Sweet Promise (The Grahams Book 1)

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Sweet Promise (The Grahams Book 1) Page 13

by Jennifer Woodhull

  He collapsed beside me on the bed and kissed my shoulder. “That was somethin’ else,” I said, rolling over to lay my head in the crook of his shoulder.

  He wrapped an arm around me. “You, my beautiful Belle, are one spectacular woman.” He kissed the top of my head, and I grazed my fingertips up and down his rippled torso.

  “I’m glad we waited until we left Paris,” I said.

  “Every time we’re in Paris from now on, the first thing I’ll think of is you dancing with me at Wanderlust. When you turned your back to me and started grinding against me, holy fuck that was something.” He kissed the top of my head again.

  “Hey, Luc?” I asked.


  “It’s nice not having to sneak back out in the morning…I’m glad we can stay together now.” I deposited a little kiss on his arm.

  “It’s nice to be able to show you off – to let the world know just how lucky I am,” he smiled.

  As he gently stroked my skin with the tips of his fingers, I knew that everything had changed. It wasn’t just the sex. It was the little moments that he opened up to me, and how he shared himself with me. It was how protective he had been when he saw the article at the airport in Paris. It was him saying that he would walk away from everything if he had to, and it would be worth it. For me. I know you’re in love with me, Lucas, I thought. And more than that, I’m in love with you. I don’t know what’s going to happen when we wrap this show, but I don’t think I can go back to life without you.



  We filmed Georgia’s segments at the typical tourist spots. Neuschwanstein Castle, Linderhof Palace, and the BMW Museum. Georgia baked a black forest cake in a tiny, ancient bakery that John had found. The owner of the bakery walked through the recipe with her on camera. He was a tall, good-looking German with blonde hair and blue eyes like Georgia’s. His English was perfect, and he was flirting with her. When they took a break in between takes, I pulled her aside.

  “I don’t love you flirting with this Gerry asshole, ya know,” I whispered into her ear as I wrapped myself around her.

  “Jealous, much?” She giggled, wrinkling her nose. It fucking kills me when she makes that face, I thought.

  “Maybe. I don’t like the idea of sharing you with anyone.” I said.

  She wrapped her arms around me and pressed her body to mine. “Lucas, you’re not sharin’ me with anybody. I don’t want anybody else. You have to know that by now. Why would I want anyone else when I’m with the most handsome, most charming man in all of England?”

  “We’re not in England,” I said, brooding a little. “Besides …,” I knew she had some level of feelings for me, but I was really starting to fall for her. I wanted her to love me. It was selfish and childish, and I felt like a teenaged girl even thinking it, but I wanted more than her body. I wanted her heart. She was a drug, and I wanted every bit of her. “I mean, you never know. I don’t want you changing your mind about us.”

  She stroked my cheek with her palm. “All I need to know is that I’m all you want. Am I all you want, Luc?” She stuck her lip out in a little pout.

  Fuck me, I’d die for this woman. “Want, need, adore…you’re everything to me, Belle.”

  “Being on camera is one thing, but you, Lucas, are everything I want and need.” She buried her face in my neck and purred in my ear, “You have no reason to be jealous. I’m all yours.”

  “Do you want to go out after we shoot? Or turn in early?” I asked.

  “I don’t care. I’m happy either way.” She scrunched up her nose, and I pulled her close. It was the thing I loved most about her. She never questioned, never wanted anything more than to be with me. She challenged me when I was unreasonable, and told me off if I was wrong, but she was always willing to be there for me.

  The next two days were spent getting b-roll of the two of us walking the streets of Munich and visiting several of the local night spots. The last place we filmed in was Jazzclub Unterfahrt, a nightclub with a killer bar and live jazz. Georgia wore an off-the-shoulder dress with a full, short skirt in royal blue. Like everything she wore, it was sweet and sexy at the same time. As we wrapped the last take, she finished off her glass of wine and grabbed me by the arm. “Come dance with me,” she cooed into my ear.

