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Limitless Love: A Lotus House Novel: Book Four

Page 14

by Audrey Carlan

  “If you’re going to wake me with your hand on my cock, beautiful, I’m never going to leave. Gives a man ideas.”

  I grinned, feeling feminine and sultry in the quiet and stillness of the morning. Brave, even. I could tell the entire house was still sleeping, including my daughter, or she’d already be bouncing in the room. As she’d gotten older, she liked to sleep in, and growing girls needed their beauty sleep. I rubbed my hand up and down Clayton’s steely length. Looked like growing boys needed something else.

  My mouth watered at the idea of pulling his briefs down and wrapping my lips around the plush head of his cock. Would he allow it? Did men turn down a willing woman ready to blow them? I didn’t think so. I’d been out of the game a long while, but I couldn’t imagine he’d reject me.

  Getting up the nerve, I shifted up and straddled the lower half of Clayton’s legs. I rubbed up and down his length and raised my gaze to his face. “This for me?” I asked, trying my best to sound sultry and sexy.

  He hummed, raised one hand over his head, and rested the other just above the line of his underwear on his hips.

  “Do you want it?” he asked smugly.

  I licked my lips, got bold, and tugged the material down past his protruding cock.

  “I asked if it was for me.” I scratched my nails down his legs as I pulled off his underwear, getting him fully naked.

  “You know it is. Having your gorgeous body draped over me all night, a man can’t help but be hard as stone when he’s got you half naked in bed.”

  His words filled me with pride and a sense of sexual freedom. This sinfully attractive man wanted me. Me. Monet Holland, boring therapist, divorced, and single mother to a five-year-old. And now I had what would be a nasty scar marring my entire back, yet he was hard as a rock. He didn’t care about what Kyle had done, other than wanting to kill him. He only cared about me. About Lily.

  “Do you want my mouth on you?” I asked, running one finger down his naked length. His dick bounced up a full inch, as if reaching for my touch. His cock was thick, long, and hard. More than I’d had in the past. And it had been so long since I’d had intercourse. Knowing I had this to look forward to made arousal tingle through my entire body with anticipation.

  Clayton’s eyebrows came together. “Is that a trick question? Look at me. I’m fucking weeping for you.” He thrust his hips up.

  As I looked down, I noticed the pearl of pre-cum dripping from the slit at the top. Easing down into a comfortable position that didn’t put too much strain on my back, I flicked my tongue at that drop and took the first taste. I moaned in appreciation.

  He jerked his hips, bonking my mouth with the crown. “Don’t tease me, beautiful. A man could go crazy when the gift of heaven is knocking at the door.”

  I sighed, curled my fist around his impressive girth, lifted it straight up, and took him in my mouth.

  “Fuuuuucccckkkkkkk,” he growled.

  He tasted of soap and salt, a unique combination I found I liked very much as I sucked him like a lollipop. Then, swirling my tongue around the head, I shimmied my hips lower to get in a more direct position with his manhood.

  “Babe, no. Don’t go lower. Turn around. Straddle my chest so I can taste you too.”

  I let his cock slip from my lips and it slapped wetly against his cut abdomen. It was so long and thick it almost reached his belly button. Nestled at the root were neatly cropped, dark-blond curls of hair. Proved he took care of his manhood the same way he took care of the rest of his body.

  “Monet…I asked you to come here. Take off your shirt and bring that pink pussy down over my face. I want to eat you while you swallow me.”

  A shiver raced down my spine at the lewd request, and arousal coated my thighs. Swallow. I’d never swallowed a man, not even my husband. He’d warned me every time he came. And I most certainly had never before straddled a man’s face. It sounded lewd and tawdry as well as absolutely scandalous. A new bout of excitement raced to my sex, making my clit throb.

  “You want me to put my”—I pointed down between my legs—“over your, um, face?” The position flashed in my mind again, looking positively raunchy and decadent at the same time.

  He grinned. “You’ve never ridden a man’s face? Oh, beautiful, the things I’m going to teach you and do to you. Now take off my shirt.”

