I Heard It All Before

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I Heard It All Before Page 23

by Chenell Parker

  “How’s it going?” Randy asked as he nervously stirred sugar in the iced tea that was in front of him.

  “I’m good. What’s the deal with you?” Cam inquired.

  “Man,” Randy sighed as he ran his hand down the side of his face, “I don’t even know where to start.”

  “Shit, start at the beginning,” Cam coerced.

  “I first wanna say that I’m sorry about everything that happened between us. I fucked up and I’m not too big to admit that. Fucking with Asha was the biggest mistake that I’ve ever made in my life,” Randy admitted.

  “I’m sure it was, but I just wanna know why. You were my friend long before Asha was my girl. Truthfully, you were more than just my friend, you were like my brother,” Cam admitted.

  “Aside from jealousy, I really didn’t have a reason,” Randy admitted.

  “What were you jealous of though? If I had, you had, and I made sure of that,” Cam replied.

  “I know man, but you were always the popular one. All the women wanted you and I hated that shit. I got tired of being your shadow and playing the background. Then, when Asha got in my ear, I just took that shit and ran with it,” Randy added.

  “Honestly, I was more hurt by your actions than Asha’s. I already knew what she was capable of, so I wasn’t surprised. Asha was my girl for years and I told you how she was. I don’t know why you thought shit was gon’ be different with you. Asha is a manipulator, but I’m sure you know that by now.”

  “I should have listened to you too. Fucking with her trifling ass got me broke and all messed up. That’s why I wanted to see you,” Randy said while looking into Cam’s eyes.

  “I hope it’s not to ask for money. If so, we can end this shit right here and now. I agreed to meet you, but that don’t mean that shit is sweet between us,” Cam replied.

  “No, I’m not here to ask you for anything. I’m here to give you something,” Randy said as he slid a gold envelope over to Cam and told him to open it.

  Cam dumped the contents of the envelope on the table, looking on in confusion as a set of keys fell out of it. He read over the paperwork that was inside and everything became clear.

  “So, you want me to buy your shop from you?” Cam inquired.

  “No, I want you to accept it as a gift,” Randy replied.

  “What? No man, I can’t do that. You just said that you’re broke. The shop is in a damn good location and I’ll be happy to take it off your hands if the price is right,” Cam said.

  “There is no price Cam, it’s yours. All the paperwork has been finalized and switched over to you. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t even have it at all. It’s the least that I can do after the kind of friend that I’ve been to you,” Randy acknowledged.

  “Can you do that legally? Can you just sign your business over to somebody else like that?” Cam questioned.

  “It’s very legal. I’m the sole proprietor, so all I had to do was transfer ownership to you. You can let a lawyer look over it, but I promise you that everything is in order,” Randy swore.

  Cam didn’t have to go far to look for an attorney. He was gonna let Demi look over everything as soon as he got home. He didn’t understand Randy’s logic though. If he was hurting for money, why was he giving it away so freely? His business could have sold for thousands and he was turning it down. Something wasn’t right and Cam needed to know what was up.

  “What’s going on Randy?” Cam questioned.

  “And those two sealed envelopes, make sure you give one to my mama and one to Nia. Their names are on them,” Randy answered, pointing to some of the items that Cam had dumped onto the table.

  “Okay, I will, but I still feel like there’s something that you’re not saying,” Cam speculated.

  “I fucked up man. I fucked up big time and I really don’t know what to do,” Randy confessed.

  “Fucked up how?” Cam questioned.

  “Man, it’s like this,” Randy began. “I started dealing with that nigga Lo, but you already know that. We used to meet up at your cousin Laila’s house, but I’m sure you know that too. But, anyway, one day, Asha got this bright idea that we should rob Lo and take his dope and his money. Like a fool, I followed the nigga around for a little while and then her brothers ran up in his house when him and his wife came home one night.”

