Something Greater Than Yourself: An Omega Mpreg Romance

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Something Greater Than Yourself: An Omega Mpreg Romance Page 7

by Louise Bourgeois

  “It’s okay?”

  “You should be very proud of yourself.” Mathieu reassured him. “Very.”


  He knew the signs, he had been drilled by his doctor because everything was so time sensitive as he had to have a caesarian. Turning the light on he concentrated on timing the twinges, glad that they were almost five minutes apart, and despite knowing he had to sleep he reached over for his bible and turned to the most relevant chapter. Labor. It wasn’t that much different to what his sister had gone through, except there was no easy way out.


  At a loose end Max took a picture of the perfection of the beach scene in front of him, he was out surfing in a small cove for the day and was taking a break to have a light lunch to keep his energy up. Posting the expanse of sun, sand and sea Max lay back on his board and let his eyes fall shut, the gentle wash of water up the shore lulling him off.

  On a whim he had taken the flight for a bit of solitary contemplation, to think things through without the polite sympathetic looks from his mum, and the slightly awkward ones from his dad. He didn’t blame them at all, they were only looking out for him, but still he needed to be on his own to sort things out. And one thing he knew when he sat in his place, was that he didn’t want to sit in it on his own.

  He was sick of being alone. Even when he was around Félix he was alone really because they were only friends. He wanted a partner, someone to fight alongside him during the lows and to celebrate the highs together.


  “Hello Max, it’s Tommy.”


  He sounded so much happier. “You sound good.”

  “I am, just out surfing.”

  “I’m jealous, is so cold here!” He chuckled.

  “How are the family?”

  “Good, good, Paul is excited for Christmas.”

  “I bet.” He hoped what he sent for Tommy’s only child would be alright for him, a soft blue football.

  “Cath sends her best wishes, you could have come for Christmas you know, we were being genuine.”

  “I know, but it’s time for family, I’m driving back to mine slowly.”

  “Ah yes?”

  “Flew to my place down by the beach and I’m surfing along the coast best I can, still a bit rusty.” He laughed. “Send my best back to Cath.”

  “I will, I will. I was just making sure you were doing alright, ready for another win next year!” Tommy hoped he was taking care of himself, because he didn’t deserve to go out being beaten and bruised.

  “I am, I really am, just spending some time thinking about what I want and all that.”

  “Good stuff, and having some fun too I hope!”

  “Trying.” He smiled as looked out at the waves, they were picking up again, perfectly timed.

  “Won’t hold you up then, have a good Christmas yeah?”

  “Will do, you too, all of you.” Saying their goodbyes Max checked over his phone again, quickly scrolling through twitter he wished he didn’t click on Félix’s account, but he did. And he had to smile at what he saw, he was an uncle, Laura had finally had a baby she and Mig had tried so hard for. And knowing how hard Félix took her miscarriages he knew how made up he was right now to call himself an uncle.

  Another present…two presents to buy. Another post pinged up and it was Félix talking about twins. Two boys. he could already imagine Félix picking out matching football jerseys for both of them. Maybe that was the reason behind the silence, he wanted to concentrate on his family? It still left him cold though, he had kept him company with films and food the last few times he got the terrible news from his sister, why couldn’t he share the good he didn’t know.


  “Mama?” He felt like a child again as he knocked on his parents room. “Papa?” But he couldn’t wait any longer, he had hit the minute mark and the pain was easing off when he moved.


  “I called my doctor…um…ahhhhh!” He tried to keep the groan in, but he couldn’t stop it, it radiated through him relentlessly. “Need to go in.”

  “Alright, alright, will only be a minute!” Isobella rushed as she hurried to get dressed.

  “Will go wait downstairs.”

  “Just wait.” Mathieu soothed. “Take it slowly remember.” Dragging a jumper over his head he greeted Félix at their bedroom door with a soft hug, cupping his face Mathieu kissed his forehead just like he had with Laura. “All calm and peaceful okay, I’ll get you there quickly.”

