Vnor (Aliens Of Xeion)

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Vnor (Aliens Of Xeion) Page 56

by Maia Starr

  “What is this?” I said to myself as I pulled out a package. Jex was gathering wood in the forest, and I was opening packages of alien food. I opened a white packet, and the aroma hit me like a sweet cake. It smelled good and was very fragrant.

  I heard stirring on the other side of the ship. I assumed that it was Jex.

  “What is this? It smells like cake; it's a very sweet,” I shouted.

  But there was no answer. “Jex?” I said.

  Then I heard it. I heard a low growl. I quickly stood up to my feet and grabbed the blaster gun draped across my body, only to find that it wasn't there. I had taken it off inside the ship and left it there. I was expecting a dog to round the corner. A hungry dog was no man's best friend. It was twilight, and the sky was a dark purple, but it wasn't quite night time just yet. Then glowing yellow eyes rounded the corner of the ship slowly and elegantly.

  “What the fuck…” I whispered. I could not believe what I was seeing. It was a tiger. It growled again. I realize that I was surrounded by all kinds of food. It must have smelled it. But what the hell was a tiger doing on Long Island? It took another step towards me; I took one step backward for each step it took. I knew that these packets would not be enough for this hungry tiger.

  “Jex…” I said loudly but calmly not wanting to scare the tiger into attacking me. I didn't know if he was in the range of me or not.

  I took more steps backward and the tiger was still coming toward me, but then my heart stopped when it stopped and lowered its face to the ground. I had watched enough nature channel to know that this meant it was getting ready to pounce. My eyes grew wide, and I couldn't do anything but freeze. Running would only make it worse, and it would catch me in no time.

  It leaped straight at me. Bam! When it was soaring in the air, it was knocked down by a blur. The blur moved so fast that I couldn't even see it. I didn't know what was happening as I saw the tiger roll across the ground. The tiger didn't know what was happening either. Then I saw Jex standing near it; it was then that I realized it was him that knocked the tiger away. But he looked different. His belly was glowing a warm pale yellow. He opened his mouth and fire shot toward the tiger. The tiger squealed and then shot straight back into the forest, yelping from pain.

  “Helen! Are you all right?” he said as he ran over to me. I was trembling.

  "How… How did you do that? I didn't even see you move. You move so fast. And the fire?”

  “I'll explain later. But are you all right? Did that beast hurt you?” he asked.

  “No, I am just in shock from seeing it. I thought I was going to die,” I said.

  “Come, let's get inside the ship. We will just have to make it our camp, as cramped as it is. There are beasts out here,” he said as he grabbed my hand and led me up the ramp of the ship. He left me in the doorway. I watched him shift out of dragon form. It was amazing. Then he gathered the food and water and brought it back up the ramp; then he closed the door.

  “I was not expecting to see a tiger of all things out here. They normally don't live in these parts; it must be from the zoo. All those animals must have escaped once Earth succumbed to the cyborgs. It is the only thing that makes sense. Or one of these grand estates could've had a pet tiger. Rich people do things like that,” I said leaning against the wall.

  “It is a fierce beast, but no match for a dragon,” he said winking. I realize that he was trying to make light of the situation so that I could feel better. It was working. I watched as he opened the cabinet and pulled out several large blankets and laid them on the floor.

  He set the box of food on top of it and gathered bowls and cups. He kneeled down and went to work. I watched as he poured a packet of the food into a bowl and added water to it. It was dehydrated food and it miraculously transformed into a dish. It looked like a breaded cake with fruits and nuts in it. It smelled good too. He held it out to me. I smiled and sat down next to him and took the offering. We were having a picnic inside of a spaceship, and I realized just how strange that was.

  We ate in silence, and I found myself looking at this alien brute over and over. I could see him rescuing me from that tiger again and again. It was amazing. Finally, after twenty minutes, we were done. He stood up and started to put things away.

  “You are very quiet,” I said.

  “I am?” he asked.

  “Yes. Is something wrong?” I asked.

  He stopped and walked over to me. He stood towering over me as I still sat on the floor. I wanted to gasp at his tall and toned physique looming over me, but I restrained myself and swallowed hard.

  “It’s you,” he said.

  “What? Why me?” I asked.

  He squatted down next to me trying to get level with me but it only put my face level with his strong six-pack abs because he was so damn tall.

  “I cannot stop thinking about that beast attacking you. I never should have left you outside like that. I should have kept you inside where it is safe. I failed you,” he said.

  “No, you did not. I am fine. We could not have known there would be a tiger prowling around; it is not normal for these parts,” I said.

  “But I don’t know that. I don’t know this planet. For all I know there are beasts in the water ready to grab you with tentacles and pull you in. I am a captain; I should take care to be cautious with the human female,” he said. As he did so, he pushed a tendril of my hair away from my face.

  I gulped. “It’s fine… really,” I whispered. I didn’t mean to whisper, but it came out that way.

  “You are beautiful, Helen,” he whispered. His voice was thick with desire.

