A Brand New Ending

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A Brand New Ending Page 26

by Stephanie Rolls

  “Just about…perfect,” Chelsea says as she pins the last stray hair. “You look gorgeous.”

  I look at myself in the mirror, a whole new person looking back at me.

  “Holy shit,” I call out. “Where did you learn to do this?”

  She shrugs.

  “I had a lot of free time when I was younger,” she explains. “Both my parent’s worked at lot and I had no siblings.” Even having both of your parents, you can still be alone.

  “You didn’t want to do it as a profession?” I ask, her skills clearly up to par. She shrugs.

  “I wanted to do something that would help people,” she explains. “I don’t think I would save a lot of lives by performing Brazilian blow outs.” She laughs.

  “So, what made you want to become a nurse?”

  “When I saw the amazing things that they can do,” she answers. “When I was around 15 my grandfather fell incredibly ill, in which he had to spend the rest of his days in the hospital. My grandmother had died a few years prior and although we tried to visit as much as we could, it wasn’t possible for someone to be with him 24/7.”

  She takes a breath, the story obviously still having an effect on her.

  “But then we met Rachel. She became my grandfather’s confident until his very last breath and in that moment, I knew I wanted to be a nurse,” she finishes abruptly. Everyone has a story.

  Once we finish cleaning up I start to walk down the hallway, my heart beating erratically as the satin of the dress swings around me. Although the dress is floor length I have never felt so exposed. Rounding the corner to the stairs I take a deep breath, praying to god that I don’t fall. These shoes are clearly the tallest I have ever worn. But then I see Braeden at the bottom, a large smile on his face. Now I’m definitely going to fall.

  Taking one step at a time I reach the midway point before Braeden takes a few steps himself, holding his hand out to me and guiding me down the rest of the way. When we reach the bottom I get a really good look at him. He looks tall and slender in his suit, his tie matching the color of my dress perfectly.

  I silently laugh when I see that he has chosen to keep the small amount of stubble on his face, his hair still disheveled in its natural way.

  “Picture time,” I hear Chelsea say, turning around to see a camera in her hand.

  “This isn’t prom,” Braeden whines, clearly not wanting his picture taken.

  “Just shut up and stand together,” she waves on.

  We do as we’re told, Braeden and I standing side by side. As we look to the camera I feel Braeden’s arm come around me, light touches from his fingertips graze my exposed shoulder, goosebumps adorning my skin. After a few more snaps she finally puts the camera down.

  “Ready?” she asks. Braeden nods.

  “I think we’re gonna walk,” he explains. “It’s only a few blocks.”

  My heart rate spikes at the thought of walking in these things for more than a few feet.

  “Plus, I want to show you off,” he says close to my ear. Blisters are worth it. Chelsea heads out once more and soon it’s just Braeden and I.

  “You look beautiful, Seraph,” he says, placing his arm around my backside again, pulling me close into him. “Like a true angel.”

  “You don’t look so bad yourself.”

  Luckily, the walk to the banquet room was short and I would be lying if I said that I didn’t feel like Cinderella in this dress, hoping that, at the stroke of midnight, the fairy godmother wasn’t going to take it from me, prince and all. When we reach the building, it is utter chaos. A sea of colorful gowns and suits filling the grand ballroom. Braeden notices my uneasiness. His grip on my hand tightens.

  “I won’t let go,” he says as he picks it up, placing a small kiss on top of it. “Are you ready?”

  I nervously nod. We make our way through the crowds of people, my eyes scanning every face I can see. He’s not here. You’ll never see him again.

  We stride over to the opposite side of the room, spotting Dr. Harris immediately. His eyes find the two of us and he excuses himself from the group.

  “Phoenix?” he asks jokingly. “You look beautiful.”

  I lean in giving him a hug. “Thank you, Neil,” I say before pulling back. “Who knew Harris’ could rock a suit so well,” I kid to both of them.

  “We have been known to clean up once in a while.”

  Neil turns his attention back to the group, introducing Braeden and I. My mind soon becomes a mixture of doctor’s names, not really knowing who’s who after a few minutes. Braeden excuses us and heads into the direction of the bar.

