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Limited Release (Kita's Adventures in Product Development Book 2)

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by Vanessa Cardui

  Limited Release

  By Vanessa Cardui

  Copyright 2015 Vanessa Cardui

  Kindle Edition

  The cover image is based on a photo by Elmo Love, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license. Some changes have been made to the original work.

  Kita was drenched in sweat, her legs trembling uncontrollably as Terra worked. If she let her heels drop—when she let her heels drop—there was a copper strip on the floor there, and touching it hurt. But the way Terra had chained her up meant that she couldn't move away from the copper strip. So she stood there, at the side of Terra's room in the basement, facing the wall, and she trembled and sweated and let her calves relax, just a little, they hurt so much—

  And then jerked up, screaming into her gag. It wasn't like a whiplash or a hit with a ruler, or anything. It was like something had bit into her heel; not a little surface bite, either, something that cut to the bone.

  Terra was humming tunelessly, and Kita could hear the metal saw, and then the spatter of sparks. She liked Terra, and liked spending time with Terra, but . . . she jerked up again, pulling against her bonds so hard she half-lifted from the floor. But the trembling had gone to shaking, and it hurt, and she just wanted to lie down with a book, and maybe Gerana would . . . .

  "Interesting," said Gerana, as she came in. Kita's legs were on fire, and if she relaxed even a little, it would zap her, but there was a faint movement of her hips at Gerana's voice, a hint of warmth in her belly. Gerana had been training Kita.

  "Thanks," said Terra.

  "So what's it part of?"

  "Weeeeell," said Terra. "It's not, strictly speaking, part of a project."

  "Ah," said Gerana.

  "It's decorative, though," said Terra. "And you're the one who makes her walk around on tiptoes all the time."

  "Wasn't complaining," said Gerana. "And it's not all the time. Some of the time I make her crawl. But as far as projects go—"

  Kita's legs gave out, and then her feet were zapped, both of them at once, and she was back up, not quite able to stand, not able to stop, sweating out of every pore.

  "We're okay for money," said Terra. "Unless you've invested it all."

  "My investments are great," said Gerana. "That's not the problem. The thing is, though, I'd like to have something for Balan that'd be a real money earner. He's got cash flow problems—invested a ton in those mind control collars, and now he's too worried about the government finding out to use them."

  "And you feel bad about that." Terra's tone of voice strongly implied that not only did Terra not feel bad about that, she knew perfectly well that Gerana didn't feel bad about it either.

  "Of course I do," said Gerana. "Poor old Balan. Second-rate wine at his parties, and sad looks at me."

  "Uh-huh," said Terra. "I went to one of those parties. It was not second-rate wine. Also, those collars weren't mind control collars. They just controlled motor functions and the input from the nervous system."

  That, and they'd been . . . Kita had been their roommate before they'd tested the mind control collar on her. Now roommate wasn't quite the word. She lived with them, anyway. And did what she was told, as well as she could.

  "One-and-a-half-rate wine," said Gerana. "Point is, I want you to make him something that he will not be able to turn down."


  "Because I want to help a friend," said Gerana. "And because I want Kita's collar back."

  "Ah," said Terra.

  "Fine!" said Gerana. "Mock me. Here I am, trying to earn enough to get you a castle, and to get us the right to work on proper mind control—"

  "Castle?" said Terra.

  There was the sound of paper being unfolded. "And," said Gerana, after a pause, "the owner of the castle is, by law, baron of—"

  Kita's feet slipped, and she screamed into her gag, every muscle twitching violently.

  "That is nice," said Gerana. "But I'm not sure it has mass-market appeal."

  "The castle's on an island?" said Terra.

  "About a quarter of Tievaras Island is included in the property," said Gerana. "There's a mining company that holds the rest, but they're willing to sell. It'd take—"

  "The thing about the frogs," said Terra.

  "He doesn't want frogs," said Gerana.

  "Everyone likes frogs," said Terra.

  "Not everyone likes frogs," said Gerana. "And very few people like reanimated frogs."