  Félix’s bottom lip wobbled from the love that surrounded him. “Uh huh.” And his father was right, in the very early hours of the morning a week early and a week before Christmas day, he arrived outside the main entrance, a doctor he recognized from the clinic waiting outside.

  “Hola, we just wanted to make this as private as possible.”

  “Gracias.” He whispered as another contraction started up just as a wheelchair was put behind him, and he was glad of it. Taken inside he kept his head down, using a scarf to cover most of his face just in case he was spotted, it had happened to Kyle and Sebastian and the whole event had been splashed over the press. The idea of that made him feel sick.

  “It’s my parents.” He explained as he was helped onto the bed by his father, his regular doctor had arrived finally and Félix relaxed a little with the familiarity. “It’s my doctor, Javier.” After the quick introductions his parents left the room so he could be examined.

  “How are you?”

  “Tired.” Félix smiled. “I’m scared too.”

  “I understand that.” He nodded along as he continued to watch the baby’s heart rate. “All is looking good, I think we are ready to go into theatre. Are you ready to meet your daughter Félix?” The tearful nod he got had the same smile of every expectant parent. “Do you want anyone in there with you?”

  “No, will be okay.”

  “Are you sure, it’s very intense.” He warned gently.

  “It’s okay.” He said firmly.

  “We’ll get you prepped then.”


  “Has been too long.” Isobella got up for the hundredth time to pace about. “Far too long.”

  “Isobella, I know things will be alright, is a little more complicated than normal. Come on sit, we need our strength!” Getting his wife to smile, even if it was faint, was all that mattered at the moment. And it wasn’t to say he wasn’t concerned either, but he couldn’t show it.


  “Okay there Félix?”

  “Si.” He whispered, feeling faint.

  “Félix? Félix!”


  Max’s stomach dropped suddenly.“Getting old.” He muttered at himself, but was caught out by another shiver.


  “Just stop the bleeding.”


  Max was flashing hot and cold, and stepping out into the intense heat did him no favors. He had only gone out for a couple of drinks last night with some friends, he wasn’t the biggest drinker but he barely felt tipsy. Then as quickly as the feeling took him over, it passed and his head cleared.

  “What the hell?”


  “Félix, you with us?”

  “Uh huh.” Blinking a couple of times he cleared the darkness from his head and let the faces fall back into focus. “Si, what happened?” He slurred.

  “You lost a bit of blood, but is all fixed - hey, stay still, Félix she’s alright. She’s waiting for you.” Javier smiled gently as he continued to work. “Just give me a little bit longer.”

  “Need to see.” He craned his neck to see, but the sheet over his chest to shield him from where they were operating was stopping him. “Need to see her.”

  “Félix you need to stay still.”

  “Por favor.”

  “Promise you stay still?”


  Waving the nurse over he returned to working on Félix. “She’s on her way.”

; Watching the blanketed bundle in the nurse’s arms he felt his heart race as her tiny face came into view, all smushed up from being tightly bound, her lips pouting, and so much hair. “She has lots of hair.” He whispered hoarsely.

  She watched the heart rate monitor flash into life as he looked at her. “Si.” She agreed quietly, letting him have his moment.

  “You’re so beautiful.” He cooed to her as her eyes fluttered open, big blue eyes.

  “A very beautiful daughter.”

  The tears he had been struggling to hold back were flowing down his face, that was his daughter being taken back to the incubator to be checked over, but he wanted her back beside him. He wanted to hold her and keep her safe. “She shouldn’t be alone.”

  “She’s okay Félix, but how about we move her closer?” Nodding with his head he got them to roll her over so he could see with his own eyes that she was safe. “And I won’t be much longer, you are doing so well.”


  “I’m I doing it right?”