  “One beer, one champagne,” he says.

  I go to protest but Braeden squeezes my hand. We walk away from the bar, Braeden handing me the fluted glass.

  “Believe me, it will make the night better,” he says before putting his own glass to his mouth.

  I look at the glass, the small bubbles floating up the sides of it. Putting it to my lips I push it back, the cold liquid filling my mouth. We continue to mingle into the gobs of people, more introductions being made and before I know it my glass in empty, the bubbly liquid flowing right through me. I go to excuse myself but then I see a pair of hands come around me and before I know it I am being lifted up into the air, my feet far off the ground. A large scream leaves my throat which gets the attention of multiple patrons around us.

  “Put me down,” I scream out, trying to not let my crippling fear escape.

  “I guess I should have asked first, huh?” I hear the voice say behind me.

  Once I get set on the ground I turn around to see Donovan’s massive form standing over me.

  “Yeah, maybe you should,” I spit out, the tone in my voice not even recognizable to myself.

  Straightening my dress I look up at Braeden, an angry expression on his face.

  “Can you not act like a fucking idiot for one moment in your life?” he snaps.

  “Braeden, I’m fine,” I assure, putting my hand on his arm.

  I see the look on Donovan’s face, it absolutely heartbreaking. “Sorry, I keep forgetting,” he says shaking his face.

  I give him a smile now that my nerves have calmed down.

  “Will you take a hug?” I ask, holding my arms out to him.

  His face lights up like a child at Christmas. He softly steps forward, wrapping his arms around me. I let out a laugh as he lets go. Will I ever not do that?

  “No date?” I ask, looking around him.

  “Pffft,” he responds. “I got the hottest date here.”

  He turns around and that’s when I see a tall women strutting towards me, her red hair accentuated by the fire in her dress. She looks familiar. And then my mind reminds me of who she is. I turn to Braeden, who is now conversing with an older, balding man. I instantly become nauseous, my feet wanting to carry me far away, but the alcohol inhibiting me. My mind is transferred back to a sight of what seemed like another lifetime ago, her lips on his. I fidget with the glass in my hand, a weird desire to throw it at her head overcomes me. When she reaches us Donovan puts his arm around her.

  “Lillian, this is Phoenix,” he says introducing us.

  She smiles at me and holds her hand out. I stare at it for a moment before holding out mine. We shake hands, her grip firm and tight.

  “Hi,” I say softly, my eyes now on the ground.

  After the introductions I feel Braeden’s presence at my side, the same pissed off expression from moments earlier on his face.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” he asks her and I’m even surprised by his tone, it throwing even me off guard.

  “I didn’t know you owned this fucking building,” she snaps back.

  I think my mouth drops open. Braeden’s eyes look at Donovan’s.

  “Seriously?” I hear Braeden ask, it making the moment even more awkward. “You bring her to this?”

  Lillian looks aghast and I don’t know what to feel.

  “What?” Donovan asks, a
true look of confusion on his face.

  But something shifts, his eyes telling me that he is finally making the connection with the rest of us. This girl separated Braeden and I last time and I refuse to let it happen again.

  “I’m going to go to the bathroom,” I announce, pushing past everyone.

  “I’ll go with you,” I hear Braeden say behind me.

  I turn around to face him, a concerned look on his face.

  “I’m fine, Braeden,” I say. “I’m just going to the bathroom, I’ll be right back.”

  “Promise?” he asks, a worried look on his face

  I give him a sly smile before walking right up to him, the alcohol serving as liquid courage. I place one hand into his hair and the other on his ass, my lips slamming against his. As we continue to kiss I stare at her, her eyes gazing into mine. I suddenly feel so childish, never having these feelings before Braeden came into my life. After a few more seconds I pull back, a smile on his face as he catches onto my game.

  “I’ll be right back, handsome,” I say as I turn around and head in the direction of the bathrooms and I as I do I can feel Braeden’s eyes on my ass so I do a little shimmy as I walk away, Braeden laughing behind me.

