The Butterfly House

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The Butterfly House Page 6

by Meckley, Lori

  “HA! Just as I suspected, getting you out of this office was a big step for you. Since your business is helping with my new houses, the membership is on me,” he said smiling.

  “Thank you. I think. I'm actually going to ask Miss Wild out again.”

  “Nolan just remember one thing, her job. Ava's a good worker and she doesn't ever see anyone outside of the house, I have been doing a little digging into my new employees. I don't want to have issues with the law. No employee of mine is working like a prostitute. I know Sin Lee had that tip policy with the ladies and it worked out well for her. I'm going to leave it in place for now, providing I don't find out anything is going on during business hours or inside my building. If you are going to date Ava, then be up front about what she does for a living and make sure you are both on the same page. I don't want to see either of you get hurt.”

  “Sam, I thought a lot about that last night, she has an amazing voice, maybe she could be a singer for the house instead of dancing. Maybe her boss could suggest that to her?”

  “That's an idea but it may affect how much she earns in tips. Right now with her dancing and singing, she's making much more than the other ladies. She's the main reason we have a full house each night. I noticed on the nights she's not working, it's a bit light on customers; that means less drinking and eating for the house's pockets.”

  “Are you sure it's not just her in general that is the reason? She's knock down gorgeous with that voice and the moves she has; it's a heady combination.”

  “I'm sure it is Ava playing her role as Lotus in general but we do have some other dancers that are attractive. Men like a variety of women – blonde, brunette and of course there is Orchid with her dark gypsy hair and all those piercings,” he said chuckling.

  “I've seen Orchid, you can't knock her style I guess. Some men do like their women different and she's definitely different.”

  “Can we get down to business? I have some ideas for a house here in Soho I wanted to run by you,” I said.

  “Oh really?” Sam stated as he pulled in his chair closer. “Fire away, I'm all ears.”

  After an hour of going over the plans I had worked on for a house in Soho, I had to break away for another meeting. Sam was actually open to my idea of having female and male dancers in separate clubs, but he thought maybe having both together in each club would be a better fit. It would be easier to monitor and manage one club per state than two.

  We discussed the possibility of making only the Soho club just male dancers since The Butterfly House was already established with females. We were now tossing names around for the male club as well as buildings for sale. I agreed to meet with Sam again in a few days to work out more of the details on our business venture. After he left, I gave Cameron an order for lunch before my business meeting. I picked up my cell phone and called Ava to find out if she was free again for dinner since Sam had mentioned she wasn't working tonight. My call went to voice mail. I had a feeling she might still be in class so I would wait for her to call me back.

  A few minutes later I received a text from her.

  “Hey! I got your message, I am still in class so I can't really talk. I'd love to go out to dinner but it would need to be later, would that be okay?”

  I texted her back.

  “Of course later would be fine. What time would work best for you and what are you hungry for?”

  A few minutes later she texted me back.

  “How about eight o'clock and pizza?”

  I had an idea.

  “Can I pick you up at your place say seven-thirty?”

  A few minutes went by then...

  “Sure, I live at 746A North 6th street.”

  This was great she lived only a little over a mile from my business and condo.

  “Got it, see you at seven-thirty Ava.”

  I started getting my agenda ready for my meeting when she finally texted me back.

  “I'm looking forward to seeing you Nolan.”

  I text her back before I could even question my sanity.

  “Me too Ava.”


  I couldn't believe how long this Intro to Chemistry class felt now that Nolan had texted me and we had dinner plans. I wanted so badly to be out of here. I wanted to see baby Miles and Nolan. I looked up at the clock, there was still forty-five minutes of this boring lecture left. I kept taking notes and trying really hard to pay attention but my mind was elsewhere.

  I had hopes if baby Miles was doing well, maybe I could hold him. These last few nights he had been more active. I had only gotten to hold him once the day he came into this world. He was finally putting a little weight on, only half a pound but that was a big deal when you weighed less than three pounds. He was so tiny but such a fighter, my little guy.

