Vnor (Aliens Of Xeion)

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Vnor (Aliens Of Xeion) Page 4

by Maia Starr

  “Good idea,” Nippara said.

  Vnor walked back toward me. He opened a panel and began to pull on wires.

  “I just wanted to say thank you, Vnor. Thank you for coming to get me.”

  “I didn’t have a choice. You are my mission,” he said coldly without looking at me.

  Damn him. Even when I was trying to be nice, he was still rude to me. Why was he such a jerk? Why so closed off?

  “Well, sorry you had to put yourself in danger to rescue me. You know, you are the reason that I am here. If you had not taken me from Earth, I wouldn’t need rescuing at all!”

  He looked at me. He said nothing. He pulled a few more wires from the panel and then walked back to the front of the ship and sat down. I was so fucking annoyed. I had enough of his bullshit. I hoped that I could find some way to find Vicki and get home. At least this village would provide us with more information and answers.

  Chapter 8

  Lieutenant Vnor Gin

  Get to the village. Find shelter. He hides her. Alludes to why he can’t be with her... even though I will eventually be forced to be with a human etc..

  “There it is,” Nippara said as the speeder moved toward the lights of a village. It was massive. That was good.

  “Good; set us down somewhere we can quickly get lost in the crowd,” I said.

  “I know just the place,” he said.

  I turned around. Bridget was asleep in her seat. She needed the rest. She had been through a lot. Walking in on that cyborg doing things to her naked body had filled me with rage. I wanted to kill him, but I knew better. Killing any leader would make sure that we were hunted. It could cause war, and I wanted to escape and remain as undercover as possible. Maybe K6R wouldn’t seek retaliation, and if he did, maybe we would be long gone and on the way back to my home planet of Xeion.

  But it was hard to restrain myself at that moment. Seeing Bridget trembling and afraid against the wall had brought something out in me. It was something that I had oppressed a year before. I had put that part of my heart away after what I had been through. Now it had reemerged, seeing Bridget needing my protection. She needed me to rescue her from the cyborg filth.

  “Here we are. We are on the outskirts of the port. To the left is the market. The perfect place to instantly get lost,” Nippara said as he was setting down the ship.

  “I’ll need a way to hide her,” I said to myself.

  “The market tables have cloths, hooded cloaks,” he said.

  “Good that will work,” I said as I got up and moved to the back. I pulled open a compartment of my belt and pulled out a small nugget of silver.

  “Bridget, wake up,” I said nudging her. She stirred awake.

  Nippara came to my side. I opened my hand, showing him one silver nugget. “For your troubles, and thank you for your help,” I said.

  “No, I will not accept payment. It is I that is indebted to you. I would still be in that cell if you had not freed me from chains. You saved my life. Kynon, thank you,” he said with a bow.

  “I would not have escaped the city without you and gotten this far,” I said.

  “Then let’s say my help was a trade for you taking me from the cell. We are even. That silver is not necessary. If you shall need me again, ask around at the Tinika Tavern. Someone will be able to find me,” he said.

  “Good. Thank you. Can you point me to the transmission station? And perhaps a place for us to rest for the night?” I asked.

  “Yes, the transmission station is straight through the market. You can’t miss it. The Tinika Tavern is a good place with rooms upstairs. It is behind the transmission station, two alleys away. There are all kinds of intergalactic species in and out of that place. No one will take another look at you two,” he said. “I would show you, but you and I should split up. The cyborgs will be looking for a Kynon and a Lana together,” he said.

  “I agree. Thank you, friend,” I said as we grabbed elbows. Then he opened the door and stepped out. I looked at Bridget. She was still sleepy-eyed and was stretching. Then she looked at me and gave me a slight smile. It warmed my heart for some reason.

  “Let’s get you somewhere you can properly sleep,” I said pushing the silver nugget back in my belt and pulling out a few copper ones.

  “Sounds good to me,” she said. I held out my hand and led her off the ship. Nippara closed the door and gave me a nod. Then he left in the other direction. I headed toward the market. It was the middle of the night, and it was a bit slower, but there were still merchants out. I didn’t let go of Bridget’s hand. I was afraid she would be taken from me or wander off. Finally, we reached a table with bolts of cloth.

  “I need two long cloaks,” I said. The merchant nodded and handed two black cloaks to me. I gave him the copper nuggets. He nodded. I draped a cloak around Bridget and pulled up the hood over her head. “Keep that on,” I said.

  “Fancy,” she said.

  “I don’t know what that is,” I said as I pulled a cloak on myself.

  “It’s… never mind,” she said. I laughed and grabbed her hand again and led her to the transmission station.

  “All outgoing transmissions are closed until tomorrow,” the guard said.

  “What time?”

  “Sunrise,” he said.

