The Butterfly House

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The Butterfly House Page 11

by Meckley, Lori

  “Oh you beast!” Her voice was muffed, she was trying to keep her head under the pillows.

  “I'm a beast? Who took advantage of who?” I said laughing.

  She suddenly jumped up and ran for the shower, yelling she was going to use all the hot water. I tossed all the bedding and pillows onto the bed. I made my way to the bathroom. She was going to find out that there were hours of hot water in my condo bathroom and there was no rest for the weary once I got in the shower with her. I might be tired but another part of my anatomy was plenty excited to share all that hot water.


  Nolan dropped me off for my meeting with Sam. He went into his office to clear his schedule and then would be returning to pick me up. Sam's office door was open when I arrived. I knocked on the door lightly. He waved me in. He was just ending a phone call as I took a seat in front of his desk.

  “Ava would you like something to drink?”

  “I'm fine, no thank you.”

  “Well then let's get down to business.”

  I sat back and listen as he talked.

  “When I first bought the business I wanted to leave it as it appeared to me when I came in as a member; however the longer I am here the more I see there needs to be changes.” “One of those changes I'd like to have is for the dancers to have a choreographer.” “Ava you are one of the few that changes up your music and routine. You know your music and routine each night. You also practice before walking out on the stage.” “I have noticed on the nights you are off we have a smaller crowd.” “I mean no disrespect to the other employees but they have fallen into the same music, costumer and dance routine each night.”

  “The house has a large number of members but in order to survive, we need to be adding new members.” “What I'd like to do is move you from being a dancer to the house's choreographer. Of course there would be a pay increase and you'd work a different schedule.” “I'd also give you an expense account for wardrobes for each dancer.”

  I was stunned and speechless as he continued.

  “You are a fantastic dancer and I am aware that you can sing but I think you have the skills and talent to train dancers.” “Is this something you'd be interested in?” he asked.

  “Sam, I would love to not have to take off my clothes for a crowd of strangers. No offense but it was never a dream for me just a means to pay my bills. I love singing but being able to train dancers and mix music for routines – I'd love that.”

  “Do you want to decide now or do you want to think it over first?” “You may have a few days if you need the time.”

  He wrote a salary on a piece of paper and slid it across the desk to me. I looked at it. It was triple what I had been making, very generous. I was floored by the fact he felt I could handle the job. I had to take it. Nolan would I'm sure be happy knowing I didn't have to dance nude again here.

  “I think I can decide now. The salary is very generous and I'd be happy to take the job. When can I start?” I asked out of breath.

  “You are scheduled off the next two nights, how about the day after that? I know you have classes and a heavy schedule but we can work around your schedule I'm sure.”

  “That's fine. Thank you Sam!” I was so excited I couldn't wait to tell Nolan. I stood up and ran around his desk to give him a huge hug.

  We worked out what time I'd come in after my two days off and went over my upcoming fall class schedule. I would have to change a class or two but it was doable.

  Nolan called shortly after we ended our meeting to say he was on his way. I decided to clean out my dressing room and make a list of what I'd need to start my new position in a few days.

  It didn't take me too long to organize what I wanted to keep and take home, the rest I boxed up and put in my locker for now. I didn't keep a lot of clothes at the house but I did have a lot of makeup and hair styling equipment.

  I sat working on my list when a woman knocked on my door. At first I thought she might be looking for a job but as she came closer, she seemed a little rough and older looking to work for the house.

  “I'm Ava Wild, Can I help you?” I asked standing up and putting down my note pad. I walked closer to her. I offered her my hand to shake.

  She just looked at me and stared. She shut and locked the door. I didn't see the knife at first then within seconds she had it at my throat. I froze as I heard Nolan talking with Sam outside the door.

  “Don't open your mouth bitch!” she said in my ear, pushing the knife into my skin more.

  Nolan knocked then yelled my name. I was afraid to move but I wasn't letting this woman cut my throat either. I could hear them mention checking outside for me and then I heard them walking away.