  “Si, you are a natural.” She assured, making sure the sheets were tucked in neatly to keep Félix warm. “Will give you some time alone, but if you need anything just press this button.” Showing him the remote to use she quietly slipped out of the room to be faced with his parents.

  “Are they okay?”

  “Yes, very much so, is just important they have some time alone to bond.”

  “Okay, of course.” Isobella nodded along, but in her heart she was desperate to burst through the door to see her third grandchild. “Can you tell us why it took so long?”

  “His doctor will be along shortly to explain everything.”

  “I don’t like the sound of that.” Isobella sighed as she turned to move nearer to Mathieu, his arm around her waist bringing her closer.

  “If it wasn’t okay, they would tell us.”

  Félix could pick up his parent’s voice from the other side of the door, and knew how much they would want to be in here with him, but he wanted to cherish the brand new moments on his own. She felt amazing in his arms, her warmth was incredibly soothing and doing as the books suggested he carefully undid his gown to expose his chest, then laying her on him he gently unwrapped her.

  Skin on skin took his breath away.

  He felt complete.

  This was his family.

  Bringing the sheet up to cover her and quietly enjoyed her presence, her soft breaths tickled his chest, her delicate eyelashes fluttering against his skin, and the contented gurgles had him holding his breath. She was perfect.

  “We couldn’t wait.” Isobella whispered.

  Looking up he saw his parents peering around the door comically. “It’s okay, come in.” Waving them in Félix couldn’t bring himself to hand her over yet, far too wrapped in letter her hold his finger with her whole hand.

  “She is perfect.” Mathieu cooed, running a hand over his son’s head before kissing his forehead tenderly. “I’m so proud of you.” It was a day he never imagined he would get, but he would be eternally grateful he got it.

  “Gracias papa.”

  He smiled gently as they moved closer, Isobella carefully perched on the edge of the bed and he took up the seat beside the bed. “You are the papa now Félix, forever a papa.”

  Hearing that from his own father had him crying again, he tried desperately to sniff them away but he couldn’t help it at all. It was real, the baby in his arms would forever call him papa.

  “Oh.” Isobella reached over to take a tissue from the holder and dabbed her son’s tears away. “Now, now, is a lot to take in.” She soothed as the tears subsided. “She is gorgeous, truly a beauty.” Lightly stroking her hair she subtly glanced up at her son, and adored the loving look on his face, he had eyes for so one else.

  “Do you want to hold her?”

  “Of course.”

  “Just be careful, she’s really tiny.” He really didn’t want to let go of her.

  “I promise. But first we must have a photo of you two.”

  “I’m a mess.” He cringed.

  She shook her head. “No, not at all. You look like you are in love.” Using her phone, she captured them both, Félix gazing down at his daughter. “Have you thought of a name?” Isobella asked as she cradled her close, her pale blue eyes blinking open to see who the new person was.

  “I’m so tired.”

  “It’s understandable.” Mathieu took his hand and squeezed it, but the sound of the door opening again turned his head.

  “Hello everyone.” Javier had given them some time before going to check up on Félix. “How are you feeling?”

  “Tired.” He smiled lazily. He was a bit sore too, but he didn’t want his parents worrying.

  “That’s normal, and so is very up and down emotions, being sore too. You gave us a bit of a fright in there.”

  “I told you they were taking too long.” Isobella remarked, too caught up in her granddaughter’s face to fully register.

  “Fright?” Mathieu enquired.

  “Yes, Félix lost a lot of blood after this little one was born, but we caught it early, Félix fought and we were right back on track.” He reassured two worried faces and a nervous one. “You were unconscious for a minute or so, but once we stitched you up, you were awake and looking for her.”

  “Good instincts.” Mathieu praised his son. “So is everything okay now?”

  “We’re going to keep them both in overnight and reassess in the morning, we need those vitals stable.” He spoke to Félix. “Are you going to have any support at home Félix?”

  “It’ll be fine.”

  “He’s coming back with us, until he heals.”

