Once Upon A Midnight

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Once Upon A Midnight Page 79

by Stephanie Rowe

  “Not interested,” she replied, turning on her stool so that her back was to him. Cadence de Luca fought the pounding of her heart, having realized that she was staring at the most gorgeous man she’d ever seen. His red hair was pulled back in a short, slicked-back tail, and she just knew if she released it from its holder it would curl around her finger. His amber eyes glowed almost gold, and heat hit her core as desire flowed through her body. She felt drawn to him as she had no one else before. What the hell is wrong with me?

  Grinning, his gaze met hers in the mirror. He’d scented her desire and knew she was as aware of him as he was her. Mine, his dragon roared in his head. I know, he replied. Give me a minute, he argued, fighting to control his beast, who threatened to take her right there in front of God and everyone. Pure, barely controllable desire filled his blood, and her scent shot straight to his cock.

  Music blared around him, while couples chatted and enjoyed the atmosphere of the pub, but he couldn’t drag his eyes away from her. Fighting his dragon, it took every ounce of willpower he had not to grab her up, throw her over his shoulder, and storm out the front door. His gaze fell on hers in the mirror and his eyes bored into hers. He couldn’t walk away. He’d finally found his mate, his destiny, the one created only for him; his heart, his soul, his everything.

  Chapter Five

  Unable to tear her gaze away from him in the mirror, Cadence struggled against the urge to face him. She felt a pull she’d never experienced and felt drawn to him like no man she’d ever met. Stop it, she ordered herself. He’s just a man, for crying out loud.

  Yet, the more she watched him the stronger his pull grew. Power emanated from him, showing the warrior she instinctively knew him to be. Enthralled by him, she closed her eyes, dropping the mental guard she normally held tightly shut. She wanted to savor him, wanted to taste him, wanted to feel him.

  His energy surrounded her, with love and peace centering her turbulent emotions. Fy nghalon, her eyes flew open. “What did you just say?” she growled as her eyes narrowed, piercing and holding his eyes to hers.

  “I didn’t say anything,” he replied, shocked to the depth of his soul. Surely she didn’t hear the grumblings of my dragon. No mate could hear the dragon until the bonding ceremony. That’s impossible.

  “I heard you,” she accused. “What was that language?” Staring at him, she felt his unease, aware that he knew exactly what she was talking about. But his confusion seemed real, and it reached out to her, sliding over her body as a caress. Her neck burned as if a flame had marked her. Her breath caught as fear, lust, and pain washed over her. Needing to get away from him, she slid off the stool, taking her purse.

  Turning, her eyes met his, and his turmoil mirrored her own. With the heat on the back of her neck burning hotter, she fled out the front door and into the night.

  Shadows reached across the sidewalk as she hurried down the darkened concrete. Dim streetlights lit the way, and pale moonlight sent shadows dancing across the road. Trees rustled in the night breeze, giving the air an eerie chill. “Only four blocks, stay calm.” She focused on her surroundings as she raced towards her apartment, trying to ignore the conflicting emotions battling inside her. A block from her home she came to a standstill, panic surging through her.

  The feeling of being watched pierced her body. Narrowing her eyes, she peered into the darkness, searching for the source of her fear. Unable to see anything, she relied on her senses. Forcing her eyes shut, she opened her mind. In seconds, malevolence sent goosebumps down her arms. Turning towards the blackness, the evil projected back at her drilled dread and fear into her.

  As Gareth threw open the door to the pub, he felt the shift in the air. Maelon, you son of a bitch. “No, no, no,” he roared, run, love, don’t stop! He sent out telepathically, hoping she’d hear him again. His dragon drove him faster, urging him on. Sprinting in her direction, he reached out to Maelon in his mind. Back off, basdun! Hurt her, and I will kill you!

  He heard the taunting laughter, and rage surged through him. Pushing himself harder, he gathered his dragon magic and channeled it towards his mate. Please work, he prayed. Give her the strength to get away.

