Rome's Gothic Wars: From the Third Century to Alaric (Key Conflicts of Classical Antiquity)

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Rome's Gothic Wars: From the Third Century to Alaric (Key Conflicts of Classical Antiquity) Page 26

by Michael Kulikowski

  [246] Olympiodorus, frag. 14 (Blockley) = 13 (Müller); Sozomen, HE 9.8.

  [247] Sozomen, HE 9.8 has the former, Zosimus, HN 6.12.2 the latter. Both were drawing on Olympiodorus, but it is unclear which version better transmits the original.

  [248] Sozomen, HE 9.9.2–3; Philostorgius, HE 12.3.

  Epilogue: The Aftermath of Alaric

  [249] Orosius, Hist. 7.39.4–14.

  [250] Sozomen, HE 9.9.5.

  [251] Olympiodorus, frag. 25 (Blockley) = 25 (Müller).

  [252] Rutilius Namatianus, De reditu suo 1.140.

  [253] Olympiodorus, frag. 16 (Blockley) = 15 (Müller).

  [254] Jordanes, Get. 158.

  [255] Sozomen, HE 9.9.1.


  Ablabius 54

  Abrittus 18, 28

  Adrianople: battle of 139-143

  curia of 135-136

  siege of 146

  Ad Salices, battle of 137

  Aequitius 143

  Africa, grain supply of 6, 6, 168-169, 175-176

  Alamanni 59, 81, 105-106

  origins of 39-40, 67, 71

  Alanoviamuth 49

  Alans 124-126, 127-128, 171, 183

  Alaric: 1-11, 157-177, 183-184

  and Attalus 9, 174-176

  and Eutropius 166-168

  and Rufinus 165

  death of 180

  early career of 161-162

  first revolt of 164-166

  demands of 1-2, 165, 172, 173, 174

  followers 1-2, 4-5, 5, 6, 157, 165-166

  Alatheus 126, 127, 131-132, 152

  at Adrianople 141, 142

  Alavivus 128-129, 130, 132-133

  Aleksandrovka 92

  Alexander Severus 28-29, 28

  alphabet, Gothic 110

  Amal dynasty 50, 53, 161

  Ambrose of Milan 160

  Ammianus Marcellinus 103-105

  Res Gestae of 104-105

  on Adrianople 140-141, 144, 146-147

  on Huns 124-125

  Antioch 117, 129

  Antonine Constitution 25, 34-42

  Antoninus Pius 23

  Apamea 19

  Aquitaine 158, 183

  Arabs 146

  Arbogast 151, 162-163

  Arcadius 163, 163, 165, 172


  See material evidence: ethnicity and

  Ardashir 27

  Argaith 18, 55, 210


  See Christianity: Goths and homoean

  Ariaric 84-85


  See Rimini

  Arinthaeus 117

  Arius 107-108

  Armenia 129, 137, 167, 168

  Arminius 47

  army, Roman: as basis of imperial power 26

  barbarians in 35-37, 82, 156

  Goths in 79, 82, 103-104, 106, 156-157

  losses of, at Adrianople 150

  Arpulas 121

  Arrian 125

  Ascholius 118

  Asia Minor: Goths killed in 146-147, 154

  Gothic revolt in 168-169

  Athanaric 101

  ancestry of 85

  death of 155

  defeated by Huns 126-127, 128, 131-132

  persecutes Christians 117-118, 120-122

  Roman wars of 116-118

  Atharidus 120

  Athaulf 10, 158-159, 175, 177, 180-181, 182

  Athens 19

  Attalus, Priscus 9, 174-176, 182-183

  Attica 19

  Attila 157

  Augustae 31

  Augustine 178-179

  Augustus 22, 40-41

  Aurelian (emperor) 8-9, 20-21, 29-30

  Aurelian (praetorian prefect) 169

  Aureolus 20, 29

  Aurelius Victor 30

  Auxentius 107

  Auxonius 115

  Bacurius 142

  barbarians: and imperial policy 37-39

  concept of 15, 21-22, 37, 56-60

  See also army, Roman: as basis of imperial power

  barbaricum 34-42

  concept of 34

  Roman influence in 35-37