  “You are too,” I responded. Before I knew it, his lips were pressed against mine. I moaned and whimpered as he brushed his lips delicately across mine. My hands moved on their own, like I had no control. He was not in dragon form, but I still found his body incredibly exciting. I caressed his hard six-pack abs that my hands had been itching to touch since I first saw him. Damn, he was toned and hard. I could not believe that he was real.

  His hand caressed my cheek, and I suddenly felt like I was the one being over-sexualized because his hands were touching my face and my hair, and my hands were roaming over his body. I couldn’t help myself. Then he pressed against me, and I laid back onto the blankets on the floor as he continued to kiss me. My body was turning to jelly.

  He moved himself as his lips kissed my cheeks, and he maneuvered until his body was on top of mine, pressing against me. I felt the heat of his body on my skin, and his manly scent enveloped me. I was moaning and whimpering as his lips caressed down my neck. His large hands moved to the straps of my tank top and pushed them down my shoulders. “Oh, oh…” was all that was coming out of my mouth. My desire for this weredragon alien was strong. I wanted him. I wanted him badly.

  I opened my thighs, and his body sank between them. He moaned, “Mmm…Helen.”

  His moan drove me wild. I loved hearing my name on his lips. This alien weredragon had risked his life against a tiger for me. It was such a damn turn on. I wanted him inside of me badly. I didn’t know how long I could wait.

  Then just as my hunger was at a peak, he pulled my tank top down, exposing my breast. “Fuck…” he moaned before his mouth hungrily devoured my nipple. “Oh yes,” I moaned. His mouth sucked and fondled my nipple. Then he pulled down the other side of my tank top and did the same thing. I arched my back up to him. I wanted him to kiss me and lick me. I wanted more and more as his head moved over my breasts. I pushed my fingers into his thick black hair and twisted them into his tendrils. His stubble beard scratched against my skin in the most satisfying way as he kissed my breasts. He was such a large beast of an alien man, and I felt so small underneath his smoking hot body.

  My hands moved down to my jeans. He sat up on his knees and looked at me fumbling with my jeans. He smiled a dashing sideways grin. The soft moonlight coming in through the windshield bounced off his glittering skin.

  “Let me help you, human,” he sai
d as he grabbed my shirt. I sat up slightly, and he pulled it off of me over my head. “Damn, you are beautiful,” he said as he cupped my breasts in his hands. I moaned as his large fingers pinched my nipples. Then I watched as he took off his belt and boots. Then he stood up and peeled off his scuba-like pants. He stood naked in front of me, and I was eager to see just how human-like he was.

  My eyes moved to his crotch. I gasped. Standing straight up between his thick masculine thighs was his very human-like cock, glittering in the soft light. Dark black curls surrounded it. He was very much like a man, only much, much bigger.

  “Like what you see?” he asked as he stood there like a god.

  “Yes, very much,” I said.

  “Good. I only want to please you,” he said as he came back to the floor and laid his strong, heavy body on mine and kissed my mouth. I kissed him back, allowing his tongue to swirl around mine. My hands went to his strong back, feeling his toned muscles, but I wasn’t satisfied with that. I allowed one hand to travel down to his cock. I wrapped my hand around it. “Oh fuck, that feels good,” he said.

  “You feel good on top of me,” I said. He looked at me and smiled, and his hands went to my jeans. He fumbled with the unusual buttons. “Let me help you,” I said playfully laughing. I unbuttoned the buttons and pulled the jeans down to my hips, and he pulled them off of me the rest of the way. I now lay naked on the floor.

  “Mmm…you are a sight to see,” he said.

  “So are you,” I said looking at this massive alien in front of me.

  He laid on top of me again, but this time I knew it wasn’t just for kissing. I opened my thighs wide and felt the tip of his massive hard staff enter me. I moaned at the sensation. It felt good, and warm. He looked at me with lust and desire in his eyes and moved higher above me. His hard cock slid inside of me. “Oh god. Oh yes, yes,” I moaned. He was thick and perfect, and the sensation was consuming me.

  “Am I hurting you?” he whispered.

  “No, I am fine. Keep going,” I said.

  “Yes as you say, human female,” he responded. Then he moved his cock further inside of me until he was all the way within me. I moaned and whimpered under him. His strong hard chest was above me, and I pushed myself up to place kisses on his hot skin.

  He moved in and out of me slowly, driving me crazy as the pulsing sensation deep within me began to build between my thighs on my wet slit. I grabbed his back eagerly, feeling his strong muscles underneath my fingertips.

  “I’m going to cum. I’m going to cum,” I said over and over again.

  “You feel so good, human. I can’t tell you how good this feels,” he whispered breathlessly as he moved inside of me.

  “I’m cumming. Fuck, I’m cumming!” I shouted as I exploded into orgasm. My body trembled under him, and my legs convulsed wildly in the air.

  “Mmm… I can feel you,” he said. He slowed his movements. I was glad for it because I could not get control of my body. He stopped while he was inside of me and moved one hand in my hair while the other held up his weight. He was sensual and caring and not what I had expected from him. It was driving me crazy.

