Gold Digger’s Demise – The Club

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Gold Digger’s Demise – The Club Page 8

by Rebelman

  “I should have known it was you,” she grinned, “Once you got rid of that tramp Jenny, I knew you would be back to picking up tramps.” She glared at Kim as she said it, daring her to object. The smaller woman stayed quiet.

  “If I had known you were coming, I would have fixed your favorite,” she looked down at Kim’s plate, “Looks like today’s slut likes my cooking at least.” Glenda realized she still had the other woman’s panties in her hand and dropped them onto the table.

  “Why did she take off her drawers in my restaurant?” she asked in a confused voice.

  “She likes cloth napkins and you only put out paper towels,” Chip smirked, “So I came up with a solution.” Kim shrank back into the chair and tried to disappear.

  “Well, la de da,” Glenda mused, “We got us a fancy bitch in here tonight.” She looked around the room and saw no families. It was mostly regulars, and these were hard men that weren’t put off by little things such as bad manners. She moved to the front door and locked it before turning the sign so the closed message faced outward.

  “With a mouth as big as yours, maybe you need something larger to wipe it with,” she said as she ambled back to the table. Chip stood aside and forked another piece of pie into his mouth as he watched.

  “This shirt might work for you,” Glenda reached out with her large flour covered hand and grasped the front of the garment, jerking hard. The buttons flew across the room as the material tore and Kim banged forward against the table. The blouse gave way and in one motion Glenda had it in her hand, leaving the seated woman in only her bra and skirt.

  Kim immediately covered herself with her hands as the men in the restaurant whooped and cat whistled. Chip was laughing hysterically and had to set is pie down before he dropped it. He calmed down and moved to the table where the half naked woman sat.

  “You need to eat everything you put on your plate,” he smiled, “It's not nice to waste food.” Kim saw the pointlessness of arguing so she took one hand that she was using to cover up and picked up the fork. Chip shook his head disapprovingly.

  “You aren’t showing much enthusiasm,” he said, “Maybe we can at least make this more interesting for the rest of us.” He grabbed Kim by the nape of the neck with one hand and reached down her back with the other. The bra clasp was easy enough to undo and the cups sagged away from her breasts until she caught it and press it back on with the arm.

  “Give it to me,” Chip said. Kim hesitated for a few seconds and looked around the room. There were no kind eyes in the crowd, rather a pack of hungry wolves waiting to devour their prey. She grasped the bra and pulled it away from her body, letting her breast come into view for everyone to see.

  While the men clapped and shouted, Chip tied her hands behind her back with the bra. He let her sit upright when he was finished, and her tits were now proudly on display. Kim sat without moving, and he walked around the table so he could face her.

  “You need to finish your meal,” he smiled, “You wouldn’t want to insult Aunt Glenda, believe me.” Glenda stepped forward and pulled a large wooden spoon from her apron pocket. Without warning, she swung it like she was chopping wood, and it landed with a sickening thud on Kim’s left breast.

  Kim screamed as a red mark appeared in the shape of the instrument. There was a loud chorus of oh’s and ah’s from the crowd and Kim, no longer needing motivation, dove face first into the plate of food before her. She came up once for breath only to have a matching red mark applied to the other breast and from then on she focused on eating. Chip stood to one side and greeted old friends that he obviously hadn’t seen in years as they finished eating and headed to the register to pay.

  By the time Kim had finished all the food, her face was a mess and her stomach was cramping. The last few regulars had stayed back to jeer the woman and catch up with Chip. Glenda stood close by with the spoon at the ready and was hoping she would have a reason to use it again. The plate was finally licked clean and Chip untied her hands to allow her to stand.

  Glenda had taken the paper towels from the table and instead, handed her the torn shirt to use as a napkin. Kim took the material and got as much of the sticky food off her face as she could before putting the soiled shirt back on. The missing buttons forced her to tie it just under her breasts making it show almost as much as it covered.

  Chapter 8

  They left the restaurant and headed further into the old part of town. More than half the buildings were deserted and Chip had not been here in some time, but when he rounded the corner, he was happy to see the adult bookstore was still open.

  The sign above the solid door was dimly lit with the few remaining working bulbs in their yellowed fixtures. The outside plaster walls were cracked and, in some places, completely gone revealing the outdated red brick behind it. They got out of the car, and Chip grabbed her by the upper arm.

  “Do exactly what I tell you or there will be hell to pay,” he threatened. Kim dared not guess what was behind the door, and it wouldn’t have mattered anyway, because a few seconds later, she was being pushed into the seedy establishment. She took a few steps forward before her eyes grew accustomed to the dim light and suddenly she realized there were twenty or more pairs of eyes on her. She took a step back, but Chip blocked her way and leaned forward to whisper in her ear.

