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Sempiternal Page 17

by K. Renee

  We both laugh about our mutual love for this channel and get into watching a Christmas movie that is currently playing. It doesn’t even matter that the movie is halfway over; we still watch it, hanging on every sweet, sappy word that the male lead character is giving the girl. It’s something sweet and lovey, and it makes me think about Jerick and whatever it is we are doing.

  The way he holds her hand makes me all sappy, and soon both of us are crying while watching the damn movie. One movie turns into two, and soon we are on the third one, and Cara has since fallen asleep. I continue to watch the movie with heavy eyes, and it doesn’t take long for me to fall asleep as well.



  The meeting with the boyos took way longer than I expected. We made a solid plan before starting to put the thing in motion. I was striking back hard, and I didn’t give a shit who I hurt in the process. They tried to hurt Stana, and that wasn’t something that I was okay with. She was the one light in me dark world and intended to keep her right where she was.

  As me phone started to ring, I look over to Conaill and Rory and saw the look in their eyes. They want me to play it cool with me Da and act like everything is okay between us. They never said a damn thing about Liam, but they already know me better than that. They know I won’t just let the fecker off after he tried to kidnap Stana.

  “Aye Da,” I answer the phone on the fourth ring. I thought about letting it go to voicemail since we were getting ready to head out for collections before heading up to bed, but I gritted me teeth answering it anyways.

  “Jerick, I need ye to come to the office tomorrow and give me an update on the collections.” I roll me eyes. I’ve been doing collecting still without me brother’s fecking help. I had Rory come with me the last few times, but more to watch me back than to do the work. I don’t trust anyone in me inner circle expect fer Rory and Conaill. They would never stab me in the back, and I know that fer sure.

  “Aye,” I answer, looking over at the boyos. They both have grim looks on their faces, and I want to punch the feckers. They know the score, plus they are the ones who want me to keep going in, acting like everything is fine. Conaill promised that no one would be able to get into this place and that leaving Stana here while I continued to work fer the family would be the best plan.

  Our place is ready to move in thanks to Rory, but they don’t think that it’s the best idea yet. We don’t have the security dialed in yet, and we have no idea if they’ve found it yet or not. We still have a lot to do to get it ready fer Stana to stay in. I don’t trust the slimy bastard I’m related to. If anything he’s probably been following us and keeping tabs on the three of us. Nothing typically gets by him, and if that’s still the truth, then they already know about the new place.

  “Good. See ye tomorrow boyo,” he says before hanging up on me. As I pull the phone from me ear, I can’t help but squeeze it in me hand. I’m pissed that he can just act that Liam hasn’t tried to kidnap Stana or send his fecking men here to try and get her.

  “Ye sure this isn’t a damn trap?” Rory asks as I pocket me phone.

  I shrug me shoulders because I honestly don’t know. Anything can happen, and I know that. I’m going to protect her the best I can with the information that we’ve been provided. Stana is my number one priority right now.

  “Ye need to go tonight?” Rory asks looking towards the room the lasses are in. He doesn’t say more, and I know that he rather stay here with Cara wrapped up in his arms tonight than heading out with me. If I make the pick ups quickly, I still have time to tuck Stana into the bed we are sharing.

  “Aye, I can go with him tonight,” Conaill says from beside me. “Ye stay with yer wife and be sure to keep an eye on the cameras.” He nods his head and takes the tablet that has the video feeds streamed to it. “If someone hits the perimeter, it will beep. The fence will be charged as soon as the gate is shut again.” He nods as he listens to the rest of the instructions and I make me way towards where the lasses are. I need to get Stana into bed before I head out.

  Walking through the room, I see the TV on, but no movement or voices is coming from either side of the couch. As I get closer, I see both of them have their eyes closed and are knocked out. Picking her up, I carry her upstairs to the room that we’ve made home fer the next few days.

  As I lay her down, I see the light on her phone flashing. I tuck her under the covers before grabbing her phone and checking the screen. His name flashes over and over again. Hitting the answer button, I put it to me ear and wait fer him to say something.

