Undercover: Secrets & Lies

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Undercover: Secrets & Lies Page 9

by Jennifer Loren

  She starts to argue with me but changes her mind. “I’m not discussing my personal life with you.” I shake my head, thinking about her going out with him. Pop interrupts, setting his best sandwiches of the day in front of us. We both thank him and eat in silence, eyeing each other with more questions than we want answers to. Suddenly, twenty minutes later, “And you had sex with Jolie, which is really disgusting. Ew” I look at my watch, making note of how long it took her to fire back and shake my head. “Shut up.”

  Her frustration with me, makes me happy. Screw Daisy. I want to win her over.



  I am so excited about my date with Cole that I change clothes three times before he shows. We have dinner at a hole in the wall place, but he had a reason. It resembles a place we used to go to as kids. We chatted about old times, holding hands and kissing in between before heading to the theatre for a scary movie. I curl up next to him, just like we had done many times growing up. Only this time, we paid to get in. He holds my hand and rubs it with his thumb, and all I can think about is Ben. I shake it off and remind myself how handsome Cole is in his khakis and polo shirt. I wonder if Ben owns any khakis. I can’t imagine him having any. I can imagine him without any, without anything … Ergh. Laila, Stop!

  At the end of the night, Cole is a perfect gentleman, opening the car door for me, escorting me to my room, and kissing me with a hopeful tone. “Do you want to continue this night? I’ve thought a lot about what you said, and I would like to try and make our relationship more serious.”

  “Yeah?” I smile, gripping his shirt and wanting him to be closer.

  “Yeah. I like the idea of you telling people that you’re with me,” he says, kissing me with expectation. My mind races as I reminisce about our evening. I trust that Cole wouldn’t lie to me, not purposely anyway. Still, his words are troubling.

  “I don’t really have anyone to tell other than Henry, but I will let him know the next time I see him. He adores you.”

  “You can tell all those men you work with. Tell them you are off limits because of me.”

  “Are you sure? Or maybe all that matters is that I tell Ben?”

  “I want you to tell him especially.” I stare at him in disbelief. “I don’t like him, Laila, and I don’t want you anywhere near him. You’re mine.” He finally realizes what he’s saying. “Ah Laila, what did you do to me? Congratulations, you made me jealous. Are you happy now?”

  “No. That’s not what I wanted. I don’t want to be with you because you don’t want me to be with someone else. Go home, Cole. We will talk some other time.”

  His disappointment is obvious. “I love you,” he says, leaving me with a quick kiss and some final words. “Please stay away from him.”

  I walk into my room and stare at the balcony doors, imagining Ben coming over the rails. “I thought he would never leave,” he would say, unbuttoning his shirt as he walks up to me, licking his lips. My clothes shredded from my body. His hands taking hold of me and lifting me up against the wall. A smile as he slides inside of me, instantly turning my body into a heated frenzy. Sigh…

  What is it about Ben that’s ruining everything? I love Cole. I’ve been in love with Cole for as long as I can remember. He should be here right now, helping me remember why. Instead, I am alone, daydreaming about a criminal, a man I will most likely put in jail when it’s all said and done. Wrong. He’s wrong. Ben. He’s all kinds of wrong, yet, for some reason, he seems right for me.