  “Wait, so Asha’s brothers ran up in Lo’s house and robbed him?” Cam asked, recalling the story that Demi told him about the three intruders who forced their way into her home. That sounded like something that Asha’s brothers would do, so Cam wasn’t at all surprised.

  “Yeah, and they knocked him and his wife around and shit. I just waited in the car up the street until they were done. So, we got away with that but, not too long ago, I got busted with a lot of dope and went to jail,” Randy confessed.

  “Damn man. I hope you got a good ass lawyer. You’re gonna need one,” Cam replied.

  “Wait, there’s more. I stayed locked up for a few weeks and I almost lost my damn mind, until one of the detectives came at me about helping them out,” Randy continued.

  “Helping them with what?” Cam questioned.

  “They wanted me to give up Lo in exchange for my freedom,” Randy answered.

  “I hope you turned them down. Please tell me that you turned them down,” Cam begged.

  “I couldn’t man. That was the only way that they let me go. I told everybody that my mama put her house up, but that was a lie. My mom’s ain’t even fucking with me like that right now,” Randy acknowledged.

  “Why not?” Cam inquired. Randy’s mother reminded him of his own. She was always there for him and supported his dreams just the same.

  “She hated that I was messing with Asha, especially since she knew that you were with her first. Then, she got wind of me selling drugs and she didn’t want no parts of it. I called her from jail and she hung up in my face. If I didn’t give up Lo, I would still be behind bars,” Randy said.

  “You probably would have been better off. That nigga Lo gon’ be out for blood when he finds out,” Cam pointed out.

  “I know, but what other choice did I have?” Randy asked.

  “You should have taken that L and kept it pushing. The fucked-up part is that you’ll still probably go to jail, even after helping them with their case,” Cam informed him.

  “I already know. I did everything that they told me to do and they’re still talking five to ten years. I’m a first-time offender, but they didn’t even take that into consideration. They wanted to put eyes on Lo, so I gave them all the locations that I’ve known him to frequent, including the place where he picks up his packages. They didn’t have shit without me and they lied to me about everything,” Randy said angrily.

  “That’s how it goes bruh. They’ll lie and tell you everything that you want to hear to get what they want. I lost count of how many times they tried to come at me with that bullshit. They might reduce your sentence, but snitching doesn’t guarantee you no jail time at all. I wish you wouldn’t have done that though. I appreciate you wanting to give me your shop, but you really need the money. I was lucky enough to have my pops showing up to court for me, but that shit ain’t cheap. You need a lawyer and you need one bad,” Cam warned him.

  “I don’t need no lawyer because I’m not going to jail,” Randy replied.

  “Didn’t you just say that they offered you five to ten years?” Cam reminded him.

  “Yeah, but I’m not sticking around to do it. I’m dead either way. Once Lo finds out what I did, he’s gonna kill me anyway. I can’t do no jail time because I’m not strong enough for that. I don’t see how you did that shit all those times,” Randy replied.

  “I really didn’t have a choice. If it was up to Asha, I would have been in the same predicament as you. She don’t give a fuck about nothing but the money. I’m sorry that I’m about to have a baby with her thirsty ass,” Cam complained.

  “That bitch is the devil, but I can’t wait until all the wrong t
hat she does catches up with her. You’re who she wants and I’m happy as hell that she can’t have you,” Randy replied.

  “I’ve already moved on and I’m happy with my choice,” Cam acknowledged.

  “I’m happy to hear that,” Randy said with a forced smile.

  It’s not that he wasn’t happy for his friend, he just had a lot of other things on his mind. Randy was lost and, for the first time in a while, he felt alone. There was a time when he knew that Cam would have his back, but he fucked that up by being a fool for Asha. Crazy thing was, he knew that Asha was still in love with Cam. She never even tried to deny it. Randy wanted her to love him that way, but he knew that she never did. He was her puppet and she pulled the strings well.

  “You’re gonna go on the run, aren’t you?” Cam asked him.