  “Stana, thank God you finally answered. You need to listen to me carefully.” He pauses for a second taking a deep breath before continuing. “They are going to hurt you. You need to get away from Jerick. He doesn’t care what happens to you. He’s not a good guy.”

  I can’t help the chuckle that falls from me lips. This fecker is never going to leave her alone. I’m going to have to deal with him just like me brother. “Stana?” he asks hesitantly.

  “I suggest ye stay away from me lass,” I state in a deadly tone.

  He starts stuttering over the line, and I know I scare the shit out of him even though he tried to act all tough last time I saw him. “Why are you on her phone?” His voice quivers and I can’t help but laugh more. Fecking pussy.

  “Don’t fecking worry about it. Stop calling her. She doesn’t need yer shit,” I growl. I look over at her, and her eyes are still closed.

  “You’re just going to get her killed. The wars around you never leave, and you’re putting her in danger. She’s more important than that shit you do.”

  I have to give it to him; he isn’t backing down from this. “She is more protected by me than she will ever be by you.”

  He laughs at that. “You’ll be the one to get her killed.” He doesn’t wait fer me response as he hangs up the phone. I set her phone next to the bed and lean over to kiss her forehead. Connie is waiting fer me downstairs and the sooner we get this shit done, the sooner I can be curled up with her.

  Making me way down the stairs, I see Connie standing against the wall, staring at something on his phone. He doesn’t make a sound, and I have a feeling that he’s watching the perimeter.

  “Ye ready?” I ask coming closer to him. He looks up at me before nodding his head.

  “Aye. Let’s get this shit done. I have other plans.” He grins, and I shake me head at that. He’ll go get a lass and shag her before coming back here tonight.

  “Aye,” I answer as I make me way towards the door.

  The route doesn’t take long, and once I take the money and drop it off at the restaurant, I make me way to the truck. Connie is watching the street and I know he doesn’t trust me Da right now, none of us do. The boyo’s and I have been working fer me Da since we were wee lads and the thought that he could betray us all the way he is is like a punch to the gut.

  “Ye Da in there?” he asks as I shut the door and rub me hands together. It’s getting fecking colder the closer to Christmas we get. The one thing I hate about the east coast is the damn weather. I’m ready fer some sun.

  “No. He must be at the club already,” I answer. I see someone walking towards the restaurant and squint me eyes to see who it is.

  “Isn’t that…” Conaill trails off as he sees the figure’s face. I get out before he can stop me and make me way straight fer the bastard.

  I grab him by the neck and press him into the wall of the restaurant. “What the feck are ye doing here?” I growl at him. His face pales almost like he didn’t expect me to be here tonight.

  “I was out to get dinner,” he stutters out. “I live around the co –” I cut him off. I know fer a fact he doesn’t live anywhere near this place. He lives over by Stana, and that’s across town.

  “I know where ye fecking live. Don’t try to bullshit me.” I feel the blood in my ears as the anger takes over. He’s lucky I don’t kill him right here and now.

  “I… I…” His eyes
widen when he sees Connie coming up behind me.

  “I don’t want to hear yer damn excuses. Why the feck are ye here?” I ground out, pressing harder on his throat than necessary. He gasps out fer air, but I don’t let him get any in. “Answer me,” I growl.

  “I suggest ye tell him before he kills ye right here,” Conaill says from behind me. He sounds bored, but I know it’s nothing new to him. He’s used to shit like that, almost immune to the shit I do. “Come on, I have shit I need to do still, and ye aren’t making it any quicker,” he groans.

  Max’s eyes get bigger, and I release his throat slightly so he can breathe again. “I was going to tell them how to find her.” I press even harder on his throat, and his eyes start to bug out of his head. He tries to fight me off of him, but I don’t let him go. I put just enough pressure on his throat to force him to pass out before I let him fall to the ground.

