justine, I can't find Dennis,” he blurted out. “I've looked everywhere.” There was a tiny, shocked silence after his breathless announcement before her voice blasted over the line.

  "What do you mean, you can't find him? How could he have gotten out?"

  Zack's jaw clenched at her accusing tone. “I don't know. All I do know is that he's not here."

  "That's unfortunate, because Kewan found his owner. He's coming to get him tomorrow.” There was another heavy pause that indicated disapproval. “I'll be right over."

  The phone clicked in his ear.

  With nothing to do but wait for Justine's arrival, Zack began a second search for Dennis.

  Mumbling a curse under her breath, Justine turned off the boiling pasta, gave the clam sauce one last, wistful glance, and went to get her coat. Once again, she would miss dinner because of Zack.

  She paused at the door and looked at Rogue, who lay dozing on the back of the couch.

  "My clam sauce better be there when I get back, buddy,” she warned. “All of it."

  Rogue yawned and stretched his sleek body as if he'd never dream of eating her dinner. Justine gave a snort of disbelief.

  She made the ride to Zack's apartment in just under ten minutes. He answered on the first knock, and she had to admit he looked genuinely concerned. His hair had been raked through with his fingers, giving him a wild, reckless look that made Justine's heart somersault. She realized she'd never seen him quite this...shaken before.

  "Have any luck?” she asked as he closed the door behind her.

  He shook his head. “I think he went out through the window."

  "Was it open?"

  "No. It was locked."

  Justine lifted a skeptical brow. “You think he had the presence of mind to unlock the window, climb out, and close it?"

  Zack smiled grimly. “After everything he's done, you doubt he can unlock windows? He was watching television today. Fowler complained and Mr. Potter came up to take a look around."

  "Lucky for you Dennis wasn't here."

  "Yeah, well.” Zack raked his fingers through his hair again. “He's an aggravation, true, but that doesn't mean I want something to happen to him."

  He cares, Justine thought, staring at his flushed face. It isn't an act, he truly cares about the monkey. The knowledge gave her a warm, cozy feeling in the pit of her stomach. “Well,” she began in a brisk tone to hide her flustered state. “Let's start the search. We've got about a half hour before it gets dark."

  "Where should we start looking?"

  Justine's gaze drifted to the window as she speculated. “Isn't there a park near here?"

  "A small one. I jog by it every morning."

  His innocent statement evoked a vivid, arousing image of Zack in jogging pants and a loose sweatshirt, all sweaty, muscles pumping as he ran—Justine shook her head. What was she doing, fantasizing about Zack when they were in the middle of a crisis? Had she no shame?

  "Do you have a flashlight?” she asked abruptly, glad Zack seemed too distracted to notice how oddly breathless she sounded.

  "Good idea."

  A knock at the door startled Justine. She frowned at the delay, watching as Zack strode to the door and jerked it open. A short, older man rushed into the room, clearly agitated—so agitated Justine didn't think he noticed her presence.

  "I thought I should alert my tenants,” he said in a rush. “This is just unbelievable!"

  Zack stepped forward, his face tense. “What is?"

  Mr. Potter paused to draw a breath and mop his face with a handkerchief he pulled from his jacket pocket. In a high, squeaky voice, he announced, “There's a monkey on the roof!"

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  Chapter Twenty-One

  During the few seconds of silence that followed the man's announcement, Justine realized two things: the man must be Zack's landlord, and Zack was in big trouble.

  She had to do something, and fast.

  "Oh, you found him!” She clutched her chest and let out a heartfelt sigh. She even managed to produce a few tears. “I thought I'd lost him for good.” With a fraudulent smile, she grabbed the startled man's hand and gave it a hearty shake. “Thank you so much. Dennis is very precious to me."


  Justine blinked. “The monkey? You did say you found him?"

  Mr. Potter gaped at her, his eyes nearly swallowing his face. “T-the monkey belongs to you?” he stammered.

  Aware of Zack's admiring gaze, Justine laughed. “Oh, yes, he's mine. I've had posters out everywhere—haven't you seen them? And there's a reward, as well. I think you deserve half of it, at least.” Still beaming happily, she reached for her purse.

  "No, no, that's okay,” Mr. Potter said hastily. “Just get your monkey.” The look he trained on Zack held faint suspicion. “Do you know this woman?"

  Before Zack could blow it, Justine gushed, “He called me earlier to tell me he'd spotted Dennis in the park during his morning run.” She smiled brightly at Zack. “Isn't that right, Mr....Mr. Wayne, wasn't it?"

  Zack nodded. “Yes...that's right. We'd better go get him before he decides to find another hiding place."

  "Great Scot!” Mr. Potter exclaimed. “I left my apartment door open!” He rushed from the apartment, nearly stumbling in his haste.

  Justine shared a warm, spontaneous laugh with Zack. Their gazes met. She was the first to look away from his compelling expression. Why did he have to be so damned irresistible?