  I glanced down and realized I was in fact wearing his shirt from last night. How in the world did it get there?

  “I put it on you after I made you come. Put the knockout juice on you.”

  I snickered. The knockout juice. If that’s what he meant by giving me an orgasm after which I fell asleep, he had another thing coming. When Kyle used to make me come—those times were few and far between—usually he rolled over and fell asleep. Not me, though. I was wired.

  “What? You don’t believe me?” He grinned and lifted his hips. “Come here. Let me give it to you again.” His confidence was staggering and infectious. I wanted to feel as confident in the bedroom as he obviously was. Maybe he’d bring out that side of me. One could only hope.

  Easing my arms out of the shirt, I slowly removed it from my head. The stitches smarted but not enough to drown out my excitement.

  Finally, completely naked, I shimmied across the bed on my knees. When I got close to him, he gripped my hips with a strength I hadn’t anticipated and tugged me over his upper body. My knees rested on the bed on each side of his head. I braced my hands on either side of his hips.

  “Now that’s more like it. Put your mouth on me, beautiful,” he encouraged, and I shifted forward, testing out the position with my back and finding that it didn’t hurt. Actually, it felt good to curve my spine a bit.

  Just as I got my mouth around the wide, knobbed head of his cock, he lifted his head and his mouth was on me. All over. He eased my hips down until my pussy was smashed against his face.

  He growled, held my hips aloft just enough until I found where he wanted me to keep them, and I planted them there. He used the flat of his tongue and lapped at me from clit to anus and back.

  “Holy shit.” I gasped around his cock, my entire body feeling every lick as though it was a full-body caress. Goosebumps broke out over the surface of my skin as I panted with pleasure.

  For a bit, I circled my hips, enjoying the feel of his tongue all over me. God, it had been so long since I’d been taken this way. Kyle hated going down on me and would only do so when he was drunk. I should have known then he didn’t want me.

  The sourness of that memory caused me to try to lift away from Clay’s mouth. His grip tightened, and he stuck his tongue inside me as far as he could and made a sound like he was eating the best dessert and loving every bite.

  He sucked and licked and then suddenly bit down hard on the sensitive flesh of my inner thigh. I jerked dramatically but stayed in place.

  “Get out of your head. Wrap your lips around your man’s cock and go to town. It’s you and me in this bed. Just us, baby.” He flicked his tongue at my clit and I jolted again, needles of excitement rippling up my back, urging me to move.

  Clayton’s hips gyrated, and his dick positively reached out for my touch. I wrapped my hand around him once more. When I covered his length with my lips and sucked, he groaned and buried his mouth against my slit, delving his tongue deep.

  While I circled my tongue around the sensitive head of his cock, he mimicked my move, circling his own against my clit and then rubbing back and forth. He had me panting and wiggling, grinding down onto his face like a hussy. I became wanton, sucking and jerking his cock wildly.

  “Fuck yeah!” He lifted his hips, going deep into my throat, stabbing at the back. “Suck me while I eat you. Tastes so…fucking…good. I can’t get enough of you.” He licked all around my sex, gorging on my flesh, pulling at my lower lips, and gripping my ass in both hands so he could sink his tongue deep. And I was right there with him. I humped his face as he thrust into my mouth. Together we made what I could imagine was an erotic pictu
re, rocking back and forth like a teeter-totter. Giving and taking.

  “Monet, baby, I’m going to come. You need to pull off,” he warned.

  I shook my head and went at him like a tigress. Sucking hard until my cheeks hollowed out.

  “Oh fuck, you’re going to take me down your throat. Sweet hell. Perfect woman. I swear.” He jerked his hips once, twice, and then thumbed my lower lips, opening me wider, thrust up, and then stilled.

