Got Thrills? A Boxed Set (A McCray Collection)

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Got Thrills? A Boxed Set (A McCray Collection) Page 51

by Carolyn McCray

  “We’ve got some zeroes holed up in one of the rooms. We think they’re trying to MacGyver a detonator. We need you to get the girls out.”

  “To where?” Bunny asked, swallowing a mouthful of dust.

  “To the hills. Find a cave and hole up until I give the signal to come out.”

  “Got it,” Bunny said. “I’m on the move.”

  “It is ‘copy that’ and ‘affirmative,” Drecker mumbled.

  Bunny wasn’t about to take offense. Not when he’d just saved her life.

  * * *

  Davidson hustled down the steps to the main level. None of the enemy were even so much as peeking their heads out into the courtyard. His gun was needed elsewhere.

  Unless they all wanted to go “boom,” they needed to root out all of the terrorists and secure all of the explosives. Checking his corner, swinging his gun to and fro, making sure no one was behind him or even above him, Davidson made his way to the eastern corner. Lopez was sure he’d cornered several terrorists there.

  Davidson turned another knob, opened the door, and burst into the room. No one there. He repeated the process all along the row of classrooms, clearing each as he went along. He didn’t want anyone behind them.

  Levont met him at the corner. “We’re clear. Prenner checked the second floor already.”

  Davidson nodded. “So just the one room?”

  “Yeah, but its one of the C-4 rooms,” Levont said. “Some nice shooting back there, by the way,” Levont said, nodding to the bodies strewn around the courtyard.

  He’d done his job—that was all.

  “Let’s move out,” Davidson said, picking up into a trot. Levont fell in behind him. He could hear Prenner running across the second story hallway, heading for the stairwell. They met at the bottom of the steps at nearly the same time.

  “Ready to end this?” Prenner asked.

  They moved out to join Lopez at the eastern corner. They huddled together as close to the wall as possible, sitting on their heels.

  “I hear at least three distinct voices,” Lopez said.

  “Do you have the scope?” Davidson asked.

  Lopez shook his head. “I know, I know, I didn’t think we’d need one on a motorcade detail. Never make that mistake again.”

  Yes, from now on in Afghanistan, they were coming prepared for full-out war. No leaving equipment behind to lighten their packs. No assuming they would be staying in the cars.

  Hopefully, though, there wouldn’t be a next time. Hopefully, the president had learned his lesson and would never visit here again.

  “Any idea their position in the room?”

  “I think the back, but I can’t be sure,” Lopez reported.

  “Stark?” Davidson asked into his mic. “Are you picking up anything on thermal?”

  “Looks like four men, but one’s thermal signal is cooling—I think he is fatally wounded.”


  “All at the back wall with the C-4.”

  So it was confirmed.

  “Shock and awe?” Davidson asked Lopez.

  “Hell yes,” the corporal responded.

  “Bunny? Where are you?” Davidson asked.

  * * *

  Bunny was in the middle of about fifty scared little girls. “Drecker is knocking out the window. We’ll be out in under a minute.”

  “Drecker?” Davidson asked.

  “Yeah, long story,” Bunny said as the glass shattered under the butt of Drecker’s gun. He started lifting girls out of the room. Bunny gave the huge stack of C-4 a wide berth.

  She knew, logically, that C-4 was not easy to make explode. It was super stable and required a high-energy detonator. Emotionally, though? She treated it like a striking snake.

  “I’m giving you three minutes, then we are going in,” Davidson said.

  “I’ll only need two,” Bunny reported, helping Drecker lift the girls out. The ones already on the ground were heading straight for the hills, their robes flapping in the night breeze.

  “Copy that,” Davidson responded. “One hundred and twenty seconds. Mark.”

  Bunny tried to remember the appropriate response. “Affirmative.”

  The terrified girls were starting to climb out on their own, accelerating their escape. Finally, she lifted the last of the students over the ledge. Drecker offered his hand to help her over, then he leapt through the window himself and they set off at a run, urging the girls forward.