  He knew instantly the only way to stop Maelon was to kill him. He had no doubt that as long as the ddraig wen heir lived, his mate would never be safe. The connection to Maelon triggered his dragon’s fighting mode. He could feel it trying to overpower his control and spring forward. Defending its mate was all it cared about. Roaring in his head, his dragon vowed to end the threat against ei popeth.

  As her apartment building came into view, Cadence felt a surge of energy and sprang forward. Forcing her legs to go faster, the pure evil that surrounded her chilled her blood. Reaching her building, she used the renewed power to take the steps two at a time, and flew through the front door, slamming it behind her. Bending over at the waist, her body slumped against the door as she tried to catch her breath.

  Slipping her hand under her shirt, she pulled out the necklace her grandmother had given her on her sixteenth birthday. It was her talisman and a link to the grandmother she’d loved more than anything. When her beloved Nana passed, it was how she kept her alive, and she could feel her healing energy flowing through it.

  Wrapping her fingers around the beautiful stone, she felt it grow warm, as peace and protection encircled her. The fear and panic gripping her eased, freeing her from its stronghold. As her soul settled and her breathing evened out, she walked the short distance down the hall to her apartment.

  Inserting the key into the lock, Cadence struggled to explain away everything that had just happened. From the strong pull of the mystery man at the bar, to the shocking knowledge that something dangerous followed her home, she didn’t know which scared her more.

  Dropping down onto her couch, her head fell back onto the cushion. The stress of the night triggered her desire to see her family, to feel her grandmother’s arms wrap around her. It was moments like this that deepened the grief she had suffered at their deaths. With no one left to comfort her, she felt the sorrow in her soul. So much had been left unsaid, so much she didn’t know.

  Flying up the front steps, Gareth burst into the foyer of her apartment building. Instinctively knowing which door she was behind, he banged on it. “Please open the door. I need to know that you’re alright,” he shouted. Enjoy her now, Gareth…she shall be mine soon. Maelon’s taunt pierced his heart. “You’ll never have her. I’ll kill you first, Gareth promised.

  Fear turned her stomach over as she heard a man’s voice yelling. “Leave me alone!”

  Laying his hand on the door, Gareth leaned forward until his forehead touched the wood, “I just need to make sure that you’re okay.” His dragon all but ordered him to break down the door and get to her. His stomach clenched with worry. He could hear the fear and sadness in her voice, and the desire to hold her stormed through him.

  “I’m fine… Go away!” she demanded. “Please, I just want to be alone.” Tears threatened to fall and grief tickled the back of her throat. Curling up on the couch, she wrapped her hand around her talisman for comfort.

  Feeling her sorrow in his gut, it stole his breath. He wanted to comfort her but knew she’d never allow it. It was too soon for her to turn to him and it tore his heart out. He needed to be the one to hold her and wipe away her tears.

  Exhaling loudly in frustration, Gareth turned and walked out into the night. Standing in the shadows, he peered at her darkened apartment, waiting for the lights to come on. Noticing a small light illuminate the window, he wished she’d let him in. Using his dragon senses, he searched the area for any sign of Maelon Godwin. He let out a breath, unaware he’d been holding it, after finding no trace of the man destined to destroy him.

  Settling in for the night, he refused to consider leaving her unprotected. Maelon wouldn’t go far, and the idea of him getting to his mate caused his stomach to knot in dread.

  Chapter Six

  The sunlight streaming through
the windows pierced Cadence’s eyelids, signaling to her body that it was time to get up. After the crazy night she’d had, her sleep had been full of strange dreams. One had been about the man from the bar, and it had been one hot, sexually powerful dream that left her wanting and wet with desire.

  The most vivid dream, however, had been about her grandmother. Cadence had been standing in a lush green meadow and could see her Nana on the other side. When her grandmother walked away, she’d followed her into the woods to an amazingly beautiful waterfall. The vibrant blue water cascaded over the rocks, landing in a deep blue pool. She could see her grandmother telling her something, but she couldn’t hear her words. The closer she got, the more her grandmother faded away.

  She’d awoken sweaty and sexually frustrated, but also deeply sad, with the loss of her grandmother weighing heavily upon her. Shaking her head to dispel her dark thoughts, she threw off the covers and stormed into the bathroom to get ready for work.

