Shiftr: Swipe Left For Love (Nash) BBW Wolf Shifter Romance (Hope Valley BBW Dating App Romance Book 10)

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Shiftr: Swipe Left For Love (Nash) BBW Wolf Shifter Romance (Hope Valley BBW Dating App Romance Book 10) Page 9

by Ariana Hawkes

  “Who are you messaging, Kenzie?” Nash said in her ear. She spun around. She’d been so absorbed in her phone that she hadn’t heard him come up behind her.

  “None of your business, Nash,” she snapped. He made a sound in the back of his throat. A harsh, primal sound, and she jumped. It wasn’t a noise that a human was capable of making. He seemed a little shocked too, and seemed to compose himself with an effort.

  “You know what, I don’t think you’re dating anyone.” She scowled.

  “And what makes you so sure?”

  “Because I’d know if you were, Kenzie. I’d smell it on you; I’d feel it in your kisses.”

  “There is no such thing as kisses!” she almost shouted. “It was a kiss, singular. And it’s never going to happen again.”

  “Don’t make out you didn’t like it. I bet your body was aching for me when you got home.”

  “Not at all.”

  “No?” He placed his hands on her waist, and she took a step back and suddenly she was sandwiched between the wall of the hut and Nash’s firm, masculine body. “You want me, Kenzie. I can tell by the way your pupils are dilating, your breathing is getting short. And by the way you’re not doing anything to stop me.” It was true. Somehow she’d turned to putty in his hands, as if he’d put a spell on her. He could’ve slid his hand beneath her sweater and groped her breasts, and all she would’ve done was moan in pleasure. She laid her hands on his chest and pushed him as far away as she could, which wasn’t very far.

  “Who cares if I’m attracted to you, Nash? The fact is, I don’t want to be with you.” She snatched up her phone and swiped onto the coyote shifter’s profile. “This is the guy I’m dating. He’s an amazing, sensitive guy, and we’ve been talking for a long time. He’s the one I want to be with.” This time the sound Nash let out was unmistakable – it was a wolf’s snarl, and Kenzie gasped and backed out of the hut.

  AdventureGirl: “I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to reply to your message. I haven’t been online for a while. Work’s been crazy, and tbh, I’ve been trying not to think about my issue. But thank you for your offer to meet. I appreciate it. Are you free on Saturday afternoon?”

  MisunderstoodGuy: “No problem at all. I’m happy to help any way I can. Saturday should be okay. My work has also been a little full on of late, and I’m having to work weekends, but I should be able to get away. Does 3pm work?”

  Kenzie blew out a long breath. While she’d been trying not to think about her issue, the bounty on her head had gone up to $30,000. Who knew whether this guy was the badass he claimed to be, but she was fresh out of other ideas.

  AdventureGirl: “3pm is perfect. Do you know Rusty’s Bar?”

  They would have enough time to talk, but then her date would be a convenient excuse to get away.

  MisunderstoodGuy: “Yes – it’s an old favorite. I look forward to finally putting a face to all the wise words you’ve shared with me these past weeks.”

  AdventureGirl: “Me too, MisunderstoodGuy.”

  Olsen had replied too. He said he was out of town for a couple of weeks, but he’d love to meet for dinner when he got back.

  “Remind me again why I thought it was a good idea to meet two guys on the same day,” Kenzie muttered to herself. She was sitting in her car in the parking lot of Rusty’s Bar, summoning up the courage to go inside and meet MisunderstoodGuy. She’d had to work at Jackson’s all morning, and she’d hoped to head home afterward and get ready, but she’d ended up being in a rush after Nash had called up and said he couldn’t make the afternoon shift because he had a dental emergency. She’d offered to cancel her plans and work the afternoon, but Jackson had practically pushed her out the door saying she’d worked enough for two people over the past week. It was true, and he’d also employed a couple more people to help him in the store, so she reluctantly agreed. Luckily, she’d anticipated that it might be difficult to get out of work, and she brought her makeup bag and a change of clothes with her, and she’d gotten ready in the bathroom.

