Ripper's Torment

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Ripper's Torment Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  “I’ll stay behind and keep an eye on the women and the business.” He couldn’t leave Judi behind. The very thought had him breaking out into a sweat.

  “Fair enough. Some of the boys want to go on the road. I’ll give them a shot while you stay here.” Devil nodded at him, dismissing him.

  Getting up, he went back to his bike to clean it. Later that day Lexie and Judi turned her. He felt her gaze on him, and he forced himself to keep cleaning the other bikes beside his.

  Ashley ran out, jumping into his arms. The sun was beating down on him. He wrapped his arms around Ashley, using the moment to look at Judi. The moment he did, he wished he hadn’t. She looked like she’d been kicked in the gut. With Elizabeth on her hip she followed Lexie inside the clubhouse.

  “Some of us are going to the strip club tonight. Are you in?” Ashley asked.

  “Is Curse going?”

  “Yeah, it’s his idea. I’m going, but I’m not dancing or anything. Pussy and Death are also going.” Ashley was a bubbly woman. She always found something to smile about. Some of the other sweet-butts despised her. Ripper actually liked her. From the look of pain in Judi’s eyes, he wished he hadn’t fucked her.

  He couldn’t lie to her, and he got a feeling when they were alone she would ask him.

  “I’m going to go and tell Curse,” Ashley said, jumping up and down.

  “Tell me what?” The man appeared beside her.

  “Ripper’s coming to the club as well.”

  Smiling, he looked toward the clubhouse wondering what was going on inside.

  “Lexie’s showing off her latest ultrasound picture. The doctor has also confirmed she had morning sickness. She’ll be all right with a good diet and rest. Judi’s sticking beside her like glue,” Curse said. “He’s got a bit of a thing for Lex.” Curse spoke to Ashley.

  “No, I don’t.” Ripper disputed his feelings.

  Neither of them listened.

  An hour later he entered the clubhouse finding Judi sitting in the corner with Elizabeth and Simon. She ignored him as he made his way upstairs to get changed.

  On the way down, he saw she was getting ready to leave with Lexie and Devil.

  “Where are you going?” Devil asked, before he could leave.

  “Some of us are headed to the strip club,” Curse said, speaking up. “We’re going to party in style. It could be one of our last times.”

  Glancing toward Judi he saw the very thought had her upset.

  “I’m going to wait in the car.” She held Simon’s hand as she walked out of the clubhouse not even looking his way.

  He felt Devil’s gaze on him. Shit, he needed to keep his thoughts to himself. Following Curse out of the clubhouse, he waited for Ashley to get on the back of Curse’s bike before riding toward the strip club.

  It was too early to be open to the public. Curse had a key as he was looking after the building for Vincent. They all took turns manning the place for the club.

  Inside the club he saw the women practicing for their turn on stage. He sat in the corner as some of the men went to the bar or behind to see the women. Ripper sat back, resting his head against the wall.

  Judi’s pain-filled face entered his thoughts.

  Don’t feel guilty.

  She’s mine.

  Bouncing his knee he looked around the club knowing he didn’t really want to be here but with her. She’d really invaded his fucking life and made him fall in love with her.

  There, it was out for him to finally accept.


  Eating the potato salad, Judi couldn’t taste it. Her thoughts were on Ripper with Ashley. She hated how relaxed the woman was with him. Watching her fling herself in Ripper’s arms and him catching her, cut Judi deeply. She’d not trusted anyone to hold her in such a long time.

  Men cheat.

  Devil doesn’t cheat.

  “How’s college going?” Devil asked, invading her troubled thoughts.

  “It’s going good.” She forced a smile to her lips when she looked at him. There was nothing else she could think to say. Lexie was watching her along with Devil. “How is everything going at the club?”

  “It’s good. We may have to leave if things go bad for The Skulls.”

  She nodded. Judi liked The Skulls. She really liked Angel. The other woman was so sweet. The first time she met Angel she’d been taken by surprise. No woman who was married to a biker should have that air of innocence, yet Angel still did.

