A Brand New Ending

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A Brand New Ending Page 16

by Stephanie Rolls

  “Come on!” I scream, my anger now taking over. Nothing. “You can’t do this to me. You’re not dead. You can’t leave me too.”

  I don’t know how many times I repeat the process but I’m well aware of tears running down my face. They are not the result of the smoke anymore. But I continue to give CPR until every muscle in my body becomes weak. Just when I am about to give up, I hear something. My mind must be playing tricks on me. But when I pick my head back up I see her eyes looking back at me. They are full of fear. Pulling my hands from her chest I scoot even closer to her, my hands automatically rubbing her forehead.

  “Phoenix,” was all I could breathe out.

  Her eyes instantly start to swell up with tears, the vision absolutely heartbreaking.

  “Are you hurt?” I ask.

  She nods. I go to put my arms underneath her to lift, but she starts shaking her head violently, her body fighting my every move. I can tell she is trying to talk.

  “What?” I ask, trying to understand what she wants.

  Phoenix puts her shaky hand to her throat. “Mmmmyyy mmmoooommmm,” she says, her voice harshly disfigured.

  “You want me to get your mom?” I ask, my voice partly shocked.

  Part of me wanted nothing more than to get as far away from here, but the look in Phoenix’s eyes were desperate. Pleading.

  “Are you going to be OK out here alone?” I ask clearly concerned. She just nods. “I will be right back, OK?” I say, squeezing her hand.

  Getting up from the sidewalk I run back into the house, the smoke ten times more intense. I hated having this distance between us again, my mind always on her as I navigate. Walking over to the sliding door I open it, ventilating the downstairs slightly. Finding the stairs again I bound up them, but move slower than before. The house is quiet except the crackle of the flames. But then I hear a cough that’s too feminine to be his. I try to think back to Phoenix’s chart, but my mind is fuzzy. But then it snaps.


  The cough becomes louder. And then I see her. Walking over I bend down so that we are face to face. I can see a river of blood flowing from her nose, her right eye almost swollen shut.

  “Can you walk?” I ask.

  “I don’t know,” she says.

  Leaning down I put her arm around my shoulder and lift her up. Luckily she seems to not stumble badly as we stand and begin heading back to stairs.

  “OK, were going to take one step at a….”

  My words are cut off when I feel an excruciating pain in my shoulder, my grip on Elaina faltering, her body leaving my fingertips. Turning around I see him behind me, a knife in his hands, its tip drenched in my blood. Within seconds his hands are around me and my body is being tossed back and forth. Every time I land on the ground I cry out, my whole body in agony. Getting back up I look at his face, an eerie smile across it. The fucking sick bastard is getting joy from this. I can feel blood start to slide down my face, my right eyebrow on fire.

  “Got a little blood there,” he taunts, wiping his own eyebrow.

  “Go fuck yourself,” I spit, my new found rage shocking even myself. His smile widens as he looks over the blade again. It’s now that I realize I am against a wall, his massive figure towering over me.

  Chapter 29


  Pain. That’s all I could feel.

  My mind tried to put everything together but it was one big broken puzzle. I could only remember bits and pieces. One thing was for sure. Braeden was here. Braeden had pulled me out. But what I didn’t know was what he was doing here. I continue to lay there on the sidewalk, my mind not being able to concentrate but on only one thing. Every second he was gone I began to question myself. Why would I trade his safety for hers?


  I don’t know how much time passes but I began to get uneasy, the smoke billowing from the house, the flames disintegrating the curtain on the upstairs window. I can’t just sit here and wait.

  I grip the right side of my abdomen as I lift myself off the ground, my whole body screaming in agony. After what seems like an eternity of mostly crawling I reach the opened front door, once again entering the fiery building. I can feel the adrenaline flowing through my veins now, it subsiding the pain slightly. As I stand in the middle of the family room I can’t do much but listen. I cry out when my ears pick up on something. I hear voices but I can’t make out what they are saying. But in my gut I know one of them is Braeden’s. Looking around the room I try to find something. Anything. And then I see it. I pick it up in my hand to test its weight. I’m satisfied when it feels quite heavy. I plan out what I know has to be done. I can’t let anything happen to him. He doesn’t deserve it.

