Cameo and the Highwayman (Trilogy of Shadows Book 2)

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Cameo and the Highwayman (Trilogy of Shadows Book 2) Page 1

by McCullough-White, Dawn

  © 2009, 2010, 2011

  The characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author. All rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without permission in writing from Dawn McCullough-White.

  Table of Contents


  Book 2 - Cameo and the Highwayman

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Preview of Cameo and the Vampire

  Cameo and the Vampire Cover

  Cameo and the Vampire Chapter 1

  About the author



  B o o k T w o

  Cameo and the Highwayman

  Chapter One

  THE DRIFTING SNOW GUSTED up and around twenty young men. They had been pulled from their homes by soldiers fighting for the monarchy. Taken because they resembled Francois Mond, the architect of the rebellion.

  Francois Mond himself had heard only that one of his young friends had been arrested, but when he followed the soldiers to the meadow just outside of the palace grounds, he saw his friend in the group in the swirling snow. He watched from a thicket as they were given spades and forced to dig a trench in the frozen soil. He bit his lip in frustrated horror as his childhood friend and the others were bayoneted, quietly, and shoved into the trench.

  One soldier beat a young man to death with the spade as he attempted to crawl back out of his makeshift grave.

  Francois turned away, clasping his hands over his eyes. He longed to kill Belfour’s soldiers, but he was alone, without a weapon, and he was afraid. If they ever caught him, they would draw and quarter him. It was the punishment reserved for regicide, and his speeches alone had helped turn the common people against the Belfour family. He thought of all the royalty who had been hung because he had a way with the quick turn of a phrase.

  In the distance the soldiers had stopped to have sandwiches and brandy. He exhaled and watched his breath as it caught on the cold air, fighting the urge to vomit as the soldiers ate sandwiches over the open pit.

  Years later

  Black Opal looked out over the waves at the land in the distance: Shandow. He knew it well. An island off the north coast of Lockenwood, it was colder than the rest of the Kingdom of Sieunes.

  From the distance he could see the snow-capped buildings and the heavy clouds; the sky was white. He clutched the lapels of his black duster close to his throat as freezing cold spume splashed over the edge of the ship.

  “Whiskey?” Cameo shoved a bottle toward him.

  He startled. She hadn’t been there a moment earlier.

  “I think I’ll pass, my dear.”

  She smiled good-naturedly at him and took a swig. “It will warm you up.”

  He met her eyes and glanced down at her pink, smiling mouth, and then back up to her eyes again, his mind on the kiss they had shared only hours ago. Their first, and hopefully not last, kiss. Opal’s lips parted as if he were going to speak, but then only remained staring at her.

  “Why Opal, whatever are you thinking?”

  He bit his lip and tasted the rouge. It was a bit grainy and had the flavor of wax. “I was wondering about dinner and drink, and etcetera.”

  She raised an eyebrow.

  He tilted his head to the side and smiled at her. He was wearing that ostentatious hat, it’s large plumes soaked by the spray, and he clutched his coat for warmth. He looked ridiculous, and yet his delivery was so confident, so incredibly smooth. She followed the triangular shape of his shoulders down to his waist, never realizing how obvious she was as she did so. “Uh huh.” She pulled her old cape around her.

  One of the sailors on board glanced at the Association badge she still wore, then lowered his eyes when she made eye contact with him as he moved past.

  Opal covered his nose with a handkerchief, disgusted by the sailor’s proximity. “Heavens, the lads on this vessel are really quite foul.”

  Cameo glanced over at Kyrian who was sitting on the deck holding one of Opal’s handkerchiefs to his head. He was staring out at the water, uncertain where the fates were taking him now.

  Kyrian suddenly turned toward Cameo. He could feel her watching him.

  “The lad looks a bit ill.”

  Opal didn’t even bother to look over at him, “Probably his first voyage on a sailing ship.”

  “Most likely,” she said, ignoring the obvious distain in his voice and moving over to the young man.

  Kyrian smiled as she sat down beside him. He lowered the reddened kerchief and refolded it, allowing his long dark hair to be tossed about in the wind. “Do you think that what Haffef wants you to find will be here?”

  “Uhh… what?”

  The lad just smiled and reapplied the cloth to the gash on his head. “That’s why we’re going to Shandow, isn’t it?”

  “How are you feeling?” she asked, ignoring his somewhat insightful queries about her vampire Master..

  He sat back, “I’ve been better.”

  She looked at him thoughtfully. “When we get to Shandow, you won’t be associated with us anymore, lad. Think of that. You’ll be rid of us, and you can complete your education with the priesthood.”

  “What? No, no… that’s not ....” He gagged for a moment, then pulled himself together. “Just no.”

  “Shandow can be your fresh start. I’m certain Opal is planning one, and it will be so much easier for you. No one there has any idea you’ve been trekking about with us.”

  Kyrian met Opal’s gaze; he seemed troubled. The lad looked from the dandy, who was behind Cameo, back at her. Then without warning, he vomited over the side of the ship.