  Javier nodded. “I’m glad to hear that, you won’t be able to lift anything heavy as your incision heals. It’s very important you take it easy.”

  Watching his parents swap holding and fussing duties he relented. “I will behave.”

  “He will. I’ll make him.” Mathieu said sternly. “All he’ll have to do is relax and hold this little one.”

  “Sounds like a very fine plan.” Making a few last minute checks he scheduled himself to come back once visiting hours were done to go through a few of the finer details. “I shall leave you all to it.”

  “Isobella.” Félix uttered once Javier had gone.

  “It’s very pretty.” Isobella cooed as she shuffled to look at her some more.

  “Hmm, I don’t think it’s her name.” Félix continued, nothing he had filed away before seemed to fit her, he said his favorite out loud just to check but was disappointed.

  “There is no rush.”

  “But she needs a name, cannot go a day without a name.” He huffed, it was his duty to do these things.

  “Félix.” Standing up Mathieu carefully placed her back in her papa’s arms. “Just look at her, all she wants is you, a name can wait a little. You’ll know when it is right.” They stayed a little bit longer, but eventually, and reluctantly, had to leave them alone. “You can call us any time you know.”

  “I will, but I’ll be alright.”

  Isobella walked around the bed to hug Félix warmly. “Not everything in life is something to be done on your own, asking for help is not a weakness.” Kissing his cheek she slowly joined her husband at the door.


  Sat in the comfiest chair in his parent’s lounge he cradled his daughter as he fed her the bottle his dad had made up for them. She suckled on it happily as he adjusted how he was sat to stop his stomach from twinging, he needed painkillers to cope at the moment but he knew that wouldn’t be forever.

  “Félix, you must have a name by now, the suspense is killing us!” Laura broke the contented silence that had fallen amongst them.

  “I do.” He smiled proudly, after a sleepless night worrying about it he searched online for a name that meant something. “Mila, it means miracle.”

  “Now that is definitely her name.” Isobella grinned. “Mila Garcia.”

  “Mila Isobella G
arcia.” He corrected gently. “If you don’t mind.”

  “None at all.” Isobella sniffed before getting up to check on lunch.


  “Don’t give me that look. I’m always sad to see you go.”

  Max hugged his mum tightly just before he was set to leave to return to England, he had enjoyed every single second of his time back home and amongst family and friends. The trip was the exact tonic he needed to begin repairing his heart, and it wasn’t an act of forgetting and moving on, but it forced him to take stock of a few things.

  He did want someone to spend his evenings with, to cook with and for, take last minute holidays to the beach, introduce to his family, take football…the last part stuck in his throat because it wasn’t that simple at all. He wanted discretion and that was hard to ask of someone to stand in the shadows and pretend. But regardless he held his head up high, he wouldn’t be alone for long.

  And when he had returned home the same optimism remained around him.


  “I wonder who this is from?” Laura asked after Mig had put a parcel in her lap, Lucas was sat up in one arm and after he was picked up and bounced she began to open it. “It’s from England. Hmm.”

  Tearing the paper carefully she found an expensive looking white box, and sliding it off she smiled at two pairs of pale blue booties. And thankfully found a card.

  Congratulations on the birth of your sons, I know how much they have been hoped and wished for and I know they are very lucky to have you and Mig for parents.

  I wish you all a lifetime of health and happiness.

  All my best, Max

  “Oh.” Laura gasped.

  “What is it?”

  “It’s from Max.”

  “Oh.” Sitting down he read through the note. “Are you going to tell Félix?”

  “I don’t know, he’s not in a place to process this.” Shaking her head she sighed contently at the booties, they were both similar, but with enough differences so they were individual. It was incredibly thoughtful, but he should be doing it for his own daughter.

  “I don’t think you can either.” Kissing the top of her head he went to put Lucas down in the bassinet next to Tomás. “We can’t go on like this.”


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