Heinl, Robert 354
Heller, Joseph 343
Hemerijckx, Dr Frans 309, 318
Hemingway, Ernest 111, 199, 302–3
Henty, G. A. 8, 20, 57
Herbert, George 59
Herbert, Laura 191
Herr, Michael, Dispatches 392
Hervey, Harry Congai: Mistress of Indochine (1925) 217
Heyer, Georgette 339
Higham, David 54, 68, 93, 324–5, 423, 505
Hitchcock, Alfred 99, 266–7, 300
Hitchens, Christopher 226
Hitler, Adolf 63, 64, 124, 164, 393, 433
Ho Chi Minh 204–5, 216, 226, 257, 260; GG meets in Hanoi (1955) 261, 262
Hoa Hao (religious sect in Vietnam) 207, 257–8
Hoare, Mike 419, 420
Hobbes, Thomas 60
Hochstetter, Leo 221–2
Hollis, Sir Roger 494
homosexuality 27, 196, 329, 339–40, 374, 375, 456
Honduras 462, 464
Honegger, Arthur, Pacific 231, 64
Hong Kong 221, 226, 246–7, 261
Hoover, J. Edgar 346
Hornung, E. W. 422
Horthy, Miklós 98
Hostovský, Egon 181
Howard, Brian 24, 33
Howard, Reginald ‘Rex’ 137, 138
Howard, Trevor 185, 229, 233–4
Howell, Gwen 30–1
Hoxha, Enver 350
Hu Feng 286–7
Hubbard, L. Ron 146
Huerta, Alberto 172, 502–3
Hügel, Baron von 194
Hughes, Emmet 226
Hugo, Victor 207
Hull, Christopher 299
The Human Factor (1978) 8, 137, 227, 381, 383, 384, 424, 425, 494; treatment of apartheid in 312, 381, 465; manuscript set-aside (1968) 381–2, 394, 421
Hummerstone, Bill 474–5
Hungary 98, 385, 424–5, 488
Hunter, Bruce 334, 505
Hutt, John 91
Huxley, Aldous 57, 185
Hyde, Annie 7
Hyde, Dr Charles McEwen 307
Igoe, Bill 417, 421
Independent Labour Party (ILP) 76
India 257, 343, 361
Inkatha Freedom Party 420
Innes, Michael 146
intelligence services: GG’s early attempts at espionage 28–9; Vansittart’s ‘private detective agency’ 98–9; SIS-SOE rivalry 141–2; MI5, 144, 149, 152, 297, 345, 346, 494; MI6-MI5 rivalries 149; Cambridge spy ring 150, 152–5, 328–9, 345–7, 349–50, 382; HUMINT 150; signals intelligence (SIGINT) 150; ‘Garbo’ case 151–2; appeal to writers 156–7; Smollett as Russian spy 180; photographing of Yugoslav coast 229; GG meets Guy Burgess in Moscow (1960) 328–9; see also MI6 (SIS)
Iran 426
Ireland 170–1, 175, 499–500; Civil War (1922–3) 25–6
Isherwood, Christopher 4, 24, 273
Israel 388–91
Italy 209–10, 227, 252
Ivasheva, Valentina 502
Iyonda, leprosy clinic in 309–10, 312–15, 318, 319
Jacob, Sir Ian 323
Jamaica 278, 326
James, Henry 198, 457
Jameson Irish whiskey 483
Jamison, Dr Kay Redfield 15
Japan 111, 138, 151, 200, 204, 222, 323
Jenkin, Sir William 205
Jenkins, Graham 217
Jerrold, Douglas 158–9, 160, 187
Jesuit order 64, 114, 169, 398–9, 402, 463, 504
Jews 27, 64–5, 108, 265–6
Joannon, Pierre 475–6, 483, 499–500
Jodl, Field Marshal 152
John Gordon Society 272–3, 290
John Paul II, Pope 114, 248, 265, 451, 503
John XXIII, Pope 352
Johns Hopkins University 309
Johnson, Lady Bird 448
Johnson, Lyndon B. 259, 365, 437
Jolicoeur, Aubelin 358, 360, 370
Jonathan Cape 47, 75, 498
