Forgotten Memories

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Forgotten Memories Page 20

by Candis Vargo

  “Ah, my cousin Laurence, how kind of him,” the Imp said. I didn’t realize he was still standing next to me until he spoke. I had been so drawn into the images I was seeing.

  “Is this real?” I asked. I found out how tricky these Imps were when I signed the contract. I needed to know for sure this was real and not another game he was playing with me.

  “Absolutely,” he replied.

  I continued to watch the images before me wondering that the fuck they were thinking. The bitch from the Coven couldn’t even use my magic to cast a barrier in between the two grounds. They were either completely out of their minds or as determined as I was when I cast myself into Hell to get Chace back; freed was more like it.

  “What is it you want?” Laurence asked.

  “I want my daughter and her lover Chace back. I want them both out of there,” my father spoke up.

  “Well nothing is free when it comes to Hell. A soul for a soul as we like to say,” Laurence said as he clasped his hands together in front of him.

  “What is it you want?” Roland asked the Imp.

  “A soul you fool,” Laurence looked impatient. “If you wish to see your daughter again and know her lover is freed I need a soul in exchange.”

  Everyone looked at one another as the Coven members began to back up. I noticed they did that a lot when they were faced with true danger.

  “I will go. Take me,” Roland said as he stepped forward.

  I screamed at them, “What, no! Chace is safe and I’m coming back! I’m coming back! Don’t!”

  They couldn’t hear me.

  “You fool,” Laurence spat. “You do not have a soul. It has already been taken from you and is wondering around this earth dimension looking for you as we speak.”

  Roland looked in awe. No one has ever heard of the soul looking for their bodies. We all assumed the souls went straight to one of the layers of Hell.

  I felt a wave of relief rush over me until I heard my father speak up.

  “I have a soul,” my father said as he looked at Roland. “I will go with you. Let my daughter come back and let me know Chace is free and I will go with you.”

  “No!” I yelled as loud as I could. I should have known they still wouldn’t be able to hear me. I frantically began pounding on the mirror that was in front of me. I hoped somehow they would be able to hear that. Every hit I pounded on the mirror it sent ripples of water flowing underneath my fists. They couldn’t even hear that.

  “Please! Daddy no,” I begged. I begged with everything I had inside of me. I have already lost my mother, Chace was back in Heaven, and I couldn’t lose my father too. “No daddy. Don’t. Please.” I finally gave up on hitting the mirror.

  “Very well then,” Laurence said with a smug smile. “If you ask one of the Fallen who are hiding out behind those trees, any one of them can tell you Chace is back in Heaven. They were able to sense it the moment it happened.”

  Everyone turned around as one of the Fallen stepped out of the darkness.

  “It is true,” the Fallen said. “We all felt it. He has returned to our Father in Heaven.”

  I saw a small motion of relief pass through my father before he asked, “What about my daughter?”

  “Ah yes, she should be here any moment. I do however need your blood before she returns,” Laurence said.

  I cried while I watched helplessly as my father went through the same motions as I had earlier with Kemonte. There was nothing I could do. I was losing everything and everyone I loved. Everyone I have ever cared for was leaving my life one by one. I slowly fell to my knees crying as I placed both of my hand on the mirror.

  “Don’t daddy. Please! Oh God please don’t let him do this.” I was wrong when I thought there were no more tears left in me. My tears were now flowing down my face in a stream much like the ones of blood flowing underneath me. There was nothing I could do. I couldn’t stop anything that was happening. I knew that once my father signed that contract he would be down here. He would be chained up like everyone that surrounded me.

  Roland tried to stop my father but his attempt proved worthless. My father simply used his magic to appear on the side of the Unholy. Roland must have known if he crossed over that line nothing good would come of it. I watched through blurry eyes as father signed the contract the same way I had. The only difference was that Imp already had a feather in his pocket; he didn’t pull it from the wings of the man I love.