  * * * * *

  Opal set foot on the shore at the port of Villoise, his custom-made boots pressing deep into the snow as he descended the steps and walked onto the docks. He grimaced as he looked about Villoise at the rather hardy individuals on the dock in their heavy clothing.

  “The cold does disguise the smell of fish,” Cameo commented, as she came up behind him.

  Kyrian gazed at the fishing village and smiled. “It’s lovely here.”

  The dandy pulled his duster around himself, “Lovely.”

  Cameo looked around nostalgically. “There used to be a tavern nearby.”

  “Maybe a hot bath, and a tailor as well,” Opal muttered.

  She shot him a look of amusement, “Not a fan of Villoise, Opal?”

  He had half of his face hidden in the collar of his duster. “It’s too cold here.”

  “But so beautiful,” Kyrian said as he walked behind the two of them. “Like something out of a story,” his voice trailing off as he gazed at the store windows painted with ice and framed with a crisp edge of snow.

  Cameo glanced over at the store he was pointing at. She remembered one of the royal family, a noose around his neck, hanging from the porch of that particular store during the revolution.

  Opal wasn’t even looking.

  She tried to put that memory out of her mind.

  “There’s a tavern.”

  Opal glanced over at it, “Uhh, no, let’s get an inn. I certainly think we’ve been through enough sleeping on the ground lately, don’t you?”

  Kyrian was surprised that the dandy had tur
ned around and was actually addressing him. “Me?”

  “Yes, you.” Opal’s mouth twisted up into a half-formed smile.

  “Oh, well then, yes. I think—”

  “And you, my dear?” the highwayman cut off Kyrian and swung back to speak to Cameo.

  “Do you know a good inn around here?” she asked skeptically.

  He nearly laughed. “Yes. There used to be a nice little place on the water here.” He pointed down the street, “Is that it? No, it must be a little further down. I think it was called The Starlight or something like that.”

  “How long ago was that?”

  Black Opal readjusted his hat, “Probably before you were born.”

  “Wow, that was a long time ago!” Kyrian said, sounding astounded, much to the displeasure of Opal.

  “The Lakestar?”

  Opal glanced at Cameo. “Yes, I think that was the place.”

  “Right there,” she nodded to the right.

  There was a large, two-story building that seemed to dwarf the others, even with their facade fronts. It had a small front lawn with a white picket fence. A pretty little sign that proclaimed itself The Lakestar swung gently in the cold breeze.

  Opal’s face seemed to soften as he looked at it. He smiled to himself.

  “Seems to have stood the test of time,” Cameo muttered.

  “Yes ....”

  Kyrian moved ahead of the two of them who were still just staring at the inn, as if they had fallen through a crack in time.

  “It looks exactly like it did the last time I was here,” she remarked. “Well, I’m thirsty. Are you coming?”

  The highwayman took several faltering steps forward, uncertainly. His fingers brushed the picket fence almost with reverence as he inched closer to the path that led within.

  As he mounted the steps, he could hear the faint sound of a hammer dulcimer, and that was what finally drew him in.

  Inside, the place was rich with color, dark wood floors and vases of flowers in the entryway. A large portrait of a young woman and her cat hung behind a large antique desk where a old lady was sitting, sorting through some paperwork.

  “Can I help you?” She looked over her glasses at Black Opal.

  He opened his mouth, but nothing came out, much to the surprise of both Cameo and Kyrian.

  “We need a room,” Kyrian said, still looking over his shoulder at Opal.

  Cameo glanced back at Opal but he was looking at a portrait of a man dressed in the garb of the rebellion and paying no attention to her.

  The lady nodded, then looked from Kyrian to Cameo, and the trail of red clay he had walked into her establishment. “We have a laundry service here as well.”

  * * * * *

  Opal wandered into the suite. It was dark and lovely inside. He moved to open the curtains and let the sun in. They had managed to get the best room in the house, one right on the water. He slid off his duster and looked down into the sparkling harbor below. There was a light rap at the door, and Cameo came sauntering in.

  Opal threw his duster onto the canopy bed.

  “Well, well, well,” she said, perusing their room. “Marble fireplace… and what’s this? A little piano?”


  She examined the piece, highlighted with gold, with some sort of pastoral scene painted on the underside of the top.

  “This is nice, very gaudy, very—you know, this looks like something the royal family might own.”

  “Oh?” Opal said as he crossed the room.

  “Hmm.... One wonders how it might have come to be owned by this little inn.”

  “The Lakestar has been in business for years; perhaps they bought it.”

  “Perhaps.” She helped herself to a decanter of red alcohol. “Perhaps they acquired it during the rebellion? The Belfours obviously haven’t missed it though.”

  Opal sat down on the harpsichord bench and punched a couple keys.

  “Can you play it?”

  He looked away from her and back at the instrument before him. It had been a long time, but somehow his fingers remembered. A few notes… a few more, then the sweeping beauty of the melody was filling the room. He hadn’t planned to play quite so much, but his body had apparently longed to perform the entire harpsichord piece.

  Cameo moved closer in silent awe.

