“Oh my god, babes. He didn't even try it on did he? Is he gay or something?”
“No, he's not gay. He probably sensed I wasn't ready.”
“Bull! Shit! I bet your knickers were dripping wet.”
“I'm not listening to this.” Lacey stormed off towards her bedroom.
“The batteries are in the drawer under the sink if you need them,” Suzy shouted after her.
Lacey flipped her flatmate the finger before slamming the bedroom door closed.
Chapter 19
Raw spent the whole of the next week at the villa, in long and arduous negotiations with Masters. Raw had told Lacey she needn't accompany him because he knew she'd want to visit her mum. If Lacey had expected a quiet week, she'd been sorely mistaken. A constant stream of phone calls and emails from Raw had kept her on her toes.
Her mum improved day by day, and was allowed to go home late Friday afternoon. Lacey finished an hour early, so she could be there when her mum arrived home.
“Stop fussing you two,” her mum said. “You're as bad as one another.
Tom and Lacey exchanged smiles. It was good to see her mum back on top form.
“Where's my book?” her mum said once she was in bed.
“It's in your bag,” Tom said. “I'll fetch it for you.” He set off down the stairs.
“Fifty Shades?” Lacey said.
“It's good. You should read it after I've finished.”
“Mum!” Lacey and her mother had never discussed sex.
“You need a man in your life. That book might give you some tips.”
“There you go.” Tom handed over the book.
“Right. You two can go now,” her mum said. “I've just reached a good bit.”
“Looks like we've been dismissed,” Tom said.
Lacey couldn't get out of the bedroom quickly enough. She didn't want to know what her mum considered to be a good bit.
“Thanks for being there for Mum,” Lacey said once they were downstairs.
“She is my wife, you know.”
“I know. It's just. I'm sorry.”
“What for?”
“I've been a bit of a shit to you.”
“Don't be daft. I'm just glad to see you and your mum back together again. She's missed you.”
That brought a lump to Lacey's throat.
“Come here.” Tom opened his arms.
It was the first time they'd embraced. She held on to him until she was sure her tears had dried.
“It's your rave tomorrow night isn't it?” Suzy had dyed her hair a colour which Lacey had never seen before. It was kind of orangey/green.
“What have you done to your hair?”
“I got tired of the old colour.”
“So you thought you'd go—? What colour is that?”
“Green. What do you think?”
Lacey shook her head. “It's not permanent is it?”
“Not decided yet. So, what are you going to wear for the rave?”
“I don't know. I wish I'd never said I'd go.”
“It might be a laugh.”
“I doubt that, but I can't very well back out now.”
“So what are you wearing?”
“I don't know. Raw said it was formal, but I haven't really got anything suitable. I'll have to look for something in the morning.”
“I'll come with you.”
“You won't.”
“Why not? I can advise you.”
“The last time I took your advice on clothes, I ended up with that black and white striped jacket.”
“It's nice that. Why don't you ever wear it?”
“Because I look like a Zebra.”
“Zebra's are cool.”
“You're not coming with me.”
“You've turned into a right snotty cow since you got this job.” Suzy sulked as she walked through to the kitchen. “And we're out of coffee.”
“Oh yeah, I forgot.” Suzy took a swig of orange from a carton. “A package came for you.”
“Who from?”
“Don't know. Courier brought it earlier. It's on your bed.”
Ten minutes later, Suzy was flicking through the TV channels.
“What do you think?” Lacey asked.
Suzy turned to face her. “Holy shit!”
“Holy shit—good? Or holy shit—bad?”
“Did he buy you that?” Suzy couldn't tear her gaze away from the burgundy silk dress.
“Do you like it?”
“It's gorgeous. Bloody hell, babes, you look stunning.”
“Is it too low cut?”
“Don't be soft. How did he know your size? It's a perfect fit.”
“I've no idea. So, do you like it? Be honest. I don't want to make myself look a fool.”
“I love it. Even I'd fuck you in that.”
Raw picked her up from outside the flat just before seven o' clock on Saturday night.
“Do you like the dress?” he asked.
“It’s beautiful. Thank you. How did you know my size?”
“I've had plenty of practice sizing up women.”
She scowled at him.
“I'm joking. Look, I'll come clean. I called Carol while I was at the villa. She should take all the credit.”
“I'll thank her the next time I see her.”
“That will be in about twenty minutes. She wasn't going to come because she doesn't have a partner at the moment, but I twisted her arm. She'll be on our table.”
“What about Todd?”
“He won't go anywhere near a Raw Trading event. I don't even know where he is.”
It felt as though a million eyes were on her when she stepped into the ballroom. Her legs went to jelly, and she'd have probably fallen over, if she hadn't been on Raw's arm. Everyone greeted Raw warmly, and then nodded politely at Lacey. A few blanked her altogether. Why had she agreed to do this? How was this a good idea?
Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of a familiar face. Karen Montgomery was chatting with three other women. As Lacey walked by them, she thought she heard Karen say the word 'pizza'.
“Are you okay?” Raw asked once they were at their table.
“Not really. I shouldn't have come. I don't belong—”
Before she could finish the sentence, Raw had his lips pressed to hers. As they kissed, everything and everyone else seemed to fade into the background.
“You belong right here. By my side,” he said. “Okay?”
“Okay.” She smiled.
“You two should get a room,” Carol called across the table.
“Thank you for this.” Lacey pointed to the dress.
“It looks even better on you than I thought it would.”
Carol turned back to the man seated beside her.
“I thought you said she didn't have a partner?” Lacey whispered.
“She doesn't. That's what she told me anyway.”
“So who is he?”
“No idea. I thought I knew all of Carol's friends, but I've never seen him before.”
The meal was nice enough, but not a patch on the one they'd enjoyed at Le Mot. Everyone on their table was very friendly, and Lacey soon began to relax. Karen Montgomery was seated at a table at the far side of the ballroom—almost in the cloakroom. Lacey wondered if Raw had had a hand in that, but didn't ask.
At nine o' clock, the hotel's staff began to move the tables off the dance floor. To Lacey's left, she could see musicians preparing their equipment on a small stage.
“Shall we escape?” Raw whispered into her ear.
“Can we?”
“They've all had a few glasses of wine. Once the music starts, and the dancing begins, no one will realise we've gone.”
“I just want a quick word with Carol,” he said. “I'll see you in reception.”
Lacey stared out onto the r
ain swept road. Behind her, she could hear music coming from the ballroom. There were still moments when it all felt like a dream. Lacey caught a glimpse of her reflection. She looked like a million dollars. Any moment now, Raw would be by her side. Could it be any more perfect?
“It won't last,” Karen Montgomery said.
Lacey had been so lost in her thoughts that she hadn't heard Karen's approach.
“You and Raw. It won't last. It never does. Once the novelty of his little pizza girl has worn off, he'll throw you away. Just like he always does.”
Before Lacey could react, she saw Raw walking towards them. Karen spotted him too, and hurried away towards the cloakrooms.
“What did she want?” he said.
“It didn't look like nothing.”
“Forget it. Don't let's spoil a lovely evening.”
Okay.” He glared towards the cloakrooms, but then turned back to Lacey with a smile on his face. “Looks wet out there.”
Chapter 20
Lacey's pulse was racing as he led her to the master bedroom.
In front of her, a white silk sheet stretched over a king-size bed. Her gaze was drawn to their reflection in a full length mirror. Such a beautiful dress, but who was that woman? Could it really be her? Standing behind the woman in the mirror was Raw, looking altogether too handsome. Was this some kind of cruel dream?
She felt his warm breath as he stooped to kiss her. A shudder of pure pleasure rippled through her body as his lips trailed kisses down her neck. She reached back and brushed her hand against his arousal. He moaned, and wrapped his arm around her waist—pulling her hard against his body.
Her breath came in shallow gasps as he began to slide down the zip on her dress.
“Turn around,” he said, once the dress had fallen to the floor.
She was still wearing lace bra and panties, but felt naked—totally exposed under his gaze.
“You're beautiful,” he said softly, as he brushed a finger along the side of her face.
“Kiss me,” Lacey said.
He pressed his lips to hers, tenderly at first, but then harder, as his tongue demanded entry. His hand cupped her arse—pulling her closer still. Lacey could feel his erection hard against her tummy. She wanted him so badly—wanted him inside her. She felt her nipples harden, as his lips began to trace the swell of her breasts. Without prompting, she unclipped her bra, and let it fall to the floor. He teased the peak of one nipple with his thumb while sucking the other tight bud between his lips. Lacey tangled her hand in his hair—pressing him tight against her breasts.
“Take them off.” Raw gestured towards her panties. “Do it slowly.”
She hooked her fingers into the waistband, and teased the panties down her legs. His gaze drifted over her body—Lacey could feel the intensity of his desire. Raw's hands went to her waist, and guided her backwards until she was seated on the edge of the bed.
“Spread your legs.”
No longer self-conscious, she lay back on the bed, and did his bidding.
“Are you wet for me, Lacey?”
She nodded.
“I want to see.” He pressed her hand between her legs, and then took a step back. “Show me how wet you are.”
Her eyes locked with his, as she slid first one and then both digits into her wetness.
“I want you to fuck me,” she said, as she slid her fingers slowly in and out.
“Patience.” He took her hand. “I want to taste you.”
Raw licked and then sucked her fingers dry.
“Nectar.” He dropped onto his knees. “I need more.”