  coinage in 35, 36, 37, 86-87, 91-92

  trade within 91-92

  Barcelona 182

  Basil of Caesarea 118, 129, 138

  Bašmačka 92

  Bathouses 121

  Bauto 151


  See Gunthigis

  Beroe 138

  Bible, Gothic 109-110

  Bithynia 19

  Bonitus 82

  Boradoi 19, 210

  Boranoi 18-19, 210

  Botheric 159-160, 160

  Bracciolini, Poggio 44-45

  Britain 171

  Caesarius 169

  Campona 81

  Candac 49

  Cannobaudes 20

  Cappadocia 21-22

  Caracal, coin hoard of 115

  Caracalla 25, 27

  Carinus 30

  Carrhae 27

  Carpi 67-68, 78-79, 83

  Carus 30

  Cassio 142

  Cassiodorus 50

  See also Jordanes

  Castalius 50

  Celts 58-59

  Chalcedon 169

  Christianity: Goths and 106-111, 118-122

  homoean 107-109

  Cilicia 21

  Cimmerians 59

  Claudian 4-5, 160-161, 166

  Claudius 20, 29, 81

  Cniva 18, 28

  Colias 135-136


  See Cosenza

  Constans (emperor) 102

  Constans (general of Attalus) 175

  Constantine Ⅰ 80-86, 102

  death of 102

  Christianity of 107-109

  Franks and 80, 82

  Gothic war of 83-86, 107

  Sarmatian campaigns of 101-102

  wars with Licinius 81-82

  Constantine Ⅲ 171, 172

  Constantinus (Constantine Ⅱ) 84-85, 102

  Constantinople 50, 165

  Gainas in 169

  senate of 146

  siege of 146

  Theodosius in 150-151, 151

  Valens in 139

  Constantius Ⅰ 31, 77, 78-80, 80

  Constantius Ⅱ 102, 112-113

  coinage of 91

  Christianity of 108-109

  Danubian campaigns of 105-106, 114-115

  Constantius Ⅲ 181-183, 181

  Constitutio Antoniniana

  See Antonine Constitution

  Cosenza 180

  Costoboci 39

  Crassus 27-28

  Crispus 81

  Crocus 80

  Csörsz-árok 79, 84-85

  Cyprus 19

  Cyzicus 121-122

  Dacia, province of 40-41, 67, 127

  Constantinian 102

  Dacian wars 38, 39-40

  Dalmatia 174

  Dančeny 92

  Daphne 83, 115

  Decebalus 38-39

  Decius 18, 28

  De rebus bellicis 115

  Dexippus 19, 55, 59-60

  diffusion theory 64-66

  Diocletian 30-31, 76-80

  and Goths 31-32, 78

  reforms of 76-78

  Dulcilla 121

  Durostorum 130-131

  Epirus, province of 167, 171-172

  Eriulf 156-157

  Ermanaric 111-112, 124, 126

  ethnicity: archaeology and 60-70, 95-96

  clothing and 60, 68-69

  vocabulary of 56-57, 70

  ethnography, Graeco-Roman 56-60

  Etruria 10, 179

  Eucherius 164, 173, 173

  Eudoxia 169-171

  Eugenius 153, 162-163

  Eunapius 124, 125, 130, 146, 167

  on Adrianople 140-141, 144

  Eusebius of Caesarea 86, 102

  Eusebius of Nicomedia 107, 108

  Eusebius of Samosata 138

  Eutropius 166-169

  Farnobius 138

  Flavianus, Nic
omachus 162-163

  Florence 171

  fortifications: on frontier 31-32, 116, 116, 127-128

  in barbaricum 79, 84, 92

  Franks 31, 59, 105

  and Constantine 80, 81

  origins of 39-40, 67, 71

  Fravitta 156-157, 169

  Frigeridus 137, 137, 138, 139

  Frigidus, battle of 163, 165, 166-169

  Fritigern 121-122, 128, 130, 132-142, 151, 152

  funerary ritual 94-97

  Gaatha 101, 121

  Gainas 166, 166, 168-169, 170

  Galerius 77, 78, 79, 80

  Danubian campaigns of 78-79

  Galla Placidia 9, 182-183

  Gallia Narbonensis 23

  ‘Gallic empire’ 29, 30-31

  Gallienus 20-21, 28-29

  Gallus (caesar) 105

  Gelonians 59

  Gildo, revolt of 168


  See Tacitus (author)