  I let myself go limp a little, she eased up on the knife and stepped backwards. Her mistake, it gave me my chance. I elbowed her in the ribs with everything I had and she flew backwards hard. I had just enough time to run for the door. I screamed for Nolan and Sam.

  The door to my dressing room flew open knocking me to the floor as I tried to get it unlocked. The woman had gotten up and grabbed me by the hair. She began pulling me off the floor. She had raised the knife to my throat again when I heard a loud popping sound. We both hit the floor hard. I felt warm liquid on myself. I struggled to sit up with help from Nolan and Sam a few seconds later.

  Once I sat up I realized I was covered in blood. The woman was on the floor beside me bleeding. Ellis was standing over her putting his gun away. She was trying to get up but Ellis was busy wrapping up her hand.

  “Ava are you okay Darlin?” Nolan asked. He was checking my neck. I was bleeding from a small nick but otherwise I was fine. Most of the blood was the woman's. The knife had nicked her hand pretty deep when Ellis shot at her.

  I was fine but in a bit of shock.

  “Who is that woman?” I said pointing at her.

  “I'm Monica Lansing, Nolan's girlfriend you dumb bitch!” she said vehemently.

  Sam and Ellis took the woman outside. Nolan helped me to a chair.

  “Is that true Nolan?” I whispered. This wasn't happening. I felt like I was going to faint.

  “No Darlin, she's not. She used to be but we haven't been together in years,” he said pulling me to him.

  I was so relieved to hear that. I began to cry.

  “Ava it's going to be alright, she's not going to bother us again I promise you.”

  “Are you okay to stand?” he said.

  “Yes.” With his help I gathered up my bag and we walked over the mess carefully and outside for some air.

  Once outside I started to feel more clear headed. I wiped my nose on my sleeve. I was dirty and my clothes were torn and bloody. An ambulance and the police arrived. The police had arrested Monica Lansing. She hadn't been shot just nicked by the knife. A detective would be stopping by Nolan's condo to take my statement. I was relieved I wanted to clean up and have a moment to myself. My day had gone from being amazing to shit in merely minutes. I wanted to so badly to share my good news with Nolan but right now that seemed so far away.

  Nolan ~ Twenty-One

  While Ava took a shower and changed her clothes I ordered some dinner for us. Ellis phoned. He was on his way over. He had some news for Ava. We were also waiting on a detective to come by to take Ava's statement. Sam had already pressed charges against Monica Lansing. She was facing charges from breaking and entering to attempted murder.

  I should have known Monica wasn't going to give up so easily but I had no idea she'd try to harm Ava. I wanted to tell Ava about Monica before Ellis or the detective showed up. It scared years off my life when I saw Monica with that knife going after Ava.

  Ava came out of the bedroom freshly showered wearing yoga pants and a tank top. She looked pale. I just wanted to hold her. She came over and sat on the sofa beside me. I took her in my arms. She was freezing, I grabbed a throw off the sofa and wrapped it around her.

  “Nolan,” she said looking at me.

  “It's okay darlin I'm right h
ere.” “Do you feel up for talking?”

  “I want to know everything please.” she said

  I told her it all. I told her starting from the moment I first met Monica to the day I had security throw her out of my office. We talked for almost an hour. Our food came but neither one of us was hungry.

  “I'm so sorry Nolan.” Ava had tears in her eyes as she threw her arms around me.

  “Sorry for what darlin?” I asked.

  “That bitch hurt you, why would anyone hurt you?”

  I smiled. “I have you Ava, you healed me. I knew from that first night I saw you at The Butterfly House that my life was going to change. I remember as you first sang seeing tears in your eyes. I wanted to jump up and chase whatever was making you sad away.”

  “You saw that?” “I was thinking of baby Miles and how much I had to hold down that job because he needed me.”

