The Unquiet Englishman

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by Richard Greene

  Viking 103, 124, 125, 225, 291, 370–1, 404

  Virago Press 498

  Vitoria (Basque region) 432

  Vivian, Valentine 138

  Vodou religion 253–4

  Voznesensky, Andrei 490

  Vukovic, Pedro 411

  Vukulov, Oleg 491

  Walker, Alice Marion ’Molly’ (sister) 5, 7, 16, 24, 324, 352

  Walker, John (nephew) 324

  Walker, Lionel 24, 324

  Walker, Martin 491

  Walker, Peter 324

  Walpole, Horace 344

  Walston, Catherine: Oliver Walston’s memoir xiv–xv, 167, 168; and The End of the Affair xv, 170, 198, 211; background of 167–8; and Catholicism 168–9, 192, 194, 223, 227; parentage of children of 168; private pilot’s licence 168, 170; first meetings with GG (1945/6) 169, 170; affair with GG begins 170–1; John Hayward’s love for 174–5; in Capri with GG 183, 197, 227, 231, 252, 369; 5 St James’s Street residence 187–8, 231; intensity of GG’s love for 191–2, 193, 194, 196, 201, 213, 231; affair with GG as public knowledge 192, 211; refuses to leave children/Harry 192, 195, 212–13; and psychoanalysis 195; in France with GG 197, 208; travel with GG 210, 247, 278–9, 284; reconciliations and break-ups with GG (1950s) 212, 260, 267–8, 284, 295–6; and opium 223; Thomas Gilby’s affair with 230–1; GG’s slow break with 266, 268, 325–6, 369, 458–9; and GG’s relationship with Anita Björk 267–8, 284, 285, 295–6, 458; Gillian Sutro on 275; ill health in later life 326, 369, 458–9; death of (1978) 459

  Walston, David 168

  Walston, Harry 167–8, 187–8, 191, 192, 195, 197, 284, 458, 459; and The End of the Affair 198, 211

  Walston, James 168

  Walston, Oliver xiv–xv, 167, 168

  Waugh, Auberon 191, 353

  Waugh, Evelyn 22, 31, 34, 75, 80, 93, 102, 114, 231; friendship with GG 24, 190, 211–12, 248, 336–7, 342, 371; on The Heart of the Matter 177; and Catholicism 190–1, 248, 336–7, 372; Brideshead Revisited 190; on A Burnt-Out Case 336, 337; and politics 342; declining health and death of (1966) 371–2; Sykes’s biography of 417; Amory’s edition of the letters of 467

  Wayne, John 445

  Weaver, John 127, 163

  Weaver, Stella 47, 51, 127, 163

  Wee Willie Winkie (John Ford film, 1937) 102–3

  Weidenfeld & Nicolson 416

  Weldon, Fay 491

  Welles, Orson 185–6

  West, Nigel 151, 154

  Westminster Gazette 18, 24, 26, 41, 108

  Westminster Hospital 48

  Wheeler, Augustus 14–15, 17, 21, 202, 301

  White, Antonia 91–2

  White, Sir Dick (‘C’) 297

  Whitehead, Alfred 408

  Whyatt, John 238

  Wijnants, Pierre 314

  Wilde, Oscar 3, 422

  Wilder, Gene 305

  Wilhelm, Prince (of Sweden) 266

  Willichs, Father (Belgian priest) xi–xii, 257, 260

  Wilson, Colonel 15

  Wilson, Margaret 70–1, 127

  Wilson, Dr McNair 50

  Wilson, Trevor 149, 205–6, 207–8, 214–15, 217, 221, 241–2, 260, 288; GG tainted by association with 216, 219, 220; Laotian posting 391, 392

  Winkelstein, Dr Warren 218

  Withers, Googie 305

  Wolfe, Charles 432

  Wolfe, Humbert 47

  Wood, Peter 361, 362

  Woolf, Virginia 198–9

  World Health Organization 308

  World Wildlife Fund 420

  Wormald, Brian 291

  Wormwood Scrubs 71

  Wright, Peter, Spycatcher 494–5

  Wright, Ralph 337–8

  Wyszyński, Cardinal Stefan 265–6

  Yakovlev, Alexander 489, 492

  Yapp, Mr (FO’s man in Monrovia) 83, 87

  Yeltsin, Boris 495

  Yonge, Charlotte M., The Little Duke 8

  Young, Doris 197, 231, 264

  Young, Francis Brett 182

  Yugoslavia 63, 229, 233–4

  Zaharoff, Sir Basil 64

  Zhou Enlai 286

  Zola, Emile 474

  Zorillo, Américo 411

  Zweig, Arnold 348

  Also by Richard Greene

  Selected Letters of Edith Sitwell

  Graham Greene: A Life in Letters

  Edith Sitwell: Avant Garde Poet, English Genius

  Copyright © 2020 by Richard Greene

  First American Edition 2021

  Originally published in the UK under the title RUSSIAN ROULETTE: The Life and Times of Graham Greene

  All rights reserved

  For information about permission to reproduce selections from this book, write to Permissions, W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10110

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  Jacket design by Pete Garceau

  Jacket photograph: Mondadori Portfolio / Getty Images

  The Library of Congress has cataloged the printed edition as follows:

  Names: Greene, Richard, 1961– author.

  Title: The unquiet Englishman : a life of Graham Greene / Richard Greene.

  Other titles: Russian roulette

  Description: First American edition. | New York, NY : W. W. Norton & Company, 2021. | “Originally published in the UK under the title Russian roulette: the life and times of Graham Greene” | Includes bibliographical references and index.

  Identifiers: LCCN 2020035801 | ISBN 9780393084320 (hardcover) | ISBN 9780393651072 (epub)

  Subjects: LCSH: Greene, Graham, 1904–1991. | Novelists, English—20th century—Biography.

  Classification: LCC PR6013.R44 Z633464 2021 | DDC 823/.912 [B]—dc23

  LC record available at

  W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10110

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