  "I like reanimated frogs," said Terra.

  Kita was whimpering softly, trying not to, hoping that someone would let her down.

  "No," said Gerana. "And even if Balan liked reanimated frogs, we're not looking for a present for him. We're looking for something that will make him give us that much money—" emphasized with a poke at the paper— "and also let us out of the parts of the contract that mean we can't make an even better collar for Keets."

  "Well," said Terra. "I could probably do a death ray."

  "Not a death ray," said Gerana.

  "Oh, come on," said Terra. "Everyone wants a death ray. Of course he'd pay—"

  "It's not that," said Gerana. "It's that Balan is a good customer because he keeps trying to stay a step ahead of the government."

  "A death ray would help."

  "A death ray would make him the government, and I don't think he'd be any better than the current government. We want a consumer product that doesn't involve anything being reanimated, and which isn't too expensive, and which can't be used to install a totalitarian dictatorship."

  "So not a killer robot."

  "Not a killer robot."

  "I'll have to think about it," said Terra. "Nothing reanimated? People like cats, though."

  "People like live cats," said Gerana. "I mean, I don't know why, but some people prefer boring pets. Relatively few people prefer undead pets." She walked over to Kita—she was about a head shorter than her, which meant that Kita's breasts were at exactly the right height for Gerana to bite her nipple. Which she did. And then she released the catch on the chains holding Kita's arms up, so she collapsed forward, boneless.

  "Come on," said Gerana, snapping her fingers as she backed away. "Come here, Keets."

  Gerana had been training her to heel when she snapped, so even though there was no way that Kita could stand up after that, she pulled herself toward Gerana, who kept backing away. In the direction of the bucket and sponge which Terra kept in her basement. Which Kita hated. But Gerana snapped again, so Kita followed.

  And was rewarded with a splash of ice-cold water, and a working over with a rough sponge, and then more cold water.

  Kita looked up at Gerana, feeling absolutely miserable. Gerana smiled, her expression softening. "Lovely as always, Keets. Time for clothing, though. And going out for lunch."

  Kita still wasn't up for standing, so she crawled along behind Gerana and Terra as they went back upstairs. "I don't understand why you have her wear clothing," said Terra. "I mean, it's not like she—"

  "Because I like taking clothing off of her," said Gerana. "And because she looks nice like that, and because I don't want to have to eat at home every day, and there aren't that many restaurants that let us bring naked girls along."

  Kita didn't have a room, exactly. She had a closet and a cage and a blanket in Gerana's room, and a set of shackles hanging from the ceiling in Terra's room. They went up to Gerana's room, where she got a thin green-and-white sundress, sandals, and a gold and jade necklace.

  The sundress was a lot shorter than clothing Kita would've chosen, when she'd been choosing clothing,
and the necklace was a lot more expensive than anything she'd ever been able to afford. And the rule was that when she was wearing clothing she had to stand, so she did, even though her legs still felt like jelly.

  As they walked out the front door, Terra had Kita lean over, and pushed two fingers up inside of her. They were still in the doorway, so people mostly couldn't see, but it was. . . Kita gasped, pushed back against it, hoping for more.

  "Nice," said Terra, pulling away. "When's the last time she's come?"

  "Not sure," said Gerana. "Did you let her?"

  "No," said Terra. "Not for a couple of months, anyway."

  Gerana gave a thoughtful scowl. "Three weeks, I think. Why?"

  "She's just been nicely responsive, lately," said Terra. "It suits her."

  "Hm," said Gerana.

  And then they were going out for lunch. Kita ordered food that she wanted, and ate it, and tried to come up with things that Terra might be able to invent for Balan. It was friendly, was what it was, and normal, and that made it weird. Because normal was being trained by Gerana, or experimented on by Terra, or kept locked in a cage when not in use.

  "—problem with anything involving saltwater," said Terra, interrupting Gerana's idea for tidal power plants, "is that saltwater is an asshole. It's always either dissolving things you don't want dissolved, or depositing salt where you don't want it deposited. And besides, that's assuming that Balan is interested in building power plants—"

  "He has built power plants!" said Gerana. "He owns six."

