Vnor (Aliens Of Xeion)

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Vnor (Aliens Of Xeion) Page 9

by Maia Starr

  I walked into the sitting room and closed the bedroom door behind me quietly. I saw Gloria sitting there looking at several food items. She turned and looked at me confused.

  “Not sure what to eat?” I asked.

  “I don’t know what any of this is,” she said. “What if it kills me?” she laughed.

  “It won’t. I will show you. It’s all very good, and it is safe for humans,” I said.

  “Where did you get that?” she said looking at my cloak.

  “In the village. I have one for you too. We can wear them while we wash our clothes later in the tub.” I said spinning in front of her to show it off. Then I looked out toward the small windows. “It is morning? Yes, it is. Nice and bright out there.”

  “Yes, I hope we can walk around later today. I can’t stay cooped up inside for too long,” she said.

  “I feel the same way. The last place I stayed in, the window faced a wall, and I was not allowed to really go outside. Too dangerous,” I said.

  “Well, this place seems safe. I didn’t hear anything last night,” she said.

  I suddenly realized that we were very loud when we were fucking. I didn’t know if she was baiting me and she had heard us or was she being serious.

  “Did you sleep well?” I asked not knowing what she would say. I prepped some breakfast for us.

  “Very well. Better than I have in a very long time. I think that wine helped,” she said. She wasn’t laughing, and she wasn’t red in the face, so I figured she was telling the truth. She looked at me.

  “Did you sleep well?”

  “Yes, I did,” I said with a smile.

  “Where are the aliens? Are they in the other house? Will they be coming over here?” she asked.

  I realized that I was going to have to tell her about the lieutenant and me. It was better now than later.

  “Actually, the blue one is in my bedroom. The one called Vnor Gin,” I said.

  Her eyes grew wide as she looked at me. I could tell that confusion was crossing her face. Then she looked at me with shock again. “Do you mean that? Are you saying that you and he…? Wait, what are you saying?”

  “I am saying that I have fallen in love with him. I know that is crazy. But I do love him, Gloria. We have been through a lot together, and he has rescued me more times than I can count. He really is amazing,” I said.

  She was in shock. “Do you mean to tell me that you were having sex with that blue alien? You had sex with him last night?”

  “Yes, I did, and it was not the first time either,” I said.

  She gasped. She was silent for a minute. Then she asked. “What was it like?”

  We laughed. We had breakfast together with some girl talk. I told her about everything, about how I had fallen for him and why. I gave her a few details about sex with the blue alien, but not everything. I wanted to leave some privacy, but I did tell her that it was the best sex of my life. She seemed very curious. I was glad for it because if we ever made it back to Xeion, she would be expected to mate with one of the Kynon.

  After breakfast, I took a long hot bath, and then we washed our clothes in the tub. I gave her a cloak, and she wore it like I did. Later in the morning, Vnor finally woke up. I was surprised that he had slept so late. I had not known him to sleep this late, but then again, we had never been a safe place before. I was glad that he was sleeping. He did have a head injury, and we had been through a lot. He needed his sleep, and I knew that I didn’t exactly give him the rest he needed at night. But now it felt right. We could breathe out in the country and in safety.

  When he finally woke up, he showered and then I changed his bandages. He was already healing fast, and I wondered if these Kynon had some sort of healing powers. He ate a late breakfast and as he did, Gloria asked him many questions about his home planet. I was surprised to find out that it was run by a royal family. I was even more surprised to find out that the captain was a young prince. He was one of the sons of the king. It was unbelievable. But Vnor kept us very entertained with tales of the Kynon planet Xeion, and I longed to see it. It sounded lush and green, like Earth. I was sick of this desert planet, even if it did have wonderful silver-orange sunsets.

  Chapter 16

  Lieutenant Vnor Gin

  Having sex with Bridget was just as good as I remembered. Only this time it was better because I wasn't filled with guilt. I had allowed myself to move on, and I really did think that Camara would want me to move on and be happy. Allowing myself to enjoy the company of this human female felt good. I felt a weight lifted off of me. Besides, it was what my planet wanted. We were facing extinction and loving this human female only helped with that matter. How could I be wrong?

  As we stayed at the compound in comfort and safety, a couple of days passed. It felt good. We were all relaxed, even the new human female. The farmers were very kind to us, and the family that lived there took very good care of us, making sure that we always had water and food, and of course, the delicious wine made from the berry fruit that they grew. It was a comfortable place, and one could imagine staying there for a long time. I knew why they picked this place; it was very far from the chaos of the village end of the cyborg lands. But I knew that it would soon be time to find out what was going on. We couldn't stay here forever in the compound, no matter how relaxing it was. I needed to eventually get back to my own home planet and Nippara needed to get back to his life.