  The moment Laurence signed the contract with a drop of his pitch black blood; I realized I was no longer in Hell. I didn’t have time to feel relieved because my father was about to walk into Hell himself. I thought about yelling at him and telling him what he did was reckless. I could have told him I was always going to come back. I knew if I did that he would live this moment over and over for eternity in hell. I didn’t want that.

  I pushed aside the hurt and pain inside of me. I felt like my heart was going to burst right out of my chest with everything that has happened in such short time. I swallowed what felt like a lump in my throat as the tears kept falling.

  “Karma,” my father said. “You’re back.” A look of relief washed over his face.

  “Yes daddy. I’m back.”

  “I couldn’t let you stay there. I hope you understand. I have already lost your mother. I couldn’t lose you too. Not my daughter. I hope you forgive me someday. Chace is back too. I knew the pain you felt and I didn’t want you to suffer anymore. You two can now be together. Live for me Karma. I love you.”

  “Thank you daddy, I love you too.” I wanted him to be proud of what he did. I wanted him to think everything he did was the right thing. I couldn’t let him know the truth. The truth wouldn’t change anything. He signed the contract and I knew all too well nothing could be changed. I wanted him to spend eternity with one less memory of guilt on his mind.

  My heart clenched as I watched father and Laurence disappear into the portal. I stood straight, trying to appear strong for my father. I know he saw the tears rolling down my face but at least he believed he brought both Chace and I back from Hell.

  Chapter 30

  I didn’t tell anyone the truth. I let them all believe my father had freed me from Hell. Whenever they asked me where Chace was I just replied that he was an Angel again, that he had work to do. I didn’t want them to know I was suffering with more pain than they thought. I knew they would either feel pity toward me or blame me. Either way, I didn’t want to deal with it.

  I didn’t feel any different as a Succubus. The only thing that has really changed was I no longer had my wings. I used to love my wings. I loved flying. Even if I still had them, I didn’t think I would have been flying anywhere. The thought of flying brought on memories of Chace. Memories of the two of us flying side by side to the stable, how he looked in all his glory with his wings stretched out as they slowly flapped through the wind. Memories of the last time we made love and we lifted ourselves into the air. They weren’t memories I wanted to forget, but they were painful. They were painful but yet they were lovely at the same time. I loved those memories; it just stung inside knowing they are the past. They left me longing for something I knew I couldn’t have anymore.

  The Imp was right. My Imp I guess. Kemonte said in one day I would have someone show me the ways of a Succubus. She came without any announcement. She didn’t need one because I could sense when she was near. She didn’t even knock when she came to the house; she just walked right into the living room where I was sitting.

  “So, you’re Karma. I’m Tisha. You might want to come up with a new name and change up your appearances a little before we begin. You won’t want anyone to recognize you,” Tisha said. I wondered if that was even her real name. I knew next to nothing about what a Succubus did so I was confused when she talked about changing my appearances. Did she want me to go shopping? I wished I had actually read the chapters on Succubus’ in one of the books Gram let Em and I borrow.

  “What do you mean change my appearan
ces? And why do I need to change my name? I like my name,” I said hastily.

  “You can keep your name. You just need to come up with a sort of alias. You know, for when you’re working. And what do you mean what do I mean about changing your appearances? Did Kemonte tell you anything?”

  “No. The only thing I know is I’m no longer a Pixie. I am now a demon and a Succubus at that. I know nothing,” I shrugged my shoulders. I wasn’t too sure at that moment if I really wanted to know. It didn’t matter. I had to live this life so I needed to know.

  “Okay, come here,” she said as she lifted me off of the sofa for me to stand. “Close your eyes. I want you to picture yourself with short red hair. Now I want you to imagine yourself with…well you already have nice tits so let’s have you imagine yourself with a little black dress that hugs your curves. Next I want you to think of the most beautiful model you have ever seen in a magazine. Think about her face. The shape of her nose, the structure of her jawline and even the color of her eyes.”