  Titus wants to see a show tonight, and he is demanding to go without Jolie who is supposed to stay home, which means all team members are working. I assume Ben will be assigned to Jolie, leaving the rest of us assigned to Titus. I was close, but not entirely correct. Luca agrees to switch positions with Ben, leaving us assigned to work together for a long night. I understand Ben’s reasons for not wanting to be around Jolie any more than necessary, so I try to accept that and move on as if there is nothing more to it. Guarding Titus at such an open event is difficult. We have to watch every movement. His open seat doesn’t help us. It only makes it easy to target him from the dark corners. The possibility of threats is too great for me to notice the show until I hear a bang and direct my eyes to the stage. This is no ordinary show. It’s erotic and sponsored by Titus’s own movie company. This is the first time I realize he produces erotic shows. While they are, as far as I can tell, legal, the sexual content is disturbing. It’s a long show, and I assume he will go home after, but as it turns out, Titus has an interest in some of the performers and a side business of making movies. He tempts the performers with drugs and money to a special, out of the way place he keeps unknown to Jolie. This is the first time I get to see a place the outside world isn’t aware of. It’s the perfect opportunity to seek information on the senator’s son. When I am sent in to clear the place, to make sure it is safe for Titus to enter, I shrewdly do my job. While looking for intruders, I search for information on Titus that the police may not know. There’s a lot—safes, an alternate weapons room, and an office with a computer setup NASA would be jealous of. Someone could hide here for a long time without ever being seen or known. Unfortunately, I could only keep up with a few of the unmarked roads and turns, but it should be enough to figure out the general area. I’m anxious to break into that computer.

  “It’s all clear,” I signal to the rest of the security team. Titus’s sexual appetite has him excited and smiling all over himself as he walks into the lavish place.

  I am shocked that he stops next to me and looks me over, “You’re welcome to guard me closely tonight, Laila,” he says with wide, darkened eyes. “It may provide a nice twist to the movie.” I look up to notice a camera man. I am rarely caught off guard, but I have no idea what to say to him at this moment.

  Ben steps in front of me and guides Titus further inside. “Sir, all your guests are relaxing comfortably, maybe a little too comfortably without you. There are girls already asking for a bedroom to sleep in.”

  “Sleep?! No sleeping. I am paying them good money to entertain me, not sleep.” Titus rushes inside to see to it that his entertainment gets to work.

  Ben puts out his hand and directs me outside the door, shutting us both off from the activities. “They are all of age. I made sure of it. And all willing participants and well paid.”

  “I didn’t say anything.”

  “It’s written all over your face, Tiger. He’s high as a kite and he still noticed. That’s why he tried to get you involved.”

  “I wouldn’t have,” I insist.

  “You wouldn’t have had a choice. Even if you didn’t participate, he would have made you watch. Trust me, that’s not something you want to watch.”

  “Is he not afraid that he might get one pregnant?”

  “No, he took care of that worry a long time ago.” Ben glances my way oddly. “He is too focused, and he doesn’t want any more distractions than necessary.”

  “Have you participated in his—films?”

  “Are you kidding? No. Titus would never want anyone around that could steal the spotlight from him. He has made me watch though. He likes to show off what he knows about women. A game he likes to play with me, even though it’s all one sided.” Ben shivers, thinking back. I sigh, trying to hold back my disgusted comments. “You know, that one woman said she’s studying anthropology. She’s three years in and finds this is a great way to study human behavior. That’s an odd way to study, don’t you think?”

  “What?” I ask, completely forgetting what I was thinking before. “Are you fucking with me?”

  “No, I’m serious. When I was questioning her, she said she was a college student and she showed me her student ID.”

  “She could have faked that, Ben.”

  “She explained to me her thesis on the evolution of penises and how different cultures effect the sizes and shapes.” I tilt my head in confusion. “Seriously, it was interesting. Ancient societies prided themselves on smaller, close
r to the …” He motions as I stare at him in disbelief. “Because they didn’t have underwear or anything to keep a more robust penis under control when running and chasing food. As time went on and they came up with more, ‘penis control’ if you will, men with larger penises began to come out into public and were able to show off their abilities with women. She said there was one man that was so impressive that women who had been with him would commit suicide after because they felt they could never have a better feeling than what he gave them.” Ben turns to me and nods in seriousness.

  “You are incredible.”

  “That’s what she said, but I try not to advertise. You know, with all the suicides and things.” That Ryder smile forms with a wink, and I can’t help but laugh. He’s so stupid.

  I laugh into my hand and away from his sight. “What is wrong with you?”

  “Nothing. Do you want to verify? Go out with me.”

  “I think you only ask me out because I’m one of the few women who turn you down.”