Jones, David, In Parenthesis 95
Jones, David (theatre director) 422
Jones, James Earl 374, 378–9
Jongh, Andrée de 318
Jowett, Benjamin 125
Joyce, James, Ulysses 29
Jumelle, Clément 353–4
Karas, Anton 185
Kasavubu, Joseph 311
Kaufman, Bob 326–7
Keating, Kenneth 351
Keene, Ralph 166
Kempe, Margery 196
Kennedy, John F. 214, 257, 327, 351
Kent, Bruce 391
Kenya 33, 235–40, 312
Kenyatta, Jomo 236, 240
Ker, Ian 105–6
Keyes, Frances Parkinson 160
KGB 346, 425, 426–7, 488–9, 491–2, 494
Khrushchev, Nikita 350, 351
Kikuyu people 33, 236, 237, 238
King’s College London 430
Kinnock, Neil 165
Kipling, Rudyard 501
Kirkpatrick, Jeane 480
Kissinger, Henry 442, 448
Knightley, Philip 346
Knox, Dilly 150
Kollek, Teddy 389
Korda, Alexander 98, 99–100, 128, 132, 161, 183, 194, 233, 289; and intelligence services 98–9; and The Fallen Idol 162, 173, 174; and The Third Man 179, 180, 182, 184, 185; the Elsewhere (yacht) 181–2, 197, 212, 229–30, 251; gives GG villa on Capri 182–3; The Heart of the Matter (film, 1953) 229; death of (1956) 251
Korda, Michael 181–2, 197, 234, 371, 404, 494
Korean War 200
Krasker, Robert 185, 186
Kretschmer, Ernst 195
Kreuger, Ivar 73
Küng, Hans 454, 503
Kuznetsov, Anatoly 384–5
KwaZulu territory 420
Kyncl, Karel 386
Labour Party 164
Lagerkvist, Pär 199, 228–9
Lagos 139–40, 142, 144, 145
Lambert, Hansi 306, 308
Lamumba, Patrice 311
Lancaster, Donald 215, 242
Lancaster, Osbert 102
Land Benighted (Too Late to Turn Back) (Barbara Greene) 83
Lanina, Tanya 328
Lansdale, Edward 222, 257, 269
Lansky, Meyer 279, 353
Lanusse, Alejandro 411
Laos 243, 245–6, 260, 391
Lapautre, Michelle 424
Lattre, Bernard de 215, 220, 221
Lattre de Tassigny, Jean de 207, 208, 214–15, 216, 219–20, 221, 222
Latvia 78
Lauwerys, Joseph 285, 286
Le Huu Tu (Bishop of Phat Diem) 207, 216, 245, 257
Le Queux, William, Spies of the Kaiser 457
League of Nations 80–1, 82, 86, 91
Lechat, Michel 308–10, 312–15, 318, 319, 335, 338, 369
Lehmann-Haupt, Christopher 461
Leigh, Vivien 98, 181, 212
Leo XIII, Pope 112
Leonard, Mary (later Pritchett) 66, 68, 95–6, 115, 183
Leonhardt, Rudolf Walter 348
leprosy 33, 306, 307–10, 312–15, 316–17, 319, 335, 338, 443; GG encounters in Liberia 89, 307–8; psychological effects 313, 317, 318, 335–6
Leroux, Etienne (Stephanus le Roux) 414, 419–20, 421
Leroy, Colonel Jean 207, 208, 221, 257–8, 259, 341
Leslie, Peter 78–9
Letelier, Orlando 448
Lewis, C. S. 169
Lewis, David 224
Lewis, Jeremy 68
Lewis, Peter 421
Lewis, Wilmarth Sheldon ‘Lefty’ 344
Lhérisson, Camille 365–6
libel law 67, 96, 175, 475, 477; Wee Willie Winkie review (1937) 102, 103, 123, 124, 137, 273
Liberal Party 164
liberation theology 401, 402
Liberia 6, 33, 80–90, 94, 137, 140, 307–8, 312
Lie, Nils 61–2
Liebling, A. J. 269
Life magazine 171, 200, 206, 208, 209, 219, 226–7