  ‘Germanic’ history 44-54

  and modern Germans 44-45

  in Renaissance 44-45

  in Reformation 45

  and Romanticism 45-47

  and National Socialism 47-48

  in post-War era 48-49, 52-54

  Germanic languages 47, 59-60, 68

  Germans, in ancient texts 58-59


  See Jordanes, Getica of

  Gorodok 92

  Gothia 76

  Gothi minores 154-155

  Gothic language 68-69, 117

  Goths: as ‘Scythians’ 14-15, 47, 59, 59, 147

  in modern thought 42, 54

  of Alaric 157-158, 165, 173, 181-184

  origins of 39-42, 67-68, 69-70

  Gotland 35

  Gouththikas 120-122

  government, early imperial 22-25, 26

  Gratian 114, 137, 162

  and Adrianople 139, 140, 146

  and Theodosius 147-148, 149-150, 151-152, 158-159, 159-160

  death of 158

  Gratiana 116

  Greece, Alaric in 166-167

  Gregory of Nazianzus 156

  Gregory of Nyssa 147-148

  Gregory Thaumaturgus 19, 21

  Greuthungi 59, 111-112, 124

  at Adrianople 141-142

  Danube crossings of 131-132, 156-157

  defeated by Huns 126-128

  Guntheric 18, 55, 210

  Gunthigis 49

  Guththa 36, 211

  Gutthiuda 76

  Hadrian 23

  Heraclian 6, 175

  Herder, Gottfried 46

  Hermannsdenkmal 47

  Hermunduri 65

  Herodotus 15, 125

  Historia Augusta 20, 55

  Histria 18-19

  Honorius 2-3, 3-4, 8, 160, 183

  accession of 163-173

  and Stilicho 165, 172-173

  marriages of 161, 172

  Huns 112, 124-126, 127-128, 154-155

  in Armenia 167, 168

  Iatrus 31, 106

  Iazyges 65

  Iberia 129

  Ingenuus 29

  iudex, Tervingian 101

  Iuthungi 29, 59

  Jordanes 49-50

  Romana of 50

  Jordanes, Getica of 41, 43-44, 49-52

  date of 50

  Cassiodorus and 50-52

  historical value of 54-56, 85-86, 111, 112-113, 161, 180

  Jovian 113

  Jovius 174

  Julian 103-104, 106

  in Rhineland 105, 112

  in Persia 113

  Caesares of 82

  Julius (magister militum) 145-147, 147

  Julius Caesar 22, 52

  Junius Soranus 118-119

  Justina 159, 160, 162, 162

  Justinian 50, 52

  Kabyle 139

  Kamenka-Ančekrak 93

  Kholmskoě 87, 89

  Komarovo 90

  Kossinna, Gustav 60-61, 65

  Lactantius 18

  law, Roman 24-25

  Libanius 150

  Licinius 80-82

  Sarmatian campaign of 81-82

  wars of, with Constantine 81-82

  limes transalutanus 127

  Limigantes 105-106

  ludi Sarmatici 82

  Lupicinus 130-131, 132-134

  Macedonia, province of 151, 165

  Magnentius 102, 103

  Magnus Maximus 153, 158-159

  Mainz 171

  Marcianople 130, 132-133

  battle of 134

  third-century 18, 19, 55

  Marcomanni 29-30, 38-39

  Marcus Aurelius 37, 38

  Margus, battle of 30

  Maria 164, 172

  material evidence: ethnicity and 60-70, 95-96

  migration and 61-67

  social status in 61-62, 96

  See also funerary ritual

  Mattiarii 142

  Maxentius 80, 81

  Maximian 30-31, 76-80, 81

  Maximus (dux) 130-131

  Maximus, Magnus

  See Magnus Maximus

  migration: archaeology and 61-67

  in Jordanes 51-52, 53-54, 55, 66-67

  modern theories of 41, 43-44, 48, 64-66, 71

  Milan 163, 170

  Modares 151-152, 156

  Moesia, provinces of 81, 83, 87, 138

  Ulfila and 109, 110, 117

  Naissus 20, 29

  Narbonne 182

  Narnia 10

  Neocaesarea 19

  Nero 22

  Nicaea, council of 107

  Nicomedia 19, 30

  Nicopolis 109


  See Naissus

  Noricum, province of 114, 172-173, 173

  Notitia Dignitatum 150

  Noviodunum 116, 117

  Oescus 18, 31

  bridge at 83, 83, 116-118

  Olympiodorus 167, 175-176, 179

  Olympius 172-173, 173, 174, 181

  Orosius 178, 179

  Ostrogoths 50, 50, 111

  Ostrovany 94

  Pacatus 149, 152

  paganism: Gothic 117, 119, 121

  Roman 10, 77, 178

  Palanca 92

  Pannonia 113, 151

  Alaric in 170

  Paria 49

