The Diary of Anna’s Submission

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The Diary of Anna’s Submission Page 4

by Jenika Snow

  The sheets were cold and smooth against my overheated flesh. Felix moved in beside me and covered us with the blankets. He turned off the light beside the bed and submerged us in darkness, the only light being that of the dusky sky from the sun that had recently set. He pulled me close and I stiffened against his arms. My back was to his chest and I could feel his erect cock nudging my ass.

  “Relax, Anna. Close your eyes and sleep.” His words were soft and quiet in the darkened room.

  Despite the excitement, anxiousness, and tense feelings coursing through me, I closed my eyes. The sound of our combined breathing seemed almost out of place in that inky room. I had never slept beside a man before, had never felt a hard body behind mine, sheltering me, ready to take me. I should have felt more fear for this man, shouldn’t have been so easy to accept what he had to offer, but here I was, sleeping beside a person I had only known for what, an hour or two? He may know everything about me, but I knew nothing about him.

  Slowly I felt myself relax as the days activities settled into me. My bones and muscles ached and my pussy throbbed with unfulfilled need. That was the last thing I remembered before sleep took hold of me.

  May 18th

  I woke today to the sun warming my face. For a moment I didn’t think of anything except how wonderful it felt on me, how alive it made me feel. It’s strange how you can wake up and remember nothing and then everything from the previous day slams into you. That is what happened this morning:

  I blinked several times and stretched. My bare legs brushed against someone else, stirring them behind me. I froze, and that was when everything slammed back into my mind. What I did with him the night before tumbled back full force. Images of what Felix did to me filled my mind, brought me back to last night, and made me needy all over again.

  I looked over my shoulder and saw him already awake and staring at me. I mumbled my need to use the restroom, and when I slipped from beneath the covers I remembered I was naked. It made no difference now of course, he had already seen me nude, but I couldn’t help how uncomfortable I felt as I hurried to the bathroom. I shut the door and used the toilet, thinking over and over again about what had happened.

  A knock on the door startled me and I stared at the dark wood. “Anna.” His voice was muffled by the wood.

  I didn’t answer for a moment but snapped out of my haze quickly. “Yes?”

  “Why don’t you take a nice shower and I’ll make you some breakfast.”

  This was so odd, so surreal. Here was Master Felix, a man known for his dominance, right outside my door wanting to make me breakfast. “Okay.” Silence greeted me. I strained to hear, and then slightly jumped when he spoke again.

  “I set you an outfit to wear on the bed. Please slip it on and then join me in the dining room.” I heard him retreat.

  I started the shower and quickly washed myself. I had to bite the inside of my mouth to keep from groaning every time my hand skimmed over my breasts or bare mound. They were so sensitive. When I got out and toweled off, I turned around and glanced at my ass. It felt so tender, and now I knew why. A few bruises marred my flesh and I felt my pussy moisten at the thought of how I had gotten those marks. I closed my eyes as I remembered Felix’s palm coming down on my cheek, so hard, so good.

  What are you getting yourself into? How many times have I asked myself that since yesterday? I shook my head and wrapped the towel around me. Cracking the door open, I peeked outside and saw the bedroom was empty. After slipping out of the bathroom I stood at the edge of the bed and I saw what was laid out on the comforter. Blinking several times, I picked up the strip of sheer material and held it up.

  What I was looking at was not what I considered clothing. The lingerie was completely transparent and my cheeks heated with embarrassment. Turning toward the closed bedroom door, I couldn’t believe he actually expected me to wear this. Taking a long, steadying breath, I turned back toward the bed, dropped the towel and slipped the teddy on. The underwear was more miniscule than the thong I had worn yesterday. The tiny string pressed against my anus and slit, making me acutely aware of what other things I wanted pressed there.

  I went back into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was damp but starting to dry and curl at the tips. The sheer white cami looked extremely innocent yet erotic all at the same time. The lace edge of the shirt barley touched the top of my thighs. My breasts were unrestrained and hung freely. My areolas seemed dark pressed against the dainty whiteness of the material.