  When I make it to the bottom of the stairs I can’t see much but I stop and listen, hearing his labored breath and follow it. I start up them slowly, the bottle grasped tightly in my fingers. When I reach the top I put my arm up and put my face into my elbow, hoping to block out some of the smoke. That when I see him. His figure is facing away from me and I smile inside. I am breathing hard at this point. When I get mere inches from him I drop my elbow and grip the bottle with both hands and swing with all my might, the bottle colliding with the side of his head, the noise is loud to my ears. I cry out in pain, my side hurting immensely. Carl’s body goes limp and he drops to his knees for a second, before toppling to the floor in the fetal position. I stop, every part of my body frozen. Time stands still.

  “Phoenix, we have to get out of here!” I hear someone scream at me.

  But I can’t move. I just stare. Stare at the lifeless body at my feet. I get joy from the flowing red. I feel a brush on my cheek, snapping me back to reality. All I see is his eyes. The beautiful emerald green I have been longing for. And then the sound of sirens drowns out my thoughts.

  Chapter 30


  At this point I have one concern. Get Phoenix out. I can feel the flow of the blood making my shirt stick to me and I begin to feel lightheaded. Her body and mind are completely frozen from the shock. Grabbing her hand I pull her down the stairs, knowing it may be any moment before the fire reaches this hallway. When we reach outside our bodies slam into someone else.

  “Are you two alright?” he asks.

  “I, uh….” I stutter not really knowing how to answer that.

  “Is there anyone else in the house?” I contemplate telling him no.

  “Her mother.” I stop myself. Grappling with knowing I have to tell them about him, but really not wanting to.

  “We’ve got her, she’s already being treated in the ambulance.”

  “There is one more, upstairs,” I state. As much as I wanted to, I can’t be that evil. Plus he deserves nothing more than to rot in jail the rest of his pitiful life. That is if he lives.

  “OK,” he responds

  Once we reach the driveway I am blinded by red flashing lights. It’s absolute chaos, both policeman and fireman running amuck. That’s when I see my father.

  “Braeden,” he says running over to me.

  “I’m fine, I’m fine,” I assure him.

  “Medics!” he screams, paramedics running over to us immediately.

  I look over to Phoenix, our hands still intertwined, tears rolling down her face.

  “You both need to be treated,” he says. Phoenix squeezes my hand harder.

  “We can both go to the same ambulance,” I state rather than question, pleading with my eyes to my father. He nods. Leading us to the open ambulance, I swing Phoenix around so that she enters first and I follow, never letting go of her hand once. The paramedic gets in after us, holding the oxygen mask out. I shift my eyes to Phoenix and she slides it onto her face gently. Her grip on my hand never falters.

  “I’ll see you two at the hospital,” Neil says before slamming the doors shut.

  Chapter 31


  Phoenix remained silent throughout the ride, her hand still gripping mine tightly. I don’t take my eyes off her until th
e ambulance comes to a stop, my heart racing immediately. I go to get up but Phoenix doesn’t move.


  She doesn’t respond. The paramedic goes to shift her so that she can lay down on the gurney but Phoenix flinches, her eyes now fixated on the restraints.

  “Just stop,” I tell the paramedic, suddenly angry that they are causing her distress.

  “We need to get her inside,” the paramedic responds. “She shouldn’t walk.”

  Swinging myself around, I take Phoenix in my arms and carry her out of the ambulance. When we reach just outside the lobby, a nurse awaits with a wheel chair. Setting her down in it gently, her fingers find mine, her grasp strong again. We walk back inside, waiting for my father to show up. Minutes later, he and a team of nurses come around the corner.

  “I’m going to have to let go.” I bend down and whisper into her ear, snapping her out of her zombie state.