A shiver of anticipation ran through her as his hands began to slide slowly up the inside of her thighs. She gasped as his tongue brushed against her clit. The ache between her legs was almost unbearable now.
As his tongue slid inside her, a sweet thrill cascaded through her whole body. When his thumb began to circle her clit, Lacey let out a low moan. She arched her back, and his tongue plunged deeper still. On the very edge now, she was powerless to resist.
“Come for me, Lacey.”
His words were timed to perfection, as her orgasm rippled through her body.
Breathless, Lacey didn't move for several moments. She was still basking in the after-glow. When she eventually opened her eyes, she saw his smile.
“You were very noisy,” he said.
“No I wasn't.” She couldn't be sure. The last few minutes were something of a blur.
“You didn't warn me you were a screamer.”
“I do not scream!” Lacey looked indignant. “That was a purr of contentment.”
“How about I make you purr again?”
“I'd like that very much.” She stretched out a hand to touch the bulge in his trousers.
“Wait!” He took a step back, so he was beyond her reach.
“What's wrong?” Why was he teasing her so?
“I can't,” he said. “It wouldn't be fair.”
“I can't deprive you of your bonus. It would be selfish of me.”
“Screw the bonus,” she yelled. “Get your clothes off and fuck me right now!”
“I'm not sure.” He scratched his chin as though deep in thought.
“I said right now!” She stood up, and began to unbutton his shirt. “I want you naked.”
Lacey tossed his shirt to the floor, and pressed her lips to his. Her breasts were squashed against his chest. As they kissed, her hands slid slowly down until they found the waistband of his trousers. He squirmed as she undid the button, and began to lower the zip.
All pretence of resistance now abandoned, Raw put his hands on her shoulders, and pushed her back onto the bed. As he threw his boxers to the floor, she feasted her eyes on his erection for the first time. Lacey gasped as he slid inside her. So big. So hard. So full. So very perfect. He leaned forward, so his weight was on his forearms. As he began to pound into her, she wrapped her legs tight around his back.
Raw seemed oblivious to her nails, which clawed at his back, as he drove harder and faster until he reached his own climax.
“Penny for them,” Lacey said.
Raw had his head on the pillow. She was resting on one elbow while drawing circles on his chest with her finger.
“I was just thinking how much money I'll save, by not having to pay your bonus.”
“Pig.” She slapped him on the chest.
“Don't be a sore loser.”
“I don't feel like a loser.” Lacey placed a gentle kiss on his lips.
“Maybe I could think of a way you could still earn the bonus.” He grinned.
“I'm not sure I want to hear this.”
“The next time we make love—”
“Aren't you taking rather a lot for granted? Who says there'll be a next time?”
“Of course there will. You know what they say: once you had Raw, you'll always want more.”
“They don't say it. You say it. You say it a lot.”
“Do you want to know how you can earn the bonus or not?”
“Probably not.”
“I was thinking about those waterproofs. The ones you wore—”
“I know the ones. What about them? As if I didn't know.”
“I was thinking you could wear them the next time we make love.”
“Think again.”
“How about the Chipmunk Pizza uniform?”
“How about you shut up and fuck me again?” Her hand slid under the cover and found him already beginning to stir.
It was late Sunday morning when Lacey arrived back at her flat.
“Morning, babes.” Suzy was propped on a stool in the kitchen. “No need to ask where you were last night.”
Lacey beamed.
“I take it that it was a success,” Suzy said.
“It was absolutely fantastic. Better than I could ever have dreamed.”
“Are we t
alking about the dinner dance?”
“That wasn't bad either,” Lacey laughed.
“I want to know everything.” Suzy leaned forward. “How many times did he make you come?”
“You're unbelievable. I'm going to miss this.”
“What do you mean, miss?”
“I'm moving out. I'm sorry. I know that kind of drops you in it.”
“Moving in with Rawhide?”
“Yeah. Into the penthouse.”
“Later today. Raw's coming over this afternoon to help. I can pay my half of the rent until you find someone to share.”
“Doesn't matter. As it happens, I might be moving out too. I've had an offer.”
Now Lacey was intrigued. “Steve?”
“Nah, not Steve. I'm dumping him. Seems cruel to keep him hanging on.”
“Please tell me it's not Daggers.”
“Do me a favour. He's a good shag, but that's about all.”
“Who then?”
“Well, let's put it this way. If things work out, you and I might end up related.”
“No other.”
“Is he back?”
“He called me. Asked if I wanted to take a trip with him.”
“Can't tell you that, babes. I've been sworn to secrecy.”
Want to know what happens to Todd and Suzy?
Wonder who Carol's mysterious partner is?
Want to keep tabs on Raw and Lacey?
Be sure to read all three books in the RAW series:
Book 1: The BONUS
Book 2: TOXIC
Book 3: The POWER
Web Site: http://www.AliceLingard.com
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
The Bonus Page 13