  “That’s not true. I ask you out because you want me to.”

  “I do not.”

  “Of course you do. You want me to kiss you so bad you can’t think about anything else. The real question is why do you keep denying yourself?”

  “I—I’m not talking to you anymore.”


  “Because you are ridiculous.”

  “I thought you weren’t talking to me?” I cross my arms and frustratingly look opposite of him when he sneaks in and kisses my cheek.

  “Are we interrupting something?” Gus asks, walking in with Kenny. Both look at me with obvious assumptions.

  “No, just another episode of ‘No date for Ben’, courtesy of Laila,” Ben says, grabbing two chairs, pushing one to me and sitting down in the other.

  “Oh. Why? Why do you keep saying no to him?” Gus asks. I slide into my chair shaking my head. “He’s a good looking guy, charming, has a good job, and he’s a terrible poker player which means he will never lie to you.”

  “Thanks, man,” Ben says genuinely.

  “You’re welcome.”

  “I am not going out with a co-worker,” I say, crossing my legs with finality.

  “Well, that means she won’t go out with you either, Kenny,” Ben remarks, biting his lip to keep from laughing.

  “Why, what did I do?” Kenny asks with an insulted expression.

  “I don’t think that’s fair, Laila,” Gus whines, shaking his head. “Is it because Kenny’s Cuban?”

  “I’m not Cuban. I’m Puerto Rican.”

  “Really? I didn’t know that. I thought you grew up in Miami?”

  “No, I moved to Miami briefly, but I actually grew up in Utah.”

  “Utah? Like Mormon country?” Gus asks.

  I laugh. “A Puerto Rican Mormon.” They all three turn to look at me.

  “Why is that funny? What? You got something against Mormons now?”

  “No, I …” I catch a glimpse of bullshit and sigh. “You guys are real funny.”

  “More than half your body is tattooed, Mormons don’t believe in disfiguring their bodies,” I inform Kenny.

  “Seriously, I didn’t know that?”

  “I told you guys she’s smart,” Ben says, scooting his chair closer to mine.

  “I see why you like her, Ben. You guys would make a nice couple.”

  “Thanks, Gus. I think so too.” Ben puts his arm around my shoulder. “She’s cute too, right?”

  “Yeah, when she’s not making that I want to stab you in your sleep expression,” Kenny replies. They laugh as I bump Ben’s arm off my shoulders and cross my arms, ready to hurt them all.

  “Alright enough screwing around. Let’s play poker. I got some money to win before dawn.” Gus rubs his hands in anticipation of a big win.

  “Dawn? How long are we going to be here?” I ask.

  “Ah, I forgot you’re new to this. These are always all-nighters. Titus gets tired of Jolie and wants something new. So, here we sit, pretending he’s working because that is what we tell her no matter what,” Kenny responds.

  Gus shuffles the cards, shaking his head. “Not exactly a respectable marriage.”

  “There is nothing respectable about either of them. Now let’s play cards. Are you in or out, newbie?” Kenny waves his hand to move past the conversation.

  I quickly survey my competition. “Oh, I’m in.” The boys smile, expecting a slaughter. Clearly they all think better of themselves than they should. I take my cards, feeling good about my chances to fool the jokers.

  A few hours later.

  “Okay boys are you ready to give?” I say, holding my cards close and their money closer. Kenny, still holding his head in one hand and moaning about his next paycheck, throws his cards on the floor. Gus follows, giving in without a word for the first time all night. “Benjamin?”

  “I love when you say my full name like that.” I roll my eyes, tapping my foot impatiently. He sits back in his chair, looking me over from head to toe and back again, I think only to have an excuse to do so like he has all night. He’s only done this when he has a good hand, and he’s the only one all night that has won a hand besides me. He wants me to think his hand is good, but this time, I don’t believe him. “Okay, Beautiful. I raise you.”

  “How much?”

  “Not money this time. I match you, plus a date.”

  “Ooh. I did not see that coming.” Gus’s big mouth opens once again.

