The Diary of Anna’s Submission

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The Diary of Anna’s Submission Page 6

by Jenika Snow

  Without a second glance, he attached the clip to my swollen bud and I groaned aloud. A dark look crossed his features. I bit my lip, tasting blood, and felt it throb in response. He brought his finger to his mouth and gestured for me to stay quiet.

  His hands were everywhere, smoothing over my thighs, my belly, my neck and face. His finger glided over my lips and then dipped into my mouth, wetting the digit before bringing it back out to run it over my bottom lip. He pushed away from me and my eyes instantly slipped to his crotch. I could see the bulge pressing against the fly of his jeans, but aside from that he seemed so level and calm.

  He picked up the box again and stared at me. I may be a virgin but I wasn’t naive into thinking he was going to turn that on and I wouldn't feel anything. He didn’t move for a long time and I started to shift, feeling the pinch of those clips on my erogenous zones. Finally, he turned the small switch on and my nipples and clit started to vibrate violently. I arched my back and let out a cry as intense pleasure slammed into me. I was already so perilously close to orgasm that I knew I would come any second. Right when my climax would have crested the vibrating stopped and I was left feeling dazed.

  The feeling of Felix’s fingers slipping over my swollen pussy had me twitching and wanting to grind myself against his hand. Just as my body cooled and I was able to think more clearly, he turned the machine back on and the vibrating resumed. I felt those waves of electricity all the way down to my marrow.

  He did this over and over again. He would turn the machine on, and right when I was about to come, he would turn it off and play with my breasts or my pussy. His actions were never ending and drove me to the point of insanity. I could hear myself mumbling, pleading softly for release.

  “Sweet, sweet, Anna. Your begging is like music to my ears. Speak up love and tell me what you want.”

  I peeled my eyes open and stared at Felix. His form wavered for a second before it finally became focused. “Felix.” My voce sounded hoarse, as if I hadn’t spoke in years.

  “What is it, sweetness?”

  “Oh God, Felix. Please let me come, please.” I could see a flash of excitement cover his face and felt myself heat to the point that I was boiling. With no more then a few flicks of his hand, the clips were off my body and tossed to the bed. The feeling of blood rushing back to my nipples and clit throbbed like they had their own heartbeats. Stepping off the bed he removed his pants and my eyes riveted to the monstrous flesh that sprung up between his legs. Nestled from a trimmed thatch of black hair, his cock was as thick as my wrists and longer than anything I had ever seen.

  He grabbed a circle of latex and quickly sheathed himself before moving between my spread thighs. I could feel the hard, hot length of Felix slip against my slit and wanted to wither against him. I wanted to lift my hips until I felt that massive erection spear me and bring me to the completion I so desperately wanted. His palms on my breasts were rough and skillful, plucking, teasing me until I had to bite my tongue to keep from moaning.

  The need to wrap my legs around his waist, to bring him closer to me, seemed paramount. My legs were bound and I was at his mercy. Gripping my restraints tighter, I felt the material dig into my flesh and cause a delicious burn. He slanted his mouth against mine and speared his tongue through my lips. I could feel the heat of his body as well as his passion through that kiss. It was like a brand on me, marking me as his, and showing me what he had inside of him.

  He started a slow grind of his pelvis against my pussy, his cock pressing against my labia and spreading them wider so he was nestled between my lips. The root of his cock nudged at my clit, sending me closer and closer to where I needed it to go. I hadn’t understood why he made it sound like the vibrating nipple and clit clamps were a treat for me when he hadn’t let me come, but as he kept pressing against me, I realized that small machine had racked my desire so high that when he did let me come it would be the sweetest pain.

  Breaking the kiss, his breath coasted over my mouth in quick pants. I could feel the head of his cock brush against my pussy hole, knew that if I just arched my hips ever so slightly he would be wedged in my body. I wanted him with a desperation that rivaled insanity. I wanted him to continue to dominate me and show me what it truly meant to submit.