  She took my hands and dragged me to the dance floor. I put my hands on her hips, and she put her arms around my neck. She twirled around, and my hands grazed her waist as she did, her skirt flying up just a little, drawing the attention of what felt like every man in the club. “You know,” I leaned down, whispering in her ear, “every man in this place is looking at you like they’re starving and you’re the first food they’ve seen in days.”

  “And how does that make you feel, Luc?” She gave me a smoldering grin, her pale blue eyes flashing from beneath her eyebrows.

  “Like I want to steal you away and hide you from the world,” I said.

  “But you,” she pulled me closer, her hot breath on my neck and ear, “get to go home with me every night. You get to wake up with me. You get to fuck me.”

  She’s killing me. “Is that what you want?”

  “Oh yeah,” she spun around again, putting her back to me and wrapping my arm around her waist. She ground against me, putting one arm above her head, and I ran my hand down her arm, along her ribcage, and to her hip before spinning her back to face me. She leaned up again and whispered, “I want you to take me back to the hotel,” she gave me a naughty grin, knowing the effect she was having.

  I grabbed her hand and pulled her hastily out of the club. In the back of the taxi, she sat ladylike beside me, staring out the window and stealing occasional glances in my direction. Once inside our room, I made short work of taking off her dress. She pulled off my shirt and slacks and started a move that I knew meant she planned on taking me in her mouth. “No, no, no, Belle. Not tonight.” I shook my head. She looked at me with a little concern, pouting. I picked her up, dropping her on the bed and bit at her lip. I pushed her back onto the bed and climbed on top of her. “Tonight is all about you. I’ve never gone down on you before. It’s about time we changed that,” I said, giving her a sexy grin. Her eyes got big, and she started to push her legs together. “What’s wrong, baby?” I asked.

  “I…I haven’t…no one has ever…,” she turned beet red.

  “You’ve never had anyone eat you out before?” My grin widened as she shook her head no. I chuckled. “Oh, Belle…this is going to be a good night! Let’s see how long it takes you to beg for mercy.”

  I kissed her breasts and ran my mouth down her body. As I got to the crease between her legs, I gingerly raked my lips up her sex, and she shivered at the light touch. I slid my tongue inside her, and she immediately cried out. She tasted incredible – sweet, like her skin. I thrust my tongue into the place my cock craved, and her breath came faster. Flattening my tongue, I ran it from the opening up to the top of her sex over and over, her hips rose in response. I used my thumbs to part her lips and circled the little bundle of nerves with my tongue. “Oh, fuck! Luc…I can’t…oh!” She pulled at the pillows, throwing her head back with desperation.

  “I won’t stop,” I paused briefly to get the words out, “until you come for me.” I returned to circling with my tongue, and as her body began to arch, I put my lips on the spot and sucked gently. She immediately started to cry out. As her body quaked, a wash of juices flowed from her. Satisfied with my work, I climbed up her body to kiss her deeply.

  “Holy shit, that was intense.” She said.

  “I’m glad you approve because I don’t think I could give up that sweet nectar if I tried. That’s one more first, darling.” I rolled her over onto her belly and began kissing her shoulders and back.

  I rolled on a condom and kneeled behind her, admiring the curves I so loved. Damn you’re a lucky bastard, I thought, if I weren’t you, I’d hate you for being so damn lucky. I took her hips in my hands and raised them, so her ass was in the
air. I pulled her legs apart just a little and slid into her wetness. The new angle was incredible, allowing me even more access to her. She immediately began to moan and rock her hips. I grabbed her shoulders and brought her up to her knees. With her leaning back against me, I had free access to her breasts, which I kneaded and pinched as she writhed her hips against me. I slid my hand down to rub her clit as I pushed deeper inside her. “How does that feel, baby? Do you like that?” I asked.