  Parthians 26-27

  Pavia, mutiny of 173-174

  peace of 332 84-86

  peace of 382 146, 152-153

  Peloponnese 167

  Persia 27-28, 30, 102, 113-114, 129

  Peutinger, Conrad 49

  Philippopolis 18

  philology, rise of 46-47

  Philostorgius 107

  Pietroasele, treasure of 94

  Pityus 19

  Pliny the Elder 65

  Pollentia, battle of 170

  Pontus 19

  Portus 6, 8, 173

  Postumus 29

  Probus 29, 30

  Procopius (usurper) 114-115

  Gothic support for 86-87, 101-102, 115

  Profuturus 137, 137

  Promotus 161

  protectores domestici 103

  Prusa 19

  Przeworsk culture 64, 67

  Quadi 30, 65, 105-106, 114

  quadriburgia 83, 116

  Radagaisus 171-172, 171

  Ranke, Leopold von 46

  Rausimod 81

  Ravenna 2, 176

  Rebrin 94

  reiks, Tervingian 101

  Rhegium 180, 180

  Rhodes 19

  Richomeres 137-138, 137, 139, 140-142

  Rimini 2-3, 174, 176

  ripa Gothica 76-80, 83

  Romanticism 45-47

  Rome 1-11, 173-177

  food supply of: 6, 6, 8, 168, 175-176

  sack of 10, 177, 178-179

  senate of 8-9, 104, 162-163, 172, 173-174

  Rothesteus 119, 120, 121

  Roxolani 39

  Rufinus 163, 163, 165-166

  Rutilius Namatianus 7, 179

  Saba 118-120

  Passion of 118-11
9, 128-129

  Sagitarii 142

  Sansalas 120

  Sântana-de-Mureş/Černjachov culture 62-70, 87-99, 155

  cemeteries of 94-97

  origins of 67-68, 88, 98-99

  economy of 86-92, 116

  treasures of 93-94

  Saphrax 126, 127, 131-132, 152

  at Adrianople 141, 142

  Sarmatians 30, 39, 59, 78, 98, 102

  Licinius and 81

  Constantine and 81-82, 84, 84

  Constantius and 105-106

  Sarus 177, 181-183

  Sassanians 27-28

  See also Persia

  Saturninus 138, 142

  Scutarii 142-143

  Scythia, province of 83, 90, 110, 138

  coin circulation in 86, 87

  duces Scythiae 118

  Scythians 15, 58

  Alamanni as 59

  Goths as 14-15, 47, 59, 59, 147

  Sebastianus 139, 140, 143

  Septimius Severus 25, 37

  Serdica 81

  Serena 9, 164, 173

  Shapur Ⅰ 27, 36

  Sicily 180-181

  Siedlungsarchäologie 60-61

  Sigesarius 182-183

  Sirmium 81, 146-147, 151

  Sobari 93-94

  Socrates 118, 121-122

  Sozomen 109, 179

  Stilicho 163-173

  and Alaric 166, 169-171, 172-173

  and Claudian 160

  and Eutropius 166-167

  and Rufinus 165-166

  and Theodosius 161, 164, 165

  death of 173

  Strabo 65

  Strásza 94

  Sucidava, bridge at 83, 83, 116

  Sueridus 135-136

  Suevi 60-61, 171, 183

  Synesius 152

  Szilágysolmlyó 94

  Tacitus (author) 23, 32

  Germania of 44-45

  Tacitus (emperor) 30

  Taifali 31, 32, 83

  Taraclia 87

  Tervingi 31-32, 78-80

  in Passion of Saba 119-120

  Danube crossing of 128-131

  kingship and 101

  peace of 332 and 84-86, 103

  Constantine and 83-86

  Constantius and 106

  Procopius and 115

  rebellion of 132-138

  tetrarchs and 78-80

  Valens and 115-118, 118

  See also Goths: as ‘Scythians’ Ulfila

  tetrarchy 30-31, 76-80

  and Goths 78-80

  Themistius 115, 117, 129

  on Adrianople 143

  on Theodosius 149, 152

  Theoderic Ⅰ 183, 183

  Theoderic Ⅱ 183

  Theodoret of Cyrrhus 149-150

  Theodoric (Ostrogothic king) 50, 53, 161

  Theodosius Ⅰ: accession of 147-149

  and Athanaric 155

  and Balkan mutiny 159, 160, 161-162

  and Stilicho 164, 165

  Christianity of 8-9, 148

  civil wars of 159, 162-163

  death of 163

  early career of 148-149

  Gothic peace of 146, 152-153

  Gothic war of 150-152

  Theodosius the Elder 148, 148

  Theodosius (son of Placidia) 182

  Thermantia 172

  Thermopylae 166

  Thessalonica 19, 150

  riots in 160

  Thessaly, province of 151, 165


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