  They passed by a cluster of trucks down the road. The hills weren’t far off, and they were pocked by caves. They could get lost in there until Davidson had secured the compound.

  Out of nowhere, a man jumped from behind the vehicles. He must have fled here to hide. Why didn’t he just stay hidden?

  Bunny tried to bring her gun up, but the man was already pointing at her. The shot’s ring echoed off the mills around them. Drecker threw himself between the bullet and Bunny.

  He gasped as the bullet hit him square in the chest. He fell to the ground, not even attempting to break his fall.

  Gun up now, Bunny fired, nearly cutting the attacker in half. The girls behind her screamed.

  “Go!” Bunny yelled, grabbing one of the older girls. “Get them to the caves!”

  After she made sure there was no problem with translation, Bunny dropped to her knees, putting her ear against Drecker’s chest. She couldn’t hear a heart beat.

  She checked to see if he was breathing, but his chest didn’t rise.

  Where in the hell was Davidson?

  * * *

  Davidson crouched beneath the window frame. Prenner was under the other window. Lopez and Levont were going through the front door.

  It was a risky move to split up and attack the room this way. Friendly fire was a huge concern—which was why they each had a specific angle to shoot within. If each of them kept their firing to that narrow window, they would each be safe. Each of them had to trust the other to keep their heads and aim on target.

  They’d heard a few shots out in the night, but Davidson couldn’t worry about that right now. He needed to neutralize the C-4, then he’d worry about the girls and Bunny.

  He counted off in his head, down from one hundred twenty to five. Four. Three. Two. One.

  Prenner lobbed a flashbang into the room. They held for five more seconds, enough for the lights show and screeching sound to stop. Smoke filled the room and Davidson knocked out the glass and leapt through the window. He took out the closest man with a shot.

  The other three men fell to the ground before he even had a chance to set up his next shot. There was a deafening silence until one of the men sprang up, holding a silver cylinder with a red button on the top.

  He yelled something in Arabic, then pressed his finger against the button.

  His fierce smile wavered when nothing happened.

  “Like we didn’t deactivate the switch in the detonator,” Levont said, snatching the device from the man’s hand.

  The terrorist tried to bring his gun up. But, really, in the room with four Special Forces members? He was dead before he could take his next breath.

  “Davidson!” a yell carried on the wind.


  They all turned as one and charged out the door.

  * * *

  “Bunny!” A cry from behind her.

  “Here!” Bunny shouted between sobs. “They’re coming,” she murmured to Drecker. “They’re here.”

  He didn’t respond, though. He hadn’t in a while.

  “Bunny!” Davidson yelled as he came around the corner of a truck. He slid to his knees beside her. Lopez went to Drecker’s other side and checked for a pulse.

  “Are you alright?” Davidson asked.

  “Yes, because he jumped in front of me,” Bunny said, not able to hold a sob in along the way.

  “You can let go,” Lopez said, urging her hands back.

  “No,” Bunny said, wiping her nose on the elbow of her jacket. “He can’t be dead.”
  “He isn’t,” Lopez said. “Just knocked out by the bullet hitting his vest. Lopez slapped Drecker’s face and the man roused. “See?”

  Bunny let out another sob, this time of relief. “I thought he’d died for me.”

  Davidson put his hand out and Drecker took it as the sniper helped the sergeant to his feet. “Thanks for saving Bunny.”

  Drecker coughed, holding his side. “No problem.”

  “Of course, you’ve still gotta go,” Lopez said.

  “I figured,” Drecker responded with a grin.

  Headlights pierced the darkness as trucks rumbled over the hill, heading to the school.

  “The Afghan Army.”

  “Right on time, as usual,” Lopez joked.

  Everyone spun around as footsteps sounded behind them. It was a group of girls. The youngest ran up to Bunny and hugged her around the waist.

  “That’s the upside,” Davidson said as he released his hold on her.