  I turned and stepped out of the bathroom and gasped when I saw Felix leaning against the doorframe. His gaze looked dark as it ran up and down my body. I felt the need to cover myself, but when I lifted my arms to do just that a firm shake of his head stopped me.

  “I told you to come downstairs, Anna.”

  How long had he been watching me? I became warm, but not just from the embarrassment that he probably watched me dress. He held his hand out for me and I stepped forward and slipped my palm into his. He pulled me to him, hard and rough, and I let out a squeak when my chest pressed against his. The feeling of his heart beating was strong against me. His muscles, the strength he wielded left me breathless and I felt moisture pooling at the junction between my thighs.

  He was gentle with me, despite his brute strength, and I felt myself breaking, seeping into his touch. Felix tipped me back and ran his thumb along my cheek bone. Staring into his eyes, I saw the midnight blue of his irises flecked with emerald. I felt transfixed, mesmerized, and frightened because I knew he would be my downfall. It’s crazy to even think it, but I knew, at that exact moment, Felix would not only break me, he would shape me into what I needed most.

  He led me out of the room and down the hall. The smell of frying bacon and eggs penetrated my lust filled brain and my stomach gave a hearty growl. He chuckled ahead of me and I stared at his back. The white tee he wore was formed along the wide expanse, his muscles flexing with each shift of his body.

  When we entered the kitchen I saw the table already set, orange juice in a carafe, and several covered dishes scattered atop the dark wood. Felix pulled out a chair and I moved as if to sit in it. He stopped me before I even took two steps, and instead seated himself in it and pulled me onto his lap. I could feel the rough scrape of his denim across my bare ass cheeks, and could feel the defined outline of his stiff cock. He draped my legs over his thighs and stared at me for a moment. I started to shift uneasily, not sure how I should feel about the way he was watching me. It made me feel naked, as if my very soul was on display, bare to the world with all its hidden secrets and fears. It was unsettling but almost comforting in the same sense.

  His large hand rested on my lower back, a silent strength that made me feel content and aroused all in the same breath. I could smell his cologne, so wild and powerful that I felt drunk on it. He lifted the lid on each dish, the assortment of food wafting around me in a cacophony of aromas and temptation. Speared on the end of a fork, he brought a square of golden brown pancake to my mouth. I lifted my hand to take the fork but a firm shake of his head stopped my advance.

  “No, Anna. Let me feed you.” He pressed the utensil to my lips and the sticky sweetness of the syrup coated my mouth and slipped over my tongue. I opened wider and took the light and fluffy square off the prongs. We never broke eye contact, and I felt as if this was so much more intimate than simply him feeding me.

  With every swipe of my tongue over the metal prongs, I felt myself becoming more and more aroused. It was strange, to be feeling so much desire over a simple act, but the longer he stared at me, the more I heated. His eyes riveted to my lips, I felt my pussy become wet and moved slightly. His jaw clenched tightly when my ass pressed more firmly against his cock.

  He continued to feed me until I had to shake my head. “No, thank you. I’m full.” Was I supposed to speak? I didn’t know what was allowed and what wasn’t, but when he didn’t get that hardened look, I felt a shimmer of relief and a touch of disappoint waf
t through me. His punishments may be for the soul purpose of teaching me a lesson, but I couldn’t help the way my pussy contracted or seeped fresh cream when I thought about his sweet torture.

  Leaning back in his seat, he let go of the fork and it made a resounding clank against the china. His gaze on me, I felt like a specimen under a microscope from his intense stare.

  “How are you feeling?”

  Swallowing, my throat was dry and scratchy. I licked my lips as my nerves seemed intent on being on a tight wire. “Fine.”

  He didn’t speak for so long that I began to get uneasy. Finally, when he spoke I felt my heart jackknife in my chest. “Good. I want you to suck my cock, Anna.” He smirked and helped me to stand. Pushing the chair back, he spread his legs and ushered me forward. “On your knees between my legs.” His hands went to his belt and started to undo it as I stepped between his legs. His demand had been so abrupt that I felt like Alice down the rabbit hole. Sinking to the floor, because my legs couldn’t hold me up any longer, I watched in rapt awe as his big fingers undid his jeans. The bite of cold tile against my knees had me breathing out in hard, fast pants. I lifted my shaky hands and rested them on his strong thighs. His muscles flexed beneath my palms as he worked the button and zipper down.