Ligachyov, Yegor 492, 494
Guild 370
lithium 196
Lithuania 78
Llanusa José 376
Lloyd, Selwyn 298
Lloyd George, David 20
Locke, John 198
Lodge, David 417
London: GG at 15 Devonshire Terrace 18–21; room at 141 Albert Palace Mansions 46; flat at 8 Heathcroft, Hampstead Way 51; in It’s a Battlefield 70–1, 75; house at Clapham Common 91, 133–4; studio in Mecklenburgh Square 125, 126, 134, 148; WW2 in 127–8, 132–6, 148, 149–50, 163–4; Victoria League building destroyed (April 1941) 134–5; flat at 18 Gordon Square 148, 164, 171; V-weapon attacks on 164; flat at 5 St James’s Street 187–8, 197, 231; Albany, Piccadilly 231, 264, 289
London Film Productions 98–9, 173
Longmans, Green & Co 112, 125
Loraine, Denis 332–3
Low, David 135–6
Lu Ling 286
Lublin, University of 265
Luce, Clare Boothe 226
Luce, Henry 226
Luciano, Lucky 279
Lüning, Heinz 292
Lusitania sinking (1915) 167
Lustig, Robin 383
Lyons, Islay de Courcy 183, 394
Macaulay, Rose 91
MacDiarmid, Hugh 285–6
MacDonald, Ramsay 433
MacGregor-Cheers, Joey 202
Mackenzie, Compton 182
Mackey, Michael 143–4, 145
Maclean, Donald 152, 329, 345, 346, 382
Macleod, Joseph (Adam Drinan) 33
Macmillan, Harold 346
Macowan, Michael 282
Macpherson, Kenneth 183
magic realism 402
Magloire, Paul (President of Haiti) 253, 353, 365
Mailer, Norman 491
Mais, Priscilla 275
Malaya 33, 200–3, 204, 205, 209
Mallin, Jay 294–5
Malraux, André 341–2
Manichaeism 408
Mankiewicz, Joseph L. 270, 300
Manríquez y Zárate, José de Jesús 115
Mantichorean Society (Oxford) 23
Mao Zedong 285, 286
maps 84–5
Marais, Kowie 420
Marbury, Elisabeth 68
Marcial, Comandante (Salvador Cayetano Carpio) 466–9, 480–1, 482
marijuana 255
Maritain, Jacques 365
Marks, John 101
Marlborough College 13–14
Márquez, Gabriel García (‘Gabo’) 439, 447, 463, 465, 466, 481, 482
Martindale, C. C. 178, 194–5, 212
Martínez, Boris 437
Martínez, José de Jesús (‘Chuchu’) 434, 440–1, 445, 447, 462, 477, 483–4; and GG’s 1976 trip to Panama 440–1, 443–4; ‘pigeon house’ of 441, 446, 455; and Nicaraguan rebels 446–7, 450, 455; and GG’s 1978 trip to Panama 450–1, 452, 453–4, 466, 467; and death of Torrijos 470–1, 478; and Díaz 478, 486; allies with Noriega 486, 505; and US invasion (1989) 504–5; death of (1991) 505
Martinique 285
Marturet Raúl Oscar 407
Masariegos, Don Porfirio 121
Masaryk, Jan 181
Maschler, Tom 498
Mathew, David 212, 249
Mathew, Gervase 135, 212
Mau Mau uprising (1952–60) 33, 235–40, 312
Maude, A. H. 52
Maugham, Somerset 156
Mauriac, François 188–9, 199
Mauthausen concentration camp 77, 188
Mayo, Arthur 11
McCall, Monica 299–300, 370, 404
McCarthy, Joseph 225
McDonnell, Vincent, The Broken Commandment 499
McGill, P. J. 238
Médecin, Jacques 474
Melville, Herman, Moby Dick 459–60
Mendoza, Nicolas 293
Menzies, Stewart (‘C’) 154
Merton, Thomas 194