  I look over me shoulder at Connie as he rubs his hands over his face. “Let’s get him in the truck and to the house before the fecker wakes up.” He’s pissed that I just did that, but I wasn’t letting this fucker go anywhere near me family. Not if he plans on selling Stana out to them. He isn’t protecting her; he’s trying to get something out of them. Maybe me since he still thinks that I am the one who killed his da all those years ago.

  The drive to Conaill’s isn’t that long, but it’s silent. We don’t speak, and part of that is because I’m trying to figure out me next move. I want to take him out, but I need to know what he was planning on telling me Da about Stana.

  As Conaill pulls into the gated driveway, I look back and see the fecker is still passed out. He hasn’t moved from the position I put him in, and as much as I want to beat his face in, I rather spend the rest of me night wrapped up in Stana.

  “Ye want to stick him in the basement fer the night or want to question him now?” Connie asks as he puts the truck in park.

  “We can let him stay put fer the night. Help me get him inside, and ye can go get yer dick rubbed.” I grin at him, and he shakes his head,

  “Feck ye,” he mutters.

  “No thanks, I got Stana fer that, lad.” I waggle me eyebrows at him, and he rolls his eyes. He knew that shit would come out of me mouth; I’m not sure why he’s surprised.

  After we get Max into the basement, I flip the locks on the room and shut off the light. He’s gonna wish he never came to the restaurant tonight if it’s the last thing I do. Connie doesn’t say anything as he makes his way through the kitchen and out the door to his truck. I lock the door he went through before trudging up the stairs towards me lass.

  Once I hit the bedroom, I strip out of me duds and boots, leaving them next to the bed. Sliding in under the sheets, I pull Stana’s warm body against me colder one, and I feel her shiver. Running a hand down her chest, I tuck me hand in her leggings before closing me eyes.

  “Jerick,” she mumbles sleepily.

  I kiss right below her ear, and she moans slightly, rubbing her ass back against me dick. If she doesn’t stop now, I’m going to be pulling her pants down and sliding inside of her. Me body is tired, but I wouldn’t pass up a round with her fer anything.

  She presses her ass back into me one more time, and I can’t hold back. I grip the waistband of her leggings and pull them and her panties down to her thighs before slipping them from her body entirely. I slide off me boxer briefs and rub me fingers along her wetness. She’s ready fer me, and I didn’t even have to touch her sweet cunt. I grab her shirt and pull it up and over her head, barely moving her from the pillow. She has no bra on, and I grip her tit before sucking on her neck.

  She moans and presses back into me. It doesn’t take me long before I’m plunging inside of her warm, wet pussy. I thrust in and out of her at a slow, steady pace. Her arm comes up and wraps around me neck. I bite down on her shoulder as she grinds back into me and I close me eyes at the feeling of her pussy squeezing me at this angle.

  Every pump of me hips brings me closer to the edge, and the minute I feel her tighten around me and hear her moan out me name, I let go, coming inside of her. I thrust into her a few more times gently until me dick is spent. Pressing our bodies together tighter, I wrap me arms around her and bury me face into her neck, not pulling out of her, marking her with meself. I won’t give her up, I don’t care what me Da has to say about it.

  “Mmm,” she whispers in the darkness. I kiss along her neck, and she moves slightly to give me more access to her skin. “Where have you been?” Her voice is sleepily and raspy, sexy as feck.

  “I had to do some pick ups,” I murmur in her ear, kissing right below it. “I found yer friend sniffing around me family restaurant.” I feel her body freeze, but I kiss her shoulder and tell her to relax. “Sleep love. We will deal with him in the morning.” It takes her a few minutes before her body starts to melt back into mine and I tighten me grip on her, closing me eyes and letting sleep take me.



  Sleep was almost non-existent after Jerick told me that Max was sniffing around his family. I didn’t know what to think, and my mind was wandering a million miles an hour thinking about any possible reason for Max to even go near Jerick’s family.

  Max blamed Jerick for his father’s death, so I don’t see him wanting anything to do with his family either. Plus, I know that Jerick didn’t kill Max’s father. He didn’t tell me the whole story, but he did assure me that he wouldn’t have done it. I believe him.