  When I get out of the main area I look around, trying to remember where I saw the sign for the restrooms but I quickly become lost with my stellar sense of direction, finding myself going down a large hallway. When I get towards the end I go to turn back around but a sound of giggling reaches my ears, it making me peer down a fork off the main hallway. I instantly inhale at the sight before me.

  Dr. Harris is leaning against the far wall, a drink in his right hand which is at his side but his other hand is wrapped around Chelsea’s back, his fingertips toying with the knot keeping her dress together. I remain peering around the corner, not believing what my eyes are seeing. Her mouth is close to his ear, Dr. Harris clearly enjoying whatever she is saying. When I am able to pull my eyes away, I realize that I am prying into someone’s privacy. When I go to turn around my hand collides with the wall, it knocking the glass from my hand, a loud shatter ringing through the once-silent hallway.

  I panic, finding the first unlocked door and throw it open, my head banging against various objects. Shutting the door quickly I remain quiet, listening for any sound. I exhale when no one comes searching. After a few minutes I realize I haven’t been discovered and what I had just witnessed. Two things were sure. Dr. Harris and Chelsea are definitely more than just associates and that Braeden was going to flip.

  After a few more minutes I slowly push open the door, checking both sides of the hallway to make sure the coast is clear. Pulling myself from now what I realize is the janitor’s closet I re-arrange my dress and head back to the party. Shit. I still have to pee. Once I leave the hallway I see a figure coming towards me, his hands running through his hair. His once-tight tie is loosened somewhat, the top button on his dress shirt undone. He looks deliciously disheveled. When he gets close enough his lips are instantly on the exposed skin of my neck, his kisses fiery. As I inhale, I can smell the alcohol on his breath, it obvious that he had a few more drinks while I was on my adventure. Reminds me of what Carl always smelled like.

  “I was afraid you ditched me,” he mutters into my skin. “I missed you while you were gone, Seraph.”

  I laugh lightly. “I wasn’t gone that long was I?” I ask.

  “I stood outside the bathrooms waiting for you but you seemed to somehow sneak past me.”

  “I guess I got a little lost,” I lie. Well it’s half true.

  “What’s this?” he asks, a small amount of pain radiating from my hand, a small scratch across it.

  “Oh, I must have caught it on something.” I lie, digging myself deeper.

  He pulls back and is now standing facing me.

  “Are you mad?” he asks.

  My heart races, wondering what he’s talking about.

  “At what?”

  “Donovan bringing her.”

  “Oh,” I start. “No, just shocked that’s all. I wasn’t expecting that.”

  Braeden’s hands come around my backside, pulling me into him.

  “I love you so much,” he announces. “I love that we can be honest with each other. We have no secrets, everything is always out in the open.”

  I swallow the lump in my throat.

  “Braeden…” I say, the tone in my voice changing.

  He must have noticed the change because his hands come around to my forearms, the sly smirk gone from his face. I go to open my mouth but I can’t seem to form the words, feeling like it’s not my rightful place to tell him this.

  “I had a really good time tonight,” I coward, wrapping my arms around him.

  I hear him laugh, probably not believing my horrible acting skills.

  “It’s not over yet,” he announces. “I haven’t had the chance to dance with you yet.”

  I pull back, my eyes widening.

  “Braeden, I can’t dance…like at all.”

  “Come on, it’s just a slow one, all you have to do is hold onto me.”

  I smile. “I think I can do that.”

  He takes his hand in mine and I have tunnel vision, only seeing the beautiful man in front of me. Once we step onto the reserved dance floor his body immediately wraps around mine.

  “Put your arms around my neck,” he commands.