  “No,” she says, a tear running down her face. Reaching up with my other hand, I brush her cheek lightly, afraid she may recoil from my touch.

  “I promise I am not going anywhere,” I say. “Do you trust me?”

  She nods. I start to unlock my fingers from hers, our hands releasing. Phoenix returns to her comatose state.

  “Dad,” I utter, still facing Phoenix.

  “Yeah, Braeden?” he says, pulling his attention away from a nurse.

  “Can you be the one who treats her?” I ask swallowing. “She trusts you.” He nods and ushers her away and I watch until they are no longer in view.


  “Fuck!” I mutter under my breath. I can feel each swoop of the needle as the doctor stitches up my shoulder, the anesthesia is not really helping. 13 stitches. Lucky fucking me.

  Once he is finished, he leaves the room, leaving me to my own. My body and mind are both worn out. I can’t seem to relax, my mind keeps going over every second of the night, constantly returning to her. I lay my head back, pleading my body for any amount of sleep. Moments later, I hear the door swing open. I sit up immediately.

  “How is she?” I blurt out.

  “She’s OK,” he says plainly. I sit there, waiting for more. He picks up my chart and starts reading it.

  “Andddd?” I say when the silence becomes too long.

  “You know very well I can’t tell you….”

  Patient doctor confidentiality. “You have got to be fucking kidding me,” I mutter. “I think we’re a little past that notion.”

  A sigh leaves his throat.

  “She is suffering from a pretty decent amount of smoke inhalation. She has two bruised ribs, from what seems to be excessive CPR. Minor cuts were treated.”

  My heart sinks. I have caused her pain.

  “Do you even care to hear about yourself?” I shake my head.

  “Braeden,” he says apprehensively. “She’ll be fine. Time heals all wounds.”

  I get the vibe he’s not talking just about the physical ones. “I just don’t understand…how…why?” I start to mutter, my mind going in a million different directions.

  “There are a lot of different reasons why people chose to abuse others. It can be a result of a mental health issue or disorders. Or some were abused themselves.” I wasn’t asking for a medical lesson.

  I scoff. “Still doesn’t excuse him from what the fuck he did!” I say in a heightened voice.

  “Braeden, calm down,” my father says.

  My knuckles instantly clench, my mind thinking about how very much I’d like to have five more minutes in a room alone with that monster.

  “Is she awake?”

  “No, she’s on some strong pain medication right now; a lot of sleep is only natural. I think you should do the same son.”

  “I’m not tired.”

  He shakes his head.

  “So stubborn. Just like your mother. Well, I am going to be around, please try to get some sleep,” he begs again.

  When he leaves I try shutting my eyes, but I know sleep is useless. Staring at the clock on the wall, an hour passes before I know I have to see her. Throwing my covers off, I exit my room, wondering how long it will be before I get caught. I only get a few feet before I feel something pinch my arm.

  Grabbing the pole, I slowly make my way down the hallway, thankful her room is close to mine. I push the door open slowly, the room is dark except for a small amount of light coming through the blinds. I walk over to her bed, her eyes are closed. I take the time to look at her, all the cuts on her face have been cleaned, one of them required stitches on her forehead. I realize now how dizzy I am becoming. I grab a spare chair, pulling it up to her bedside. She is tightly tucked into her sheets, only her upper body and arms showing. She is hooked up to an IV also and an oxygen nose tube. Looking back down at her arm, I slide my hand into hers, holding it tightly. Then I wait.

  Chapter 32


  I shift my weight, my abdomen on fire.

  “Ow,” I breathe out.

  Before I open my eyes, I know exactly where I am. I can tell by the smell. But there is a new sensation. Warmth. Turning my head over I see him, his face down on the bed side, his body bent in half. His hand is still in mine just like he always promised. I can’t do anything but stare at our hands intermingled, my body free of the normal urge to recoil. I take this time to look at him, his auburn hair disheveled. I look down at what I can see of his body, corners of white gauze sticking out under his hospital top. When he doesn’t move, I squeeze his hand slightly, making him stir. He slowly raises his head and I can tell he is trying to get his bearings. And then he finds me.