  “Get on your knees and beg for cock like the slut you are. I’ll stay here and protect you as long as you do a good job.” She was frozen in terror at what he wanted her to do, and now the men were moving toward her. There was nowhere to go except down, so she dropped to the floor.

  “May I please suck your cock?” she said timidly. The first brute stepped up and pulled his already hard cock out of his pants. He smelled of grease and sweat making Kim even more nauseous than she had been at the restaurant. She swallowed hard and opened her mouth, allowing him access.

  The first man didn’t take too long and, within a few strokes, he was cumming down her throat in thick streams that made her gag. The second was about the same, and then the trouble started. There seemed to be a disagreement about who was next, and a fight broke out.

  One of the men grabbed Kim by the head and shoved his cock down her throat while another one pulled at her from behind. Chip intervened by popping one in the mouth with an elbow, but he didn’t see the fist coming at him from his blind spot. He took it solidly on the temple and crumbled to the ground next to Kim. She was now completely naked and being ridden by one large tattooed man while another skull fucked her against the dirty floor. It had turned into a free for all, and the dazed Chip could do nothing to stop it.

  The man on top of Kim finished and stood up, leaving her with a vicious slap to the tit as something to remember him by. The next man was on top of her before the handprint could be seen and a fresh load of cum already was also being deposited into her mouth.

  This happened twice more before Chip had regained his senses. He stumbled to his feet, but a large Hispanic man covered with tattoos stepped in front of him. He was wearing a leather motorcycle jacket and his face was a maze of scars. He didn’t say anything, he didn’t have to. Chip was out of the game.

  Then another fight broke out. A man at the back of the crowd screamed in pain, and then there was the sound of something heavy being launched against the wall. The biker moved away from Chip, and two more men appeared with the same leather jackets. The crowd parted from the back forward and an aisle bordered by customers appeared.

  At one end of the aisle was a tall black man. He was well-dressed and well-built. He didn’t seem fazed by the three tough looking bikers headed his way, and, in fact, he moved to meet them. The bikers favored a direct attack while their target was more agile and quick. The first punch thrown by the leather clad trio was easily slipped as the black man stepped to one side and landed a wicked punch to the solar plexus, followed by a hard rabbit punch to the temple. The biker grunted and would have gone down but his assailant was holding him up by the collar.

  The t
wo remaining men lunged at the intruder, but their friend was being used as a shield to keep them off. The big man timed his moves and heaved the unconscious biker at one of the attackers while swinging a big right fist at the other. It landed flush on the jaw with a crack, and the second man hit the ground and lay still. Without stopping, he turned to face the last of the group only to find he had dropped the first biker and retreated. With all his opponents dispatched, he calmly straightened his shirt before approaching Chip.

  “I’m going to borrow this one for the night,” he said pointing at Kim, “I got a few friends coming in, and she’ll be better entertainment than the video I was picking out.” Chip stood nervously looking up at the man but didn’t say anything.

  “Name's Bull,” the black man said extending his hand. Chip took it without thinking and his own hand disappeared into the monsters grip. It was obvious that Bull could take Kim if he wanted, and Chip wasn’t sure he could get out of here alive even if he left Kim with the bikers and ran.

  “Yeah sure,” Chip agreed warily, “But I’m going to need her back.”

  “No problem,” the big man smiled, “Why don’t we get out of here before that biker brings back some friends.” Chip made a beeline for the door while the aisle was still open. He didn’t notice that Bull had picked up the naked Kim and practically carried her out on one arm. They stepped outside and Chip was halfway to the car before he remembered what was going on.

  “Um, Bull,” he said tentatively, “I need to know where you’re taking her.”

  “Of course,” he said as he dumped Kim into the passenger seat of his Mercedes and fished a business card out of his pocket. Bull handed it over, and the shaken lawyer took it without comment.

  “My cell number is on there,” Bull said, “You won’t need to call me though. I’ll have her back to you by tomorrow night about this time.”

  “Oh, ok,” Chip said, “Can you do me a favor?” The big man nodded.

  “Don’t leave any permanent marks and don’t let her clean up when you’re done. If you can take a few pics, that would be great too.”

  Bull looked surprised but agreed. “No problem. I’m sure she at least knows were she needs to be dropped off, right?”

  “Yeah,” Chip said as he relaxed a bit, “She drove over to my place tonight.” They separated and got into their respective cars before driving off in different directions.

  For the first time in over an hour, Chip felt calm. He wasn’t sure if it was a good move to let her go with Bull, but he was positive that leaving her in a biker-infested book store was worse. It was done now so there was no reason to worry about it. He headed back to the better side of town and stopped at his favorite bar. Maybe he could still get lucky tonight.


