Rob grabbed her under one arm and Geary the other, then they held her over the hole and began to lower her down into the dark pit.
Chapter 2
Willow shut her eyes. She didn’t know why, instinct probably. She tensed when hands caught at her ankles and thought she would scream when they slid slowly up under her garments along her bare legs almost as if the hand was caressing them. She squeezed her eyes shut tighter when his hands went to her bare bottom, roaming over her cheeks to settle a squeeze on them before holding her there in place.
“Let her go,” the strong voice called to the two men.
They did and he held her firm as she slowly slid the rest of the way down into his arms, her shift and tunic bunching up at her waist as he eased her to her feet to rest against him.
It was when she felt his manhood press against her that she realized he was naked. She hurried her arms down to adjust her garments, but they landed on his bare shoulders and her worst fears were confirmed. He was completely naked.
“There is no room to turn or do anything but to stay as we are,” he said, a bit of an angry bite to his tone. “If you remain still, I’ll adjust your garments for you.”
Willow didn’t know where his anger came from, but then she had stolen what little space he had. She dropped her arms to her sides. “I can do it.” She gasped when she felt him squeeze her backside.
“No, you can’t.”
She went to step away from him and he yanked her up against him.
“There is little room to move. Back up too fast and you will dislodge the earth wall, and possibly cause it to come crashing down around us.”
Instinct had her pressing herself against him as if she couldn’t get close enough. Good Lord, could things get any worse?
She felt something stir between her legs, and it took her a moment to realize what it was.
“I’m not a eunuch and I’ve been too long without a woman. I have no doubt Beck did this on purpose. What that purpose is, I’m sure we’ll find out. So, lass, let’s get you covered and I will do my best to ignore your inviting scent and how nicely you fit in my arms.”
He eased her a bit away from him and struggled to get her garments down around her, mumbling a few oaths as he did.
She almost sighed with relief when her shift brushed her shins and fell to her ankles. When his hands fell away from her, she went to stand straight, if only to keep a hair’s breath away from him, but her legs were so limp from walking, riding, and fear, that they gave way on her.
His arm hooked around her waist in an instant. “Damn. You’re weak.”
“I am not weak. I’m fatigued from walking and riding at a ridiculous pace, and fearful of being trapped in a dark hole with a crazed man who has gone too long without poking a woman,” she argued, tired of all she had suffered and in only one day. “And if you think I won’t fight you if you dare try to poke me, you’re wrong.”
“So you rather the walls crash in around us than me poke you? A shame since I do give a woman a good poke.”
Sound reason fled her, she responded without thinking. “I have no way to judge how good a poke you give since I’ve never been poked.”
“Good God, woman, that’s not something you should be telling me,” he scolded.
Willow held her tongue, having no good response. Whatever was the matter with her? She knew better than to offer such personal information that left her even more vulnerable. While there was no excuse for it, she blamed it on her day being more difficult than usual. Her strength had waned. She could barely keep herself upright. The day had caught up with her and so had the cold night. She shivered and wobbled in his arms.
“Damn, you’re exhausted. Rest against me,” he ordered.
“And chance getting poked, I think not,” she said with as much courage as she could muster, which wasn’t much at all.
“I give you my word, I won’t touch you,” he said. “Rest against me and sleep.”
“How do I know your word is any good?”
“You’ll need to trust me on that,” he said and eased her against him.
She had no choice. She was too tired to fight and didn’t have a lick of strength to do so. She let herself drop against him, laying her head on his shoulder, while she let her arms rest at her sides. His chest was muscled, but comfortable or else she was just too fatigued to think otherwise. In no time, she was sound asleep.
He kept her tucked snug against him, her clothed body giving him warmth he hadn’t had in a couple of days. The heat felt good as did she, though she shouldn’t be here. Beck shouldn’t have sent her down here with him. He did it to toy with him and once free, he intended to see the man suffered a similar fate.
First, however, he needed to survive his time in the hole with her and that wasn’t going to be easy. Her hair tickled at his nose, the pine scent not only enticing, but it let him know that she had been in the woods for at least a few days. Then there were her slim legs, smooth and silky to the touch and their length letting him know she was of fair height, the fact that her head reached just past his shoulder confirming it. Her bottom was round and firm and he could feel her full breasts pressed against his chest through her garments. But it was her womanly scent that really made things difficult for him. He probably wouldn’t have detected it if the source of it hadn’t passed so close to his face when she was lowered down. He couldn’t get the enticing fragrance out of his nostrils.
Damn, Beck. He knew how much he loved a good romp with a woman and it was something that had been denied him for months. He had had more important matters to handle and just when he thought he had solved his problem… all had gone to hell.
The woman gave a soft moan and moved her face up higher on his chest, tucking her head in the crook of his neck, her soft breath fanning along his skin.
This definitely was not going to be easy.
He looked up, through the wooden grate at the night sky and stars. They were bright, no clouds concealing them, a relief since rain or snow was not one’s friend when stuck in a hole in the ground.