  “What do you think? I think that it has been long enough, but I will let you decide that,” I said to him as we sat in front of his house. He was smoking a pipe.

  “I think it has been long enough for me to go to the transmission station on the mountain. I can speak with my friend and find out what transmissions he has been getting. I can report the information back here. I think it has been enough time that he will not consider that I had any part in any information that he has. I am at this compound and he will think that I am just passing through,” he said.

  “If you feel that it is safe, and it is time, then I am with you. When will you go?” I asked.

  “It is an hour away. The sun has not reached noon yet. If I go now, I will be back well before sunset,” he said.

  “I will come ready the ship with you,” I said.

  “Good, I will meet you there,” he said walking inside the house.

  I went over to my small house and found the human female sitting at the table talking and giggling.

  “What is funny?” I asked.

  “Oh, nothing. Just human stuff,” Bridget said.

  I smiled at her. I wondered if they were speaking of sex, because they were both pink in the face.

  “I just came to tell you that Nippara is leaving to the transmission station. I am going to go help him ready the ship. I will be right back,” I said.

  “Is it safe for him to go?” Bridget asked.

  “Safe as it can be for now. He knows what he's doing. He will be back before sunset. Hopefully he will have a report for me. I will return,” I said walking out.

  I helped get the ship ready for the flight. Charging and helping with fuel. Then he departed. I waited inside the house with the human females. We sat around ate a light lunch. I was very anxious to know what the report would be. I wondered if my captain had ever returned, and would he receive my messages? I wondered what kind of chaos the village was in after I had killed a cyborg leader. Did anyone know that it was me? Were they looking for me? Was there a bounty on my head? I had so many questions.

  Finally, just right before sunset, as he promised, I heard the sound of the ship. We all stood up and waited in the doorway. I could see the ship landing. Nippara turned off the engine and walked out of the ship. He came toward the houses.

  “What news?”

  “A lot of news. We should go inside,” he said.

  We sat around the table, and Bridget poured us all a drink. We were waiting to hear what he had to say.

  “It is complete chaos. Upon the death of K6R, the cyborg cities are in
full out civil war. The village of Cantu seems to be able to stay out of it except for a few raids here and there. It mostly seems to be between the cyborgs. Those that were loyal to K6R fight against his brother, K8L. But this is not the first civil battle between them. Eventually, someone will win, and it will be turned back to order,” he said.

  “And any news of seeking the one that murdered the cyborg leader?’ I asked cautiously.

  “There seems to be no report other than that K8L ordered his assassination. That is all,” he said.

  “That is a relief,” I said.

  “So yes, it is a bloody war that has been started, but nothing for us to concern ourselves with now. It is mostly in the cyborg cities,” Nippara said.

  “And what of any news of my captain?” I asked.

  “There was no report of any Kynon, but there was a report that I found interesting,” he said.

  “What?” I asked.

  “There has been a fleet spotted. One that is of unknown origin,” he said.

  “That could be a Kynon fleet,” I said.

  “It could be,” he said.

  “Good. Thank you, Nippara. You did good work, as usual. Any thoughts of being followed back here?” I asked.

  “No, none. I was very careful,” he said.

  “Then let’s prepare for a joyous dinner. We need to celebrate this good news. We need to celebrate that we are safe,” I said holding up my cup.

  “Yes, to safety,” he said lifting his cup.

  We had a pleasant dinner that evening. We talked about all sorts of things, all four of us, and even Gloria seem to be at ease. I watched Bridget. I was comfortable with this life, having her as my mate. I was getting a glimpse of what it would be like when I took her back to my home planet. I hoped that she would be serious about being my mate forever. She cared for me, she loved me, but that did not mean that she was going to give me forever. I would have to wait and see.

  But looking at her, I knew I wanted her forever. I had opened my heart to her, and I was glad that I did. She was funny. She was strong. She was smart, and even though she was fiery and stubborn, it brought out the passion in me. She was driving me crazy at all times; even when I was angry with her stubbornness, I was completely devoted to her.

  I had done crazy things for her, including murdering a cyborg leader that was going to get me into a lot of trouble. But I didn't care; if I was in the same position, I would do it again. I would do anything for her.

  I watched as she smiled and laughed with the others. Her brown eyes sparkled with joy. She was happy, and I enjoyed seeing her happy instead of frightened and terrified. Seeing her that way had broken me; it was a relief to see her feeling safe and laughing. My heart went out to her.