  Outside, as the sun rose, Gareth couldn’t keep his mind off of the stunning beauty who had turned out to be his mate. His visions had shown him how gorgeous she was, but he hadn’t expected the purity of her soul. When she’d slept, her mental guards had slipped away, allowing him to get a better sense of her.

  She haunted his dreams, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t stop his thoughts from turning to her. During the night, he’d discovered something he hadn’t expected, white magic. It swirled around her, and yet he suspected she didn’t know. She gave no indication that she had the ability to funnel her magic.

  Finding his mate on a business trip to Boston had been a surprise, the magic had been a surprise, but having her rebuke his advances almost immediately unsettled him. “How the hell did she fight the need?”

  She should have felt every ounce of desire that he did. Could fate be wrong? Did his mate not recognize him? “It’s not possible,” he told himself. “I know how she feels in my soul, and how my heart beats for her. How can she not feel it? How is it that I know where she lives, but I don’t know her name?” Frustrated, he paced back and forth outside her apartment.

  Tormented by her rejection, his dragon urged him to find her again, to go to her and claim her. It was getting harder to focus on his job when danger and uncertainty surrounded his mate. How do I claim someone who can walk away from me? How do I make her mine? How do I keep her safe?

  Hearing the door open, he stepped behind a tree and watched as she exited her building. His breath caught as she stood on the sidewalk, his gaze traveling her body from the top of her head, with her shiny black hair down her back. His eyes ran over her tight ass, past her perfectly shaped legs, to the hottest pair of stilettos he’d ever seen.

  His erection throbbed in his pants, forcing him to adjust himself. Seeing the approaching cab, he was torn between the need to follow her and to attend his business meeting. His family obligation pulled at him, and yet his dragon fought to follow his mate.

  As the cab drove off, he made the decision to go to his meeting, and end it as quickly as possible so he could get back to his mate. He couldn’t bear the thought of leaving her unprotected and vulnerable. It sent waves of fear coursing through his body.

  Racing back to his hotel, he took a quick shower. Peering into the mirror hanging on the wall, his haunted eyes stared back. He could still smell her, and it drove desire through him. Walking away from her home that morning had taken every ounce of willpower he had.

  Between her pull and his dragon’s desire, he’d barely refused his dragon the release he’d demanded. Allowing his beast its freedom in the middle of Boston was a risk he couldn’t take. He had to keep it together and deny his dragon its natural urges. Straightening his tie, he grabbed his briefcase and headed out for his meeting.

  Walking into the main lobby of Cadell Industries Gareth took everything in, thrilled by the feel of it. Decorated in the golden tans and reds of his clan, the furniture was simple but elegant. The family crest hung on the wall behind the front desk. Mother will love it. Turning to inspect the rest of the room, it reminded him of the main office in Wales. They’ve managed to capture the essence of our people without even knowing it, he thought in wonder.

  Seeing the woman at the reception desk, he briskly walked up to her. “I’m here to see Ms. de Luca.” Time to get this meeting over with I need to get back to my mate. His dragon roared his approval.

  “Do you have an appointment?” Her eyelashes fluttered as she slowly looked him up and down, and her desire filled the air around him. Making no effort to disguise her attraction, she licked her lower lip, tilted her head to the side, and continued her appraisal of him.

  Gareth watched as she undressed him with her eyes, and her unspoken offer annoyed him. In the past, he might have considered taking her up but not now. Not since he’d finally found the one destiny had created just for him. Now all he wanted to do was get the meeting out of the way as quickly as possible, and her innuendos were taking up time he didn’t have.

  “Tell her it’s Gareth Cadell,” he responded, meeting her direct gaze. His harsh expression let her know he wasn’t interested in what she was offering without saying a word.

  Wide-eyed and embarrassed at his rejection, she quickly dialed the phone, whispering into the handset. Seconds later, she hung up and jumped from her chair, “Right this way, Mr. Cadell. Ms. de Luca is waiting for you.” Scurrying down the hallway, she led him to the conference room.