  I nodded. I led Bridget behind the station, roaming through the alleys. Then the sound of rowdy drinking and music hit me. I knew that must be the tavern. We rounded the corner, and a large two-story building stood in front of us. The bottom floor was wide open with tables spilling out onto the plaza area. There were only a few tables with patrons of all different species. Nippara was right about this place. I held Bridget’s arm, showing ownership as I led her inside and walked right up to the counter. A large male creature that I did not know the species of, with pale green skin and an apron stood there with a dish towel wiping mugs.

  “I require a room for us with private washroom and food and drink for three nights.” I placed the silver nugget on the bar.

  He grabbed it and pulled out a lock box. He opened it with a key on his belt and pulled out a card. “Up the stairs and to the right at the end of the hall. I will have food and drink brought to you.” He put the card on the counter and walked to the back. He barely looked into my eyes or cared who we were. I grabbed the card and Bridget and led her upstairs. Down at the end of the hall was a large door with a panel on it. The symbol on the card matched the door. There were a few other symbols, and I realized it was the code to get in. I typed it in, and the door opened.

  “Well, that was easier than I thought it would be. Did you see all those creatures? I never thought I would see anything like this place,” Bridget said walking in. I closed and locked the door behind us.

  “This is the basic scene of an intergalactic trading village,” I said looking around the room. I went to the window and looked out. The view was of a neighboring wall. Not beautiful, but private, and that was enough for me. I opened the shutters and let some fresh air in.

  “This looks like a place on Earth,” she said looking around as she took off her cloak. “Simple comforts: a table and chairs to eat, a couch, a bathroom, and a… bed. One bed?” she said.

  “Don’t worry; I’ll sleep on the floor,” I said arching a brow at her. She cleared her throat.

  “I am going to wash up,” she said.

  “Food!” a loud voice said with a knock at the door. I cracked open the door with a hand on my gun. It was the green creature carrying two large trays. I opened the door. He walked right in without a greeting. He set the trays on the table and walked out. That was it. I liked him. He kept it simple and didn’t ask questions.

  I locked the door and went to the trays. One tray was full of food, and the other had three large jars of liquid. Two jars held water and the other, something much stronger, like wine. I poured myself a stiff drink of it and sat down on the couch.

  “That smells good,” Bridget said as she came out of the washroom.

s, dig in,” I said.

  “You are not going to eat?” she asked.

  “Yes, after I have this drink,” I said.

  “What is it?” she went to the jar and smelled it and winced.

  “Some sort of alcoholic beverage. I don't know what it’s called, but it's strong and that’s good enough for me,” I said.

  She poured herself a cup and took a sip. She winced then took another. “I like it.” She said sitting down and beginning to eat from the various dishes. “I really hope this food is human safe.”

  “I am sure that it is. Intergalactic trade villages always serve food that is reasonable for all,” he said.

  “I’ll keep that in mind when I backpack across the galaxy,” she said with a laugh.

  I watched her eat and drink. I finished my drink and joined her at the table. We ate quietly. I found myself entranced by watching her eat. I was getting used to seeing her face. Her brown hair and brown eyes. They were exotic to me. There was a light in them. She smiled at me as she ate. She actually seemed happy, and I wasn’t sure what had caused this change.

  After I was done eating, I poured more of the strong drink.

  “Could I get some more too, please?” she said standing up and walking over to me with her cup.

  “Yes,” I poured more into her cup. She drank it and walked over to the window. “Nice view.”

  I laughed as she joked about the wall in front of us.

  “Was that a laugh? Did you just laugh?” she said turning to me.

  “I was amused,” I said.

  “That’s a first. I thought that you weren’t capable of amusement,” she said.

  “I am. It’s just been a long time since…” I stopped.

  She walked over to me. “Since what? What is it? What has happened to you to close you off like this?” she asked.

  “I lost someone. I lost someone very close to me. She was my heart, my everything,” I said turning away from her. I couldn’t think about Camara; not now. I had stopped myself from really thinking about her.

  “Camara? She was your wife?” she asked.

  “We were to be married. She died a month before the official union,” I said.

  “Oh no. I am so sorry. That is horrible,” she said.

  “It was this illness. Whatever is killing off the females of my planet. It took her from me too,” I said sitting on the couch.

  “That is hard. How long ago was this?” she asked.

  “Only a year ago,” I said.

  “That is very recent. Now I understand. It all makes sense,” she said.

  “Understand what? What are you talking about?”

  “You are so closed off. You have a wall around you. It is because you are in pain,” she said putting her hand on my shoulder.

  “And you? Are you in pain? Did he hurt you? K6R?” I asked.

  “He scared me. I am hurt emotionally, but not physically. If that makes sense,” she said.

  “It does. I am glad that you are not hurt. I don’t want you to be hurt. I am sorry that I did not get there sooner.”