  Reaching up, he gripped the silk wrap that hung off my neck and twisted it around his fist. He leaned back slightly and reached between our bodies to align his cock with my pussy. When the crown of his dick pressed against my hole, I instantly clamped down, trying to draw him in, feel those thick inches inside of me. He pulled his hips back and a frown crested over his brow.

  “Now, now, Anna. You need to learn a little self control.”

  He tightened the scarf, the pressure building around my neck. I could still breathe, but there was that thought in the back of my mind that told me he could tighten the silk to the point where I couldn’t draw air in, and I was helpless to stop him. That thought alone had fresh moisture seeping out of me and a look of triumph covering Felix’s features.

  “I knew you would be like this, Anna. I knew a little asphyxiation play would make you bloom like a rose.”

  Pressing his cock to my cunt again, he wedged the head inside of me. He still kept a firm hold on the scarf and I sucked air in, trying desperately to stay calm. I wasn’t worried he would tighten the material too hard, but the very idea that the threat was right there had excitement coursing though me.

  The thickness of Felix’s cock was substantial to the point where I felt like he was stretching me too wide. The burn and pain only amplified my pleasure. I needed this, wanted this, had to have it. As he continued to tunnel into me, I felt gush after gush of hot moisture pour from me and coat his cock, making his way easier, smoother. His jaw was clenched so tight I could see the muscles working just below the skin.

  The more inches he shoved into me, the tighter the scarf became until I was gasping for air, feeling my orgasm perilously close to the surface. When he was less than half way in, he suddenly stopped and I noticed a small bead of sweat start to slip down the side of his face. He loosened his hold on the scarf and reared his hips back.

  “Oh, Anna...” His husky growl was the only thing he said before he pushed all the way into me with so much force I felt my body shift farther up the bed. The material around my neck tightened once again, and I felt the twinge of pain as he no doubt broke through my hymen.

  Once he was fully embedded inside of me I felt my inner muscles clutch him frantically. He didn’t give me time to adjust to his girth, just started pulling out and slamming his cock into my pussy in quick, measured strokes. All it took was the feel of his cock stroking against my clit, the tightness of the scarf cutting off my airway, and the sound of my wet cunt sucking at his hard cock eagerly, and I was crying out in orgasm.

  The pleasure and pain continued on and on, the feeling of my lungs not getting enough air making me hotter, more eager for Felix. Even when my orgasm finally resided, the pleasure was still there. He didn’t stop, in fact, he started to move faster and harder, and I felt another orgasm crest within me. I watched him with wide eyes, seeing the tension on his face and in his body, and knowing he had to be close to coming. With that being my last thought, he grunted once, pulled out for me, ripped the condom off his cock, and started jerking off between my thighs.

  I watched transfixed as thick, white spunk shot out of him and landed on my pussy. His cum was hot and slick, sliding down my cleft and having me panting from the eroticism of the act. He slowed his stroking, small drops of cum dripping out of the tip of his cock, and leaned back. He seemed to be riveted to the sight of his cum coating my pussy. His eyes were heavy lidded, his mouth partway open as he panted. When he finally moved off of me, I watched him go into the bathroom. The sound of running water pierced my sated brain, and a moment later he came back to me with a rag in hand.

  He first untied my ankles and then moved up to untie my wrists and remove the scarf from around my neck. My limbs flopped limply
to the bed, the circulation starting to return and causing a painful tingling sensation to travel through them. Movement didn’t sound appealing at the moment, and when I felt the warm washrag touch my tender vagina, I involuntarily winced in response. Blood tinged the fabric and a spark of some unknown emotion washed through me. Felix had taken my virginity, had taken me irrevocably. That brought forth a sense of completeness to me.