  Following behind her as she raced up the hall, his thoughts turned to his mate. He prayed she was somewhere Maelon couldn’t get to her, and safe, at least for the moment. He felt her magnetic energy pulling at him and wondered at the strength of it. He knew he would have the ability to sense her but it was as if she was in close proximity to him.

  She had to be nearby in order for him to feel her confusion, slithering up his spine. Her fear penetrated his heart like a knife. The fact that he’d been the one to cause her the terror and turmoil infuriated him. He knew she was in danger because of him. Rage boiled up, tempting his dragon.

  By the time the receptionist stopped at the closed conference room door, he was engaged in a battle of wills with his dragon. His beast wasn’t interested in the meeting, all it cared about was getting to their mate before Maelon did.

  The receptionist quickly opened the door and stepped aside to allow him to enter.

  The minute the door swung open, Gareth’s eyes landed on the shocked gaze of his soul mate. Unable to believe she was standing right in front of him, his body reacted the same way it had the night before. His neck burned and his dragon roared in its pleasure. His dick catapulted up, standing proudly at attention. It demanded that she notice it.

  “You!” she gasped when the man of her erotic dreams stepped into the room.

  Chapter Seven

  Cadence de Luca’s head snapped around at the sound of the opening door. She found herself staring into the exquisite amber eyes of the man she’d been astonishingly enticed by the night before. Holy shit…not good Cadence, so not good. Confronted with the fact that the man who had starred in a long, restless night of hotter than hell sex dreams stood in her office, she began to panic.

  Her heart pounded in her ears, and her palms grew slick with sweat. The sudden urge to pace strained her control. Unconsciously chewing on her bottom lip, she attempted to figure out how to handle the situation the right way. Why me? Why did he have to be Gareth Cadell? Great job, Cadence, let’s just lust after our new boss, why don’t we? That’s always a fantastic career move, she silently chastised herself. Taking a deep breath to settle her nerves, she took a step forward and extended her hand. “Mr. Cadell, welcome to Cadell Industries. I’m Cadence de Luca.”

  “Ms. de Luca, fancy meeting you here.” Striding across the room, he struggled to keep his mindset on the job and not on the fact that his mate was standing in front of him. He couldn’t believe that the last several months his mate had been right here under his nose. He could kick himself for not having
found her sooner.

  Torn between excitement and frustration, he set his briefcase down on the desk and wiped his face clear of emotion. Accepting her handshake, the energy between them sent a spark flying up his arm. Feeling her move to withdraw, he gripped her hand tighter, enjoying the lust-filled look that crossed her face. “Are you okay?” His business meeting became unimportant, as the one thing he now had to focus on, was keeping Cadence safe. Still unable to understand how she had managed to deny him the night before, her wellbeing became his number one priority.

  Staring dumbfounded at her new boss, Cadence’s stomach tightened and anxiety threatened to bulldoze over her. She tried to extract her hand from his but he tightened his grip, making it impossible. Strong chemistry caused electricity to flow between them, shooting straight to the center of her core.

  After the intense and now utterly embarrassing run-in with him the night before, her body refused to listen to her. Its uncharacteristic response to him had her praying for composure. “Mr. Cadell, about last night, I’m…,” she stammered.

  “It’s Gareth,” he interrupted gruffly. “Are you okay?” Glancing at her, his gaze landed on her full luscious lips, lips that begged to be kissed and devoured. Eyes drawn to her mouth, his mind conjured a vision of them surrounding his cock. Her tongue darted out to lick her bottom lip, causing his dick to swell and harden to its thick and full, painful length.

  Ignoring the passion igniting his blood, he pushed himself to focus on her, patiently waiting for her to respond. Unable to decide which emotion was going to win, anger at the situation they were in or lust, he silently vowed to wait her out. Otherwise, he was going to throw her down on the table and take her right there in the conference room. Showing calm that he didn’t feel he sat down at the table.

  His dragon demanded that he forget the question and focus on claiming their mate. Would you please stop! I know what you want, but it isn’t the right time. He could feel the heat from his dragon’s disapproval burning on his arm as the beast squeezed him.


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