  “You’re awake,” he says with a smile. “How are you feeling?”

  “How long have you been here?” I ask through a scratchy throat.

  “I don’t really know. Are you OK?”

  “Medicated,” I say with a smile. “And tired.”

  His head drops, something apparently wrong.

  “What?” I ask.

  “It’s all my fault.”

  I look at him confused. “What do you mean?”

  “The reason you are hurt is because of me.”

  Still not helping me understand.

  “You’re not making any sense.”

  “You have two bruised ribs, Phoenix, and I caused it.”

  I sit up further, holding my wince in internally. “No,” I say harshly. “You saved me, Braeden. I would be dead if it was not for you.” He cringes at my harsh words. “I had to. I couldn’t let him harm you anymore.”

  I grip his hand tighter. Braeden shifts around in his chair, his face displaying he is also in pain. I start to panic.


  “I’m fine,” he assures me.

  “No. You’re not.”

  I am the one that caused him pain. I never thought my hate for Carl could increase. My mind hastily shifts to my mother. Braeden must have noticed my shift in emotions because he stands up, his grip on my hand tightening.

  “Phoenix, what’s wrong?”

  “My mom.”

  His face falls. “Let me go find out,” he says.

  “No,” I say sternly. “I don’t want you to leave. Not yet.”

  He gives me a crooked smile. “OK, I’ll stay.”

  He goes to sit back down but I squeeze his hand, effectively making him stop midair. My heart begins to race and I gnaw on my bottom lip. I shift my eyes from him to the empty space in the bed beside me.

  “Are you sure?” he asks.

  My heart skips a beat. Maybe he doesn’t want to be that close to me.

  “I…uh…” Don’t be a coward. “Yes.”

  Scooting over a little, Braeden lowers himself onto the bed, his body above the sheets, mine still nestled underneath. We both lay there, not saying anything important, the sounds of nothing but our breath fills the room. I watch as he lays there, his eyes finally closing. I soon follow.


  When I woke up from my nap Braeden was gone from my bed. I panic for a
moment thinking all of it was a dream. But I inhale, smelling his scent on the sheets. An intense feeling of dread overwhelms me, the tears falling fast, my emotions on a roller coaster. Everything’s gone.

  Reaching up, I feel the emptiness of where my necklace should hang, my hands start to shake. I sit up slightly, looking around the room. I breathe a sigh of relief when I see it sitting on the table beside me. The door pushes open and Braeden walks through holding two cups. He is smiling until he notices my state of panic.

  “What’s going on?” he says as he sets the cups down and rushes over to me.

  “I’ve lost it,” I utter.

  “Lost what?” he asks, clearly confused.

  Tears start to fall again, my chest hiccupping with every breath.

  “Breathe,” he says as he runs a finger across my cheek.

  “Your mom’s book…” He continues to look at me confused. “Your father allowed me to borrow your mother’s book, it was in the nightstand when…”

  “Shhh, it doesn’t matter,” he says.

  I start to respond but something catches my eyes in the door window. She is looking at me, her black eye frightening me. She smiles, but there are tears in her eyes. She puts her hand up to her mouth and blows me a kiss. I remain frozen in my bed, not able to move. With a blink of an eye she’s gone. There is something so final to her figure no longer being in sight. I instantly know. That would be the last time I would see Elaina. And to be honest, I don’t know how I feel about it.


  The days in the hospital blur together, Braeden and I lost in our own world. I would be lying if I said they weren’t some of the greatest days I’ve had in a long time.

  “You are totally kicking my ass,” I hear Braeden say, sitting in a chair across from me. I smile.

  “King me,” I say through laughter.

  Braeden stacks a checker on top on mine. The board is mostly red, my pile of black checkers expanding.

  “I used to play this with my dad all the time,” I giggle. “I think he always let me win.”

  My heart sinks a little at my own mention of my father. Braeden notices.


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