  She was now ten minutes late to meet MisunderstoodGuy, and she couldn’t delay any longer. She registered that she was way, way more nervous about meeting him than Walt. And all she knew about his appearance was that he’d be wearing a dark green sweater.

  “Okay, let’s do this,” she said as she propelled herself out of the car and strode across the lot.

  She pushed aside the two battered saloon doors that marked the entrance to Rusty’s and walked in, stopping just inside the entrance. She scanned the room slowly, from left to right and saw – Nash. Her eyes almost popped out of her head. That goddamn liar! He’s not at the dentist at all. He’s sitting here watching the game! At the same moment, Nash happened to look up, and their eyes locked on each other’s. Hot with irritation, she strode over to him.

  “What are you doing here?” she demanded.

  “I had to meet someone,” he replied. “I’m sorry I lied about the dentist, but it’s real important, Kenzie, believe me.” She frowned. He seemed kind of earnest, with none of his usual attitude. And then she noticed his clothing. He was wearing a green sweater. “I don’t mean to be rude, but the person I’m meeting is kind of uncomfortable about meeting me. It would not be good if she saw me talking to you.” Kenzie blinked several times. No, this could not be possible.

  “MisunderstoodGuy?” She hissed. Nash’s eyes opened very wide.

  “AdventureGirl?” They stared at each other in silence for a long moment.

  “Is that you?”

  “Is that you?”

  “Nash, is this one of your games?”

  “I’m as stunned as you are, believe me.”

  “Tell me something you know about me?” she demanded.

  “Let me see – you trust me. You’re here because you want to tell me about the danger you’re in.” She gaped, incapable of speech. “Tell me something you know about me.” She swallowed hard.

  “You were rejected by your own family.” He didn’t need to say anything; the look in his eyes confirmed it. Numbly, she pulled out a chair and sat down.

  “I feel like my head is about to explode. We’ve been talking all these weeks? Getting to know each other online while we’ve been bickering at work?”

  “You’re not alone, Kenzie. I imagined what AdventureGirl looked like a hundred times. She seemed to understand me like no one else. I often hoped that we’d be the same age, and that she’d be single, and we’d meet and be perfect for each other. But it never in a million years occurred to me that she might be you.”

  “You really, truly didn’t know?”

  “Hell, no, Kenzie! If I’d known, I would’ve brought it up a long time ago, believe me. Right about the time that Shiftr matched us.”

  “Are you disappointed?” she asked. He looked at her with such softness that it touched something deep in her soul.

  “No, of course not! AdventureGirl’s identity has exceeded my wildest dreams. And that’s the truth.” Then he leaned back in his chair. “But from the way you’ve been responding to me these past few days, I’m sure you’re less than delighted to learn that the sensitive, emotional guy you’ve been chatting to is none other than your numbskull colleague, Nash?” Kenzie opened her mouth and closed it again.

  “I’m just surprised, Nash. That’s all. I’m just having a hard time reconciling your online persona with the guy I know from work.” He grinned.

  “You know, you’re nothing like your online persona either, Kenzie.”

  “I’m not?”

  “Nope. AdventureGirl is way more chilled than you.” She couldn’t help grinning.

  “It’s only because you rub me up the wrong way.”

  “That’s only because you deliberately say things to provoke me. Shall we get a drink? I feel like we’ve got a lot more to discuss.” She nodded.

  “Yes, let’s.” Nash waved the server over and they both ordered coffees. As he turned back to her, his expression became very serious.

What kind of danger are you in?” he asked. She took a deep breath, thinking. And then she told him the whole story about her cousin and the bounty on her head. As she spoke, he looked angrier and angrier and his face seemed to transform, his jaw widening and his cheekbones becoming more prominent.

  “That asshole!” he thundered, pounding his fist on the table. “How dare he think he has a claim on you. I can’t stand men who try to control women. Particularly puny, spineless human men.”

  “All he cares about is money. He’s been that way all our lives. And the rest of the family supported it.”

  “I’m very glad you escaped in time, Kenzie. You did a very brave thing.”