  He was so gentle, and given the fact of how he had just taken my virginity, with a good, hard fucking, it was almost surreal in nature. It was strange to see such a powerful man such as Felix tending to me as if he cared about me. It was a silly notion to think that he could want me more than just a sub to break in, but I couldn’t help but wonder about the looks I saw him give me, or the way he touched me at times that seemed as if he truly did care about me more than just a sexual conquest.

  Maybe I would never know what he intended to do with me, and maybe I was just a woman he desired to control, but whatever it was, I had this feeling deep down inside of me that ached for something much more. The feelings left me embarrassed and confused. I hardly knew him aside from what I learned at the club, and here at the cabin, but I knew I wanted to know more, knew I wanted to explore everything about Felix until he was just as bare to me as I was to him.

  When he was finished cleaning me, I closed my eyes and sighed in bliss. I was so thoroughly sated, both physically and emotionally, that all I wanted to do was curl into a ball and sleep until I couldn’t sleep any longer. The bed dipping beside me brought my eyes open and I turned to stare at Felix as he climbed onto bed next to me. Pulling me close, I felt the heat from his body penetrate me. The feeling of his warm, muscular body cocooning mine was like a security blanket. His arms wrapped around me and I curled up, letting the sound of his strong, beating heart lull me to sleep.

  May 20th

  All I've been able to think about today is the experience Felix gave me. He stripped something away from me that I hadn’t known was there. I was more sensitive both in mind and body. Every time I moved by him he would brush against me or touch a part of my body. It was like he was claiming me without penetrating me. What I did know was that I was perpetually on edge, so wet and ready to take him into my body that it made my thinking scattered and my body needy.

  He didn’t speak to me in a conversational way today, but the orders he gave me were plenty. At one point I was kneeling before him as he handfed me pieces of fruit. Most might find that humiliating, but I found that I loved staring up at him, taking those morsels off his fingers and hoping he would caress my cheek as a reward. I was definitely changing, or maybe I was already changed. I didn’t know what it was, but I knew that when he had fucked me last night I became different. Or maybe I wasn’t different at all, maybe this is who I have always been but never truly known until Felix had shown me?

  He gave me time to myself, let me do as I pleased, but I learned that when he wanted something done, he wanted it done now and I was not to disobey him in the slightest. His appetite for me became darker today, or maybe he had just been going easy on me. Whatever it was, when he took me into the bedroom and I saw the sexual paraphernalia spread out before us, I knew what we had done last night was only the beginning.

  As we stepped through the threshold of the bedroom I couldn’t help but feel my eyes widen at the sexual devices laid out. Something that looked acutely like a sawhorse my father used to have in his garage was set up in the center of the room, dark leather covering it, restraints hanging above it and shifting from the current of air. The same table from the previous night was set up in the corner, but this time there was no material covering it. Ball gags, whips, floggers, and cat-o-nine tails graced the smooth wood and caused me to hyperventilate.

  There was an assortment of other sexual devices, and I prayed he didn’t use them all on me tonight. I feared even that might be too much for me to handle. He gripped my hand and drew me out of my thoughts. All sorts of images played through my mind, the next more exciting than the last.

  He led me over to the sawhorse, the contraption that seemed to be the main attraction. Without a word, he stripped me bare and ushered me to lean over it. The cold leather startled me momentarily, and I struggled to hold in my gasp. Despite the leather covering the wood, I could still feel the bite of the edge dig into my skin. I drew my eyes up when I heard a strange whirling noise. The restraints that hung from the ceiling above me slowly descended.

  I glanced to the side, saw Felix pressing a button that had been concealed behind a panel, and then glanced above me again to watch the restraints continue to lower until they were right in front of my face. I could only imagine what other kind of contraptions he had hidden in this room.

  He took three long strides toward me and, without saying anything or looking at me, attached my wrists to the manacles. Then he went behind me, and I looked around to see what he was doing. Felix was crouched on his haunches, pushing my thighs apart to attach each ankle to a manacle, which were attached to the legs of the sawhorse. Again, I was spread wide, the chilled air brushing along my already wet slit.