  We were interrupted by downstairs security. Ellis and a police detective were asking to come up. Ava stood looking out the window at the skyline as I put the food away that we hadn't even touched. We both jumped as the door bell to my condo rang.


  I had wanted to badly to share my news with Nolan but until Ellis and the detective came and talked with us, it had to wait.

  We all sat at the kitchen table. Nolan was making coffee as Detective Hanson asked me to tell him what happened at the house. I explained what happened to the best of my knowledge. Once he was satisfied with my statement, he took Ellis' then Nolan's statements. I would be so glad when this was all over.

  Ellis spoke up once Detective Hanson finished taking our statements and going over what would happen next since Monica was now in jail. We would all have to go down to the station tomorrow and leave formal statements. Monica would most likely get bail unless she was a flight risk. Ellis said he'd offer two of his men as security for me and Nolan.

  I was worried but I tried to keep that to myself.

  “Detective Hanson and I both have some news regarding Angela Mercy.”

  I was speechless, did he just say they both had news about Angela? Detective Hanson started to explain.

  “Ava I understand you are the guardian of an infant born to Mrs. Angela Mercy, wife of Juan Mercy. Is this true?”

  I swallowed my silence. “Yes Detective Hanson I am.”

  “Were you aware that Mrs. Mercy had agreed to surrogate a child?”

  I looked hard at Ellis. What the hell was going on here?

  “Ava tell the detective everything you know. You have nothing to worry about just be honest.”

  I took a deep breath and unloaded everything I knew.

  It was quiet for the longest time as Detective Hanson wrote in his notebook. Once he finished his notes he and Ellis took turns explaining to Nolan and myself exactly what was going on.

  First off Ellis had gone over the legal documents I had signed. I was legal guardian of baby Miles. He was in my care as well as my responsibility unless Angela woke up from her coma. Until her family or her husband came forth to dispute that I was responsible for him. It was obvious Angela Mercy knew something about the law. The papers were notarized and legally binding.

  The real shocker was the surrogate situation. It was illegal and Nolan's ex Monica Lansing was actually Juan Mercy's mistress. She had no idea I knew Angela or the whereabouts of her or the baby until she followed Nolan and me to the hospital. The police had hoped Monica had not told Juan about what she knew. When Monica was arrested her phone call was to Juan. She made no bones about the fact she was Juan's mistress. The phone call was monitored since Juan was a person of interest in human trafficking. Juan evidently was washing his hands of her – he hung up on her.

  She had been bugging around Nolan wanting money. She told the police that because of me she wasn't able to get Nolan to listen to her, and that I had poisoned him against helping her. She said she had no choice but to get rid of me. She refused to admit to knowing anything about Juan Mercy's baby trafficking or his whereabouts. She stated that she was only his mistress and was not party to what he did beyond that.

  “What if she gets out on bail? Do you think she'd go to Juan?” I asked.

  “She won't make bail unless she gets money. Juan refusing to take her call means she has no means of getting money which means she will stay in jail regardless of her bail hearing.” “I'm not so sure but I think Juan may need money himself since Monica was so intent on getting some from Mr. Walker.” Detective Hanson said.

  Cell phones started ringing. We all checked our phones. Nolan's cell phone was the only one not ringing. Baby Miles was in trouble. We all headed out the door and for St. Luke’s Hospital.


  I felt his presence. I knew him. I was desperate when I met him. A night of rain, loneliness – they were our common thread at first. Our one night of passion had led to a miracle. Now that miracle was our common thread.

  I knew he was talking to me but I couldn't make out the words. I was frightened for a moment. Did he hear that? Did he feel what I just felt?

  I heard the footsteps first, then I heard the heavy breathing as it passed by. The sound was serious with such deep intent. I felt the dark wave of hate like a rush of the wind. Evil had come and it wasn't going to leave until it had what it came for.

  I tried so hard to reach him. He was inches from me. I focused with all my might. Bad things were going to happen if someone didn't stop that darkness.