  “The Skulls are good people. I hope nothing bad happens to them.” She thought about the man she shot well over two weeks ago. Her stomach turned remembering the whole incident.

  “You’re not feeling ill are you, honey? You’re not eating anything,” Lexie said, pointing at the plate in front of her.

  “I’m fine. I’m just not hungry.” She placed her fork down, smiling at her family. “Everything is fine though.”

  They looked at her doubtfully.

  “Ripper is staying behind in case anything happens,” Devil said, speaking up.

  “I’m sure he likes that,” Judi said, glancing down at her wrists. From their first time she still had the bruises on her hips and breasts. She made sure to wear long shirts so none of the bruises were seen.

  “Is there something going on between the two of you?” Devil asked.

  She shook her head. “No, I’m going to start the dishes.” Grabbing her plate along with a couple of empty bowls she headed toward the kitchen. Throwing her food into the bin, she rinsed the plate before placing it in the dishwasher.

  Seconds later she heard Lexie clear her throat. Turning around, she saw her friend looked a little worried. “Is there anything you want to talk about?” she asked.

  “Did Devil send you in?”

  “No. He’s thinking about Tiny and what’s going on in Fort Wills.”

  “You’ve got him to stop worrying about you and the baby.” Judi worked to clean the plates and dishes, loading them into the dishwasher.

  “Don’t change the subject. I know there’re only a few years between us, but I worry about you, Judi.” The concern was easy to hear in her voice.

  “There’s nothing to worry about at all. I promise I’m fine.”

  “You look hurt.”

  Turning toward her friend she smiled at Lexie. “I’m not hurt. I’m tired. It has been a long couple of days, and the heat is making my head hurt. I think I stayed outside too long.” She wiped her hands on a towel. Going to Lexie, she wrapped her arms around her shoulders. “I promise, nothing is wrong.”

  “Go get some rest,” Lexie said. “We’ll have a girly day tomorrow.”

  Nodding, she made her way up to her bedroom. Closing and locking her door, she sat on the edge of the bed. Tears filled her eyes blurring out the view in front of her.

  Wrapping her arms around her shoulders she tried to deal with the pain exploding inside her chest. She couldn’t come apart in front of Devil or Lexie. They would all know why she was crying. Wiping her face, she forced herself to take a deep breath and stand up.

  Her phone buzzed, and she grabbed it to see a message from Ripper.

  With her shoulders slumped, she opened the message even though she didn’t want to.

  Ripper: What r u doing?

  Seriously? Her anger spiking, she sent him back a quick reply.

  Judi: Leave me the fuck alone.

  Throwing the phone onto the bed she entered the bathroom, turning on the shower. Glancing at her reflection she shook her head. She was so gullible. The first man to show her any kind of attention and she fell hook, line and sinker.

  Turning away, she undressed quickly and took her sweet time in the shower. She loved the hot water cascading over her body.

  The time passed as she soaped her skin, the warmth finally heating up her cold bones. When she climbed out, wrapping a towel in her hair she felt much better. Entering her bedroom she came to a stop as Ripper sat on the edge of her bed. His face showed his anger.

nbsp; Glancing toward her door she saw it was still locked. Turning to the doors overlooking the garden she saw it was open.

  “What the hell are you doing?” she asked, folding her arms underneath her breasts. Judi made sure to keep her voice down so the others in the house were not aware of someone in her room.

  “You wouldn’t answer my texts. I didn’t like what you said.”

  He stared at her then his gaze wandered down her body. From his look alone she felt on fire.

  “You shouldn’t be here, Ripper. Devil can come at any time.”

  “They never check on you since he walked in on your naked. He was scared at seeing you without your clothes on,” Ripper said, standing up.

  She tried to stand her ground. Ripper stepped closer, and she couldn’t help but back away.

  “Don’t come near me.”

  “I haven’t cheated on you.”

  Judi snorted, taking a step back. She hit the wall, and she growled in annoyance at being stopped from getting away from him. “You’ve not fucked Ashley then?”