  “But he’s still after me. I’m so scared that someone’s going to recognize me from the missing poster.”

  “It’s a big country. And you’re from a small town. I’m sure news doesn’t spread very far beyond Fairfield.”

  “That’s what I keep trying to tell myself. But my picture’s there, on the Internet. With a $30,000 prize for anyone lucky enough to find it. He’s even made out that he’s worried about my whereabouts, so no one would think twice about turning me in.”

  Nash reached across the table and took her hand in his. Her breath caught in her throat. It was a nice, warm, reassuring touch. Then he looked right into her eyes, his cornflower blue gaze unwavering.

  “Kenzie, listen to me. It’s totally normal to feel paranoid in the situation. Anybody would. You feel like you’re being hunted, like there’s nowhere to hide. But it is just paranoia. You are far, far away from Fairfield. And no one who knows you now has any reason to look at the website. You’ve done all the right things – changing your last name, not leaving any trace of yourself. Now you’ve got to relax and enjoy your life. You’re not alone. Far from it.”

  Suddenly, she felt more calm than she had for weeks. And then tears pricked beneath her eyelids. She tried to blink them back, but not before Nash noticed.

  “Shh, it’s okay,” he said in a soft voice. She realized distractedly that he hadn’t let go of her hand, and he was now squeezing it a little tighter.

  “I’m sorry. I’ve tried to be strong, but ever since I saw the missing poster, I’ve been like a ball of panic.”

  “There’s nothing to apologize for. You’ve been through a lot. But you don’t need to be alone ever again. You know how I feel about you, Kenzie. All sides of you.” He flashed her a grin. “I want to be with you, and protect you, and keep you safe forever.” He leaned forward, his nice, full lips swimming into her vision, and she found herself edging forward too, until the gap between them became six inches, then three, then two. Then she became aware of a presence right by her left shoulder. She jerked away from Nash and looked up. A tall, blonde man was looking down at her with confusion shadowing his features.

  “Kenzie?” he said. She swallowed hard.

  “Yes. Walt? Aren’t we meeting at five?” He gave a dry laugh.

  “Yeah, I’m a little early. I came straight from work and I figured I’d watch the game until you arrived. But then I caught sight of you over here, and decided to come say hello. And – well I guess I caught you in the middle of another date.”

  “It wasn’t a date –” she faltered, looking sideways at Nash, then back to Walt again.

  “No? It sure looks like a date from where I’m standing.” He laughed again. He didn’t seem annoyed, more bemused. Her face reddened.

  “Kenzie?” Nash said, in a quiet but firm tone. She opened her mouth and closed it again, then stared down at the table, feeling two pairs of eyes boring into her. She cleared her throat and looked up at Walt, who had folded his arms and was tapping the toe of his boot on the floor.

  “I’m sorry, Walt. This is just real bad timing. Maybe we can reschedule?” He shrugged.

  “Sure thing, sweet cheeks. Maybe I’ll see if I can schedule in another date tonight too.”

  “I’m sorry.” He turned around nonchalantly and strode off to the other end of the room, propped himself against the bar, and immediately began to watch the game, as if he couldn’t care less.

  “I feel bad,” she said.

  “That’s what happens when you stack your dates together, Kenz.”

  “Give me a break!” Then her expression turned serious again as their eyes met. There was no mistaking the fire in his eyes.

  “You chose me,” he said. A shudder ran all the way through her.

  “I guess I did.” He leaned toward her again, but she held herself away from him.

  “I can’t –” she said.


  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, not in front of that guy. It’s not fair on him.” Nash got to his feet.

  “Okay, let’s get out of here!” He reached for her hand and led her out of the bar.

  “Where are we going?” she said as they climbed into his old red Trans Am.

  “Come here,” he said in a low growl, and reached for her. He pulled her roughly into his arms, crushing his mouth against hers, his hands roaming over her body. She kissed him back with an equal hunger, her nipples instantly hardening and an ache welling up between her thighs. “I want you so bad, my beautiful Kenzie-meister,” he said. “I’ve wanted you for so long, seeing you in the garden center day after day, looking so sexy and beautiful. And I wanted your mind, as I’ve fallen for you, day after day, through the messages we’ve exchanged.” She gazed at him, startled. These were the words of MisunderstoodGuy, but she still couldn’t quite square them with the fact that they were coming out of Nash’s mouth.

