Vnor (Aliens Of Xeion)

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Vnor (Aliens Of Xeion) Page 6

by Maia Starr

  I looked to see a red alien with four arms staring at us as he leaned against the wall far away. He had a smoking pipe in one of the four arms. He startled as soon as we looked at him. Then he walked away.

  “Do you know him?” I asked.

  “I do not know him personally, but I do know what he does. He is an information tradesman. All he does is gather information and reports it to the highest bidder,” Nippara said.

  “Shit,” I said.

  “Yes, it does not look good. I should get a move on to get us a ship and fill it with food and supplies. That way we can leave as soon as possible.”

  “Thank you, Nippara, for taking this job. I will have two silver nuggets in payment for you when my cargo and I are safely at this vineyard compound, and I will pay for any transport you need,” I said.

  “It is my pleasure, Lieutenant. I will meet you at the transmission station tomorrow,” he said as he finished off his drink and stood up.

  I grabbed the jug and looked around to see if I saw the red alien. He was nowhere in sight. I ascended the stairs back to the room. It was best to stay out of sight until morning, but how was I to be in close quarters with that damn sexy human?

  Chapter 11

  Bridget Thomas

  He was being cold, and I didn’t know why I expected anything else. Of course he was cold; he was an alien! Did I forget? Why was I trying to give him human qualities? He wasn’t human. He had been a jerk from the beginning, and he was only mildly nice and sensitive for a moment, and what did I do at that moment? I aggressively attacked him. I was so stupid. Now I waited cooped up in the room of the tavern while he was downstairs. I had eaten a delicious soup and bread and drank a good strong cup of the wine. But I stopped at one cup, remembering that when I drank too much of it the night before it led me to have sex with him. I wasn’t going to make that same mistake again. I was done. I would never let him touch me again.

  I paced back and forth in the room looking around. I couldn't believe that Vicki wasn’t on this damn planet anymore. That’s if the yellow-haired human the alien spoke of was her? I knew that there had to be other blondes on that yoga retreat, but I couldn’t remember who exactly. I wished that knew for sure. But I wasn’t allowed to leave the room. It was because Vnor was worried that I was going to be noticed. I had to admit that it wasn’t smart of me to have an outburst in the market. I didn’t want the cyborgs to know that I was in the market, but I had made sure that everyone saw me when I shouted at Vnor. He was pissed about it, and that was why he locked me up in the room.

  “Screw it,” I said pouring another cup of the wine. I needed it. I needed to calm my nerves. I slammed back the strong drink. Then I sat down on the bed. I took off my boots and laid down. I didn’t get much sleep the night before because of having sex and getting up at dawn, and now after a big meal and wine, it was starting to hit me. I didn’t know when I nodded off to sleep, but I woke up hours later. It was dark.

  I sat up and looked in the corner to see Vnor sitting at the table with a drink and what looked like a map. I rubbed my eyes and walked over to him.

  “Why didn’t you wake me when you got in?” I asked pouring some water in my cup.

  “You are tired. You should rest,” he said without looking at me.

  “Yes but… never mind,” I sat at the table making myself wake up.

  “We are leaving tomorrow,” he said.

  “We are? Where?” I asked looking at the map laid out in front of him. I didn’t understand the writing on it.

  “We are leaving the village. We are going to an outpost far from here where no one will see us. It will be safer there. In the morning we will go see if my transmission went through and if there is a response. If there is not, then we will go to the outpost,” he said.

  “Outpost? But didn’t you hear the other alien guy? He said your captain left us. We should be looking for the others since your captain abandoned them and us, not hiding out somewhere,” I said standing up. He looked at me. He looked me straight in the eyes for the first time in a long time. His icy blue eyes caught my attention. I forgot how beautiful they were. His silver strands of long hair fell forward over his forehead in contrast to his blue skin. Damn, he was still sexy.

  “Must you always argue with me, human? That is what we are doing. I don’t know why I bothered to tell you. I should have known that you would just argue with me,” he said.

  “Well, I have a right to say my opinion. What if your captain never comes back?” I said louder.

  “Don’t say that. Never say that. He will come back,” he said standing up. He poured some wine drink and chugged it. I was pissing him off. I took a deep breath.

  “I need to wash my face,” I said excusing myself to the washroom. I hated that watching him move turned me on. I splashed cold water on my face.

  Later that night we slept together side by side but did not touch. It was torture. Since I had taken a long nap during the day, I had a hard time falling asleep. Having his masculine scent next to me was hard not to respond too. I wanted to touch him. I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to feel his alien cock inside of me again, but I didn’t do anything. It was the longest night.

  The next morning I woke up to an empty bed. I sat up. “Vnor…?” Had he left me in the room again? I got up and stretched. I noticed a fresh tray of food on the table. It smelled good. Then I heard the shower running in the washroom. He was taking a shower. I imagined for a second the alien’s wet blue skin, six-pack abs, and hard cock drenched in water.