  Matt slowly roused out of a deep sleep and checked the clock by looking over Denise’s shoulder. It was still early so he let his head fall back against the pillow and snuggled closer to her naked body. It had become somewhat of a routine that they would spend a few nights each week together over the last few months. In the past two weeks, her overnight visits to his house had become more frequent.

  It was a welcome change in Matt’s life, and the days she wasn’t with him, the mornings were painfully lonely. He was happy that she had started bringing a change of clothes and getting dressed for work at his house. This gave them more time together, and he enjoyed every minute of it.

  They were spooning now as the morning light was just beginning to fill the room. He felt his cock stir and he pushed forward to let it slip between her legs, and she began to wake. Denise stretched a bit and felt his cock so she teased him by pushing her butt back against him.

  He kissed her neck softly, and as his member stiffened, he slid it back and forth in the folds of her pussy. When it was completely hard, the head began to rub against her clit, eliciting a soft moan. She began to move her hips in a more exaggerated motion as he continued to gently rub against her sensitive clit until she could take it no more.

  Denise reached between her legs and grasped his cock so she could guide it into her. Quickly getting it into position, she humped back and allowed him to penetrate her fully. Matt held her against him tightly and one hand grasped her breast as he began to move in and out in slow rhythmic thrusts. She cooed and moaned as the pace increased and before long they were banging against each other in a feverish rut.

  Matt’s balls tightened and he came hard as Denise thrashed in front of him with her hands convulsively clenching her pillow. They finished together, and he wrapped his arms around her possessively as she cuddled against his chest.

  It was time to get dressed for work before they were ready to get up. They agreed that tonight would be date night and threw out ideas about what to do for their evening as they prepared for the day. Denise had an early appointment, so she grabbed a cup of coffee promising to get breakfast on the way and left Matt cooking his morning eggs.

  She walked at a fast pace towards her car and was mentally checking off things she needed to do when suddenly a hooded figure stepped in front of her. She stopped short and almost dropped her coffee as the man began walking toward her at a fast pace and closed the distance before she could react.

  The first blow came without warning, the fist slamming into her temple and knocking her to the ground. Her computer went flying and the sound of breaking plastic accompanied its crash as it bounced across the driveway. Then the assailant was on top of her flailing with quick punches to the ribs as he settled onto her stomach.

  “What is the name?” he growled as he choked her with one hand and threatened to punch her with the other.

  “What… What name?” she cried and covered her face from the pending blow. The man didn’t seem to know how to respond, so he just repeated the same question.

  “What is the name?” he asked again. He didn’t seem too sure of what information he was trying to get. He was agitated that she didn’t understand the question, so he squeezed her throat tightly as if that would convince her.

  Denise’s eyes were wide in terror as she tried to breath. She used both hands to try prying the attackers grip from her windpipe, but he was too strong. Her vision began to blur, and then there was darkness.


  Steve did his best to calm Matt as he paced up and down the corridor while wringing his hands. The hospital staff had been very gracious, and Denise was now recovering in a private room. She was awake now, and the police were still questioning her about the attack.

  “I can’t believe this,” Matt said for the hundredth time, “No one has ever gotten mugged in our neighborhood.”

  “It can happen anywhere,” Steve said quietly, “It’s not your fault.” Matt continued pacing as if he hadn’t heard anything his friend had said. The door to the room opened and two police officers stepped out.

  “Matt Daniels?” one of the officers asked. Matt gave a weak wave, and the policeman walked over to him and smiled.

  “Mr. Daniels, I’m Office Don Jones, and I’ll be investigating this event,” he flipped open a small notebook and found a blank page where he scribbled the date and Matt’s name before looking up again.

  “How do you know Ms. Spears?” he asked in an official sounding voice.

  “She’s… we, she’s my girlfriend,” Matt said hesitantly. They had never really labeled it, but he felt confident she would say the same.

  “Do you know if she has any enemies?” the office asked.

  “No, she has been here for less than a year. She hasn’t mentioned any issues with clients.”

  “Ok,” Officer Jones smiled reassuringly and then turned to go. He had only taken a few steps before spinning back to face Matt.

  “One more thing,” he said, “Can you think of any reason that someone would ask her for a name?” Matt and Steve both stiffened at the question, and the officer was quick to notice it.

  “No,” Matt lied, “It doesn’t mean anything to me.” The officer smiled again and nodded.

/>   “Thanks again for your time,” he said, “Be sure to call me if you think of anything else.” He walked away with the other officer, and they disappeared around the corner.


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