  Why wasn't anyone listening to me? Try as I might nothing seemed to work. I was once again silent and fading as I felt that warm wave come again and take me.


  We arrived at the hospital in Detective Hanson's car. The place was crawling with police and a crime scene team. We took the elevator to the nurses station where baby Miles was. I wasn't going to be happy until I knew he was safe.

  He was fussy. He calmed down once he felt my touch. I ached to take him home with me. I held him for a few minutes then I gave him back to the nurse. I demanded to know what had happened.

  Detective Hanson had spoken with the nurses on duty and the story was that a man had come into the unit. He had slipped past the nurses station and into the intensive care area. He had no idea which baby to take and thankfully there was more than one boy baby present. He high-tailed it once a nurse caught him and asked him what he was doing in the room. The security cameras caught the man's face on video. Detective Hanson stated he was one of the men who worked for Juan Mercy.

  I wanted to stay the night but I was only allowed to stay for a few hours. Police officers and security guards were placed on the floor and outside the unit where baby Miles was.

  What none of us noticed was where Sam went. He had come with us but got lost in all the drama.

  Once Nolan and I arrived at his condo I was able to tell him about my job offer from Sam. To say he was happy was putting it mildly. He pulled me close. One thing led to another and clothes dropped as we barely made it to the bedroom. I had never had sex in a hallway before but there was always a first time.

  Later in bed, I was toying with his nipple rings when Nolan smacked my hands away.”

  “God woman you are going to wear those out.” he said.

  “But I like playing with them, they are sexy as fuck Nolan.” I said biting him.

  “Ouch, you need to stop being a brat I have something important to discuss.”

  “Well why didn't you say so? Tell me what's on your mind Mr. Walker?” I asked.

  “Ava Wild would you consider living in sin with me?”

  “Live in sin with you?” I asked bewildered.

  “I'd ask you to marry me but I don't have a ring so that's going to have to wait.” he said.

  “Well I don't know cause I might want a ring, then what?” I said pouting.

  “Oh alright I guess I can get you a ring.” He said getting out of bed and digging in his jeans.

  He pulled out a box with a huge copper ribbon on it. He got down on his knees in the dark. I flip
ped on the nightstand lamp.

  “Hey way to ruin the romance woman!” he said shielding his eyes.

  “Well it's not every night a man asks me to live in sin then proposes to me nude in the dark with a box he found in his jeans”

  Nolan laughed, then he took my hand and placed the box in it. I tore off the ribbon and opened it. Inside was a ring so stunning I almost fainted. The band was made of glass – it was unusual color of black. Embedded on the outside of the band were opals. A lot of opals were on that ring. I almost fainted when he took the ring and placed it on my finger.

  “Ava Wild would you please marry me?” Being the cry baby I am, I cried.

  “Mr. Walker I would be honored to be your wife,” I said wiping my tears.

  “This offer includes baby Miles, just so you know I'll try really hard to be good Dad material.”

  I laughed but in my heart I knew he'd not only be a wonderful husband but he would be a fantastic Dad.

  Return to the Butterfly House

  I was so proud of Ava, she was turning out to be one hell of a choreographer, student and mother. Where she found the energy I don't know but I was happy for her and even happier for Nolan. I was secretly jealous that he was raising baby Miles, running his business and had a great woman like Ava beside him.

  I had yet to tell him or Ava my secret. For now I was content to stay out of the limelight. It was the only thing I could do unless Angela one day would awaken.

  I prayed every day for that to happen but with each visit it was getting much harder to take. She remained silent. I had no idea if she knew I was there or not. I wanted answers, no matter how long it took I would wait for her to awaken.

  My phone rang as I was rapping things up for the day at my newest Butterfly House in California. I saw on my phone screen it was Ellis Rathbone calling.

  “Ellis how the hell are you?”

  “Sam I'm well. I was just wondering if you're free for a drink anytime soon?”


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