  When I finally give up on trying to fall asleep, I get out of bed and make my way out of the room and downstairs. Maybe a glass of water will help me sleep. As I get to the kitchen, I see a shadow in there. I continue to slowly make my way into the kitchen when his voice scares the crap out of me.

  “Shouldn’t ye be asleep?” he asks without turning around. His shoulders are hunched over like he’s reading from something on the counter in the dark. The light from the moon is the only light in the room, casting shadows everywhere.

  “Couldn’t sleep,” I mumble out, trying to think if it’s safe to be in here with him. I know that Jerick trusts Conaill with his life, but I don’t know if I do. He hasn’t done anything un-trustworthy, but still. I barely know any of Jerick’s friends, let alone Jerick. We’ve been in this relationship for months, and I still feel like I don’t know anything about him or his family other than what I’ve read on the internet and the few things that he’s told me. Sometimes I think he just tells me enough to keep me from asking him.

  “Ye don’t trust me,” he states, no question or humor whatsoever.

  “Should I?” I ask, walking closer to where he is standing. He still doesn’t look up when I get closer. It’s almost like he can sense me and the thoughts that are currently running through my head.

  “Jerick trusts me,” he murmurs before turning around to finally face me. He’s handsome in his own way. His reddish-brown hair reminds me of Jerick’s, but everything else is so far from Jerick’s look. His almond eyes are a shade darker than most green eyes I’ve seen, almost a jade color. His nose is slightly wider than Jerick’s, and he has some of the longest eyelashes I’ve ever seen before.

  “I know.” Jerick does trust him, and part of me feels like I should trust him too, but with my history, I can’t bring myself to do it. I don’t trust anyone anymore.

  “I would never do something to hurt him. He’s been like me brother fer far longer than anyone else, and I owe him me life. He brought me into this life and even dragged us stateside when he and his da decided that they wanted to get out of Belfast.” He looks me up and down before he speaks again. “I know he cares about ye, but I still don’t get why. Ye lasses are a dime a dozen, and once ye leave him high and dry, another will be vying fer his attention. It’s a vicious cycle if ye ask me.”

  I feel a lump forming in my throat as I try to swallow. He thinks that I’m just trying to hurt his best friend. “You think I sent Max to the restaurant tonight.” I know I should have asked it like a question, but
I already know the answer. He doesn’t have to tell me.

  “Aye. I think yer trying to mess with his head. Maybe yer in on it with Liam. The whole reason behind the shit we have to deal with lately. Yer the only one who has gotten this close to him in a long time.” My stomach starts to turn. How could he think so low of me? You know what, I actually get it. Conaill doesn’t know me from anyone else. He doesn’t know what is running through my head and has no idea how I feel about Jerick. How could he? I mean it’s not like we spent time together with Conaill in the same room We always did our own thing together, just the two of us.

  “I would never do anything to hurt Jerick.” Anger laces my voice.

  “Aye, lass. I know ye think that, but ye having anything to do with that asshole in the basement hurts him.” The fecker still calls ye. He wants something from ye. We are dealing with him the only way we know how.”

  I frown at his words. What does he mean that Max still calls? I haven’t heard from him in a few days.

  “I didn’t know he still called. I haven’t heard from Max.” I swallow. Jerick has been taking his calls on my phone? “How do you know he calls?” I demand. I want an answer, and I don’t care if I piss him off or not.

  “Aye. Jerick told him to stay the feck away from ye. That’s probably why he was at the restaurant tonight. But he won’t be a problem after tomorrow.” He gives me a devious grin, and I feel my whole body grow cold. Then I remember my very brief conversation with him yesterday before Jerick came in bloody and dirty.

  Instead of sticking around to hear whatever else he had planned to tell me, I make my way out of the kitchen and go in search of the basement. He let it slip that Max was being held here on the property, so I just need to find where he is. I want to find out why he was at Jerick’s family’s restaurant and why he keeps calling me.


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