  His cock jerked in my mouth, his release shooting down my throat. I swallowed everything right before he put the lockdown over my clit. He sucked so hard I screamed out. Literally screamed through my orgasm riding his face, just barely holding myself up with my knees. I lifted up, still coming, needing to take the pressure off my back, and placed one hand on his abdomen. The other I wrapped around the base of his scruff so he couldn’t move from my pussy. He sucked me through one orgasm and kept at me until another swirled and charged, barreling through my body, hitting me like a two-ton wrecking ball.

  I couldn’t hold myself up any longer, but I shouldn’t have worried. He locked his fingers around my hips and fucked me with his tongue, growling into my slit as he ate. As the final tremors were spilling out of me, I looked down at his jerking cock, his hips lifting into the air wildly as he came again. I wanted to wrap my lips around his shaft and suck him down again, but I couldn’t. The lock he had as he devoured me was fierce, possessive, and unrelenting. His essence spilled white and creamy all over his happy trail and abdomen. We finished our second orgasm at the same time. His mouth lightly lapping at my sex while my entire body shook like a leaf, coming down from my high.

  I eased off Clayton slowly and shifted around to my side, and I planted my head on his chest.

  I swallowed around a completely dry mouth. “Is it always like that?” I asked, dazed, having never had a sexual experience that profound. And we hadn’t even had intercourse yet. I almost feared that day would literally kill me. Then again, it would be the best way to go. Sexual bliss.

  Clayton rubbed a hand down my side. “Beautiful, nothing has ever been that intense. Can only mean one thing.”

  “Which is what?” I kissed his pec.

  “You’re made for me. For me to kiss. To fuck. To make love to.”

  “Huh.” I let the idea roll around in my head. The experience had been pretty intense.

  “What do you mean, huh?” His tone was concerned.

  I shrugged, and he stilled until I finally spit out what I was thinking. “I guess when it’s right, it’s right.”

  He beamed. “Kiss your man, then I’m going to shower off the best orgasm of my life before I get up and make my girls breakfast.”

  I rose up and kissed him, tasting myself there. Tasting our lovemaking was exotic and not repulsive as I’d once thought it might be.

  He held my head to his and looked at me. “You good?”

  I rubbed my forehead to his, feeling content. “Yummy.” I kissed his lips for another taste.

  “Yummy again?” He smirked.

  I nodded. “Yummy.” And then I closed my eyes and lay back down. A moment later, my guy covered me with the blanket and kissed me on the temple.

  “You’re pretty damn yummy too, beautiful,” he said before leaving me another kiss and running his fingers through my hair. The last thing I heard was the shower going off and feeling his presence over the bed. I was too tired to open my eyes.

  “Knockout juice,” he murmured.

  I wanted to respond but I was already falling into a lovely snooze. At some point, he left and I slept.

  Chapter Ten

  The mantra sound corresponding to the fourth chakra is the sound YUM. A special mantra to help expand love and compassion is OM MANI PADME HUM. You can repeat this mantra in meditation to gain greater access to these qualities.


  The rest of the weekend came and went. Atlas and I agreed that he and Mila would go back to their home and I’d stay with the girls until Kyle was caught. I had a security guy come and change the locks and begin implementing a full-home system complete with alarms and panic buttons in every room. Monet balked at that, but she finally let me have my way. When I say let me have my way, what I mean was I wrangled her into her room, slid down her pants, went to my knees, lifted a thigh over my shoulder, and ate her until she acquiesced.

  My woman was hot for my mouth, and I figured out real quick that I could basically get her to agree to anything when an orgasm was within reach. Not gonna lie, that was a fat fucking plus in the perfect-woman column. So far, Monet was turning out to be everything a man like me could ever want. To hell with want… She’s the woman men dream of having long term. The whole package.

  I’d moved my schedule around so that I could be with Monet and Lily all week. Next week would be another story, but I’d talked to the guys. Trent, Dash, Atlas, and Nicholas from Lotus House would all be on point for a day or two to stay with Monet when I had clients. With that psycho on the loose, she couldn’t be alone. And that included when she went back to work. Trent offered to hire a bodyguard, and I had to admit the idea held merit, but right now I wanted her protected by men who cared about her and Lily.