The woman moved again and he tightened his hold on her. He couldn’t chance her moving and disturbing any of the earth. He had gotten so mad when he had been tossed down here naked that he had punched the earth wall and cursed himself when he watched it begin to fall in on him. He had quickly repacked it and had been careful ever since.
He hoped Beck came to his senses and removed the woman, but the man could be an ignorant fool at times, actually most times. He wondered who the woman was and what Beck was doing with her and his intentions. One thing was for sure, she couldn’t go around letting anyone know she was a virgin. Beck could get a small fortune for her if he found out, unless he already knew.
He’d find out more tomorrow and finally get a look at her, and he’d do what he could to protect her. He couldn’t wait for this to be over. He’d had enough of this hole and he’d had enough of Beck causing more problems than he was worth.
He closed his eyes, thinking sleep would elude him like it had been doing. It didn’t. The heat from the woman’s body, the way she rested comfortably in his arms, and the pleasant scent of her hair lolled him to sleep.
Willow stirred and moaned, aches assaulting her entire body and reminding her of her dire circumstances. She kept her eyes closed… almost. Her eyelids fluttered lightly and she got a glimpse of the chest her head rested on. A stranger she shared this god-awful hole with, though after their brief conversation last night he wasn’t a complete stranger. Not that she needed to know he’d been too long without a woman. However, she had been grateful and relieved that he had kept his hands off her. But for how long?
At least with it being morning, she’d get a look at him. A face could tell a lot about a person. She would be able to measure his character better by being able to see him when they spoke.
She shifted slightly, needing to ease some of the stiff aches out of her body, but stilled when she felt him grow aroused against her.
“My apolo
gies, he often stirs, sometimes even before I wake in the morning, and even more so when enticed.”
“I didn’t mean to—”
“I know it wasn’t intentional, but let’s stay aware of the close quarters we share.”
“Of course,” Willow said and decided it was best she introduce herself so he could do the same. She raised her head slowly. “I’m—”
They both stared at each other.
Willow couldn’t believe her eyes. It was Slatter the man who had set fire to a couple of sheds the same night her father had accidentally set a fire in the keep that led to her mum’s death and had been responsible for her sister going blind. James had returned home with him after going to see Lord Cree of the Clan Carrick. Lord Cree had captured Slatter and had handed him over to James to face punishment for his crime. With no cell to hold him, James had turned him over to Tarass, the Lord of Fire to be imprisoned there and his fate determined.
She had treated a wound he had received when he had tried to escape unsuccessfully. She had been warned about him before she had been allowed to enter the cell to tend him.
“He mesmerizes the women with his devilish tongue and his exceptionally fine features, then they do his bidding without question. So watch yourself, lass, or he’ll have you under his wicked spell in no time,” the guard had warned her. “It was how he almost escaped. A woman helped him.”
Willow had been skeptical, but she realized the truth of the guard’s words at first sight of Slatter. He had the most stunning features for a man that it was difficult if not impossible not to stare at him or get lost in his good looks. Though, it was his dark eyes that actually captivated the attention. There was a passion in them that seemed to reach out and stroke you without even laying a hand on you. It was one time she had been grateful for her practical nature. And with being in such close quarters with him, she reminded herself that she needed to keep hold of sound reason or like others, she would surrender to the devil.
They both questioned at the same time. “What are you doing here?”
“You first, leannan,” Slatter offered.
And there it was, his charming tongue, calling her sweetheart. Willow promptly ignored it. “I was returning from visiting my sister Sorrell and her new husband when the troop escorting me home was attacked. Beck’s men outnumbered Northwick warriors, though they fought bravely.”
“Beck attacked a Northwick troop?” Slatter shook his head. “He’s beyond a fool. Ruddock will see him suffer and die for this.”
Willow had caught a flash of shock in his dark eyes at the news. “You know Ruddock?”
“I know how powerful a man he is,” Slatter said and shook his head. “He wed your sister Sorrell of his own free will?”
“Why wouldn’t he?” Willow snapped, catching a humorous glint in his eyes.
“Ruddock is a big man, Sorrell not so much. He’s also a man of few words, Sorrell definitely not so much.”
His chuckle sounded loud in the confined space and she felt the rumble of his body resonate against her own. “How do you know this?”
“Tongues wag even in a dungeon.”
“Or perhaps your charming tongue gets them wagging,” Willow suggested.
“Jealous?” he asked, a wicked smile surfacing.
His accusation annoyed her, but his smile sent her stomach fluttering madly. Even with dirt marring his features, he was far too handsome.
“Why would I be jealous?” she asked calmly while the flutters continued to torment her.
“You’re a practical, dependable woman, Willow. People turn to you out of need and for guidance, but when else? And when was the last time anyone told you that you were beautiful, leannan?”
The thought was like a punch to her stomach, chasing the flutters away. Her mum had been the only one who ever told her that.
He mesmerizes women with his devilish tongue.
The guard’s warning echoed in her head.
“You met me one time and only for a short while. You don’t know me at all,” she said, annoyed that he assumed to.