  Randy was making moves like he was about to leave and never come back. He was writing letters to people and giving away shit like he knew he wouldn’t see them for a while. Randy had done him dirty, but Cam felt bad for him. Randy wasn’t built for that life and he kept trying to tell him that. Randy and Kobe were good boys and they kept Cam balanced. They were supposed to always have each other’s backs, but Randy fell off somewhere along the way.

  “Good luck with everything Cam. Cars are your life, so I know that your businesses will do well. The shop is the same as it was when you left. All you have to do is hire some more people and it’s all good from there. I know that you probably have to go, so I won’t hold you,” Randy said, ignoring Cam’s previous assumption.

  “I know that we haven’t talked since everything went down, but if you need me, just call me. I mean that shit Randy,” Cam replied.

  “Your forgiveness is all I need,” Randy said as he reached his hand out for Cam to shake.

  “You already got it,” Cam said as he grabbed his hand and pulled him up into a hug.

  Randy felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, as he and Cam embraced just like old times. He regretted a lot of things in life and betraying his best friend for Asha was right at the top of that list. He also regretted how he did Nia, and he hoped and prayed that his letter would explain things to her better than he ever could. He poured his heart out on paper, something that he probably couldn’t do face to face. He heard that Nia had started dating a dude that she went to school with and he wished her all the best. She was a good woman and she deserved to be happy.

  “I love you, man,” Randy said as he fought back tears.

  “I love you too, bruh. And remember what I said. You have my number, use it if you need to,” Cam replied before he turned and walked away.

  Randy waited until he was sure that Cam was gone before he left and got into his own car. He’d held his tears in for Cam while they were together, but he could no longer keep them at bay. He was hurting and he wasn’t used to feeling that kind of pain. Physical pain was okay because medicine could help that go away. Mental pain was torture because it followed a person around no matter where they went. Not all pain was visible and Randy was living proof of that. He tried to encourage himself, but the voices in his head wouldn’t let him be. Randy sighed deeply, deciding that it was time for him to go. There was no need to think about it too long or prolong the inevitable. Reaching under his seat, he grabbed what he was looking for and closed his eyes to say a prayer.

  “God, forgive me and have mercy on my soul,” Randy said as he put the gun to his head and pulled the trigger, ending his young life right there in the IHOP parking lot.

  Chapter 30

  “Are you sure that you’re okay baby? I can reschedule my meetings and stay here if you want me to,” Demi offered as she looked over at Cam.

  She had a full schedule, but she would have moved some things around if he needed her to stay. It had been a week since Randy committed suicide in the IHOP parking lot not too long after Cam left. His service was the day before, and Demi attended to support her man. Cam was devastated when he heard the news. He was at Randy’s mother’s house when the police came because he went straight over there after he left the restaurant. Cam wanted to give Randy’s mother the note that he left and talk to her about what was going on with him. Cam thought that Randy was about to leave town but, when he thought about it, that theory didn’t make much sense. If that was the case, Randy would have gladly accepted the money that he was offering for the shop. The letters that he wrote to his mother and Nia were basically apologizing to them both before he left this earth. Cam offered to help him, but Randy had other plans. Maybe he felt that it was best to kill himself before someone else did it.

  “No, I’m going to the shop today. I don’t feel like moping around the house all day. I need a distraction other than Asha’s disgusting ass,” Cam replied.

  “I can’t believe how she showed up to your friend’s funeral and acted a fool,” Demi said. She had never met Randy, but she knew about what him and Asha had done to Cam and Nia.

  “I can. She lives to be the center of attention. That’s just why Randy’s mama had her stupid ass escorted out. My baby gon’ be all fucked up with her as a mother. You should see the theme that her and her mama chose for the baby shower. It’s just as ratchet as they are,” Cam fussed.

  “I hate that bitch. After what she did to me, I need to help you get full custody of your son,” Demi fumed.