  “Stop it, Bridget. Remember: he is a jerk,” I said to myself as I poured some water in a cup and walked over to the window. The warm, dry air filled my lungs. It felt good. Then I sat down for a light breakfast. I didn’t know how fast this alien would want to move.

  “Good. You are awake. We are leaving in half an hour to the transmission station,” he said. I turned to see him walking out of the washroom. There was a cloth wrapped around his waist, and his silver hair was wet and dripping. Droplets of water were beading off his blue skin and hard muscular form. I didn’t say anything. I couldn't. All I could do was stare.

  “It’s all yours if you want to jump in,” he said.

  “Thanks,” I said realizing he thought I was staring at him because I wanted to use the shower. I quickly finished eating and jumped in the shower. I didn’t know where we were going or how long it would be until I had another, so I took advantage of it.

  Forty-five minutes later we were standing in the transmission station with Nippara.

  “It’s all ready,” he said.

  “Good,” Vnor said to him.

  “No transmissions received for you, and your transmission did not connect with the destination,” the station attendant said to Vnor.

  “Thank you,” Vnor said.

  “Aagh!” someone in the distance screamed.


  My eyes grew big. Suddenly there was chaos everywhere. I could hear the laser shots from blasters.

  “Get the ship ready!” Vnor shouted to Nippara.

  “Dock twenty-nine!” Nippara shouted to Vnor before running off very, very fast.

  Vnor grabbed my arm and pulled me hard. I ran behind him through the station and out into the chaos of the streets. We were running so hard my hood fell off my head.

  Boom! Suddenly Vnor was hit on the head, and he fell down. Before I could respond, I was picked up by a cyborg.

  “A human. I have a human,” its computer voice said.

  “Is it the one that K8L seeks?” the other one said.

  “Vnor!” I shouted.

  “I don’t know. The other had yellow hair, did it not?”

  “Maybe they can change hair color at will. Take her to the docks anyway,” the other one said.

  I was kicking and screaming, but it only hurt my hands and feet to hit the chrome of the cyborg machines. “Vnor! Vnor!” I shouted. I could barely see him on the ground through the chaos of aliens and cyborgs running around.

  He got up holding his head. There was blood streaming down his temple. I was shocked. I thought he was unable to get hurt. He was just so strong and big.

  “Vnor! Vnor!” I shouted again. He turned to follow my voice. He saw me. A dark look came over his face, and he began to run toward me. He was jumping over aliens and market tables.

  “That one is mine,” I head a familiar voice say. Chills came up my back. I turned my head to see K6R standing in front of the cyborgs.

  “We are under the orders of K8L,” the cyborg that held me said.

  “My brother cannot claim this one. This one is mine,” K6R said.

  I was in a panic. I didn’t know what to do. I did not want to be with this cyborg again.

  “Call it in to K8L,” one of the cyborgs said to the other, but it was no use.

  “Enough of your chatter,” K6R said as he pulled a knife and buried it into the side of cyborg’s neck. The cyborg fell instantly with me in his arms. I screamed over and over. K6R fought with the other cyborg until it too was on the ground. I was struggling to set myself free from the cyborg’s clutches that had me. Even though it was dead, its chrome hands were wrapped around my waist.

  “Did you think I wouldn’t find you, human?” I turned to see K6R hovering above me. I screamed and squirmed as he pulled out the arms of the cyborg that had me. Then he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I looked around for Vnor, but I could not see him. Where had he gone? Please don’t abandon me now, I pleaded in my head. I need you, Vnor.

  Chapter 12

  Lieutenant Vnor Gin

  I know that it was possible that this could happen; I just didn't think that it would happen this soon. After seeing the red alien in the tavern, I knew that he would eventually report to someone that wanted to know information about a Kynon and a human. I thought we had more time. I didn't know if this cyborg invasion was because of us, or it was a usual raid. But I did know that Bridget was in danger. I had to get to her. Out of nowhere, I was knocked out as I pulled her along trying to get to the port docks where Nippara waited for us with a ship. We were so close to leaving. I felt the crash against my head. Everything went quiet and I heard a loud piercing sound. I fell to the floor as everything went black. I put my hands out feeling the ground, the cold cement of the market. I didn't know what was happening around me.

  When I finally was able to stand up and get my vision back, I could not see Bridget anywhere. I turned in circles looking for her. Then I heard her call my name. I followed the sound of her voice. I turned to see her being carried by a cyborg. I quickly ran toward her. But there was so much case chaos in the way. I was jumping over turned-over market tables. I was jumping over fallen merchants and wounded aliens. I tried to keep my eyes on her. There was so much to get around, and the cyborgs kept turning corners.

  Then I saw something that made my blood boil; I saw K6R. He was standing in front of Bridget. Damn it. He had found her. I had tried to protect her, and now I had led her to him by taking her with me to the transmission station. I should have left her in the room or taken her to the ship first. But then something caught me by surprise; suddenly I saw K6R stab a knife into the cyborgs neck. The cyborg went down instantly, carrying Bridget with him. Then I saw him do it to the other cyborg as well. I guessed that was how you took down a cyborg. I realized that there were two groups of cyborgs here: there were the ones belonging to K6R, and I could only assume the others belonged to his brother. It was a full-on cyborg civil battle. Then I felt a cold hand on my arm.