  He pressed another button, this time causing the ropes that bound my hands to ascend. I felt myself slowly rise off the sawhorse, but not enough that my belly wasn’t touching it any longer. My shoulders protested from the unusual position, but with my back arched, my breasts thrust out, my ass in the air, and my cunt spread wide, I was more acutely aware of the pleasure still coursing through me than I had ever been.

  I trusted Felix, but in this position I felt defenseless, and I’ll admit, a little frightened. I watched with a mixture of apprehension and fascination as he moved over to the table and ran his hands over the toys. He grabbed a gag, thankfully not the ball kind, and then one of the floggers. My ass was still sore from the previous night, and I feared I wouldn’t be able to handle what he had in store. He turned around and stared at me, a small smirk lifting the side of his mouth. He came and stood right in front of me. Running the flogger across one of my breasts, I felt my nipple stand up from the touch. The flogger, I noticed a little wearily, was studded. I was panting by now, fear taking a stronger hold on me and making me feel lightheaded.

  “My sweet, Anna. You seem worried.” He ran the flogger over my other breast, his gaze never leaving mine. “Tell me what’s on your mind.”

  I swallowed and stared down at both sex toys he held and then back at him. “I’m scared, Felix.” A dark brow rose and the sting of the flogger hitting my breast had me arching my back even further.

  “What are you frightened of?” He smacked my other breast, the sound of slapping flesh reverberating throughout the room.

  “I don’t know,” I whispered, not sure what I was frightened of, in all honesty. I glanced down, saw how red my breasts had become.

  “Do you think I would harm you to the point where you wouldn’t find pleasure in it?"

  I thought about his question, knowing that even though there had been pain in our sexual acts, there was also intense pleasure that followed. “No, I don’t think that.” Licking my lips, I watched him for any sign of what he might be thinking.

  “You aren’t having second thoughts are you, Anna?” He took a step back and watched me as if I was the prey and he was the predator.

  “I’m just frightened of…how I feel.” Finally the words spilled from my mouth and my emotions were laid bare for him. He smiled reassuringly and took a step forward, caressing my cheek and making warmth blossom inside of me. I loved the feeling of his hands on my skin, heating me, arousing me, calming me all in the same touch.

  “I would never do anything to harm you, Anna. I chose you because I saw something in here.” He placed his hand over my heart, the heavy weight like a silent reminder that even though I was scared shitless, Felix was here to guide and protect me. “I want to show you what you can feel, what you can experience. I want to open your eyes to a whole different world that is just beyond your fingertips. Although punishment is part of the lesson, noth
ing is meant to hurt or scar you. My only intention is to please you.” Felix leaned in and kissed me. There was no tongue, no urgency, just a press of our mouths together and the heat of our bodies.

  When he stepped away I knew what I wanted, knew this is how I was supposed to feel. My soul was laid out before him, so defenseless that if he wanted to he could rip it away and leave me dying on the floor. A fierce analogy, I know, but there are no better words to describe the emotions and sensations going through me.

  When the kiss ended, I was left with a sense of emptiness, but that feeling soon left me as I sensed Felix moving behind me. His hands were firm and warm on my ass. Grabbing the flesh in his palms, he squeezed the globes with a soft and tender touch. He let go and I felt my ass jiggle slightly, but then he was right back to grabbing and clenching the flesh. Over and over he did this until I found myself pressing back, seeking out his touch, inviting him to slip one of those big, strong hands between my thighs and play with my pussy. The feeling of his hand spanking one of my ass cheeks had me going on my toes—as much as I could—and groaning.

  “You are to stay still, Anna, and you are not make a sound.” He snaked his hand up my back, tracing my spine with his fingertips, and gripped my shoulder. His fingers dug into my flesh, a silent reminder as to who was in charge. “You will come when I give you permission. Not a second before that. Do you understand, pet?”

  “Yes, Felix, I understand.”

  “That’s a good girl.”

  Smack! Smack!


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