  "Thanks,” he said.

  "No need.” She airily waved a hand. “I think we've established that Dennis isn't your responsibility anyway."

  "He is my responsibility,” Zack retorted, sounding angry.

  "I didn't mean—oh, never mind.” She really hadn't meant to make him angry. It was her fault. She had pushed him into taking Dennis. “We'd better go get him before he decides to jump."

  Moments later she found herself wishing they had called the fire department instead. With her heart in her throat, she looked on as Zack balanced himself on the slick railing of the fire escape so that he could look onto the roof.

  If he slipped... Justine shuddered and closed her eyes.

  "I see him!"

  Justine opened one eye, then quickly closed it again.
Please don't move, Zack! “What's he doing?"

  "Freezing,” Zack answered cryptically. He raised his voice as he coaxed the monkey. “Come on, Dennis. We'll go inside and have a nice, big bunch of grapes. I bought you a few tangerines, too."

  She crossed her fingers and silently urged the monkey to respond. Heck, she had no trouble responding to his persuasive voice! He sounded so sincere. Just like on the cruise, Justine, a derisive voice chided. The voice was right; why should now be any different? Zack was a great actor. The best.

  "Come on, little guy. I'm not mad at you.” Glancing over his shoulder at her upturned face, he whispered, “He's coming!"

  What happened next shaved ten years from Justine's life. One moment Zack was leaning forward against the roof shingles, and the next he was flying backward.

  "No!” she screamed, managing to snag a belt loop with her finger. Without a thought to her own pain, she jerked him in her direction—away from the railing and certain death.

  One hundred and ninety pounds of muscle and sinew slammed into her, knocking the breath from her lungs and sending them crashing onto the icy metal landing. Justine's head banged painfully against the railing; her finger remained hooked around his belt loop, and even now she couldn't bring herself to let go.

  She was frozen at the horror she'd nearly witnessed. If she hadn't... Her teeth began to chatter, quickly followed by the rest of her body. What if she hadn't caught him?

  With an explicit curse, Zack rolled to his feet and swung around with the shrieking monkey firmly plastered to his chest. “Are you all right? Is anything broken? Hold on while I get an ambulance.” He raised the window and pushed the frightened monkey through, then started after him.

  "I'm all right,” Justine assured him. But her voice shook, and her stomach quivered with lingering shock. “Really, I'm fine. Just give me a—"

  He helped her to her feet and quickly ran his hands over her, frowning fiercely. “Where are you hurt? Did you hit your head? What were you thinking?"

  Stung by his harsh tone, Justine brushed his hands away. “I was thinking about saving your hide. You could show a little gratitude instead of barking at me."

  Zack's jaw worked as he fought for control. He wanted to pull her against him so that she could feel how hard his heart was slamming against his ribs. When he realized he'd landed on her—"I'm not exactly a lightweight—I could have crushed you!"

  "You would have fallen to your death if I hadn't grabbed your belt loop!” She shoved her hands on her hips as she added, “And Dennis would have went over the railing with you."

  "Oh. So this is about Dennis.” Zack swallowed a nasty ball of disappointment. For a moment there, he actually believed she'd been worried about him. If he was a lesser man, he might be jealous of the monkey.

  Hell, he was jealous.

  They stood facing each other almost nose to nose until Zack realized she was shaking. “You're cold. Let's go inside."

  Her eyes flashed golden fire, and her tone was hostile as she snarled, “Fine with me.” She pushed him aside and climbed through the window.

  Zack followed and closed the window behind him. Now that his terror had subsided, he realized just how ungrateful he had sounded. Yes, she'd done a foolish, impulsive thing by saving him, but he knew he would have done the same for her.

  In a heartbeat.

  "I'm leaving. When the owner gets here tomorrow, I'll let you know.” Flinging the curt words over her shoulder, she headed for the door.

  Zack was fed up with her cowardly exits. He decided it was time he exercised a little “tough love.” What did he have to lose?

  Reaching her before she could grasp the door knob, he turned her around and pinned her against the door with his lower body.

  Her eyes flared wide with shock at the intimate contact.

  "Running away again, Justine?” he taunted, his voice like silk over steel. Slowly, he rotated his hips just enough to stir up a little friction. When she bit her bottom lip, he felt a savage, almost primitive surge of satisfaction. The ice princess wasn't as immune as she'd like him to believe.

  Growing bolder, Zack shoved her coat aside and braced his arms against the door on either side of her head. He leaned forward, bringing the rest of his body flush with hers. His chest met her hardened nipples. There was a subtle change in her breathing, and as he watched, her pupils began to slowly dilate. Let her deny the attraction between them now.

  "You don't play fair,” she whispered.

  "This isn't a game.” Zack didn't think he could become any harder—until she shifted. He settled into her womanly cradle with a sigh. “I'm trying to apologize. You saved my life, and I was an ungrateful bastard."

  She uttered a soft, shaky laugh. “If this is the thanks I get, then no thanks."