  I wondered what Nolan would think if he knew about baby Miles. I hadn't told anyone about him, not even my parents. My parents would never understand why. It's not that my Mom and Dad were not loving and kind, they were but what I was doing and my reasons why would upset them. My parents would pressure me to come home. I'd never be allowed to finish college and live in Manhattan alone. Even though I was in almost twenty, they still thought of me as their little girl. They were a little strict when it came to parenting. I was ashamed for them to know I was dancing for a living but I was not ashamed of my reasons why. I had a feeling Nolan might understand but I wasn't willing to share my secret with him yet. It was obvious we were headed past the friendship point we had both agreed on but I didn't care anymore. I couldn't stop thinking about him or how nice he was. He never once questioned me about my job or why I was working in a place like the house. The Butterfly House wasn't really that bad. I could have done worse when I began looking for work. It was close to my apartment and the college as well as St. Luke's. The house was clean and you didn't have to prostitute yourself, unless of course you wanted to make after hours money that way. I had gotten plenty of offers in my tips but I stuck to doing the work to make the money. I was not lowing my morals to go that far. I would pick up more hours if I needed to. I was doing pretty decently right now. My head was above water, as long as baby Miles kept getting better things would be okay. That was my mantra right now.

  Nolan was on my mind so much today, we barely knew each other and yet here I was getting all dreamy over him. How was this man single? He had his own business, he was extremely attractive and he was nice. Everything about him was what a girl dreamed for in a man.

  “Miss Wild would you like to share with the rest of us what you are daydreaming about?”

  I was mortified, I kept to myself in the back corner hoping to avoid people. Now however everyone was looking at me. I could feel myself turning red.

  “Professor Tanner I was just thinking about how much I like your class that's all.”

  “Really Miss Wild?” “Perhaps we should have a pop quiz right now and see how much you really like my class?” Everyone groaned in the room, including me. I thought way to go Ava, you idiot.

  Thirty minutes later and after getting a nice fat C on my pop quiz I never wanted to show my face again in this class as I headed out the door; however I didn't get to make my getaway fast enough.

  “Miss Wild I don't want to see you text in my class again do we understand each other?” Professor Tanner stated.

  “Yes we understand each other, no texting,” I said politely, then I was out the door as fast as my feet could run. I had a sweet little baby boy that needed me, and a date with a man I was excited to see – I'd survive that damn C.

  Nolan ~ Twelve

  The day flew after lunch. I wanted to show Ava the glass work shop. I had Cameron make sure that it was all cleaned up before the glassblowers left for the day. I had nothing for once that needed my immediate attention so I was actually leaving early.

  I grabbed my laptop and brief case. I wanted to head home and see about having a pizza delivered there but first I needed to stop and get a bottle of wine. Astor's Wine and Spirits was
only a few minutes away on Lafayette Street. Once inside I went to the red wine section and chose a bottle of Barbera d'Alba, Produttori di Govone. I wanted a wine that went well with pizza and this was the one. I also chose a bottle of saké, Tedorigawa Yamahai Daiginjo. I was going to offer to cook dinner for Ava if things went well tonight. I smiled at the thought of cooking dinner for her. I wondered if she knew how to cook, if not I'd be happy to show her.

  I turned the corner to walk out to the registers when I walked right into Monica Lansing. She was the last person I wanted to see right now. I hadn't heard from her in years, I had hoped she moved to another planet and was not still living in New York; but that was obviously wasn't the case.

  “Darling!” She yelled loud enough for everyone at least a block away to hear. She grabbed my arm and held on tight. I pulled away from her and made my escape to the registers. She followed. She was not as attractive as she used to be or maybe I was really seeing her for the first time. She looked like she had aged and it wasn't for the better. Her party nights were catching up to her. Her eyes were bloodshot and she had a bit of an unkempt look. Her blonde hair looked lifeless even though she was wearing a fancy designer dress.

  “Nolan darlin I've missed you, please don't be like that,” she pouted as she stood close behind me.