  Bunny, never very comfortable with children, felt awkward as the girl hugged her tight. She felt warm and alive and real. Bunny hugged the girl back, feeling the child’s rough wool robe. Her tiny heart beat against Bunny’s leg. To imagine this girl in flames—it just wasn’t right.

  “And not just one,” Davidson said, nodding to the growing group of girls. “But multiply that by a couple of dozen.”

  Bunny watched the girls rush up to all of them, chattering, happy to be alive. If she’d had any doubt she’d acted correctly, it was gone now.

  “We’ve got to book it,” Levont said, heading for the hills.

  Davidson nodded to Bunny. “Ready for another run?”

  “Sure,” Bunny said. “Why not.”

  “I’ll send a chopper to pick you up two clicks away,” Stark said. “I’ve got to get you guys out as soon as possible. We have a situation brewing in Bangladesh.”

  “What kind of situation?” Davidson asked.

  “A weird one. Some American archeologist is making a stink in Bangladesh. Something about finding an artifact that disproves Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.”

  “That’s not good,” Bunny groaned. “Bangladesh has a primarily Islamic population—however, more importantly, they are the country that is keeping India and Pakistan from blowing each other up. We cannot afford religious unrest in that country.”

  “Alright,” Davidson said. “Bangladesh it is.”

  “Do you want me to send two planes, Bunny?” Stark asked. “One to get you home and one for the men?”

  She looked to the sergeant and then Davidson. “That’ll be one for Drecker to go stateside and one for the rest of us.”

  “Heard and confirmed,” Stark answered.

  Bunny must have lost her mind. But the way Davidson smiled at her, she was kind of glad that she had.


  Thank you so much for exploring our thrillers! Hopefully you found them as exciting to read as we found them to write!!!

  If you enjoyed these tales, could we please ask you a favor and have you go back to Amazon to leave a review, we indie authors live and die by our reviews!

  I’d also like to ask that if you find any typos/errors to please contact me directly. Even though this and all of my books have been put through a gazillion rounds of edits, we are all just human. It really helps if you catch anything to email me at [email protected]

  You might also want to check out the next section for more incredible thrillers from Carolyn!

  Other Works by Carolyn McCray

  The Betrayed Omnibus Series – Carolyn’s controversial historical thriller series

  Have you read the entire Betrayed series? From the prequel short story, Ambush to the post-Shiva EXCLUSIVE short story Mayhem?

  Want them all in one place? Check out The Omnibus Collection - it is a $19.00 value for just $9.99!!!

  Praise for the Betrayed series…

  “Carolyn McCray’s 30 PIECES OF SILVER proves that Dan Brown’s crown is up for grabs. Part minefield and all roller-coaster ride, here is a story as controversial as it is thrilling. Hunker down for a long night, because once you start reading this book, you won’t be putting it down.”

  NYT Top Ten Best Seller

  James Rollins

  Devil Colony

  “With twists and turns galore the pace of Havoc never slows down, you are propelled along like an avalanche. Havoc is an accomplished thriller. I sort of hate to use the word “interesting” which sounds like a book report, but this novel IS interesting as well as being a great read.”


  Amazon Reviewer

  I am hooked on this series …a great mix of religious history, action, and old fashion love. I know there is a sequel. I can nearly wait.


  Amazon Reviewer

  To purchase the Betrayed Series on Amazon, click on the link below…

  The Omnibus Collection

  * * *

  The Harbinger Mystery Thriller Collection

  Hard-boiled mysteries not for the faint of heart

  Anatomy *exclusive to the collection

  The greatly anticipated prequel short story to Plain Jane. See where the Harbinger Mystery series began!