  Zack moved his mouth closer to hers and dropped his gaze to her parted lips. In a husky whisper, he asked, “Then what can I do to make it up to you?"

  Her slow, sexy smile weakened his knees.

  "Do you really want to repay me?"

  "Yes.” Zack sucked in his breath as her tongue darted out and moistened her lips, the action too studied to be an accident. This was the siren he knew on the ship, seductive, provocative, so natural in her sensuality he'd fallen helplessly in love.

  "Well...if you insist."

  "I do,” he agreed, mesmerized by her rosy, shapely mouth as her lips moved. A kiss, he thought, bending closer. I can feel her trembling—she wants me to—

  "In return for saving your worthless life, you can help me find Squeeze. After all, I helped you find Dennis."

  Reuben stared at the crystal ball in stunned silence.

  Mini took one look at her husband's face and doubled over with laughter. She finally managed to gasp out, “You and Zack are wearing the same expressions!"

  "I don't think it's funny.” Reuben folded his wings and gave his head a haughty toss. “She's a tease."

  "She's brilliant!” Mini argued, still chuckling over the scene. “And you have to admit, he had it coming!"

  "I admit nothing. Whose side are you on, anyway? This could have been the reconciliation we've been waiting for, but no, Justine had to go and scr—"

  "Watch your mouth, buster!"

  "—mess things up,” Reuben amended. “She loves him, so why can't she just admit it?"

  "And lay her heart open for him again?” Mini snorted. “My girl's too smart for that."

  "Mini, have you completely lost your mind?"

  "What do you mean, ‘completely'?” Her eyes narrowed. She tapped her toe, waiting for him to explain.

  "Well, first you build a nest, and now you're talking as if—as if—"


  Reuben squirmed, but continued bravely on. “Now you're talking as if you agree with Justine."

  Mini cocked her head. “And if I do?"

  "But you know the real story!"

  "Yes, I do, but that doesn't mean I don't understand Justine's motives for being cautious.” With a flounce of her feathered tail, she strode to the nest and hopped inside, settling down with a contented sigh. Sitting in the nest felt so right.

  "Besides,” she continued, aware that Reuben's mouth had dropped open. “A woman never knows a man's true worth until a crisis strikes. Take Zack, for instance. Justine saved his life, but instead of thanking her, he shouted at her."

  "But she could have been seriously hurt!"

  Mini glanced at him sharply. “Is that how you would have reacted?"

  "Well, I...” Reuben clearly sensed a trap. “I might have, out of fear for your safety,” he added hastily.

  "And instead of apologizing, would you have tried to seduce me?” she persisted, truly curious. Was this why their fights ended in lovemaking? Was lovemaking a male form of apologizing? Mini sniffed to herself, more inclined to believe it was a way to avoid apologizing.

  "Well, that would depend on how angry you were.” Reuben cleared his throat. “Mini, why are you sitting on the nest?"

  "Because I'm going to lay an egg."

  Mini froze. She hadn't realized until she said the words aloud that it was indeed true. With a gasp, her gaze flew to Reuben, who stood swaying on his scrawny legs. “No, darling. Please don't faint—"

  He keeled over, breast and toes pointed skyward.

  "—again,” Mini finished. Exasperated, she rose from her comfortable nest and stalked across the cage to tend her husband. When she'd pondered how Reuben would react in a crisis situation, she hadn't expected to get her answer so soon.

  "I'm not sure it was a good idea to bring Dennis,” Justine said, hanging her coat on the rack. “My critters have never seen a monkey.” She turned as Zack began to unbutton his coat, revealing a wide-eyed Dennis snuggled warmly inside. There was no sign of Thor or Rogue. They had probably sensed the strange animal the moment Zack came through the door.

  "You saw Mr. Potter waiting in the foyer. Besides, I couldn't risk Dennis getting out again."

  Justine lifted a skeptical brow. “You still think he unlocked the window and let himself out?"

  "Do you have a better explanation?” Zack countered, shucking his coat and hanging it on the rack. He tried to pry the monkey loose, but finally gave up. “Guess there's no chance of putting him down,” he muttered.

  Her heart melted at the sight of Dennis nestled so trustingly against Zack's chest. She almost envied the little guy. Heck, she did envy him. “If you're the one who finds Squeeze, you might get a break,” she mused dryly.

  His response was a deep chuckle. Her pulse quickened at the sound. Suddenly, she was glad of the monkey's buffering presence.

  What could she have been thinking when she invited Zack over? But she knew, oh, how she knew. She'd been so close to giving in, so close to compromising her sanity by forgetting how heartless he could be.

  He'd once asked her if she believed in magic.

  She had believed in magic on the ship with Zack, only to discover that it had all been a cruel illusion...

  Giving herself a stern mental shake, Justine put space between them and began a thorough search of the cabinets. She couldn't imagine how the boa could have gotten inside, but the clever snake had to be somewhere in the apartment.


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