  Then he began to move faster and faster. He was going hard. I could feel his skin pounding against mine. He was groaning louder and louder and then out of nowhere, he was growling. He was the dragon. His growls were deep and reverberating through my entire body.

  Then his body tensed up on top of me. He was going to explode. I could feel it. Then with another intense growl, I felt his warm juices flow within me.

  He moved slower and slower as he experienced orgasm and continued to moan as I wiggled under him. As he lay his weight on me, I realized that not only was it the most intense sex I had ever had, but that it had been years since I had sex. I felt safe for the first time with this dragon alien, and it allowed me to fully enjoy sex with him.

  Later, I fell asleep, and it was the best sleep I ever had because it had been so long since I had felt this safe. I had always slept thinking cyborgs would attack at any moment. But with this dragon at my side, I knew that if it did happen, he could protect me, and I was able to sleep.

  Chapter 9

  Captain Jex Kailen

  Damn, I felt terrific. I had never felt anything as good as how I felt after being with Helen. King Karik was right. Being with a human female gives you a feeling of euphoria unlike anything I had ever felt before in my life. I felt one with everything, the surroundings of Earth. I felt the galaxies moving beyond in space; I even felt connected to my own planet of Tivoso more than I ever had before. It felt better than flying, better than being in combat, and better than having sex with a Veruka female. It was an exceptional feeling, and I could not stop smiling throughout the entire night.

  She was so damn sexy, and it was everything that I had hoped it would be. But I was surprised by her actions. When I kissed her, I thought that she would push me away, but she did not. I knew deep inside that this was more than just the agreement for me as well. When I saw the beast that she called a tiger coming toward her, a rage came out of me. I could not think of anything else but saving her life. The small human female had grown on me more than I had expected. I had only wanted to use her for sex, but somehow, she had dug her way into my heart. I thought highly of her. She was brave. She was a soldier, even though she was not trained as one. She had courage and strength, and of course, I could not take my eyes off of her because of her astounding beauty.

  But now there was a problem. I cared for her deeply, and because of that I did not want to put her in any danger, but I was going to help find her sister as I had promised. Now I wanted to do it for her more than ever; I wanted to make her just as happy as she had made me.

  I turned on my side to look at her sleeping. Her long brown hair was loose and spread around her face. It was the first time I had seen her hair down. I liked it. She was beautiful even when she was sleeping. I ran my hand across her small belly. Her skin felt like soft fabric. It was smooth and perfect. I liked seeing the sun on her small petite frame. She was not what I was used to. She was the complete opposite of a Veruka female. This was something different and extraordinary. I could not put this small, fragile human in any more danger. So I quietly got up from her side and put on my clothes. I grabbed my belt and gun and left before she was awake.

  I left her inside the ship. Now that the sun was coming up, I needed to scout alone to find the cyborg encampment. I knew what to look for. It would be faster if I went alone. I could scout without being seen. This way I would not put Helen in danger. I could find out where the encampment was, and we could make a plan.

  I flew high into the sky, as high as I could go as a weredragon. I flapped my wings higher into the sky. The sun hitting my skin felt glorious. I knew it was from the euphoria that I was feeling from being with Helen. It even made the sun of the Earth feel better than it had before. I flew back and forth, zigzagging over the area of the island that I thought the cyborgs had moved to after the raid on the humans.

  As I flew, I started to think about what having sex with a human female really meant. Her DNA would be bonded to mine, and I would now be immune to the blackness plague that was overcoming the population of Veruka. Being with Helen was a gift that kept on giving. I was lucky. I had bonded with someone that I cared deeply for and wanted to know more about. I was looking forward to the day that this ordeal was over, and I could take her back to Willow Springs and see her happy with her sister and as my mate.

  As I was thinking about this, a shiny glare caught the corner of my eye. It brought me out of my distraction of thinking about Helen. I looked down to the left to see the cyborg encampment. There were about twenty to thirty of them. I flew further down to get a better look. They were around a couple of houses. They did not seem to be moving. They were stationary and not marching toward a new location. This was good news.

  Bam! I felt a blow hit my left wing. I started to spiral as I felt toward the Earth. I quickly recovered and flew away from the cybor
g camp as much as I could, low between the trees. I knew that I had been shot. I didn't even see it coming. I was still falling, but it was a controlled fall with my right wing still flapping. It was getting me a good mile or two away from the cyborgs before I crashed into the dirt and rolled.

  “Shit.” I looked at my wing. There was a sizable hole right in the middle. Now I would never make it back to Helen. Judging from my distance, it would take me an entire day to walk back to her on foot. I didn't want her to be alone for that long. I had planned to go on the scout and get back to her before she was even awake. But now that plan had gone straight to hell. I stood up and looked at my surroundings. I grabbed my blaster gun from my holster and began to walk.

  But as I walked, I felt something extraordinary happen. I stopped. I extended my wing out and looked at it. The hole was slowly closing. My wing was healing at self.


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