  I expected him to pull his cock out, but once he was finished undoing his pants, he placed his hands on the armrests and stared down at me. I looked from the flash of golden skin that was revealed in the gap of material and then back at his face. I didn’t have to be a genius to know he wanted me to take it out. Licking my lips again, which I was finding a nasty habit, I reached forward and pulled both sides of his pants back farther and saw a dark trail of hair disappearing beneath the jeans.

  Gripping the edges, he lifted his hips and I pulled his jeans down so that his shaft was exposed. He was rock hard, the skin stretched tight over his cock and flushed red. I couldn’t move for the longest time, couldn’t do anything but stare at it. I had been staring at his penis for so long that I felt my face and ears become hot. Snapping out of my haze, I wrapped my hand around his girth, not able to touch my fingers together. I had never given head before, but realized I wanted to with a frenzied desperation. I glanced up, searching his face in hopes that I wouldn’t displease him. The desire to make him feel good was strong within me. He caressed my cheek and cupped the back of my head.

  “Lick the tip, baby, then suck it into your mouth and move your tongue around.”

  I was thankful he was guiding me, and I assumed he knew how inexperienced I was. He urged my head forward and I lifted his cock so it was pointing right at me. I opened my mouth and stuck my tongue out, running it over the flared head. I immediately tasted the saltiness of his cum on my taste buds. It was like nothing I had ever tasted before, and although it wasn’t something that was especially tempting to the palate, I found myself loving it in my mouth.

  Running my tongue all over the wide head, I could see Felix’s hands gripping the armrests with an iron grip. I felt a swell of triumph that I was having an effect on him. I grew bolder and pressed my tongue into the slit at the tip and felt him shudder beneath my hands. I chanced a look up at him and saw his gaze was on me, his eyes seeming darker than ever. Opening my mouth wider, I sucked just the head in and ran my tongue over the underside of his shaft. I lowered my mouth on him, taking as much as I could and feeling my pussy grow wetter and more sensitive. I squeezed my eyes and legs shut when pleasure slammed into me. The pressure on my clit was almost too much, and coupled with Felix’s cock in my mouth, I knew I could come right then with just a little more stimulation.

  I tried to engulf as much of him as I could, but I hadn’t even gotten half of his dick in my mouth when the tip hit the back of my throat and I gagged. He was just too big. His hips started to rise when I began to really suck him. I bobbed my head faster and sucked deeper. His hands were on my head, gripping my hair so there was a slight sting of pain that increased my arousal.

  “Stop, Anna.”

  I should have learned my lesson last night. When he said to stop, he meant it, but I couldn’t help myself. I knew he was close to coming, could taste the small jets of semen that seeped out of him with every pull of my lips. I don’t know why he was denying himself the pleasure I gave him. I gripped his thighs tight in my hands, digging my nails into his flesh as I moaned around his flesh. A strangled sound came from him and I knew he was close.

  Before I could taste his hot, thick cum down my throat he took a hold of my upper arms and pulled me away. The sound of his cock leaving the tight suction of my mouth gave a resounding pop in the room. Both of us breathed hard as we stared at each other. The tight grip of his hands on my flesh brought me back the present. The fact that he was angry was tangible.

  “You need to learn to obey, Anna. You must be a gluten for punishment.” Words clipped and terse, he stood and pulled me up so quickly I became dizzy. He pulled me toward the bedroom with determined yet paced steps. My mind wasn’t my own, and it seemed that my body was moving on its own accord. I was so dazed and drunk from the pleasure of sucking his cock I couldn’t even see straight.