  “That was for you, my dear.” He flashed her a smile.

  She sat down on the bench next to him. “I had no idea you were quite so accomplished.”

  “My father was a music teacher.”

  She studied his face for a moment, “Really? Don’t most music teachers have rather wealthy clients?”

  “Yes. He lifted the glass from her hand and took a sip. “My father was a fine instructor.”

  “This explains your skills with a rapier; you grew up with money.”

  He set the glass on the harpsichord carelessly then, readjusting his eye patch, added, “Of course I had lessons. You must’ve known.”

  She studied his clothing and his mannerisms for what seemed like the first time. The elegance of the room changed the appearance of his clothes. Somehow they didn’t look as frivolous. “You know, the Belfours all powder their faces, and the men all wear makeup.” She touched one dangling piece of lace on the cuff of his shirt, then looked up into his hazel eye. “This could be one of their expensive ensembles.”

  His face twisted up into a smug little smile. “But it is. It’s that boring boy’s shirt. what was his name? Derbec?”

  She had given it to him not all that long ago, taken from a heist of some minor royals. But her eyes were open now; she was beginning to suspect there was more to Opal than she had previously thought.

  “I thought you were a vagabond, roaming the streets of Lockenwood since childhood?”

  He inched nearer. “I’m afraid I was a bit economical with the truth.”

  She could feel the warmth of his breath in her hair, which unnerved her a bit. “And… you said smallpox killed your parents.”

  “Smallpox did kill my parents.” He chuckled bitterly, “Certainly that much at least is believable.”

  Cameo lifted her eyes to look at his face, disfigured with smallpox scars that Opal tried to hide with heavy paint and white powder. “We’ve lied to each other quite a bit.”

  “I’m being honest with you right now.” His eye traced a line from her eyes to her mouth, then back again, “Ask me anything.”

  “Are you a Belfour?”

  Opal grimaced, “No.”

  She tilted her head to one side. “A simple no? That’s very unlike you.”

  “The mere thought of them,” he hissed. “No, I am not part of the royal family.”

  Cameo smirked. “Hmm.... I’m surprised you aren’t a little more flattered.”

  “There’s nothing to be flattered about. They aren’t more important than their servants. They just think they are.” He sat back.

  “Sorry I brought it up.” She hoisted the glass to her lips again and swallowed down the rest of the liquor.

  He needed a drink. Opal rang the bell for service.

  “I wonder where the lad’s run off to.”

  “Oh, yes, I was just wondering that myself,” Opal muttered as he slid from the bench and sauntered over to the decanter of brandy. “Perhaps a cliff?”

  She smiled.

  The door opened slowly, and Kyrian peeked in.

  Cameo motioned for him to enter. “We were just talking about you, lad.”

  He beamed as he swaggered in, “Hello there.”

  The former assassin raised an eyebrow, “Were you lost?”

  “A little.”

  “And you found your way back? How fortunate,” Opal muttered to himself.

  Kyrian blushed.

  “Didn’t you hear that lady downstairs when she was giving us the room key?”

  “Oh no, I heard her.” He set his shoulder pack on one of the exquisite settees in the room.

  Opal winced as he watched the mu
ddy pack touch such an expensive piece.

  “It’s just that I expected the numbers on the doors, but they spelled them all out instead, so it just took me a little longer.” His words seemed a bit garbled as he ended the sentence.

  Opal perked up. “Why is that, lad?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “It can’t be spectacles, can it? Granted they can be hard to obtain in this dreary part of the world, but I’m certain we can find you something lovely. Some of the comeliest boys wear spectacles these days. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.”


  “Really, Opal?” Cameo remarked.

  Opal grinned at her. “At least that’s what they tell me.”

  She remembered very well what a lousy shot he was, and most likely close to blind himself, but he was apparently too vain to admit to it.

  “It’s not that,” Kyrian muttered.

  “Just how do you plan to go into the priesthood if you can’t even read from the good books?”

  “What?” The lad finally seemed to hear what Opal was saying, “I told you on the ship that I’m not going into the priesthood.”

  “Oh? Then what are your plans?” Cameo asked in a world-weary voice.

  “Um....” Kyrian fished a hymnal from his pack. “Probably going with you.”


  “Oh, no, no. Certainly not.” Opal went over to the lad. “Whatever could you mean? This is no life for you.”

  “This isn’t part of that nonsense you said to me back in Lockenwood Forest, is it?” Cameo inquired, her voice dark.

  Kyrian looked up at her, uncertain. “Yes.”

  “This is no life for you, little Kyrian,” Opal said soothingly. “We’re wanted criminals for heaven’s sake. You don’t want to end up in trouble just for being associated with us.”

  “Your grandfather was insistent that I bring you safely to the shrine in Kings Basin, and that was all there was to it. Jules burned that building to the ground.” She met his eyes sternly, “I can try to get you to another shrine, but you are not going to follow me in the hopes of saving my soul.”

  Kyrian stood there, mouth agape for a few moments as if he were gathering his wits about him. “How did you know?”


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