  “Yes, Luc, it’s…oh fuck me, Lucas, fuck me!” She threw her head back against my shoulder, and I smiled, then nibbled on her neck. Her hips met my thrusts, and I knew I wouldn’t last much longer. I moved my hand to press into her low belly and bent her forward a little, grasping her shoulder with my other hand.

  When she came, she tensed her body up so tightly, there were times I thought she was never going to let my cock go. "Georgia, baby, you’re going to make me come,” I told her as I pressed my palm into her belly to hold her against me as I pushed deeper inside of her. My body convulsed as I exploded, and her muscles tensed against me. She collapsed face down on the bed, stretching her arms out in front of her. I stepped away for a moment, and when I returned, deposited small kisses on her shoulder blades as she laid there, enjoying the sensations still rippling through her body.

  Seeing her face when she shook with pleasure and hearing her call my name was intoxicating. I was addicted to Georgia, and it was becoming clear that I wasn’t going to be able to give her up.



  Lucas’ hand gripped mine, and I stared out the window as the plane taxied for takeoff. We were five weeks into shooting and headed to Barcelona. I was sitting in first class, next to one of the most handsome men in the world, and he was my boyfriend. It all still seemed surreal.

  After Spain, we were headed back to the UK to film some interviews in London that Tasha had set up. It was a slight detour from the original schedule, but Tasha wanted us to make the talk show circuit so we could tell our own story instead of letting the press fill in the details on their own. From the studio in London, we would spend two days doing remote broadcasts to morning shows in the UK, US, and a few other countries. I was a little nervous, with the interviews being live and unscripted, but felt better knowing Lucas would be with me. After that, I was scheduled to go home for a few days before returning to resume filming in Switzerland.

  Lucas wasn’t crazy about the idea of me being gone, even though it was for less than a week. It was my birthday, though – mine and Ro’s – and we had made a promise to each other that first birthday after Mama died that no matter where in the world we were on our birthdays, we would do anything we could to spend it together. It was unique, our shared day, and no one who wasn’t a twin could understand it. It would be simple, just a quiet dinner with Daddy, Celia, and Ro, but we’d be together, and that was all that mattered. My mind flashed briefly to thoughts of what the distance between our respective homes, Lucas’ and mine, would mean when the show was over, but I put that out of my mind as I looked over at Lucas who had lifted my hand to his lips, grazing a soft kiss across my knuckles.

  “You okay, darling?” He asked.

  “Yeah, I’m fine, thanks,” I replied, smiling at the man who had become everything to me.

  “I forgot to tell you… I got a call from a mate of mine in Barcelona. He heard we’d be there filming this week and asked me to come by this afternoon and take a look at his place. He wants some help with the menu, that sort of thing. It’s a good restaurant, but he’s had some financial troubles, so I told him I’d help out. I hope you won’t mind being without me for just a few hours.” He smiled sweetly at me. “It might be good practice for me and all. After all, I’ll have to suffer through almost a week without you.” He feigned pain in his chest and winked at me.

  “I’m sure I’ll find something to do. Maybe Sarah and I will do some shopping or something.” I replied.

  When we landed in Barcelona, it was mid-morning. We dropped our bags in the hotel and explored the city a little before lunch. We visited several of the Gaudi-designed buildings, including Casa Batlló and Casa Calvet, before heading over to the Gothic Quarter for lunch. We chose Tapeo, a tapas bar since we knew we wouldn’t be filming there during the week, and it gave us a chance to be somewhat anonymous. I had on a sundress, taking advantage of the beautiful weather, and big sunglasses with my curls pulled back in a ponytail. Lucas wore a loose cotton shirt with the sleeves rolled up, slacks, and a ball cap, which he pulled down low.

  “Do I look American, d’ya think?” He asked playfully as he donned the cap and sunglasses before we left the hotel.

  I laughed. “Not so much, no,” and kissed his chin.

  We sat in a back, corner booth and ate a dozen different dishes. The crostini with olives and shrimp were divine, and the bacon-wrapped dates were like savory candy. Every morsel was delicious.