  Before I even knew what was happening he had me thrown on the bed and on my back. My top slid up, exposing my breasts. They spilled free of their transparent home and jiggled from the force of my landing. His hands gripped my inner thighs and wrenched them open. He was rough, using the power in his arms to make me do what he wanted. I sucked in air at the feel of unused muscles pulling and burning, but the pain woke up a darker side of pleasure I hadn’t known possible. His pants were still undone and his erect cock hung over the material.

  He palmed one of my breasts at the same time he gripped his shaft and started to stroke it with unhurried strokes. His thumb and forefinger pulled at my nipple for a moment before he slid his palm down my belly. The feeling of his heavy hand resting right above my pussy had me involuntarily arching my back, seeking him, needing him. The sound of his deep chuckle seemed almost sinister, but that dark sound made me feel so alive.

  Slipping his finger under the elastic of my g-string, he pulled it away from my body until it tightened on my slit. A muffled sound came out of me as the fabric pulled against my clit, the sensation almost bordering on pain for a second before the material finally gave out and tore away from me. All the while he never stopped jerking off, the sight and sound of his hand moving faster and faster over his hard flesh so erotic it had me on the verge of climaxing.

  I spread my legs wider, desperately needing him to touch my pussy, rub my engorged clit. I reached up, as if to cup my breasts.

  “No, Anna. Put your arms above your head and leave them there.” His voice was strained, as if talking was almost too much of a task at the moment.

  I did as he asked, feeling my torso stretch and my breasts lift. My swollen clit was neglected while he started to tweak my nipple, his other hand pumping fast over his cock. My gaze was riveted to the sight of him masturbating, of his hand moving over himself, of his balls swinging from the momentum.

  He shifted so that he was leaning close. I felt the wet tip of his shaft rub along my belly. We were both panting, our breath mingling, heating, arousing. He pressed his lips to mine, so soft, so light that it was as if they weren’t there at all. He started to press his cock head against me, and after a few quick jerks he pulled back and came on a low groan. I watched him ejaculate, the white, milky spunk arching out of him and landing on my belly and breasts.

  “Look at how pretty you are with my cum all over you, Anna.”

  I watched as the last drop of his jizz dripped from the slit of his cock. He crawled forward and brought the tip of his shaft to my mouth and started running it over my lips. Glancing at him nervously, I saw his dark grin.

  “Lick my cock, Anna. Suck the rest of the cum out, baby. Taste yourself on me.”

  I lifted up, making sure to keep my arms above my head and opened my mouth wide. Sucking in the tip, I tasted his salty semen slide over my tongue. I grew crazed�
��licking, sucking, swallowing. He gripped a chunk of my hair and brought my face closer. I could smell him, potent, exhilarating. When his cock grew soft in my mouth he pulled away and walked into the bathroom. I dropped back to the bed and didn’t move. My pussy was so swollen, so primed that if he would have just ran his thumb over my clit I would have climaxed.

  He returned from the bathroom with a rag in his hand and came over to me, wiping his spunk from my body with gentle motions. I squeezed my hands together, my nails biting into my palms. I was so hypersensitive to his touch. I wanted him with a fierce passion, and knew he could see the need and desperation on my face, but he didn’t give me the relief I needed.

  May 19th

  Last night all Felix did was hold me. I had been hoping he would fuck me, as crude as that sounds, I wanted his dick in me so bad. I saw a sliver of his dominating tendencies last night, but he had been pretty tame thus far, well, compared to what I had seen at Claudette’s. I remembered what he looked like at the club, like a King or General, or someone of high importance, showing his strength, not letting his prisoner have mercy. He told me last night that tomorrow my real lessons would begin. I won’t lie, a small part of me is scared to see that part, but there was another part, one that wanted to be before him on my knees, accepting his dominance.

  The day thus far hasn’t been anything spectacular, hell, he has barely touched me. Like right now, we are in separate corners, him reading a thick book, me writing in my black bound-diary. I wonder what he’s thinking. Wonder if he is picturing what he’ll do to me tonight. I get chills just thinking about it, just imagining what it will be like.

  Hell, I wish he would say something, just look at me so I can see an expression filter across his face. The suspense and anticipation is killing me, and I think this might be all part of the game. Tomorrow’s entry should be pretty interesting.


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