  “You’re insane. Call or fold,” I demand.

  “No, I raise you. You call or—fold.” His hypnotizing eyes set on me with a wicked smile that makes my knees weak. I hate that he can do that to me.

  “You’re bluffing.”

  “Then you have nothing to lose, Tiger.”

  I look down at my cards, feeling better than good, and I want so bad to wipe that confident smile off his face. I’ve beat him before. I can beat him again. “Fine, a date, for you, your car for a week for me.” The boys instantly slide back from us. “What do you say?”

  Without blinking, he sits back in his chair and takes out his car key, throwing it into the pile. “Deal.”

  His actions surprise me, but nevertheless, I won’t give. “Okay, put your cards down.”

  “You first.”

  I lay my cards down, proud of myself. “Full house, Ben. Beat that.” I enjoy the admiration from Gus and Kenny as I start collecting my money.

  Ben jumps to attention and grabs my hands. “Not so fast, Tiger. Four aces. I do believe that gets me a date.”

  “Oh shit. Now, that was unexpected,” Gus exclaims in awe.

  “You. There is no way. You cheated,” I claim, searching him for cards which he enjoys too much.

  “Nope, I beat you fair and square.” I shake my head. “Don’t shake your head. Now, do you want to go to Carmelo’s again or can I take you somewhere new, somewhere we can make our place?”

  “Again? You two have been on a date before? When did that happen? Did you have sex? Is that why there is so much sexual tension between you two all the time?”

  “There is no sexual tension, Gus! And we didn’t go on a date before. We had a friendly dinner.”

  “That I paid for,” Ben adds in unnecessarily.

  “That’s a date.” Kenny nods.

  “No, it’s not. Lots of people pay for meals. It doesn’t make it a date.”

  “I picked you up and drove you home.”

  “That’s a date.” Kenny says, avoiding my glare.

  “No, I don’t have a car. How else would we get there?”

  “You tried to kiss me, take advantage of me. On, a first date too.”

  “What kind of man do you think he is?” Gus defends Ben who plays up his innocence ridiculously.

  Kenny taps me on the shoulder. “It sounds like you thought it was a date too. I mean, if you tried to take advantage of him and all.”

  “Shut up! I did not try to take advantage of him. He jumped onto my balcony, came i
nto my room, and grabbed my underwear.”

  “You saw her underwear?” Kenny squeaks.

  “Tell you about it later, man,” Ben says with a wink.

  “No you won’t! This is ridiculous, and I am not going out with you again.”

  “So, it was a date,” Gus declares, pissing me off even more. I stand up, frustrated and throwing my fists in the air, apparently entertaining them all. “She’s fiery. I see why you want to go out with her again. A second date is one step closer to being exclusive.”

  Kenny jumps up. “I want to be in the wedding!”

  “What?” This escalated quickly.

  “Can I, Ben? I love weddings, and I look good in a tux.”

  “Sure, you both can, but my brother has to be my best man.” I sit down in a huff, folding my arms and ignoring them. Ben slides my chair close to him and waits for me to look up. “You know you make it easy for us, Tiger.”

  “I know I do.”

  “I’ll get them to stop once you agree to the terms,” Ben whispers in my ear.


  “Laila, Laila.” I look up at him. “Don’t be a sore loser. Tell me what time I can pick you up on Friday?”

  “I think she wants to spend the week picking out bridesmaids dresses,” Gus suggests.

  “Fine! Pick me up at eight.”

  “Perfect. I can’t wait, and now that I have everyone’s money, I’ll take you somewhere real nice.”

  “Hey, Laila.” Gus looks at me sideways. “Just remember, a second date doesn’t mean Ben has to put out. No means no.”

  I scoot away from Ben and their laughter. “I understand. I will try and remember to wear underwear that night then. It’s not something I do often.” I get up, feeling all eyes on my ass, and make my way to do the last walk through of the building. I glance over my shoulder and wink at Ben. “Deal with that in your head.” Ben squints, cursing me under his breath.


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