  “I am just glad that you got there at all,” she said. She stopped. We both looked into each other’s eyes. I saw her for the first time. The soft brown spots across her nose and cheeks, and the beauty of her brown eyes and soft skin were all things I was now noticing. How did I miss this before

  Chapter 9

  Bridget Thomas

  I was surprised to see this new side of Vnor. He was being a different alien. Had I finally broken through the walls he had built around him? He was laughing. He was chilling with a drink in hand. It was all new to me. But then he finally opened up… really opened up. I now knew the source of his walls, and it was grief. He had lost someone that he was in love with a year before and it was still weighing on him. Now I understood that he was in mourning and it made sense to me. Then we drank and talked of him rescuing me from K6R. I was feeling a bit buzzed by the strong drink. I was surprised that he actually seemed concerned about my wellbeing when he questioned me about what K6R did to me. It caught me off guard.

  “I am just glad that you got there at all,” I said in response to him apologizing that he did not get there sooner. We stared at each other for a brief moment. I had to pull my eyes away from his startling blue eyes. They were deep, like pools of water. “It put a new perspective on things for me. At that moment when K6R pulled my clothes off, I thought I was going to die. Then when we escaped, it made me grateful for this,” I said gesturing with my hands.


  “For my experiences with you. You have been respectful of me… a closed off jerk, but still respectful. Thank you for that. After being with K6R, I realized that my circumstances can get darker really quick and this isn’t so bad. Look, we are hanging out eating and drinking and on our way to finding the others. I’m not trembling in terror against a wall about to be taken advantage of by a cyborg,” I said with a half-smile.

  “Every time of think of you trembling naked against the wall with him on you, I want to kill him,” Vnor said.

  “You do?”

  “Yes. I will not let anyone harm you again,” he said.

  “Oh…” I said looking at him. He was sitting so close to me. He still towered over me even though we were both seated. His massive blue form was strong and took up most of the couch. I don’t know what came over me; it must have been the strong drink because I suddenly found myself kissing him. I don’t know if it was because I felt really safe with him, or because he had rescued me, or because he had shared his grief with me. I only knew that I was on my knees on the couch reaching his lips and brushing mine against them. I put my hands around his neck and pushed my fingers into his silver hair.

  He leaned back, and my body rested against his strong chest as we kissed. His hands moved around my back. I closed my eyes and kissed this blue alien. I felt wild. I didn’t know what had come over me. I felt my breasts brush against his chest. My nipples grew hard. I was feeling so turned on by this large blue alien. It was so taboo. He wasn’t human, and yet I wanted him. My hands moved down his strong shoulders and over his strong chest. He was moaning as he kissed me, and I suddenly felt his hard staff against my thigh as I laid on top of him.

  I grabbed at my shirt and pulled it up as I kissed his neck down to his shoulders. He put his large blue hands on my shoulders and held me away from him.

  “Human, are you sure?” he asked looking into my eyes.

  “Yes. I want to,” I said. Then his eyes moved directly onto my breasts. I couldn’t deny that I wanted him to look at me with lust.

  “I admit that seeing you like this, I want you. But I do not want to hurt you or cause you harm. You are not mine to claim; you should be reserved for one of the royal house,” he said looking at me.

  “Royal house?”

  “The royal family of Qinov. They rule my planet,” he said with a thick voice filled with lust.

  “I wouldn’t worry about it. The way things are going, we may never make it to your planet. We could die tomorrow, so take me now,” I said as I pressed my breasts against his chest and kissed him. His warm hands moved up and down my bare back. It felt good. His kisses were soft and gentle and different. He was an alien after all.

  Then he picked me up. He did it easily, as though I weighed nothing. He stood up and carried me to the bed and laid me gently on it. His mouth eagerly went to my breast. He kissed one softly and then the other. I arched my back up feeling so turned on by him. His long tongue moved around my nipples. He kissed my belly and moaned.

  “You are so beautiful, human.”

  “You are too,” I whispered as I wiggled on the bed.

  I pushed at the waistline of my jeans as I unbuttoned and unzipped them. He moved down to my boots and took them off gently. He looked at my body as he did so. He gave me a sweet sideways grin, exposing his white teeth. He was delicious. Then he pulled off my boots, jeans, and underwear. I laid naked on the bed looking at him. I felt the wetness in my
sweet center building up as blood rushed there. He pulled off his boots and his belts. Then he peeled the wetsuit-like material of his pants off of him.

  He was naked standing near the bed. His body was blue with the tiger-like darker blue streaks across his skin. His muscular thighs surrounded his long and thick blue cock. It was smooth, and he very much looked like a human man.

  “You are sure, human?” he asked.

  “Yes, I am, alien,” I said playfully answering him.

  He smiled and climbed on top of me. I opened my thighs wide, and he slid his body between them. He kissed me long and deep. Then I felt the sensation of his cock pressing against my center, begging for entry. I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him to me.


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