  “The Kynon. This is the Kynon we are looking for,” he said. I squatted down and pulled a long knife out of the compartment of my boot. I quickly push the knife into its neck. It went down instantly.

  “Well that is handy,” I said to myself. I looked in the direction of Bridget. She was no longer in sight, and I could not see K6R. I ran in the direction that I had last seen her. Over the chaos and screams of the battle, I could vaguely hear her voice calling for me. Keep talking, Bridget; keep shouting, I thought. Funny, the many times I had told her to be quiet, and now I wanted the opposite, it could save her life.

  Then I found her. K6R Was carrying her over his shoulder headed for a speeder. I could not let him put her on that ship or I would lose her forever. Somewhere deep inside of me, I got an enormous amount of strength, and I ran faster than I ever had, jumping over obstacles. Within seconds I was next to her. I pushed the knife deep into his neck. He fell to the ground.

  “Vnor. Oh my God. Help me,” she cried to me. I pried his dead chrome hands off of her. I pulled her to me and carried her. I could hear chaos behind me as cyborgs begin to notice that their leader was dead. This was not good. I had just made a huge mistake, but I didn't have a choice.

  “Just hold on, Bridget. We are almost there,” I whispered to her as I cradled her in my arms. It was faster this way than having her run with me. I ran fast, burying myself deep into the alleys. I was running toward the port and to dock number twenty-nine.

  “Here! Lieutenant!” I heard Nippara say. I looked up and saw him in the doorway of a medium-sized speeder ship. He was waving me in.

  “Get it started! We are coming!” I shouted to him. He disappeared inside, and as soon as we started to climb the ramp, the speeder came alive. I put Bridget down on her feet and turned to close the door. “Go! Go!”

  I shouted and as soon as I did, the speeder began to lift up into the air. I moved over to Bridget.

  “Are you alright? Are you hurt? Did he hurt you?” I asked pulling her into my arms. She broke down and cried, convulsing against my chest.

  “I thought that was it. I thought he was going to take me. I would rather die than be with him. I was so scared, Vnor. I didn't think you would get to me,” she said.

  “It's alright, Bridget. I got to you. You are safe now. You are with me. We are getting out of here,” I said as I looked out the windshield. The ship was moving out of the village.

  “I'm about to punch it!” Nippara said.

  “Come, sit down,” I said grabbing her and sitting her on a bench. I sat down next to her. She still had not moved her face from my chest. She was crying hard. She was shaking. I wished that I could take the hurt from her. I wished that I could take the experience away from her. I didn't want her to be frightened. I didn't want her thinking that cyborg was going to do things to her.

  Why did I care so much for her? Why did it break me inside to see her in so much pain and right? I was falling for this human female; there was no other explanation for the feelings that I was experiencing. The way I moved through the market in order to save her was more than just because of the fact that she was the human cargo that I was supposed to bring back to Xeion. It was much more than that; I did it with my heart. I put my hand on her chin and pushed her from me, tilting her head up to me. Her brown eyes were filled with tears.

  She gasped. “You are bleeding,” she said putting her hand on my temple.

  “I am? I didn't know,” I said looking at her hand and seeing blood on it. “I am all right. It doesn't hurt,” I said. “I am concerned about you. Are you sure that you are not hurt? You are in shock and not feeling.” I looked at her body up and down, examining all of her limbs. Those cyborgs were strong and could crush her arm without her even realizing it.

  “I think that I am all right. You are the one that is bleeding. We have to stop the bleeding,” she said.

  “There are medical supplies in the back cabinet!” Nippara shouted at us.

  “I will get it,” she said as she stopped crying. I didn't want her to wait on me and nurse me, but it seemed to distract her from her pain, and that was good. So I let her do it. She stood up and held on to the walls slowly walking towards the back as they ship moved very fast. I looked out the windshield to see that we were over the desert.

  “Nippara. What’s the report? Do we have company?” I shouted.

  “Looks clear. No one is showing up on the radar,” he said.

  “Fly as low as you c
an for as far as you can. Stay off the radar,” I said.

  “Copy that, Lieutenant,” he said.

  “Here, let me see,” Bridget said as she came back and sat next to me. She had a box of medical supplies.

  “I am fine, really. Probably just needs to be cleaned up a little,” I said.

  “Will you leave it to me for once? Just sit there and let me do what I need to do,” she said.

  “Yes, human,” I said playfully. She smiled. She took out a bandage and some ointment and began to clean the blood away. Then she held the bandage against my head. “Here, hold it,” she said as she grabbed my hand and put it against the bandage. Having her hold my hand brought a rush of heat into my body. I looked into her brown eyes.


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