“One time was all I needed. Your focus had been on my wound, nothing else. The few questions you asked concerned only my wound. Not only did the guard at the door inquire about something that had been ailing him, but several other guards stopped to ask you about their ailments as well, yet not one offered a pleasant greeting or inquired about you. And you paid no heed when I asked any question pertaining to you. It was as if you didn’t even hear me.”
“Did you not think that could have been on purpose?”
“I considered it briefly, but with how easily I charm women I quickly dismissed it. The conclusion was obvious. You think on others needs and wants and never your own… not ever. You’re so accustomed to it that you ignore even the friendliest phrase, leannan,” he said, his dark eyes holding a hint of a challenge.
“Do you actually think it appropriate that you refer to me as sweetheart while in this situation?”
“I should wait until we get out of here to be sweet and kind to you?”
Once again she felt his small rumble of laughter, their bodies just too close not to.
“I expect you to be practical and honorable,” she warned.
“Practical isn’t in my nature. Honorable?” His smile faded. “That would depend on what you consider honorable.”
“An honorable man wouldn’t set fire to two of my clan’s structures.”
Before he could respond a laughing voice called out, “Up and out!”
Slatter hated to dash her hopes that she was being released, but better she knew. “I’ve been let out in the morning to eat and to see to my needs, then again before nightfall.”
Willow couldn’t hide her disappointment. Yesterday she’d only had to spend the night down here and most of it was spent sleeping from exhaustion. How would she be able to last an entire day?
The wooden grate was moved off the top and Geary called down, “Send her up, Slatter.”
“Don’t let her fall, Geary,” Slatter called out.
“You just hold her good and tight until we get a grip on her,” Rob yelled back.
“I need to get a good hold of your legs and bottom to get you up to them.”
She was afraid to ask, but she hurried the words out. “Which means?”
“I need to get my hands under your garments again.”
“Why under them?” she asked, though knew well why and he said what she had thought herself.
“If I try to lift you with my hands on top of your garments, you could more easily slip from my grasp and that could prove disastrous for us both.”
“Come on, Slatter, or you both can stay down there until later,” Rob yelled down.
“Hurry and let’s get this done,” Willow said eager to get out of the hole if only for a while.
Slatter didn’t wait a minute longer. He wanted it done as quickly as she did. He bunched her garments up and rested his hands to her bare backside. He was reminded how round and firm she was to the touch and he pushed the thought from his mind. At least he tried to.
“Put your hands on my shoulders and as I lift you, give yourself a push up, then stretch your arms up,” he instructed.
Willow nodded, trying desperately to ignore the strength of his hands on her bare backside.
“Now,” he said.
She pushed as he lifted and she stretched her arms up as if reaching for the sky. His hands slipped down to her thighs and continued pushing her up and up. Hands grabbed at her arms, yanking and pulling, and she winced and was never so relieved when she found herself deposited on the ground. She took great gulps of the chilled air and sat, her legs aching from standing for so long.
When she watched a ladder being lowered down to Slatter, she got annoyed. Then she realized that there hadn’t been enough room for a ladder with them both in there, and she certainly wouldn’t have been able to lift Slatte
r up. She had to have been the one to go first.
It felt good to sit, get off her feet, and she intended to do so until she was forced to stand. She watched as Slatter rose out of the hole and hurried to turn her head just before his entire nakedness was exposed. Then she heard clapping and hooting and she turned back to see Slatter bowing gallantly to a group of women a few feet away.
“You look lovely as always, my dear ladies,” Slatter said and threw a kiss to them.
Old and young alike smiled, some blushed, others expressed their opinion about what a fine, well-endowed man he was.
“Enough with you now, be gone, and shame on the lot of you,” Rob yelled.
“Strip the woman bare and you’d be doing the same,” one woman yelled and the others agreed with shouts.
Willow pulled her cloak more tightly around her and prayed the two men wouldn’t oblige them.
“Now, lassies, what good would that do when she is not near as fine a woman to look at as the lot of you gorgeous women?” Slatter said, a lilt to his voice that cajoled.
Willow wondered if he said that to help save her from such indignity, or if he meant it. She was aware that she was nowhere near as beautiful as her two sisters, her features far too plain and her hair dark red with stubborn waves running through it. But what did her features matter now? She had more pressing matters to worry about.
“Be gone with you, I say,” Rob ordered again, then turned to Slatter, handing him a swath of plaid. “And you cover yourself up and stop showing yourself off.”
“How can I not brighten the lovely lassies day?” Slatter asked with a chuckle as he fitted the plaid around him.
Willow almost laughed at his audacious behavior and she had to admit, from what she saw—the back of him—he did have a fine body. Broad shoulders, defined muscles, narrow waist, tight buttocks, and muscled legs though not overly so. He really was nicely proportioned.
Enough, Willow, you don’t need to be thinking of him that way,” she chastised herself silently.
“You’ll both see to your needs, eat something, then it’s back in the hole until later,” Rob instructed.
Desired by a Highlander Page 2