  I paid the sales clerk. Walking away hoping she'd take my silence for a hint. Again I was mistaken, she followed me. I was not going to have some blowout here on the street but you know it was a long time coming and nothing was going to hold me back.

  “Monica we have nothing to say to each other!” I shouted at her.

  “Nolan you know I still love you!” she moaned. She began to follow me as I started walking to my condo. This was not what I needed right now.

  “Nolan I'm sorry about what happened but we could start again!”

  I got in her face. “Like hell you do, you're like a sewer rat, you don't care about anything but your needs. Get lost Monica!” “There is no us and never will be!”

  I was beyond angry. I wanted to be anywhere but here. I threw up my arm, hailing a cab. Once the driver stopped I jumped into the cab, holding onto my briefcase, laptop and purchases. I slammed the door in her face. I gave the driver my condo address. He probably thought I was nuts taking a cab around the block and then down a few blocks from where he picked me up, when I could have walked. I wanted no part of dealing with that crazy bitch. How I ever thought I loved her was escaping me right now. Waves of emotion were flooding me.

  Once I arrived at my building, I paid and tipped the driver in gratitude. I suddenly realized I had no more ties to Monica or any feelings whatsoever. It felt like this fog and weight was lifted. I had been carrying the hurt and anger around for so very long. I owed Sam, more than I realized. It felt damn good to be alive again.

  I put both the wine and saké in the wine fridge. It was already after six and I wanted to shower and change before picking up Ava. Ava who was the direct opposite Monica – a frightening relief.


  I spent much of the afternoon with baby Miles. He was doing so well, they were going to move him out of intensive care in a few weeks. He needed to gain a little more weight. I felt on top of the world as I sat beside him, talking to him about my day and Nolan. I knew he was just a baby but he listened intently as if he were years older than merely a week.

  Miles had been through a lot coming into this world. The strength this little guy had was just amazing to me. I wanted so much to stay with him a little longer but I had been here for six hours. Nolan would be picking me up soon. I really needed a shower and to get some studying done late tonight. I waited until baby Miles was asleep before I gathered up my things and headed out. I still had to find him a nurse. Walking down the hall I entered the elevator and pushed the button for a different floor. I thought about her.

  In a special wing there was an entire floor of patients who were in what's called a catatonic state – coma patients. Angela Mercy, I knew so little about her but I stopped in each time I was here to see her. I'd talk to her and I prayed for her. I always visited her last so I could tell her all about him.

  She was the mother of him, baby Miles. I was his guardian. She was like Sleeping Beauty from the fairytale. Before the baby's birth she had long dark lovely hair but now her hair had turned to a pale silver white. It was like watching an angel sleep.

  I had spent my free time getting to know Angela while I was in my first semester at NYU. We became fast friends. She was married and pregnant. Before I had started working at The Butterfly House, she came into the cafe I was working at. She never once mentioned that she was unhappily married.

  She didn't have to, I saw the bruises on her arms she hid under sweaters. I was afraid for her and the baby. I worried even more when she began to showed up less but with new bruises. I offered to let her stay with me. I even gave her my address. I told her she was welcome anytime.

  I had bought her a baby outfit. That was the day I found out she was a surrogate mother. That shocked me since she was married and it was obvious she loved the baby. I saw her compassion as she touched her growing belly and the moments she'd forget herself and talk about the baby as if the reality of being a surrogate was far from her mind. I had questions but I didn't want to pry. I believed that as long as she came in to visit me, then at least I knew how she was doing, but I was wrong about that.

  It all came to a head on a day I had off work. I had been studying. I started to make pot of tea. It had been raining – pouring down like crazy all day. I heard the banging at my back door first, then I heard the shouting. I ran to door. At first I didn't see anyone, as I opened the door and looked out – I saw her. Angela was fighting to get up my steps and looked terrified. Her fists were bruised and bleeding from pounding.

  I was shocked once I got her inside my apartment and saw all the blood on her clothes. Then I heard the shouting again outside. I looked at her and she was terrified.