Mexico xv, 101, 104, 453; Catholicism in 14, 44, 112–15, 116–20, 122–3, 129–30, 249, 352; GG visits (1938) 103, 104, 110, 111, 112, 114, 115–23; oil industry nationalized 116, 312; black Madonna in Guadalupe 118, 352; aboriginal communities 119–20, 121–2, 240; GG returns to (1963) 351–2
Meyer, Michael 266, 267, 284, 303, 326, 327, 415
MGM 156, 161–2, 370, 378, 404–5
MI6 (SIS) xiv, 78–9, 297, 346; GG’s WW2 service in 137–43, 149–53, 154–7, 277; Section V (counter-intelligence) 149–55, 205, 277, 428; rivalry with MI5, 149; counter-intelligence on Soviet Union (Section IX) 153–4; operations in the Far East 205, 215, 242, 260, 261; and Rodney Dennys 212, 324, 345, 350, 425, 426; GG in Poland 265; and Philby-GG communications 425, 426, 489, 495, 497
Mikoyan, Serge 491
Milian, Raúl 374, 375
Miller, Henry 272
Miller, Inglis 12
Milne, Tim xiv, 150, 154–5, 205, 346
Miranda, Miguel Darío 112, 117, 123
Miskito people in Nicaragua 480
The Mission (Roland Joffé film, 1986) 398
Mistinguett (entertainer) 29
Mitterrand, François 474
Mobutu, Joseph Désiré (Mobutu Sese Seko) 311
modernist movement 24–5
Monckton, Sir Walter 239
Mondale, Walter 483
Monde, Claudette 169, 170
Monserrat 4, 81
Montagu, Elizabeth 180
Monte Carlo 250, 424
Moor, Elisabeth 227, 263, 288, 301, 394
Moore, Brian 289, 487
Moore, Peter 233
Moore, Sir John 20, 432
Moret, André 242, 260, 319
Morgan, Charles 55
Morgan, J. P. 73
Morley, Robert 251
Morocco 171, 184
Morrell, Lady Ottoline 57, 70
Morrison, William Shepherd 298–9
Morrow, Jo 302
Moscow 62, 328–9, 346, 347, 426, 488–90, 494, 495–6
Mosley, Oswald 76
Moss, Geoffrey, Defeat 26
Mountbatten, Louis 205
Mozambique 428
Muggeridge, Malcolm 65, 78, 137, 158, 175, 188, 205; at Ministry of Information in WW2, 132; on loss of GG’s Clapham house 133, 134; on GG’s appetite for conflict 187; with GG at Aileen Philby’s house 345–6; and religion 389–90
Muller, Hilgard 420
Munich Agreement (September 1938) 124–5
Murillo, Rosario 455–6, 479
Murphy, Audie 270
Murphy, John P. 177
Murry, John Middleton 70
Mussolini, Benito 158
Nabokov, Nicolas 306
Nabokov, Vladimir, Lolita 272, 273, 290
Naidenoff, Georges 258
Namibia 420
Narayan, R. K. 93–4, 160–1, 290
the Nausikaa (double-ended cutter) 188
Navarre, Henri 242, 243
‘near-death experiences’ 501–2
Neave, Airey, Little Cyclone 318
Nekchi people in Guatemala 454
Nelson, Thomas 25
Neruda, Pablo 409–10
Neumann, Therese 193–4
Nevinson, Christopher 18
New Statesman 225, 232–3
New York 171, 184–5, 225–6, 229, 279, 281–2, 326
New York Review of Books 444–5, 448
New York Times 124, 224, 254, 356
Newall, Maria 239, 429, 433
Newbolt, Sir Henry, Devotional Poets of the XVII Century 59, 228
Newman, John Henry 105–6, 340
News Chronicle 83, 92
Ngo Dinh Diem 221, 256–7, 258–9, 260, 261, 270
Ngo Dinh Nhu 257, 258
Nguyen Manh Ha 215–16