  "Yeah, but that's not taking a risk with anything. He's interested in fucking ladies, is what he's interested in."

  The waiter looked scandalized, but neither Terra nor Gerana cared much about scandalizing people.

  "Not just ladies," said Gerana. "Mostly ladies."

  "Fine," said Terra. "But we don't have any sheep. Could reanimate sheep, but that's no cheaper than live sheep. How about Kita?"

  Gerana sighed. "First of all, we're not selling Kita. Second of all, she's great, but he's not going to pay enough for her to buy a castle."

  "Clones?" said Terra. "We could do clones."

  Gerana shook her head. "We'd just have babies. I'm sure cloning Keets would give us adorable babies, but it's not a market I want to crack."

  "Could force-grow them," said Terra. "Vats, maybe. And then a memory transfer?"

  "Too close to mind control," said Gerana. "Don't want to get lawyers involved, and Balan would bring them in, if we started things that arguably related to mind control. Besides, I like her more as a one-off."

  Kita let herself breathe again.

  "Although," said Gerana, with a sidelong look at her. "It might be fun to—"

  "Sex toys?" Kita blurted out. "I mean, that's what the mind control collar was sold as, and he bought that."

  "Sure," said Terra. "Wasn't mind control, but anyway. How about this—you know how eager and obedient she gets when she's not allowed to come?"

  "Absolutely," said Gerana. "Although it's also fun to make her come more than she can handle."

  "Right," said Terra. "Maybe we can do both. Something that'll keep her stimulated but not let her come, or which can set her off again, over and over?"

  "Hmm," said Gerana. "It'd take some work to get enough money out of that to get us the castle."

  "That's your job," said Terra.

  "I, um." Kita wasn't sure what she was going to say, but felt she should say something.

  "Yeah?" asked Gerana.

  "Well," said Kita. If she turned and ran, nobody would stop her. "It might be fun," she said, then blushed red as a beetroot, and stared at her hands. That wasn't what she thought she should say.

  Gerana laughed. "Okay. It'd be nice to get Keets something new to play with anyway."

  Terra looked off into the distance, started drumming on the tabletop. "Could be it'll need better power storage," she said, finally. "We want it to run for a week or two; could swap in new batteries every morning, but it'll still be a drain."

  "Better power storage is definitely something that Balan would like even more than the wooliest sheep. But concentrate on the orgasm thing—Keets here thinks that it might be fun."

  "Sure," said Terra. "Probably have to try a few things with Kita, though."

  "Obviously," said Gerana. "But after her training."

  Again, neither Terra nor Gerana cared too much about scandalizing people, but they didn't even lower their voices when they were talking about things, and Kita thought she'd melt into the floor, given the sort of looks that they were getting from the waiters and other patrons.

  Well, she felt like she'd melt for other reasons too, but. It had been three weeks since she'd been allowed an orgasm. And then there was the training, which was making her . . . not exactly like things that she hadn't liked before. But respond to things that she hadn't liked before.

  After lunch, for instance, Gerana set up Kita on her knees, chained to the floor, and let her lick her out. Only Terra had made something that would give Kita a shock every time Gerana pushed the trigger. Gerana had put the thing right on Kita's pussy, and every single time Kita pulled away for air, or Gerana took a step back, she'd hold down the trigger, and keep it down until Kita's tongue was on her clit, or pushing into her.

  It hurt a lot, and it wasn't as though Kita needed that sort of training. She loved licking Gerana out! Only, after three weeks of the shocking thing, she did find her mouth watering whenever there was a chance she'd get to lick Gerana out, and the idea of stopping, once she started, was almost painful.

  The session went on for however long it went on. Each time Gerana came, she patted Kita's cheek, and it was . . . it was almost better than being allowed an orgasm herself. But then when she stepped away, it hurt, and it seemed to hurt more than the shock—she was learning where her mouth was supposed to be, and it felt wrong when it wasn't there.