  “Please help me Ava!” she screamed. Her voice was hoarse from shouting.

  “Let's get you to the sofa and then you can tell me what's going on.”

  I slammed all the deadbolts and locks shut. Then pulled down my blinds. I helped her to the sofa, then ran back to the window. I saw two men in the alley, they were knocking on doors.

  I realized as I looked down and saw all the blood on my floor that this was serious. I suddenly remembered the baby. I ran into my bathroom grabbing all my towels and my extra set of bed sheets. Once I had laid them all on the counter I grabbed my cell phone.

  “No please don't call anyone!” she cried out in pain. She was in labor, full blown labor.

  I had never delivered a baby, I had seen it on television and in the movies. I had studied it in class but it had never been a reality until now.

  “Angela please I know nothing about delivering a baby.” I said in a panic. We could hear the men getting closer to my door. Damn I had no choice, I was going to have to act fast.

  “Ava please help me, I'm begging you!” she said crying out, doubling over in pain.

  I helped her down the hall to the bathroom and filled up the tub with a few inches of warm water. I was praying if I didn't answer the door they'd just go away. I grabbed everything off the counter and a sharp knife. I knew we had to cut the cord and that I had to sterilize everything thing.

  Suddenly my teapot started whistling. I heard voices at my door. I quickly grabbed the pot and shut off the burner. I heard Angela cry out at the same time they started knocking on my door. I stood there frozen. Minutes went by as they knocked and then pounded on my door.

  Then I heard my neighbor John yell out his door at them over the pounding rain. He said that I was probably at class or working, that I was not home. The knocking stopped. I breathed a sigh of relief as I ran back to the bathroom with my tea pot and cell phone. I was calling an ambulance one way or another.

  Angela was lying on the floor in pain. I helped her into the warm water and quickly went
to work using some alcohol and warm water with a soft cloth. I cleaned all the blood off her and helped her wipe down herself in order to avoid any bacteria. I drained the tub and filled it up again a few inches. I could see the baby was crowning. I had to move fast.

  “Ava get in my purse and get the papers in there out, please hurry!” she cried breathlessly.

  “For God sakes Angela this baby is coming, we can worry about that later!” I yelled. I was trying so hard not to panic.

  “Please Ava get them!”

  I wiped off my hands and ran out to the living room for her purse. I saw the papers the minute I opened her hand bag. They looked like legal documents. I ran back the bathroom.

  “I have them, now what?”

  “Ava please sign them, I'm making you my son's guardian.”

  guardian? I couldn't be a guardian to a surrogate baby. I said as much. She fought to get the words out in between contractions.

  “I'm keeping him, please just sign the papers. I'll explain it all later. I don't want my baby to be alone if I die!” She cried out.

  I had no idea what was going on but this baby was coming so for now I'd sign them. I grabbed a pen from my bedroom and signed them, then Angela signed them. She was going to live and so was the baby if I had anything to do with it.

  I called 911 and asked for ambulance. The men had been gone long enough that I felt safe taking the risk. The baby wasn't waiting, a few minutes later with the help of the 911 operator Angela's son was born. With the operator's help I managed to cut the baby's cord. I felt Angela’s hand on my arm. She smiled at me.

  “Baby Miles will need you Ava, please take care of him for me.”

  A few seconds later she was suddenly very still. At first I thought she had just passed out or had fallen asleep. I heard the ambulance and ran for the door, carrying the baby in my arms in a towel.

  The medics worked on her for almost thirty minutes via the radio with the hospital. When we arrived at the hospital she was still not moving. They took Miles from me. I was taken to a waiting room. Baby Miles was very tiny, he had come too early. It felt like hours until they finally came to me asking me about her family or next of kin. I had no idea who her family was. I had those papers in my pocket. I thought about the bruises she always had and her begging me to sign them. I told them I was the baby's guardian and her only family. They explained she had a stroke with a brain bleed. Angela was placed in a coma-induced state to decrease the swelling of her brain. Then they told me about baby Miles.


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