  Demi was pissed when Cam replayed the conversation that he’d had with Randy to her. She didn’t know who had run up in her house that night, but she was heated when she found out that it was all a part of Asha’s plan.

  “I wish I could, but I really don’t have a good enough reason,” Cam noted.

  “Yeah and those are some of the hardest cases to win. Judges don’t really like to take kids away from their mothers. They have to really be in danger for that to happen,” Demi replied.

  “It’s cool though. I just have to make sure to teach him better than what she’s gonna do. I don’t want my son to be a dope boy at ten years old like her brothers were. They think shit like that is cute,” Cam argued.

  “It’s okay baby. He’ll be around you enough to know right from wrong. I have to go see some clients. I’ll see you later,” Demi said as she kissed him and walked out of the house.

  Demi had left her briefcase with her paperwork at the office, so she rushed to go get it before getting her day started. She had a few cases that she was working on with senior attorneys at the firm, but most of her appointments were with clients that she could handle on her own. Demi hated going to certain places to see some of the people who she represented, but she had no choice. The local jailhouse was one of those places, but Demi had just pulled up there anyway. She hated when the inmates cat called and made obscene remarks. She always dressed professionally, but she was still a woman. Some of them had been in there for years and they were just happy to see a female.

  “Sign here and run your briefcase through the conveyer belt Mrs. Logan,” the deputy, who Demi was very familiar with, instructed.

  Demi hated to be called by her last name, but she couldn’t get rid of it just yet. She was still married, but it wasn’t for long. She had a little over two months to go and she couldn’t wait.

  “Thanks.” Demi smiled when she was handed her briefcase and allowed to proceed.

  Just like she dreaded, the whistling and yelling was at an all-time high. Demi held her head high and walked to the room where the attorneys and clients usually met. There were three tables, all separated by partitions. Demi had to stand outside the door, along with another attorney who she recognized from her firm, and wait until a guard granted her access.

  “Demi?” someone asked, like they were unsure if it was her.

  Demi turned around and smiled politely when she saw Amy Blaire standing behind her.

  “Hi Mrs. Blaire,” Demi spoke., surprised that three attorneys from the same firm were there at the same time.

  “What brings you here? Is Camden incarcerated again?” Amy questioned, wiping the smile from Demi’s face.<
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  “No, he’s not. I’m here to see a client,” Demi replied.

  “Oh, well, that’s something that you better get used to. He can’t seem to stay out of this place. It’s almost like his second home,” Amy smirked.

  Demi was ready to go off on her, but something else got her attention. Two prisoners were being led into the room by a guard and Kamari was leading the pack. He did a double take when he saw her, and she was just as surprised. Kamari had never been to jail before, but Demi could see that her prediction about his lifestyle had come true. She turned her head, but she could feel Kamari staring at her. The guard led the prisoners into the room and the attorneys were granted access soon after. Amy watched the exchange between the two of them and it didn’t take her long to figure out who Kamari was. He was Demi’s husband, the same man that was on the pictures that she’d once kept on her desk. Amy purposely took the first seat, making sure that Kamari and Demi were right next to each other. The partitions were small, so they could still see and hear each other clearly. Demi was told that her client would be in as soon as the nurse was done with him. He was a diabetic and she’d obviously shown up when he was getting his daily medication. She put her briefcase on the table and took out some paperwork, awaiting his arrival. She blew out a breath of frustration when Kamari left his lawyer at the table and sat down at hers.

  “What the hell do you want Kamari?” Demi whispered, knowing that Amy was probably listening. The entire situation was uncomfortable and she was ready to cancel her client briefing.

  “Damn wife, I didn’t know it was like that,” Kamari smirked.

  “I see your illegal behavior finally caught up with you,” Demi said with a smirk of her own.

  “Never that. Niggas are just like hoes these days though. They can’t keep their mouths closed for shit,” Kamari replied with a shrug.


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