  Lily was another concern. I put the smackdown on her going to daycare. That was not happening, which Monet agreed to pretty easily. Her daughter’s welfare was more important than her own. Even if Monet was the target, we both knew that Kyle was unstable, and we couldn’t put anything past him. We decided to take Lily into school this week and pick her up directly from the teacher’s classroom. Monet had a talk with the principal and the teacher to give them a heads-up on the situation and insisted that no one except Mila, Atlas, her, or me was allowed at any time to pick Lily up from school.

  I met the security guys first thing in the morning on Monday to continue work on the house. They were up on the situation and knew to keep the house on lockdown as they worked. We had to take Lily to school and then go directly to Monet’s doctor for the removal of the stitches. I was not looking forward to watching my girl in pain. There were a fuck of a lot of stitches that needed to be removed.

  I finished up the rest of the dishes for the pancakes I’d made Lily. Monet was too nervous to eat, which rankled my nerves, but I let it go. The protective side of me wanted to make sure she ate, but I also had to cut her some slack. She had a big day ahead of her, not to mention this would be the first time she’d be leaving the house since the hospital stay. I didn’t even hear the bastard’s words to her, and I knew she was hearing them over and over in her head. Made me positively violent thinking about the threats he’d made to her and Lily.

  “Done, King Clay.” Lily pushed her plate toward me.

  “Come on over and wash your hands, sweetie.”

  “No need.” She methodically put each finger into her mouth one at a time and licked them. “See, all clean!” She smiled.

  I shook my head, wet a washcloth, and came around the counter. “No, they’re not clean.” I grabbed each of her little hands and wiped at them until I knew for sure there wasn’t any syrup on them. Then I leaned forward and kissed each one while she laughed hysterically. They still smelled of syrup, even though there wasn’t a trace left.

  There was something special about this little girl’s laugh that struck me in the chest and filled me with such glee. Now that I had it, I couldn’t imagine not hearing it regularly, and I didn’t plan on ever going without it. It was my job now to see that her face was filled with smiles every day. Same with her mother’s.

  Speaking of my goddess, she entered wearing a purple tank and a bulky gray knit cardigan pulled around her shoulders. A worry line appeared deeply etched into her forehead between her brows. I went over to her, cupped both cheeks, and kissed that line. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

  “I’m going to be there every step of the way, beautiful. You’re not alone. You got me?”

  She nodded, her chin trembling as she bit into her bottom lip. I rubbed along that lip with t
he pad of my thumb and then kissed it.

  “Time to go. Lily’s eaten, I’ve made her lunch, and we’re set. Car’s in the garage so we don’t have to go out the front door. We’ll take my SUV, yeah?”

  She nodded again but didn’t say anything. Her silence worried me. Still, she needed to deal with her thoughts in her own way.

  Before I moved away, she wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her forehead against my chest. I hugged her and propped my cheek on the crown of her head. “Monet…”

  “Thank you for being there for me…for us.” Her words broke as she took a calming breath. “I don’t know what I’d do if we didn’t have you here…” She stopped there.

  “Good thing you’re never going to have to worry about that. I’m here, Monet, and I’m not going anywhere. Not now. Not ever.” I made the statement, and more than anything, I meant it. Believed it with my whole heart. Shit like this didn’t happen to me. Feeling for a woman the way I felt for Monet, for Lily… The only thing that had ever come close was Stacey. What I had with them was so much more. It didn’t even fucking compare, and at one time I had thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with that woman.

  Lily slammed into our legs, hugging us both. “Love you, Mommy. Love you, Clay.”

  Monet stiffened in my arms.

  “I love you too, Lily,” I declared loud and fucking proud, because I did. And if I wasn’t such a pussy, I’d admit that I was falling for her mother too. Far faster than I thought possible.

  Only problem was that I’d been in this position before and I wasn’t going to spill my guts if Monet wasn’t right there with me. No, we needed more time. Time to just be together as a couple without the threat of her ex hurting her or her daughter.


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