  Plain Jane

  Harbinger's first novel the #1 Bestselling (Police Procedurals and Hard-Boiled Mysteries)

  Dark Lullaby *exclusive to the collection

  Is a 12,000+ word stand-alone short story (with no spoilers) that takes place after the Plain Jane

  My Soul to Keep *exclusive to the collection

  A post-Plain Jane suspense short story, featuring Nicole

  Wallflower *exclusive to the collection

  Pray you aren't noticed - (Book 2 of the Harbinger Mystery Series)

  Shallow Grave *exclusive to the collection

  A 15,000 word Harbinger Mystery Series short story

  Buzz Kill (to be added to the collection October 2013)

  the full-length conclusion to the Harbinger Mystery Series

  Pallor (to be added exclusively to the collection October 2013)

  the “wrap-up” short story, featuring Lucky 37

  Praise for The Harbinger Mysteries…

  “Wickedly macabre and blisteringly paced, Plain Jain marks the debut of a thriller for the new millennium. Brash, funny, terrifying, and shocking, here is a story best enjoyed with all the lights on. Don't say I didn't warn you!”

  NYT Top Ten Best Seller

  James Rollins


  “This book is so creepy. I made the mistake of starting in one night before bed. Not only did the story line keep me turning pages, it freaked me out to the point that I didn't want to turn off my light.”

  The Book Goddess

  Book Reviewer

  “If you think you know what is going to happen, your wrong. I have read so many suspense and crime books that guessing the end gets easier and easier. NOT this time. Be prepared to be hooked from the fist page and loose some sleep because you just can't put it down.”

  Michelle Delgado

  Amazon Reviewer

  To purchase of sample the Harbinger Collection, just click here.

  The Robin Hood Hacker Series – Carolyn’s action packed techno-thriller series

  Praise for the Robin Hook Hacker Series…

  ”Writing a successful sequel is never easy, but in this case Carolyn McCray nailed it! Non-stop thrills and action combined with great new gadgets and more bad guys. Lost in all of this is the witty and humorous dialogue as well as the character development and the blossoming romantic relationships. If that was not enough, she also left us hanging and wanting more. Bravo! Cannot wait for the next installment. Definitely 5 stars.”

  Romano Rubusto

  Amazon Reviewer

  “From the moment I started reading this book, I was in awe. Encrypted is action packed from the first sentence. I couldn't turn the pages fast enough. From hackers, special agents, to the plague, you won't be able to put this one d
own until the end!”

  Book Goddess

  Book Reviewer

  “I've read all the books and this box set is amazing value. Whether you're a fan of action, suspense, techno thrills or its outside you're normal reading patterns, I would definitely recommend this set as the series has something for everyone and will blow your mind...I didn't know what to expect but I got an exciting roller coaster read that was fast paced and thoroughly enjoyable. Hence, I couldn't stop reading the rest of the series! Do yourself a favour, save yourself some time and money by buying the set.”


  Amazon Reviewer

  “What I love about a boxed set is they are in order, on e-book it is just so much easier to not miss a book or be out of order. In the Robin Hood series I would so suggest staying in order. Carolyn McCray is a talented writer that brings you right into the action; you are so with the characters and what is going on. Yes crime is wrong, but sometimes you got to wonder if only this could be real and we could stop the bad guy in their tracks. And these books sure give a feeling of satisfaction. Full bodied story full bodied characters and full bodied action. You will not be disappointed. Well except for wanting another book to keep on reading.”

  Shirleen Miller

  Amazon Reviewer

  To purchase the Robin Hood Hacker Series on Amazon, click on the link below…

  Robin Hood Hacker Collection

  About the Authors

  Carolyn McCray

  Carolyn has had a long and extremely interesting road to become a bestseller.

  When she head to veterinary school those many years ago she had no idea decades later she would be writing controversial historical thrillers, gut wrenching mysteries and roller coaster-style action/adventure tales!

  Born in San Francisco and raised in the beautiful Napa Valley, Carolyn always had an overactive imagination. As a child you could usually find her dragging the neighborhood children out to the haunted barn to make her Nancy Drew-style audio tapes. Oh and did she mention, there was an entire life-sized recreation of the nativity scene in the rafters? Yeah, that wasn’t just a little creepy.


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