  Then Terra came up, and watched them for a bit.

  "Progress?" asked Gerana, while she was out of Kita's reach, and Kita's pussy was being painfully shocked.

  "Some," said Terra. "Looks like it's going to be a sort of belt. Plugs for cunt and ass, control unit at the hip. Thing is, though, once it's ready, she's going to come a few times before I get it properly calibrated."

  Gerana scowled, then stepped closer. Almost, but not quite in range. Kita lunged forward eagerly, and after a little pause, just out of reach, Gerana came forward and she was warm and wet and sweet, and the hurting stopped.

  "You have to make her come?" she asked.

  "Don't have to do anything," said Terra. "But if you want it to keep her on the edge, I'm going to need data as to what the edge looks like, and the only way to see that is to push her over a few times. Probably not more than a couple of dozen times, but could be less."

  "I don't know," said Gerana. Kita gasped in a breath—it hurt—and then back where it didn't hurt.

  "Tell you what, though," said Terra. "It'll have a remote as well, so you can use it for shocks like that. And positive feedback as well; she'll be perfect in no time."

  "Fine!" said Gerana.

  "And you get to be the one pushing her over the edge," said Terra.

  "Deal," said Gerana. "When?"

  Terra gave a thoughtful frown. "Tomorrow morning, I think. Let her sleep a little bit tonight, anyway—once I get it properly set up, it's going to be a while before she'll be sleeping through the night, exactly."

  "You'll keep it on at night?" asked Gerana.

  "You wanted something that'll keep her almost, but not quite orgasming all the time," said Terra. "Nighttime is time."

  "Needs to sleep a bit, though," said Gerana.

  "Well, we'll work something out. Lower level stimulation for sleep cycle, maybe? But certainly not for the first few days."

  "Fair enough," said Gerana. "Okay, Keets. Run along and play. Draw up my bath at the usual time, though."

  Kita didn't necessarily feel like running along and playing, but she did go to the l
ibrary, and tried to find something to read. The rule was that if she wasn't in use and wasn't in a cage she had to be dressed, so that took time, and then the problem was that she was going to be . . . didn't really bear thinking about, exactly. But it was going to make it hard to pay attention to what she was reading, anyway, and there was an adventure-romance that she'd started, and there were some new histories that they'd gotten and which she wanted to look at, and . . .

  And at a minimum, Gerana and Terra had bought a huge library, even though Terra only ever read technical things, and Gerana would start reading, get bored, and then do things to Kita, a process that usually took maybe ten minutes between opening a book, and Kita gasping on her hands and knees.

  Maybe she'd be able to finish the romance. The dashing pilot had fallen into the hands of pirates, but one of the pirates had seemed to be warming to his wit, and—

  And she was late for Gerana's bath. Kita dashed out of the library, trying to run and get undressed and fold her clothing all at once. It didn't exactly work, and even though she avoided major injury, Gerana was already in the bath when Kita got there, leaning back, eyes closed.

  "Tsk, tsk, Keets," she said, as Kita came in, knelt next to the bath.

  "Sorry?" said Kita. "It's just I was reading, and the book—"

  "Sure," said Gerana. "I think, though, when this project is done, I'll train you to be here on time. Not with whatever Terra is working on, not with the collar when we get it back. Just with a whip and a stopwatch and maybe letting you come now and again."

  Kita didn't like that idea at all, only she could feel the heat winding down through her lower belly, feel the pulse fluttering at her neck, so she didn't say anything at all.

  Gerana lazily lifted up a hand. "You can get started."

  Kita washed her carefully. Arms and shoulders and back and hair—Gerana had lovely hair, bouncy and curly and thick—and then legs and toes and then her pussy. Gentle touches with washcloth and hands, nothing more than that unless she had permission. Which Gerana didn't choose to give.

  Instead, she reached up, and started playing with Kita's pussy. Kita stood to give her better access, holding her hands behind her back, as Gerana's soapy hands drifted across, up and in, no urgency, just a calm possessiveness.


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