Nhu, Madame 258
Nicaragua 446–7, 452–3, 505; Sandinistas 451–2, 453, 455–6, 462, 469–70, 477, 479, 480, 485; GG in Managua (1980/3) 469–70, 478–81; American-backed Contras 479, 480, 493
Nicoll, Maurice 18
Nicolson, Harold 329
Night and Day (magazine, 1937) 101–3
p; Nihill, Sir John Barclay 238–9, 240
Nin, Anaïs 272
Niven, David 422
Nixon, Richard 409
Nobel Prize for Literature 199, 228–9, 266, 284, 410
Noble, Allan 298
Noriega, Manuel 436, 438, 446, 471, 478, 479, 486; GG distrusts 478, 485, 486; and GG’s visit to Castro (1983) 478, 481–2; and Chuchu 486, 505; arrested by the Americans (1989) 504
Northumberland, Duke of 27
Norway 61–2
Nottingham 40–4
Oakley, P. D. 96, 102
Oberammergau, passion play at 56–7
the Observer 346, 409, 412
Ocampo, Victoria 400, 401, 406, 409, 410, 444
Odd Man Out (Carol Reed film, 1947) 173
O’Faoláin, Seán 177
O’Grady, Clodagh 30
Ojeda, Fernando 294
Oldfield, Maurice (‘C’) 205, 260, 425, 428, 429
Olivier, Laurence 98, 212, 271, 342
O’Malley, Ernie 170
On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (Peter R. Hunt, film, 1968) 324
Onganía, Juan Carlos 400
opium 223, 231, 246–7, 260, 261, 263
Opus Dei 430
ORDEN (Organización Democrática Nacionalista) 462, 464, 468
Ordoñez, German Pomares 451–2
Organisation armée secrète (OAS) 341, 342
Organization of American States 355, 375, 448
Orient Express 63–4, 397–8, 501
Ortega, Daniel 447, 455–6, 479, 500, 505
Ortega, Humberto 469, 479
Orwell, George 132, 139, 161, 176
Osborne, John 232
Oseira, Trappist monastery of 431–2, 433, 434, 483
Österling, Anders 266, 410
Otero, Lisandro 374
Our Man in Havana (1958) 137, 227, 277–9, 288, 291–5, 296, 297, 351, 366, 489; George Herbert epigraph 59; Lisbon/Tallinn as possible settings for 78–9, 428; ‘Garbo’ case as influence on plot 151; numbers as a leitmotif 212, 251; bidding for film rights 299
Oxford 69–70, 163, 187, 288
Oxford University 18, 23–5, 33–5, 127, 163; Wadham College 3, 62; Balliol College 21–2, 23–5, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33–5, 125; GG’s pranks/escapades at 23, 26, 29, 52; Oxford Outlook (undergraduate review) 24, 25, 28, 36–7; GG at 52 Beechcroft Road 30; Trinity College 127, 163; Oriel College 138; Christ Church 264, 323
Pachman, Ludeˇk 386
Palestine, British mandate in 65
Panama 434, 436, 438–49, 450–4; Canal Zone 436–7, 438, 439, 442, 444, 445, 447–9, 462; US military interventions 436, 504–5; coups of late 1960s 437–8; treaty negotiations with USA 437, 438, 445–6; G-2 (intelligence service) 438, 446, 466; GG’s trips to 439–44, 445–6, 450–4, 465–9, 470, 477–8, 485–6; search for Drake’s body 452, 470; and GG’s meeting with Castro (1983) 481, 482; Noriega ousts Díaz 486; see also Martínez, José de Jesús (‘Chuchu’); Torrijos, Omar
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