  I did everything she told me to even if I did think it was crazy. I didn’t understand why in the hell she wanted me to do this but then again, she was from hell so that phrase fit perfectly.

  “Not too bad. Okay, open your eyes,” Tisha said after a few moments. “Go look in a mirror.”

  Once again I figured it was best for me to do everything she said. I really didn’t care why I was doing it I just wanted it over with. I walked into the kitchen and looked into a mirror that was on the opposite wall of a window.

  I screamed.

  “What the fuck!” I had no idea what was going on. Apparently Tisha did because she laughed hysterically at me.

  “Calm down! It’s okay,” she said in between breaths.

  “What is this? What the fuck happened to me?”

  “This,” she moved her hand down in front of my body like I was a showcase, “is how you change up your appearances. All you have to do is think about what you want to become and you become it.”

  “How do I change back?” I asked. I didn’t know how much I liked this aspect of a Succubus but I was sure this wasn’t the worst it was going to get. Especially if that was the first lesson.

  “Just think about you. Think about what you look like and you will become you again.”

  I did as she said and I was never so relieved to be myself before.

  After I was myself again I asked, “So, why exactly do I need to change my appearances?”

  “Well you don’t want everyone and their brother to know they fucked you now do you?”

  I was taken aback. What did she mean by everyone fucking me? I had only ever had sex twice and both times were with Chace. I didn’t want to fuck anyone.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Whatever made you sign the contract with Kemonte, he knew this would be what you hated most. That’s how they do contracts these days. Trust me, whatever it is you’re going through, I was there too. You get used to it. Plus, if you want to survive, it’s a necessity.”

  I really didn’t want to be sleeping with anybody other than Chace but I had no choice. I knew if I was able to travel through Hell to get him back I would one day find my way through Heaven to do it all over again. I wasn’t about to let myself die so I would do whatever it took to survive; even if it meant killing me on the inside.

  “Okay, so a name, I need a name. What about Jade.” I figured Jade suited me about this time in my life.

  “Jade. I like it,” Tisha said as she smiled.

  Tisha was a spunky person and I started to like her. Despite the situation I thought this might be the beginning of a good friendship. I didn’t know how long she was going to stay to show me the ropes but I knew it wasn’t going to be a dull time.

  “So what now?” I asked her.

  “Now change yourself into whoever you want to be tonight, Jade. We’re going hunting.”

  I decided I would have short hair since I naturally have long. I transformed my hair into a short bob haircut that was strawberry blonde. I didn’t like the thought of someone else touching this body so I made my breasts a little smaller and grew about four more inches, which put me at average height for a woman at my age. Chace was the last one to touch my normal body and I wanted to keep it that way. It was the least I could do.

  When Tisha told me we were going a few towns away to a decent club called Jacks Knights, I had no idea what to wear. I watched as Tisha put on her outfit, if you would even call it that. I guess we more or less transformed into them. When I saw what she was going to wear I decided I would wear a short black skirt and a white tank top with a low cut neck. I knew enough to have a pair of strapped black high heels to go with it.

  On the way to Jacks Knights Tisha told me more about being a Succubus. From the information I gathered from her, I really did need to have sex to live. I always thought that was a legend. I knew a Succubus would get a high when they had some sort of sexual interaction but that was all I knew. I didn’t think they needed it to live. She told me it would be easy to seduce most men but the truly spiritual souls would give us the best rewards. I was relieved when she said seduction would come natural to me, even for my first time. We had some enhancements that made it hard for mortals to resist and our charisma was at the top of the list. Also something I never knew; if we desperately needed a fix we could go to people in their dreams.

  I was put off about the whole visiting people in their dreams. The thought kind of terrified me, to put it mildly. I wouldn’t want someone else in my dreams. Then again, I guess if I needed this fix bad enough I would do it.

  “Here we are,” Tisha said as we pulled up to the club. I didn’t know what I expected but it sure wasn’t what I saw.