  She saw his jaw tense.

  “I fucked her before you and I got involved.”

  “When?” she asked, knowing in her heart she didn’t want to know the answer.

  He shook his head.

  “Tell me.”

  Ripper caught the knot of her towel and tugged. The towel opened up falling to the floor.

  “You really want to know?”

  No, I don’t, you bastard. I’ve fallen in love with you, and you’re a total bastard and a liar.

  She didn’t say any of the words that were running around her mind.

  “Fine, the last time I fucked her was the day after I buried your first kill. I woke up with you in my arms, and I was fucking horny. I’ve never been so turned on before, and yet you made me fucking ache to be inside your pussy.”

  His words took her completely by surprise.

  “So you fucked her?”

  “I screwed her because I couldn’t have you. Do you know how hard it is for me to want you?” he asked. His voice was hard as he spoke. She saw the torment in his eyes, in every single word he spoke. “I saw that animal fucking beating you. I wanted to hurt him, and you were just a fucking girl. I shouldn’t be having these thoughts about you, Judi, but I am. What kind of monster does that make me?” he asked, thumping his chest.

  Before she could answer, he claimed her lips. This was rough, passion filled, and she could only hold onto him as he took charge. The towel binding her hair on top of her head was tugged away. He fisted the length at the same time as he grabbed a handful of her ass.

  She cried out at the bite of pain. Ripper released her hair to press a hand over her mouth. “You’ve got to be quiet.” She was going to go insane if she couldn’t speak up.

  Nodding her head, she reached between them to unbuckle his belt. This was insane, crazy, and so dangerous. The anger she’d felt minutes before evaporated turning into lust. She eased his cock out, fisting the length.

  He growled against her neck, lifting her up.

  Circling her legs around his waist she bit into her lip as he sank to the hilt inside her.

  “There is no one else but you, baby,” he said, whispering the words against her ear. “I don’t know how else to tell you that you’re the only bitch who exists in my world.”

  “Don’t call me that.” She placed her fingers over his mouth. Her hand over his mouth didn’t stop him from talking.

  “It doesn’t matter what I call you, you’re still mine. It doesn’t make me want you any less than I already do.”

  She hissed as he slammed to the hilt inside her. His cock scraped along her inner walls. Within minutes her cream soaked over his cock making his penetration easier.

  Gasping, she moaned, and Ripper covered her mouth to muffle the sounds of her moans. He held her against the wall, fucking her hard.

  There was no hiding her feelings as he fucked her hard, taking over every part of her senses. Ripper owned every inch of her.

  “Mine, always fucking mine,” he said.


  She stared into his eyes. The green depths captured her making her feel whole from his look alone. Together they found their peak of pleasure going over it. His cock jerked inside her pulsing his cum into her womb.

  There was no going back from now on. They were bound together in ways that words could not describe. Ripper had captured her heart and bound her soul to his.

  Chapter Eleven

  The summer was at its peak, and so far The Skulls were not in danger. Devil was hosting another barbeque, but instead of feeling nervous, Ripper looked forward to it. Any chance he got to be with Judi he took it. Whenever she needed to go into town to the library he would follow her, hanging out with her as she studied. She was the first woman he loved to watch study. He liked the way she bit her lip as she worked through her latest assignment.

  Lexie’s morning sickness had finally settled down, and she no longer looked pale or sick. Devil had also calmed down with Lexie looking healthy. Grabbing a beer from the cooler Ripper stared around the garden at his fellow brothers along with some of Piston County’s wealthy families. Devil’s barbeques had become famous among the county, and anybody showed up. He saw one family keep their daughter guarded when Pussy stepped close. Shaking his head, Ripper tried not to laugh at the sight. Anyone would think they were Neanderthal beasts hoping to take and rape their daughters. The thought alone had the smile disappearing from his face.