  “I know it’s going to take a while to understand that MisunderstoodGuy and I are one, but I want to do everything in my power to make you happy. Even if that means giving up the sarcastic wit that you’ve loved so much in a workmate,” he said, as if he’d read her mind.

  “Don’t push it, Nash,” she said with a laugh. “You were doing good with the first sentence.”

  “So I was thinking we could go on a date, have some drinks, some dinner, get to know each other again. Or –”

  “Or?” she said when he didn’t continue. His gaze trailed from her face to the full curves of her body.

  “Or we could go home.”

  “Let’s go home,” she said immediately.

  Nash lived in a cabin out by the forest, on the opposite side from Lauren and the bear clan. From the outside, it looked very rustic. But inside, it was immaculately clean and nicely decorated with matching furniture. He showed her around, eagerly, ending in a modern kitchen, with a big window that gave a good view of his spacious backyard.

  “Nice place, Nash,” she said.

  “Really?” There was something new in his eyes, something uncertain.

  “Very. I’m impressed.”

  “Yeah.” He ran his hand through his hair. “I decided to make an effort with it because it was my first real home, you know.”

  “And you’ve done an amazing job.”

  “I did a lot of research on the internet. Copied some things I saw on some interior design sites.”

  “You never fail to surprise me.” He ducked toward the fridge quickly.

  “Can I offer you a drink? I’ve only got beer.”

  “Beer’s perfect.” He opened two bottles, but accidentally clinked them together and the foam shot out of one and spilled on the counter.

  “Sorry. Clumsy,’’ he muttered, wiping it up.

  “Are you okay, Nash?” She stroked his forearm with her fingertips. There was such passion in the eyes that met hers.

  “I’m more than okay, Kenzie. I – I’m just a little overwhelmed, I guess. This is, without doubt, the most incredible day of my life. Discovering that my two most favorite people in the world are one, has just about blown my mind. I can’t believe you’re here, in my cabin.” Her heart fluttered as she pulled him down until his mouth was level with her own.

  “I am here,” she whispered. “And I’m very real.”

  His kiss seemed almost hesitant at first,
as if he was afraid that she was a figment of his imagination – a bubble that could burst at any moment. But then she felt something take over, something deep in his core. It’s his wolf, she thought, and she felt it stirring, becoming hungry and possessive. He began to kiss her the way he’d kissed her in the ice rink, and shivers ran all the way through her. His body felt so firm and protective as he held her in his arms, running his fingers through her hair, and his kisses were making her dizzy with desire. Her nipples became hard peaks, pushing at the fabric of her bra, and they were matched by an equal ache between her thighs. She needed his hands on her, all over, and she sensed that it was costing him a lot not to strip her, right there in the kitchen. As his fingers brushed the underside of her breast, she made a small sound. His hand shot back as if he’d been electrocuted.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to be so full on. I want to take it slow with you, but my wolf’s making it very difficult.”

  “I can tell,” she said with a coy smile, feeling his erection brushing against her stomach.

  “You’re just so beautiful and sexy,” he murmured.

  “I am?” she cocked her head. He let off a growl and pressed her hard against him, his hands cupping her ass.

  “Very. The sexiest woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.” She felt almost dizzy looking into his eyes, which were stormy with need, knowing that he wanted her as much as she wanted him. Impulsively, she slid her hands beneath his sweater, feeling the hard, rippling contours of his abs.

  “I don’t think we need to take it slow.”

  “We don’t?” she shook her head.

  “Nope. I want you to take me to bed. Right now.” His eyes lit with delight.

  “Okay. Your wish is my command. I’m going to carry you off, caveman style.” She laughed as he lifted her right up, making as if to throw her over his shoulder. But at the last moment, he swung her into his arms instead, and, holding her effortlessly, he drew her into another kiss, her hair falling over his face.


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