  She looked at me and locked eyes. She smiled. She bit her lower lip as she looked at me; I knew what she was thinking. She was thinking that she was in love with me and I was more than happy to accept all the love that she had to give me. I was the luckiest alien in the entire galaxy. I could not wait to take her home and to show her my home planet and my own home. She would be happy there. She would be safe. She would be mine.

  Chapter 17

  Bridget Thomas

  A couple of days later, we were very settled at the compound. It was very quiet and very simple. But the most important thing was that it was very safe. The farmers barely gave us a second glance. I was excited to spend as many days here as possible; it was so peaceful compared to the village. Then we made it back into the house just in time for dinner. All four of us at around the table eating and talking when we suddenly heard a very loud sound.

  “That is a ship,” Vnor said in a panic.

  “Yes, it is,” Nippara said leaping up from the table.

  “Stay here,” Vnor said to me.

  “But I—”

  “Bridget!” he said.

  I was quiet. He had told me time and again to stay put, and I always ignored him and got into trouble. I grabbed Gloria, and we hid in the bedroom. They went to the door and looked out.

  “I know that ship. It is from Xeion; that is a Kynon ship,” Vnor said, putting his gun down.

  “What? But how?” Nippara said.

  “It’s my captain,” Vnor said with a smile. Then he opened the door and ran out. I looked at Gloria just as confused.

  “I think you will want to see this,” Nippara said to us.

  Gloria and I stood up and went to the doorway. I couldn't believe my eyes. There was a very large ship landing out in front of us on the ground. There were many small ships hovering in the air. But that wasn't the most magical thing; it was Vicki standing there next to the captain. I ran out to her.

  “Vicki!” I shouted and ran all the way to her. She turned and her face lit up. She ran to me. I finally reached her and hugged her.

  “Oh my God, Bridget! You are alive! We have been searching for you,” she said.

  “I have been searching for you. I am so glad to see you. I have been so worried,” I said.

  “I have so much to tell you,” she said.

  “So do I! And look, I’m not alone. Gloria is here too,” I said pointing toward the house where Gloria stood.

  “You have another human with you! I’m so happy,” Vicki said.

  “What the hell is all this?” I said pointing at all the ships.

  “It’s a long story, but Alicron went back to Xeion to get his army to come search the planet to look for you all and to fight these awful…”

  “Cyborgs?” I said.

  “Yes! I guess you have come across them too?” she said.

  “Oh, you have no idea,” I said.

  “You will have to tell me all about it. I am so glad to have found you,” Vicki said hugging me again. I was so happy too.

  An hour later we all were on the large ship. It was our new home for now. Vnor came up to me and put his arms around me.

  “I told you my captain wouldn’t abandon us.”

  “Yes, you were right,” I said hugging him back. I am so happy that you were right.”

  The End

  Extra Value

  I hope you have enjoyed “Alicron-Aliens Of Xeion”! To make you happy and provide as much value as possible, I have teamed up with my good friend Stella Sky who is also a Sci Fi Romance author. She writes the same type of stuff as me so I know you will love her stuff! You cant go wrong with getting lost in the worlds of sexy aliens and weredragons ! Not only have am I providing value from Stella, I am also including books of my own as bonus to introduce you to other steamy series with hot aliens written by myself! Enjoy !

  With Love,

  Maia Starr

  Cylo-Dragons Of Kelon

  (Dragons Of Kelon)

  By Maia Starr



  I saw a large dark shadow just underneath the surface of the water. The massive ripples let me know that it was something fast. It looked dangerous, but I could not look away. I took a few more steps and got as close as I could to the edge of the cliff jutting over the Pacific Ocean. I was very scared of heights and I did not want to be anywhere near the edge, but I had to take a look. My knees grew weak as I looked out over the water.

  "Are those wings?” I whispered to myself as I watched the dark shadow underneath the water get closer to the surface and create a dark outline. It looked like a very large bird swimming underneath the water.

  "That can't be, Melody. I think the pressures of being the president's daughter have finally caught up with you,” I said as I rubbed my eyes and shook my head from side to side as though I could make it disappear.

  I looked back at the water. Whoosh! Suddenly the creature burst from the surface of the water and flew straight up, shooting into the sky, into the blinding light of the bright sun. It was so fast that I could not exactly see what I was looking at. But in the backlight of the sun I saw a brief outline as the creature spread its wings out from its sides. They look to be at least 10 feet across and my mouth was wide op
en as I stared at it. What the hell was I looking at? Was it some form of dinosaur that we thought was extinct, but would reappear now and then to create a legend like the Loch Ness Monster in Scotland?

  I took steps backward as the creature seemed to hit the highest point of its flight and change direction, toward me. It was diving very fast. I kept my eyes on it but walked faster; I could not run. I was too frozen with awe at the sight of this strange thing.


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