  I do so, Braeden’s hands coming around my back again. The song starts slowly, a female’s voice filling the room. Braeden’s begins moving and in that moment I get lost. There is no one else in this world besides us. Nothing else even mattered. Nothing could come between us. It was just Braeden and I

  Chapter 52


  I wake up in my bed feeling the cold sheets beside me. Sitting up slowly, my head is cloudy, the four drinks I downed last night certainly weren’t helping. Once I saw Lillian coming behind Donovan, I had never felt so enraged in my life. All of the visions and feelings from our last encounter came flooding back into my mind. I almost lost Phoenix because of a careless fuck and I wouldn’t let that happen again. I refused. I didn’t know who to be madder at, myself or Donovan. He knew what bringing her would do and in that moment I hated him. I wanted to wrap my fingers around his massive throat and watch him gasp for air. But I couldn’t peel my eyes away from Phoenix’s, waiting for her to walk out that door and never come back.

  But when she pressed her body against mine, her mouth claiming mine I could feel her insecurities, but she was fighting against them instead of letting them rule her like they always have in the past. When she returned from the bathroom, something had changed, something shifted. I wanted to ask her about it, but pressing the issue was not something I felt like doing.

  Pushing the rest of the comforter off me I let out a huge sigh, feeling as though I had not gotten one minute of sleep. Standing up I stretch out, my head slightly pounding.

  Perhaps drinking wasn’t such a good idea. I look at myself in the mirror, realizing I am still in my dress shirt and slacks; both of them slung open, exposing all of my chest and torso. I slide off my shirt and then my pants, coming to the conclusion I needed a shower badly. I grab my towel and make my way to the bathroom, hoping a shower will somewhat waken me. Stepping under the warm spray, my mind travels back to the night and the look on Phoenix’s face. A look of hesitation.

  That was the first time I felt like Phoenix was hiding something from me. I finally decide to pull myself out of the shower and get dressed quickly, realizing how late in the day it is. When I make it out to the living room I grumble at what I see.

  “I should kick your fucking ass out of here,” I spit, grabbing an apple from the basket.

  “Dude, I forgot…” Donovan snaps back. “But don’t put the blame on me. You’re the one who slept with her.”

  My stomach churns just thinking about it. I lean my body against the countertop, putting the apple to my lips and bite down.

  “But why the fuck did you bring
her?” I ask. “To a medical fundraiser full of civilized people?”

  I see his hands turn into fists, his knuckles turning white.

  “I like her,” he announces.

  I look at him confused. “You like her?” I ask. “Every time you two are around it’s like cats and dogs.”

  “Dude, did you never go to fucking high school?”

  I roll my eyes, never understanding the ridiculous games some people play.

  “So, are you two dating?” I say with a pause, never thinking I would say dating and Donovan in the same sentence.

  He shrugs. “We’re spending time together,” he explains.

  “Do you want to sleep with other women when you are with her?” I ask aggravated.

  He shakes his head. “That’s the definition of dating,” I say shaking my head.

  We both fall silent for a moment, both collecting our thoughts.

  “How’s Phoenix?” he asks.

  I shrug. “Something’s off,” I admit. “But I don’t think it was because of your plus one.”

  He stands up and walks over in my direction.

  “You still want to go through with today?” he asks.

  I finally smile for the first time today.


  Chapter 53


  I stand under the water, trying to wash out the gobs of hair spray out of my hair. By the third wash, it starts to soften, the natural state of my hair returning. I didn’t get much sleep last night due to my untimely discovery, running a million different scenarios in my mind on how I could tell Braeden. Every time I talk myself into it, I talk myself right out of it. Pulling myself from the shower I wrap my body in my robe, the soft fibers a welcomed feeling against my skin. When I get back to my bedroom I plop back on the bed, not having much to do today. It’s my day off from the hospital and Braeden told me he was going to be busy the first half of the day.

  After a few more minutes of staring at the ceiling I pull myself up and grab some clothes, opting for my comfiest set I can find, a pair of jeans and a simple button-up shirt. I put on my sneakers, my feet still hurting for the high heels. When I am finished getting ready I make my way downstairs, moving slowly and praying to God I don’t run into Dr. Harris. I breathe a sigh of relief when I see that the downstairs is vacant and calm. I look out the back windows, the typical fog rolling back in, the warmth of the sun gone. I aimlessly walk the perimeter, realizing how painstakingly bored I am.


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