  Jacks Knights was a three story club with bars on every window. There was a sign on the front that read the name of the club with a picture of a knight’s shield with two swords making an X across it. When we walked in we had to be scanned with a metal detector and have our purses checked.

  There was a large spiral staircase made out of metal in the front of the club. Looking around, I noticed everything was stone. It seemed like it was built like a castle in the ancient times. There were archways in between the bar area and the dance floor. I wondered if it was like this on all three levels.

  “Let’s get a drink,” Tisha yelled over the blasting rap music.

  “I don’t have an ID,” I yelled back to her.

  “Here,” she said as she handed me an ID card. I opened my mouth to say I looked nothing like her when Tisha said, “Go to the bathroom and put on her face. Once you get a first drink they don’t ID you anymore. You can go back and change into Jade after you get your drink.”

  I took the ID card and went into the bathroom. I hoped I would get this right. I thought this may be a test but with the way Tisha was I think she just wanted me to drink so I could loosen up a little.

  I looked at the photo on the card as I went into a stall. I managed to change into whoever this picture was of. I managed to do it quite fast too. I walked out of the bathroom and met Tisha over by the bar.

  “What do you want?” she asked me.

  “I’ll have a Labatt. Bottle.” I said. I never really drank that often but I still knew what I liked. I was never one for the mix drinks like Sex on the Beach. I would prefer a bottle of beer over one of those any day.

  “Alright,” she said as she leaned over the counter. It didn’t take long for the bartender to notice her. He instantly smiled at her and walked right over. I now knew what she meant about seduction being easy.

  The bartender was a fairly good looking guy, aside from the fact that he looked like he has never been in the sun. He looked as white as a ghost even in the dimness of the club. He had dirty blonde hair and he wore a blue button up shirt that probably made him look whiter than he was. The shirt was rolled up a few times at the sleeves, which showed off the hair on his arms. His jeans were loose and I couldn’t resist looking at his ass. I was grateful he was one of the few g
uys who actually wore his pants around his waist where they were supposed to be. There weren’t any boxers hanging out and he didn’t have to spread his legs as far as he could so he could walk and keep his pants up at the same time.

  “Bottle of Labatt and Bottle of Bud Light.” She smiled back at him.

  “Can I see your ID’s? I wouldn’t card someone as beautiful as you but the big guy is watching,” the bartender inclined his head over toward the door. Sure enough his boss was watching and he was a big guy. He wasn’t muscular but he was definitely heavy. I wasn’t sure if he was watching the bartender work and making sure he was checking ID’s or if he was just watching Tisha. I chose to assume he was watching Tisha.

  “Sure,” Tisha and I said in sync. We handed him our ID’s, which he barley even glanced at.

  “Thanks,” he said as he handed them back. He took off to get our drinks from the coolers as he ignored every other customer there.

  “See, that wasn’t so hard now, was it?” Tisha said.

  “Not too bad. Now when do I get to change back into Jade?” I asked impatiently. This face had freckles, which is something I never thought looked good on me. Some people could pull it off, but not me. It didn’t matter whose face I wore.

  “Go ahead. I’ll grab the drinks. You’re going to need to be Jade if you want to get him,” Tisha said as she bobbed her head toward the bartender.

  “Wait, what? He was all over you. I think you’re going to be the one to get him tonight.”

  “Not once Jade is back. He will soon forget all about me, you watch. Now go and bring back Jade,” Tisha said. I don’t know why she had such high expectations of me. I didn’t think I could compete with some like her. She sure knew how to wear a body and she has been a Succubus longer than me. All thought I didn’t know exactly how long.

  When I came out of the bathroom as Jade again I didn’t see Tisha anywhere. Now this is a test I thought. I tried to tune into her the best I could and I did surprisingly well. I followed my instincts which led me toward the dance floor. I saw Tisha sitting on a stool at one of the tables.


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