  We were full and happy, having enjoyed a quiet and delicious lunch, as we got up to leave. I had texted Sarah, but she and Ryan decided to spend some time exploring the city, so I was going to poke around some of the shops of the Gothic Quarter while Lucas headed over to his friend’s restaurant, then catch a taxi back to the hotel.

  We stepped out into the sunny street, and Lucas pulled me to him. “You’re sure you’ll be alright by yourself? I hate to leave you alone in a strange city. Besides, your Spanish is total rubbish.” He kissed the top of my head.

  “I don’t speak Spanish, Luc,” I smiled back at him.

  “See what I mean? Total rubbish!” He replied, grinning.

  “Yes, I’ll be fine. I’m a-,” he cut me off.

  “Big girl. Yes, yes, I know,” he leaned in and whispered into my ear, “and you can fuck who you like.” He nibbled on my neck a bit, and I giggled in response.

  “Georgia? Georgia Graham? No way!” I heard a voice say from a few steps away. I turned, and it took me a minute to recognize his face. It was Mike Pennington, one of Celia’s friends from school. Mike was the guy who had sent the agriculture professor out to survey the farm a few years before.

  “Mike?! Shut up! I can’t believe it’s you!” I turned and stepped forward, hugging his neck. “What are you doin’ in Barcelona of all places?” I asked.

  “I’m workin’ here for a few weeks. My company is doin’ a project with AgroSpain, a big agricultural company here, and I’m headin’ things up.” He shrugged.

  I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see a not-very-happy Lucas standing beside me. “Everything alright then, darling?” He asked, his voice as curt as his expression was hard.

  “Good grief! Where are my manners? Mike Pennington, this is my boyfriend, Lucas Nash. Lucas, Mike is from back home. He went to school with my sister Celia.” The two men stuck their hands out to shake, sizing each other up. Mike was tall with dirty blonde hair and dark green eyes. I never knew why Celia hadn’t gone out with him. He was good-looking, though not as handsome as Lucas, I thought. Mike was what we referred to back home as farm strong. He was bulky– a body made for hard work. He was one of the few men I’d met who was almost as big as Luc.

  “Hey, you’re on TV too – I’ve seen ya! You work with our Georgia, here?” Mike asked, smiling broadly. As soon as he said it, I knew it wouldn’t sit well with Lucas at all. Mike tried to hold his own as Lucas gripped his hand hard before they broke the shake.

  “Yes, we’re here filming our new show. Far more than co-stars though, aren’t we darling?” Lucas looked to me, sliding a hand low around my hip and kissing me on the neck. Why do men always have to get into a pissin’ contest when they meet?

  “Like I said,” I grinned up at Lucas and flashed him a look that reminded him I could take care of myself before turning back to Mike. “Lucas is my boyfriend. We were just enjoying a nice lunch together before he has to run off to take care of some business. We resume shooting here in Barcelona tomorrow.”

  “Wow, that’s just great,” Mike said. “Hey, since Lucas
here has some work to do, if you ain’t doin’ anything right now, what say you and me hang out for a bit and catch up? I’d love to hear how Celia’s doin’. I ain’t talked to her in ages. Oh, and how your Dad and Rome are, too.” He looked at Lucas. “I know you’re probably a big-time world traveler, but I’m just a country boy from Tennessee. Bein’ away from folks back home too long, I’m getting’ pretty homesick, and I’d sure appreciate the chance to talk to somebody I know for a bit.”

  “I was just gonna do some shoppin' in the neighborhood, anyway. I’d love to hang out for a bit,” I replied. I could feel the heat from Lucas’ stare. “If you’ll excuse us just a sec, Mike, I’ll be right back.”

  I took Lucas by the hand and walked a little way, out of earshot but within line of sight of Mike who stood waiting for me.

  “Georgia,” Lucas started, but I tiptoed up and silenced him with a kiss.


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