  Taking a long gulp of his drink he spotted Judi moving away from the pool. Ashley was talking to her as they walked. He checked Judi’s face to make sure the other woman wasn’t upsetting her. When her gaze landed on him, Ripper felt like he was on fire. Fuck, he really did love that woman. Judi had invaded his heart and soul. He would have gone to Devil about his thoughts, but Judi wasn’t ready for anyone to know about them.

  “I’m going to go look for Curse. I look forward to shopping with you,” Ashley said, saying her goodbyes. She smiled at him before looking for Curse.

  “Do I even want to know what’s going on between you two?” he asked, keeping his distance. She grabbed a soda from the cooler, rubbing her breasts across his arm as she bent down. Bitch was doing it on purpose if her smile was anything to go by.

  “We’re not comparing notes if that’s what you’re worried about,” she said, smiling.

  “You’re going to be the death of me.”

  They stood together looking out over the garden. Lexie was smiling as Devil talked with Vincent. The men were all together, and he felt humbled to be part of such a large family.

  “Do you want to go away with me later?” he asked.

  “What do you mean?” She looked at him.

  During many barbeques they’d been alone. He stared across the yard knowing he couldn’t go another night without having her in his arms. “The hotel we were in a few weeks back. We can go there and have some fun.” He wanted to sink his fingers into her hair and pull her close.

  Holding back the temptation, he sipped at his beer.

  “You’re wanting to go to the hotel?”

  “I want you alone all to myself.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea. Devil keeps asking questions.” She sipped more of her drink. He noticed her nipples were hard buds.

  “Let him ask. This is not about him. It’s about us.” He grew frustrated at not being able to have her all to himself. “Come with me tonight, and I’ll fuck you in ways you can’t imagine.”

  “You’re driving a hard bargain.”

  “No, I’m not. You’re just playing hard to get.”

  He reached out to touch her but stopped. Glancing over the garden he saw no one was paying attention to them. “Well, will you be there tonight?”

  “Yes. What is this?” she asked, stepping in front of him. Anyone looking their way would think they’re having a normal conversation.

  “You tell me.”

  “Am I your dirty
little secret?”

  Ripper leaned forward, invading her space. “Baby, it’s more like I’m your dirty little secret. I’d tell Devil any time you’re ready.”

  Seeing Curse watching him, he stood up and stepped around her. “Tonight, pack a bag.”

  He didn’t give her a chance to argue with him as she went to mingle with some of his brothers. Pussy and Death were arguing over stripper duty at the club.

  “I’m not going near them. Their claws are going to be the fucking death of me,” Pussy said.

  Trying to get into the conversation, Ripper struggled to tear his gaze away from Judi. She circled the garden talking with everyone. In the last two years she’d come out of her shell. He felt their time together had helped draw her out even further. She really was a beautiful woman. Lexie came out of the kitchen carrying a tray of ice lollies. Ripper watched Judi grab one, peeling off the wrapper before licking it.

  Fuck, his cock thickened at the sight of her plump lips wrapped around the tip sucking it into her mouth. This was torture, pure torture.

  “Is something going on between you and the Princess?” Curse asked, stepping up close.

  “No, nothing.” Tearing his gaze away from the action she was giving the lollie he promised himself he’d make her pay.

  His cock was rock hard, and he looked away from his brothers so none of them knew he was struggling with his arousal.

  “You’d talk to me if something was bothering you, right?” Curse asked.

  “Yeah, sure.” He took in several gulps of his beer as he looked around the garden. Shit, fuck, shit. He needed to get out of here. He watched Lexie disappear inside. The sound of the telephone ringing could be heard even over the buzz of the garden party.

  Devil had his arm wrapped around Judi’s shoulders as they talked with Vincent. Phoebe was fingering the bottom of the summer dress she wore. He liked seeing the curve of her legs. She didn’t wear any heels. Her legs didn’t need them.

  He gripped his empty beer bottle watching the ease with which Devil touched her. Ripper couldn’t be like that with her. It wasn’t easy for him to claim her. He had to have the patience for Judi to make the first move.

  Lexie cried out coming toward the door. Her hand was over her mouth as she looked at Devil.


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